/* Copyright (C) 2008 Hans Baier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include "midi++/midnam_patch.h" #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/failed_constructor.h" using namespace std; using PBD::error; namespace MIDI { namespace Name { Patch::Patch (PatchBank* b) { use_bank_info (b); } Patch::Patch (std::string a_number, std::string a_name, PatchBank* a_bank) : _number (a_number) , _name (a_name) { use_bank_info (a_bank); } XMLNode& Patch::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("Patch"); node->add_property("Number", _number); node->add_property("Name", _name); /* typedef std::list< boost::shared_ptr< Evoral::MIDIEvent > > PatchMidiCommands; XMLNode* commands = node->add_child("PatchMIDICommands"); for (PatchMidiCommands::const_iterator event = _patch_midi_commands.begin(); event != _patch_midi_commands.end(); ++event) { commands->add_child_copy(*((((Evoral::MIDIEvent&)*event)).to_xml())); } */ return *node; } int initialize_primary_key_from_commands (PatchPrimaryKey& id, const XMLNode* node) { const XMLNodeList events = node->children(); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = events.begin(); i != events.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* node = *i; if (node->name() == "ControlChange") { string control = node->property("Control")->value(); assert(control != ""); string value = node->property("Value")->value(); assert(value != ""); if (control == "0") { id.msb = PBD::atoi(value); } else if (control == "32") { id.lsb = PBD::atoi(value); } } else if (node->name() == "ProgramChange") { string number = node->property("Number")->value(); assert(number != ""); id.program_number = PBD::atoi(number); } } return 0; } int Patch::set_state (const XMLTree&, const XMLNode& node) { if (node.name() != "Patch") { cerr << "Incorrect node " << node.name() << " handed to Patch" << endl; return -1; } const XMLProperty* prop = node.property ("Number"); if (!prop) { return -1; } _number = prop->value(); prop = node.property ("Name"); if (!prop) { return -1; } _name = prop->value(); XMLNode* commands = node.child("PatchMIDICommands"); if (commands) { if (initialize_primary_key_from_commands(_id, commands)) { return -1; } } else { string program_change = node.property("ProgramChange")->value(); assert(program_change.length()); _id.program_number = PBD::atoi(program_change); } return 0; } int Patch::use_bank_info (PatchBank* bank) { if (bank) { if (bank->patch_primary_key() ) { _id.msb = bank->patch_primary_key()->msb; _id.lsb = bank->patch_primary_key()->lsb; } else { return -1; } } if (!_id.is_sane()) { return -1; } return 0; } XMLNode& Note::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("Note"); node->add_property("Number", _number); node->add_property("Name", _name); return *node; } int Note::set_state (const XMLTree&, const XMLNode& node) { assert(node.name() == "Note"); _number = node.property("Number")->value(); _name = node.property("Name")->value(); return 0; } XMLNode& NoteNameList::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("NoteNameList"); node->add_property("Name", _name); return *node; } int NoteNameList::set_state (const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& node) { assert(node.name() == "NoteNameList"); _name = node.property("Name")->value(); boost::shared_ptr notes = tree.find("//Note"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::const_iterator i = notes->begin(); i != notes->end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr note(new Note()); note->set_state (tree, *(*i)); _notes.push_back(note); } return 0; } XMLNode& PatchBank::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("PatchBank"); node->add_property("Name", _name); XMLNode* patch_name_list = node->add_child("PatchNameList"); for (PatchNameList::iterator patch = _patch_name_list.begin(); patch != _patch_name_list.end(); ++patch) { patch_name_list->add_child_nocopy((*patch)->get_state()); } return *node; } int PatchBank::set_state (const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& node) { assert(node.name() == "PatchBank"); _name = node.property("Name")->value(); XMLNode* commands = node.child("MIDICommands"); if (commands) { _id = new PatchPrimaryKey(); if (initialize_primary_key_from_commands(*_id, commands)) { return -1; } } XMLNode* patch_name_list = node.child("PatchNameList"); if (patch_name_list) { const XMLNodeList patches = patch_name_list->children(); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = patches.begin(); i != patches.