/* Copyright (C) 2006,2007 John Anderson Copyright (C) 2012 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/pathscanner.h" #include "pbd/replace_all.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" #include "mackie_control_protocol.h" #include "device_profile.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace Mackie; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; using std::string; using std::vector; std::map DeviceProfile::device_profiles; DeviceProfile::DeviceProfile (const string& n) : _name (n) { } DeviceProfile::~DeviceProfile() { } static const char * const devprofile_env_variable_name = "ARDOUR_MCP_PATH"; static const char* const devprofile_dir_name = "mcp"; static const char* const devprofile_suffix = ".profile"; static sys::path system_devprofile_search_path () { bool devprofile_path_defined = false; sys::path spath_env (Glib::getenv (devprofile_env_variable_name, devprofile_path_defined)); if (devprofile_path_defined) { return spath_env; } SearchPath spath (system_data_search_path()); spath.add_subdirectory_to_paths(devprofile_dir_name); // just return the first directory in the search path that exists SearchPath::const_iterator i = std::find_if(spath.begin(), spath.end(), sys::exists); if (i == spath.end()) return sys::path(); return *i; } static sys::path user_devprofile_directory () { sys::path p(user_config_directory()); p /= devprofile_dir_name; return p; } static bool devprofile_filter (const string &str, void */*arg*/) { return (str.length() > strlen(devprofile_suffix) && str.find (devprofile_suffix) == (str.length() - strlen (devprofile_suffix))); } void DeviceProfile::reload_device_profiles () { DeviceProfile dp; vector s; vector *devprofiles; PathScanner scanner; SearchPath spath (system_devprofile_search_path()); spath += user_devprofile_directory (); devprofiles = scanner (spath.to_string(), devprofile_filter, 0, false, true); device_profiles.clear (); if (!devprofiles) { error << "No MCP device info files found using " << spath.to_string() << endmsg; return; } if (devprofiles->empty()) { error << "No MCP device info files found using " << spath.to_string() << endmsg; return; } for (vector::iterator i = devprofiles->begin(); i != devprofiles->end(); ++i) { string fullpath = *(*i); XMLTree tree; if (!tree.read (fullpath.c_str())) { continue; } XMLNode* root = tree.root (); if (!root) { continue; } if (dp.set_state (*root, 3000) == 0) { /* version is ignored for now */ dp.set_path (fullpath); device_profiles[dp.name()] = dp; } } delete devprofiles; } int DeviceProfile::set_state (const XMLNode& node, int /* version */) { const XMLProperty* prop; const XMLNode* child; if (node.name() != "MackieDeviceProfile") { return -1; } /* name is mandatory */ if ((child = node.child ("Name")) == 0 || (prop = child->property ("value")) == 0) { return -1; } else { _name = prop->value(); } if ((child = node.child ("Buttons")) != 0) { XMLNodeConstIterator i; const XMLNodeList& nlist (child->children()); for (i = nlist.begin(); i != nlist.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->name() == "Button") { if ((prop = (*i)->property ("name")) == 0) { error << string_compose ("Button without name in device profile \"%1\" - ignored", _name) << endmsg; continue; } int id = Button::name_to_id (prop->value()); if (id < 0) { error << string_compose ("Unknow button ID \"%1\"", prop->value()) << endmsg; continue; } Button::ID bid = (Button::ID) id; ButtonActionMap::iterator b = _button_map.find (bid); if (b == _button_map.end()) { b = _button_map.insert (_button_map.end(), std::pair (bid, ButtonActions())); } if ((prop = (*i)->property ("plain")) != 0) { b->second.plain = prop->value (); } if ((prop = (*i)->property ("control")) != 0) { b->second.control = prop->value (); } if ((prop = (*i)->property ("shift")) != 0) { b->second.shift = prop->value (); } if ((prop = (*i)->property ("option")) != 0) { b->second.option = prop->value (); } if ((prop = (*i)->property ("cmdalt")) != 0) { b->second.cmdalt = prop->value (); } if ((prop = (*i)->property ("shiftcontrol")) != 0) { b->second.shiftcontrol = prop->value (); } } } } return 0; } XMLNode& DeviceProfile::get_state () const { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode ("MackieDeviceProfile"); XMLNode* child = new XMLNode ("Name"); child->add_property ("value", _name); node->add_child_nocopy (*child); if (_button_map.empty()) { return *node; } XMLNode* buttons = new XMLNode ("Buttons"); node->add_child_nocopy (*buttons); for (ButtonActionMap::const_iterator b = _button_map.begin(); b != _button_map.end(); ++b) { XMLNode* n = new XMLNode ("Button"); n->add_property ("name", Button::id_to_name (b->first)); if (!b->second.plain.empty()) { n->add_property ("plain", b->second.plain); } if (!b->second.control.empty()) { n->add_property ("control", b->second.control); } if (!b->second.shift.empty()) { n->add_property ("shift", b->second.shift); } if (!b->second.option.empty()) { n->add_property ("option", b->second.option); } if (!b->second.cmdalt.empty()) { n->add_property ("cmdalt", b->second.cmdalt); } if (!b->second.shiftcontrol.empty()) { n->add_property ("shiftcontrol", b->second.shiftcontrol); } buttons->add_child_nocopy (*n); } return *node; } string DeviceProfile::get_button_action (Button::ID id, int modifier_state) const { ButtonActionMap::const_iterator i = _button_map.find (id); if (i == _button_map.end()) { return string(); } if (modifier_state == MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_CONTROL) { return i->second.control; } else if (modifier_state == MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_SHIFT) { return i->second.shift; } else if (modifier_state == MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_OPTION) { return i->second.option; } else if (modifier_state == MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_CMDALT) { return i->second.cmdalt; } else if (modifier_state == (MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_CONTROL|MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_SHIFT)) { return i->second.shiftcontrol; } return i->second.plain; } void DeviceProfile::set_button_action (Button::ID id, int modifier_state, const string& act) { ButtonActionMap::iterator i = _button_map.find (id); if (i == _button_map.end()) { i = _button_map.insert (std::make_pair (id, ButtonActions())).first; } string action (act); replace_all (action, "/", ""); if (modifier_state == MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_CONTROL) { i->second.control = action; } else if (modifier_state == MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_SHIFT) { i->second.shift = action; } else if (modifier_state == MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_OPTION) { i->second.option = action; } else if (modifier_state == MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_CMDALT) { i->second.cmdalt = action; } else if (modifier_state == (MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_CONTROL|MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_SHIFT)) { i->second.shiftcontrol = action; } if (modifier_state == 0) { i->second.plain = action; } save (); } const string& DeviceProfile::name() const { return _name; } void DeviceProfile::set_path (const string& p) { _path = p; } /* XXX copied from libs/ardour/utils.cc */ static string legalize_for_path (const string& str) { string::size_type pos; string illegal_chars = "/\\"; /* DOS, POSIX. Yes, we're going to ignore HFS */ string legal; legal = str; pos = 0; while ((pos = legal.find_first_of (illegal_chars, pos)) != string::npos) { legal.replace (pos, 1, "_"); pos += 1; } return string (legal); } void DeviceProfile::save () { sys::path fullpath = user_devprofile_directory(); if (g_mkdir_with_parents (fullpath.to_string().c_str(), 0755) < 0) { error << string_compose(_("Session: cannot create user MCP profile folder \"%1\" (%2)"), fullpath.to_string(), strerror (errno)) << endmsg; return; } fullpath /= legalize_for_path (_name) + ".profile"; XMLTree tree; tree.set_root (&get_state()); if (!tree.write (fullpath.to_string())) { error << string_compose ("MCP profile not saved to %1", fullpath.to_string()) << endmsg; } }