/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Fons Adriaensen * Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Cannam * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "TruePeak.h" namespace TruePeakMeter { static double sinc (double x) { x = fabs (x); if (x < 1e-6) return 1.0; x *= M_PI; return sin (x) / x; } static double wind (double x) { x = fabs (x); if (x >= 1.0) return 0.0f; x *= M_PI; return 0.384 + 0.500 * cos (x) + 0.116 * cos (2 * x); } Resampler_table *Resampler_table::_list = 0; Resampler_mutex Resampler_table::_mutex; Resampler_table::Resampler_table (double fr, unsigned int hl, unsigned int np) : _next (0) , _refc (0) , _fr (fr) , _hl (hl) , _np (np) { unsigned int i, j; double t; float *p; _ctab = new float [hl * (np + 1)]; p = _ctab; for (j = 0; j <= np; j++) { t = (double) j / (double) np; for (i = 0; i < hl; i++) { p [hl - i - 1] = (float)(fr * sinc (t * fr) * wind (t / hl)); t += 1; } p += hl; } } Resampler_table::~Resampler_table (void) { delete[] _ctab; } Resampler_table * Resampler_table::create (double fr, unsigned int hl, unsigned int np) { Resampler_table *P; _mutex.lock (); P = _list; while (P) { if ((fr >= P->_fr * 0.999) && (fr <= P->_fr * 1.001) && (hl == P->_hl) && (np == P->_np)) { P->_refc++; _mutex.unlock (); return P; } P = P->_next; } P = new Resampler_table (fr, hl, np); P->_refc = 1; P->_next = _list; _list = P; _mutex.unlock (); return P; } void Resampler_table::destroy (Resampler_table *T) { Resampler_table *P, *Q; _mutex.lock (); if (T) { T->_refc--; if (T->_refc == 0) { P = _list; Q = 0; while (P) { if (P == T) { if (Q) Q->_next = T->_next; else _list = T->_next; break; } Q = P; P = P->_next; } delete T; } } _mutex.unlock (); } static unsigned int gcd (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) { if (a == 0) return b; if (b == 0) return a; while (1) { if (a > b) { a = a % b; if (a == 0) return b; if (a == 1) return 1; } else { b = b % a; if (b == 0) return a; if (b == 1) return 1; } } return 1; } Resampler::Resampler (void) : _table (0) , _nchan (0) , _buff (0) { reset (); } Resampler::~Resampler (void) { clear (); } int Resampler::setup (unsigned int fs_inp, unsigned int fs_out, unsigned int nchan, unsigned int hlen) { if ((hlen < 8) || (hlen > 96)) return 1; return setup (fs_inp, fs_out, nchan, hlen, 1.0 - 2.6 / hlen); } int Resampler::setup (unsigned int fs_inp, unsigned int fs_out, unsigned int nchan, unsigned int hlen, double frel) { unsigned int g, h, k, n, s; double r; float *B = 0; Resampler_table *T = 0; k = s = 0; if (fs_inp && fs_out && nchan) { r = (double) fs_out / (double) fs_inp; g = gcd (fs_out, fs_inp); n = fs_out / g; s = fs_inp / g; if ((16 * r >= 1) && (n <= 1000)) { h = hlen; k = 250; if (r < 1) { frel *= r; h = (unsigned int)(ceil (h / r)); k = (unsigned int)(ceil (k / r)); } T = Resampler_table::create (frel, h, n); B = new float [nchan * (2 * h - 1 + k)]; } } clear (); if (T) { _table = T; _buff = B; _nchan = nchan; _inmax = k; _pstep = s; return reset (); } else return 1; } void Resampler::clear (void) { Resampler_table::destroy (_table); delete[] _buff; _buff = 0; _table = 0; _nchan = 0; _inmax = 0; _pstep = 0; reset (); } double Resampler::inpdist (void) const { if (!_table) return 0; return (int)(_table->_hl + 1 - _nread) - (double)_phase / _table->_np; } int Resampler::inpsize (void) const { if (!_table) return 0; return 2 * _table->_hl; } int Resampler::reset (void) { if (!_table) return 1; inp_count = 0; out_count = 0; inp_data = 0; out_data = 0; _index = 0; _nread = 0; _nzero = 0; _phase = 0; if (_table) { _nread = 2 * _table->_hl; return 0; } return 1; } int Resampler::process (void) { unsigned int hl, ph, np, dp, in, nr, nz, i, n, c; float *p1, *p2; if (!