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr patch(new Patch(this)); patch->set_state(tree, *(*i)); _patch_name_list.push_back(patch); } } else { XMLNode* use_patch_name_list = node.child ("UsesPatchNameList"); if (use_patch_name_list) { _patch_list_name = use_patch_name_list->property ("Name")->value(); } else { error << "Patch without patch name list - patchfile will be ignored" << endmsg; return -1; } } return 0; } int PatchBank::set_patch_name_list (const PatchNameList& pnl) { _patch_name_list = pnl; _patch_list_name = ""; for (PatchNameList::iterator p = _patch_name_list.begin(); p != _patch_name_list.end(); p++) { if ((*p)->use_bank_info (this)) { return -1; } } return 0; } XMLNode& ChannelNameSet::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("ChannelNameSet"); node->add_property("Name", _name); XMLNode* available_for_channels = node->add_child("AvailableForChannels"); assert(available_for_channels); for (uint8_t channel = 0; channel < 16; ++channel) { XMLNode* available_channel = available_for_channels->add_child("AvailableChannel"); assert(available_channel); available_channel->add_property("Channel", (long) channel); if (_available_for_channels.find(channel) != _available_for_channels.end()) { available_channel->add_property("Available", "true"); } else { available_channel->add_property("Available", "false"); } } for (PatchBanks::iterator patch_bank = _patch_banks.begin(); patch_bank != _patch_banks.end(); ++patch_bank) { node->add_child_nocopy((*patch_bank)->get_state()); } return *node; } int ChannelNameSet::set_state (const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& node) { assert(node.name() == "ChannelNameSet"); _name = node.property("Name")->value(); const XMLNodeList children = node.children(); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* node = *i; assert(node); if (node->name() == "AvailableForChannels") { boost::shared_ptr channels = tree.find("//AvailableChannel[@Available = 'true']/@Channel"); for(XMLSharedNodeList::const_iterator i = channels->begin(); i != channels->end(); ++i) { _available_for_channels.insert(atoi((*i)->attribute_value().c_str())); } } if (node->name() == "PatchBank") { boost::shared_ptr bank(new PatchBank()); bank->set_state(tree, *node); _patch_banks.push_back(bank); const PatchBank::PatchNameList& patches = bank->patch_name_list(); for (PatchBank::PatchNameList::const_iterator patch = patches.begin(); patch != patches.end(); ++patch) { _patch_map[(*patch)->patch_primary_key()] = *patch; _patch_list.push_back((*patch)->patch_primary_key()); } } } return 0; } int CustomDeviceMode::set_state(const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& a_node) { assert(a_node.name() == "CustomDeviceMode"); _name = a_node.property("Name")->value(); boost::shared_ptr channel_name_set_assignments = tree.find("//ChannelNameSetAssign"); for(XMLSharedNodeList::const_iterator i = channel_name_set_assignments->begin(); i != channel_name_set_assignments->end(); ++i) { int channel = atoi((*i)->property("Channel")->value().c_str()); string name_set = (*i)->property("NameSet")->value(); assert( 1 <= channel && channel <= 16 ); _channel_name_set_assignments[channel - 1] = name_set; } return 0; } XMLNode& CustomDeviceMode::get_state(void) { XMLNode* custom_device_mode = new XMLNode("CustomDeviceMode"); custom_device_mode->add_property("Name", _name); XMLNode* channel_name_set_assignments = custom_device_mode->add_child("ChannelNameSetAssignments"); for (int i = 0; i < 15 && !