ardour { ["type"] = "Snippet", name = "Track Properties" } function factory () return function () --- iterate over all tracks for t in Session:get_tracks():iter() do -- t is-a -- operate one those with "Drum" in the name if (t:name ():find ("Drum")) then -- print the name, and number of audio in/out -- see also print (t:name (), "| Audio In:", t:n_inputs ():n_audio (), "Audio Out:", t:n_outputs ():n_audio ()) -- get the track's pi = t:presentation_info_ptr () -- set the track's color to orange - hex RGBA pi:set_color (0xff8800ff) -- phase invert the 1st channel t:phase_control():set_phase_invert (1, true) -- solo the track -- and only the track, not other tracks grouped with it. -- -- Note that changing solo/mute needs to propagate implicit solo/mute. -- These changes have to be done atomically, so that all -- related solo/mute change simultaneously at the same time. -- This can only be done from realtime-context, so we need to queue a session-rt -- event using the session realtime-event dispatch mechanism: Session:set_control (t:solo_control(), 1, PBD.GroupControlDisposition.NoGroup) -- unmute the track, this also examplifies how one could use lists to modify -- multiple controllables at the same time (they should be of the same -- parameter type - e.g. mute_control() of multiple tracks, they'll all -- change simultaneously in rt-context) local ctrls = ARDOUR.ControlListPtr () ctrls:push_back (t:mute_control()) -- we could add more controls to change via push_back Session:set_controls (ctrls, 0, PBD.GroupControlDisposition.NoGroup) -- add a track comment t:set_comment ("This is a Drum Track", nil) -- and set the fader to -7dB == 10 ^ (0.05 * -7) t:gain_control():set_value (10 ^ (0.05 * -7), PBD.GroupControlDisposition.NoGroup) end end end end