/* Copyright (C) 2016 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "ardour/rc_configuration.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/vca.h" #include "ardour/vca_manager.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/doi.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/keyboard.h" #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "floating_text_entry.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "mixer_ui.h" #include "tooltips.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "vca_master_strip.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace Gtk; using namespace PBD; using std::string; PBD::Signal1 VCAMasterStrip::CatchDeletion; VCAMasterStrip::VCAMasterStrip (Session* s, boost::shared_ptr v) : AxisView (s) , _vca (v) , gain_meter (s, 250) , context_menu (0) , delete_dialog (0) { gain_meter.set_controls (boost::shared_ptr(), boost::shared_ptr(), boost::shared_ptr(), _vca->gain_control()); solo_button.set_name ("solo button"); set_tooltip (solo_button, _("Solo slaves")); solo_button.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::solo_release), false); mute_button.set_name ("mute button"); mute_button.set_text (_("M")); set_tooltip (mute_button, _("Mute slaves")); mute_button.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::mute_release), false); hide_button.set_icon (ArdourIcon::CloseCross); set_tooltip (&hide_button, _("Hide this VCA strip")); assign_button.set_name (X_("vca assign")); set_tooltip (assign_button, _("Click to assign a VCA Master to this VCA")); assign_button.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::vca_button_release), false); hide_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VCAMasterStrip::hide_clicked)); width_hide_box.pack_start (number_label, true, true); width_hide_box.pack_end (hide_button, false, true); solo_mute_box.set_spacing (2); solo_mute_box.pack_start (mute_button, true, true); solo_mute_box.pack_start (solo_button, true, true); number_label.set_text (to_string (v->number(), std::dec)); number_label.set_elements((ArdourButton::Element)(ArdourButton::Edge|ArdourButton::Body|ArdourButton::Text|ArdourButton::Inactive)); number_label.set_no_show_all (); number_label.set_name ("generic button"); number_label.set_alignment (.5, .5); number_label.set_fallthrough_to_parent (true); top_padding.set_size_request (-1, 16); /* must match height in GroupTabs::set_size_request() */ bottom_padding.set_size_request (-1, 30); /* this one is a hack. there's no trivial way to compute it */ //Glib::RefPtr layout = vertical_button.get_layout (); // layout->set_justify (JUSTIFY_CENTER); /* horizontally centered, with a little space (5%) at the top */ vertical_button.set_angle (90); vertical_button.set_layout_font (UIConfiguration::instance().get_NormalBoldFont()); vertical_button.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::vertical_button_press)); vertical_button.set_fallthrough_to_parent (true); set_tooltip (vertical_button, _("Click to show slaves only")); /* tooltip updated dynamically */ drop_button.set_text(_("drop")); drop_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::drop_button_press)); set_tooltip (drop_button, _("Unassign all slaves from this control master")); global_vpacker.set_border_width (1); global_vpacker.set_spacing (0); global_vpacker.pack_start (top_padding, false, false); global_vpacker.pack_start (width_hide_box, false, false); global_vpacker.pack_start (vertical_button, true, true); global_vpacker.pack_start (solo_mute_box, false, false); global_vpacker.pack_start (gain_meter, false, false, 2); global_vpacker.pack_start (assign_button, false, false); global_vpacker.pack_start (drop_button, false, false); global_vpacker.pack_start (bottom_padding, false, false); global_frame.add (global_vpacker); global_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); global_frame.set_name ("BaseFrame"); add (global_frame); global_vpacker.show (); global_frame.show (); top_padding.show (); bottom_padding.show (); vertical_button.show (); hide_button.show (); number_label.show (); width_hide_box.show (); gain_meter.show (); solo_mute_box.show_all (); assign_button.show (); drop_button.show (); /* force setting of visible selected status */ _selected = true; set_selected (false); set_solo_text (); update_vca_display (); update_vca_name (); solo_changed (); mute_changed (); spill_change (boost::shared_ptr()); Mixer_UI::instance()->show_vca_change.