/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Luciano Iam * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // This example does not call the API methods in control.js, // instead it couples the widgets directly to the message stream import { ANode, Message } from '/shared/message.js'; import { ArdourClient } from '/shared/ardour.js'; import { Switch, DiscreteSlider, ContinuousSlider, LogarithmicSlider, StripPanSlider, StripGainSlider, StripMeter } from './widget.js'; (() => { const MAX_LOG_LINES = 1000; const ardour = new ArdourClient(location.host); const widgets = {}; main(); function main () { ardour.getSurfaceManifest().then((manifest) => { const div = document.getElementById('manifest'); div.innerHTML = `${manifest.name.toUpperCase()} v${manifest.version} — ${manifest.description}`; }); ardour.addCallbacks({ onConnected: (error) => { log('Client connected', 'info'); }, onDisconnected: (error) => { log('Client disconnected', 'error'); }, onMessage: processMessage, onStripDescription: createStrip, onStripPluginDescription: createStripPlugin, onStripPluginParamDescription: createStripPluginParam }); ardour.connect(); } function createStrip (stripId, name, isVca) { const domId = `strip-${stripId}`; if (document.getElementById(domId) != null) { return; } const strips = document.getElementById('strips'); const div = createElem(`
`, strips); createElem(``, div); // meter const meter = new StripMeter(); meter.el.classList.add('slider-meter'); meter.appendTo(div); connectWidget(meter, ANode.STRIP_METER, stripId); // gain let holder = createElem(`
`, div); createElem(``, holder); const gain = new StripGainSlider(); gain.appendTo(holder); connectWidget(gain, ANode.STRIP_GAIN, stripId); if (!isVca) { // pan holder = createElem(`
`, div); createElem(``, holder); const pan = new StripPanSlider(); pan.appendTo(holder); connectWidget(pan, ANode.STRIP_PAN, stripId); } } function createStripPlugin (stripId, pluginId, name) { const domId = `plugin-${stripId}-${pluginId}`; if (document.getElementById(domId) != null) { return; } const strip = document.getElementById(`strip-${stripId}`); const div = createElem(`
`, strip); createElem(``, div); const enable = new Switch(); enable.el.classList.add('plugin-enable'); enable.appendTo(div); connectWidget(enable, ANode.STRIP_PLUGIN_ENABLE, stripId, pluginId); } function createStripPluginParam (stripId, pluginId, paramId, name, valueType, min, max, isLog) { const domId = `param-${stripId}-${pluginId}-${paramId}`; if (document.getElementById(domId) != null) { return; } let param, cssClass; if (valueType == 'b') { cssClass = 'boolean'; param = new Switch(); } else if (valueType == 'i') { cssClass = 'discrete'; param = new DiscreteSlider(min, max); } else if (valueType == 'd') { cssClass = 'continuous'; if (isLog) { param = new LogarithmicSlider(min, max); } else { param = new ContinuousSlider(min, max); } } const plugin = document.getElementById(`plugin-${stripId}-${pluginId}`); const div = createElem(`
`, plugin); createElem(``, div); param.el.name = domId; param.appendTo(div); connectWidget(param, ANode.STRIP_PLUGIN_PARAM_VALUE, stripId, pluginId, paramId); } function createElem (html, parent) { const t = document.createElement('template'); t.innerHTML = html; const elem = t.content.firstChild; if (parent) { parent.appendChild(elem); } return elem; } function connectWidget (widget, node, ...addr) { const nodeAddrId = Message.nodeAddrId(node, addr); widgets[nodeAddrId] = widget; widget.callback = (val) => { const msg = new Message(node, addr, [val]); log(`↗ ${msg}`, 'message-out'); ardour.send(msg); }; } function processMessage (msg) { log(`↙ ${msg}`, 'message-in'); if (widgets[msg.nodeAddrId]) { widgets[msg.nodeAddrId].value = msg.val[0]; } } function log (message, className) { const output = document.getElementById('log'); if (output.childElementCount > MAX_LOG_LINES) { output.removeChild(output.childNodes[0]); } const pre = document.createElement('pre'); pre.innerHTML = message; pre.className = className; output.appendChild(pre); output.scrollTop = output.scrollHeight; } })();