_channel_name_set_assignments[i].empty(); i++) { XMLNode* channel_name_set_assign = channel_name_set_assignments->add_child("ChannelNameSetAssign"); channel_name_set_assign->add_property("Channel", i + 1); channel_name_set_assign->add_property("NameSet", _channel_name_set_assignments[i]); } return *custom_device_mode; } int MasterDeviceNames::set_state(const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& a_node) { // Manufacturer boost::shared_ptr manufacturer = tree.find("//Manufacturer"); assert(manufacturer->size() == 1); _manufacturer = manufacturer->front()->content(); // Models boost::shared_ptr models = tree.find("//Model"); assert(models->size() >= 1); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = models->begin(); i != models->end(); ++i) { const XMLNodeList& contents = (*i)->children(); assert(contents.size() == 1); XMLNode * content = *(contents.begin()); assert(content->is_content()); _models.push_back(content->content()); } // CustomDeviceModes boost::shared_ptr custom_device_modes = tree.find("//CustomDeviceMode"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = custom_device_modes->begin(); i != custom_device_modes->end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr custom_device_mode(new CustomDeviceMode()); custom_device_mode->set_state(tree, *(*i)); _custom_device_modes[custom_device_mode->name()] = custom_device_mode; _custom_device_mode_names.push_back(custom_device_mode->name()); } // ChannelNameSets boost::shared_ptr channel_name_sets = tree.find("//ChannelNameSet"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = channel_name_sets->begin(); i != channel_name_sets->end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr channel_name_set(new ChannelNameSet()); channel_name_set->set_state(tree, *(*i)); _channel_name_sets[channel_name_set->name()] = channel_name_set; } // NoteNameLists boost::shared_ptr note_name_lists = tree.find("//NoteNameList"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = note_name_lists->begin(); i != note_name_lists->end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr note_name_list(new NoteNameList()); note_name_list->set_state (tree, *(*i)); _note_name_lists.push_back(note_name_list); } // global/post-facto PatchNameLists boost::shared_ptr patch_name_lists = tree.find("/child::MIDINameDocument/child::MasterDeviceNames/child::PatchNameList"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = patch_name_lists->begin(); i != patch_name_lists->end(); ++i) { PatchBank::PatchNameList patch_name_list; const XMLNodeList patches = (*i)->children(); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator p = patches.begin(); p != patches.end(); ++p) { boost::shared_ptr patch(new Patch()); patch->set_state(tree, *(*p)); patch_name_list.push_back(patch); } if (!patch_name_list.empty()) { _patch_name_lists[(*i)->property ("Name")->value()] = patch_name_list; } } /* now traverse patches and hook up anything that used UsePatchNameList * to the right patch list */ for (ChannelNameSets::iterator cns = _channel_name_sets.begin(); cns != _channel_name_sets.end(); ++cns) { ChannelNameSet::PatchBanks pbs = cns->second->patch_banks(); for (ChannelNameSet::PatchBanks::iterator pb = pbs.begin(); pb != pbs.end(); ++pb) { std::string pln = (*pb)->patch_list_name(); if (!pln.empty()) { PatchNameLists::iterator p = _patch_name_lists.find (pln); if (p != _patch_name_lists.end()) { if ((*pb)->set_patch_name_list (p->second)) { return -1; } } else { error << string_compose ("Patch list name %1 was not found - patch file ignored", pln) << endmsg; return -1; } } } } return 0; } XMLNode& MasterDeviceNames::get_state(void) { static XMLNode nothing(""); return nothing; } MIDINameDocument::MIDINameDocument (const string& filename) { if (!_document.read (filename)) { throw failed_constructor (); } set_state (_document, *_document.root()); } int MIDINameDocument::set_state (const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& a_node) { // Author boost::shared_ptr author = tree.find("//Author"); if (author->size() < 1) { error << "No author information in MIDNAM file" << endmsg; return -1; } _author = author->front()->content(); // MasterDeviceNames boost::shared_ptr master_device_names_list = tree.find ("//MasterDeviceNames"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = master_device_names_list->begin(); i != master_device_names_list->end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr master_device_names(new MasterDeviceNames()); if (master_device_names->set_state(tree, *(*i))) { return -1; } for (MasterDeviceNames::Models::const_iterator model = master_device_names->models().begin(); model != master_device_names->models().end(); ++model) { _master_device_names_list.insert( std::pair > (*model, master_device_names)); _all_models.push_back(*model); } } return 0; } XMLNode& MIDINameDocument::get_state(void) { static XMLNode nothing(""); return nothing; } } //namespace Name } //namespace MIDI