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::spill_change)); _vca->PropertyChanged.connect (vca_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&VCAMasterStrip::vca_property_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); _vca->solo_control()->Changed.connect (vca_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&VCAMasterStrip::solo_changed, this), gui_context()); _vca->mute_control()->Changed.connect (vca_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&VCAMasterStrip::mute_changed, this), gui_context()); /* only need to connect to one of these to update VCA status */ _vca->gain_control()->MasterStatusChange.connect (vca_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&VCAMasterStrip::update_vca_display, this), gui_context()); _vca->DropReferences.connect (vca_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&VCAMasterStrip::self_delete, this), gui_context()); } VCAMasterStrip::~VCAMasterStrip () { if ((_session && !_session->deletion_in_progress()) && Mixer_UI::instance()->showing_vca_slaves_for (_vca)) { /* cancel spill for this VCA */ Mixer_UI::instance()->show_vca_slaves (boost::shared_ptr()); } delete delete_dialog; delete context_menu; CatchDeletion (this); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void VCAMasterStrip::self_delete () { delete_when_idle (this); } void VCAMasterStrip::update_vca_display () { VCAList vcas (_session->vca_manager().vcas()); string label; for (VCAList::iterator v = vcas.begin(); v != vcas.end(); ++v) { if (_vca->slaved_to (*v)) { if (!label.empty()) { label += ' '; } label += to_string ((*v)->number(), std::dec); } } if (label.empty()) { label = _("-vca-"); assign_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::Off); } else { assign_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); } assign_button.set_text (label); } string VCAMasterStrip::name() const { return _vca->name(); } void VCAMasterStrip::hide_clicked () { if (!delete_dialog) { delete_dialog = new MessageDialog (_("Removing a Master will deassign all slaves. Remove it anyway?"), true, MESSAGE_WARNING, BUTTONS_YES_NO, true); delete_dialog->signal_response().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::hide_confirmation)); } delete_dialog->set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); delete_dialog->present (); } void VCAMasterStrip::hide_confirmation (int response) { delete_dialog->hide (); switch (response) { case RESPONSE_YES: /* get everything to deassign. This will also delete ourselves (when * idle) and that in turn will remove us from the Mixer GUI */ _session->vca_manager().remove_vca (_vca); break; default: break; } } bool VCAMasterStrip::width_button_pressed (GdkEventButton* ev) { return false; } void VCAMasterStrip::set_selected (bool yn) { AxisView::set_selected (yn); if (_selected) { global_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT); global_frame.set_name ("MixerStripSelectedFrame"); } else { global_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); global_frame.set_name ("MixerStripFrame"); } global_frame.queue_draw (); } bool VCAMasterStrip::solo_release (GdkEventButton*) { /* We use NoGroup because VCA controls are never part of a group. This is redundant, but clear. */ _vca->solo_control()->set_value (_vca->solo_control()->self_soloed() ? 0.0 : 1.0, Controllable::NoGroup); return true; } bool VCAMasterStrip::mute_release (GdkEventButton*) { /* We use NoGroup because VCA controls are never part of a group. This is redundant, but clear. */ _vca->mute_control()->set_value (_vca->mute_control()->muted_by_self() ? 0.0 : 1.0, Controllable::NoGroup); return true; } void VCAMasterStrip::set_solo_text () { if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control ()) { switch (Config->get_listen_position()) { case AfterFaderListen: solo_button.set_text (_("A")); break; case PreFaderListen: solo_button.set_text (_("P")); break; } } else { solo_button.set_text (_("S")); } } void VCAMasterStrip::mute_changed () { if (_vca->mute_control()->muted_by_self()) { mute_button.set_active_state (ExplicitActive); } else if (_vca->mute_control()->muted_by_masters ()) { mute_button.set_active_state (ImplicitActive); } else { mute_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::Off); } } void