_table) return 1; hl = _table->_hl; np = _table->_np; dp = _pstep; in = _index; nr = _nread; ph = _phase; nz = _nzero; n = (2 * hl - nr) * _nchan; p1 = _buff + in * _nchan; p2 = p1 + n; while (out_count) { if (nr) { if (inp_count == 0) break; if (inp_data) { for (c = 0; c < _nchan; c++) p2 [c] = inp_data [c]; inp_data += _nchan; nz = 0; } else { for (c = 0; c < _nchan; c++) p2 [c] = 0; if (nz < 2 * hl) nz++; } nr--; p2 += _nchan; inp_count--; } else { if (out_data) { if (nz < 2 * hl) { float *c1 = _table->_ctab + hl * ph; float *c2 = _table->_ctab + hl * (np - ph); for (c = 0; c < _nchan; c++) { float *q1 = p1 + c; float *q2 = p2 + c; float s = 1e-20f; for (i = 0; i < hl; i++) { q2 -= _nchan; s += *q1 * c1 [i] + *q2 * c2 [i]; q1 += _nchan; } *out_data++ = s - 1e-20f; } } else { for (c = 0; c < _nchan; c++) *out_data++ = 0; } } out_count--; ph += dp; if (ph >= np) { nr = ph / np; ph -= nr * np; in += nr; p1 += nr * _nchan;; if (in >= _inmax) { n = (2 * hl - nr) * _nchan; memcpy (_buff, p1, n * sizeof (float)); in = 0; p1 = _buff; p2 = p1 + n; } } } } _index = in; _nread = nr; _phase = ph; _nzero = nz; return 0; } TruePeakdsp::TruePeakdsp (void) : _m (0) , _p (0) , _res (true) , _buf (NULL) { } TruePeakdsp::~TruePeakdsp (void) { free(_buf); } void TruePeakdsp::process (float const *d, int n) { _src.inp_count = n; _src.inp_data = d; _src.out_count = n * 4; _src.out_data = _buf; _src.process (); float m = _res ? 0 : _m; float p = _res ? 0 : _p; float v; float *b = _buf; while (n--) { v = fabsf(*b++); if (v > m) m = v; if (v > p) p = v; v = fabsf(*b++); if (v > m) m = v; if (v > p) p = v; v = fabsf(*b++); if (v > m) m = v; if (v > p) p = v; v = fabsf(*b++); if (v > m) m = v; if (v > p) p = v; } if (_res) { _m = m; _p = p; _res = false; } else { if (m > _m) { _m = m; } if (p > _p) { _p = p; } } } float TruePeakdsp::read (void) { _res = true; return _m; } void TruePeakdsp::read (float &m, float &p) { _res = true; m = _m; p = _p; } void TruePeakdsp::reset () { _res = true; _m = 0; _p = 0; } void TruePeakdsp::init (float fsamp) { _src.setup(fsamp, fsamp * 4.0, 1, 24, 1.0); _buf = (float*) malloc(32768 * sizeof(float)); /* q/d initialize */ float zero[8192]; for (int i = 0; i < 8192; ++i) { zero[i]= 0.0; } _src.inp_count = 8192; _src.inp_data = zero; _src.out_count = 32768; _src.out_data = _buf; _src.process (); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using std::string; using std::vector; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using namespace TruePeakMeter; VampTruePeak::VampTruePeak(float inputSampleRate) : Plugin(inputSampleRate) , m_blockSize(0) { } VampTruePeak::~VampTruePeak() { } string VampTruePeak::getIdentifier() const { return "dBTP"; } string VampTruePeak::getName() const { return "dBTP Meter"; } string VampTruePeak::getDescription() const { return "True Peak Meter (4x Oversampling)"; } string VampTruePeak::getMaker() const { return "Robin Gareus, Fons Adrianesen"; } int VampTruePeak::getPluginVersion() const { return 2; } string VampTruePeak::getCopyright() const { return "GPL version 3 or later"; } bool VampTruePeak::initialise(size_t channels, size_t stepSize, size_t blockSize) { if (channels < getMinChannelCount() || channels > getMaxChannelCount()) { return false; } if (blockSize > 8192) { return false; } m_blockSize = blockSize; _meter.init (m_inputSampleRate); return true; } void VampTruePeak::reset() { _meter.reset (); } VampTruePeak::OutputList VampTruePeak::getOutputDescriptors() const { OutputList list; OutputDescriptor zc; zc.identifier = "level"; zc.name = "TruePeak"; zc.description = "TruePeak (4x Oversampling)"; zc.unit = "dbTP"; zc.hasFixedBinCount = true; zc.binCount = 0; zc.hasKnownExtents = false; zc.isQuantized = false; zc.sampleType = OutputDescriptor::OneSamplePerStep; list.push_back(zc); return list; } VampTruePeak::FeatureSet VampTruePeak::process(const float *const *inputBuffers, Vamp::RealTime timestamp) { if (m_blockSize == 0) { cerr << "ERROR: VampTruePeak::process: " << "VampTruePeak has not been initialised" << endl; return FeatureSet(); } _meter.process (inputBuffers[0], m_blockSize); // TODO return momentary return FeatureSet(); } VampTruePeak::FeatureSet VampTruePeak::getRemainingFeatures() { FeatureSet returnFeatures; float m, p; _meter.read(m, p); Feature dbtp; dbtp.hasTimestamp = false; dbtp.values.push_back(p); returnFeatures[0].push_back(dbtp); return returnFeatures; }