VCAMasterStrip::solo_changed () { if (_vca->solo_control()->self_soloed()) { solo_button.set_active_state (ExplicitActive); } else if (_vca->solo_control()->soloed_by_masters ()) { solo_button.set_active_state (ImplicitActive); } else { solo_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::Off); } } void VCAMasterStrip::vca_menu_toggle (CheckMenuItem* menuitem, uint32_t n) { boost::shared_ptr vca = _session->vca_manager().vca_by_number (n); if (!menuitem->get_active()) { if (!vca) { /* null VCA means drop all VCA assignments */ _vca->unassign (boost::shared_ptr()); } else { _vca->unassign (vca); } } else { if (vca) { _vca->assign (vca); } } } void VCAMasterStrip::unassign () { _vca->unassign (boost::shared_ptr()); } bool VCAMasterStrip::vca_button_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { using namespace Gtk::Menu_Helpers; if (!_session) { return false; } /* primary click only */ if (ev->button != 1) { return false; } VCAList vcas (_session->vca_manager().vcas()); if (vcas.empty()) { /* XXX should probably show a message saying "No VCA masters" */ return true; } Menu* menu = new Menu; MenuList& items = menu->items(); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Unassign"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::unassign))); for (VCAList::iterator v = vcas.begin(); v != vcas.end(); ++v) { if (*v == _vca) { /* no self-mastering */ continue; } items.push_back (CheckMenuElem ((*v)->name())); CheckMenuItem* item = dynamic_cast (&items.back()); if (_vca->gain_control()->slaved_to ((*v)->gain_control())) { item->set_active (true); } item->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::vca_menu_toggle), item, (*v)->number())); } menu->popup (1, ev->time); return true; } bool VCAMasterStrip::vertical_button_press (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (ev->button == 1 && ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) { start_name_edit (); return true; } if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { if (!context_menu) { build_context_menu (); } context_menu->popup (1, ev->time); return true; } if (ev->button == 1) { spill (); } return true; } void VCAMasterStrip::start_name_edit () { Gtk::Window* win = dynamic_cast(get_toplevel()); FloatingTextEntry* fte = new FloatingTextEntry (win, _vca->name()); fte->use_text.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::finish_name_edit)); fte->present (); } void VCAMasterStrip::finish_name_edit (std::string str) { _vca->set_name (str); } void VCAMasterStrip::vca_property_changed (PropertyChange const & what_changed) { if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::name)) { update_vca_name (); } } void VCAMasterStrip::update_vca_name () { /* 20 is a rough guess at the number of letters we can fit. */ vertical_button.set_text (short_version (_vca->name(), 20)); } void VCAMasterStrip::build_context_menu () { using namespace Gtk::Menu_Helpers; context_menu = new Menu; MenuList& items = context_menu->items(); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Rename"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::start_name_edit))); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Drop All Slaves"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::drop_all_slaves))); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Remove"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VCAMasterStrip::remove))); } void VCAMasterStrip::spill () { if (Mixer_UI::instance()->showing_vca_slaves_for (_vca)) { Mixer_UI::instance()->show_vca_slaves (boost::shared_ptr()); } else { Mixer_UI::instance()->show_vca_slaves (_vca); } } void VCAMasterStrip::spill_change (boost::shared_ptr vca) { if (vca != _vca) { vertical_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::Off); set_tooltip (vertical_button, _("Click to show slaves only")); } else { vertical_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); set_tooltip (vertical_button, _("Click to show normal mixer")); } } void VCAMasterStrip::remove () { if (!_session) { return; } _session->vca_manager().remove_vca (_vca); } void VCAMasterStrip::drop_all_slaves () { _vca->Drop (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ if (Mixer_UI::instance()->showing_vca_slaves_for (_vca)) { Mixer_UI::instance()->show_vca_slaves (boost::shared_ptr()); } } void VCAMasterStrip::drop_button_press () { drop_all_slaves (); }