/* Copyright (C) 2016 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef __ardour_push2_h__ #define __ardour_push2_h__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ABSTRACT_UI_EXPORTS #include "pbd/abstract_ui.h" #include "midi++/types.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "control_protocol/control_protocol.h" #include "control_protocol/types.h" #include "midi_byte_array.h" #include "mode.h" namespace Cairo { class ImageSurface; class Context; } namespace Pango { class Layout; } namespace MIDI { class Parser; class Port; } namespace ARDOUR { class AsyncMIDIPort; class Port; class MidiBuffer; class MidiTrack; } namespace ArdourSurface { struct Push2Request : public BaseUI::BaseRequestObject { public: Push2Request () {} ~Push2Request () {} }; class P2GUI; class Push2 : public ARDOUR::ControlProtocol , public AbstractUI { public: Push2 (ARDOUR::Session&); ~Push2 (); static bool probe (); static void* request_factory (uint32_t); bool has_editor () const { return true; } void* get_gui () const; void tear_down_gui (); int set_active (bool yn); XMLNode& get_state(); int set_state (const XMLNode & node, int version); PBD::Signal0 ConnectionChange; boost::shared_ptr input_port(); boost::shared_ptr output_port(); int pad_note (int row, int col) const; PBD::Signal0 PadChange; void set_pad_scale (int root, int octave, MusicalMode::Type mode, bool inkey); MusicalMode::Type mode() const { return _mode; } int scale_root() const { return _scale_root; } int root_octave() const { return _root_octave; } bool in_key() const { return _in_key; } private: libusb_device_handle *handle; uint8_t frame_header[16]; uint16_t* device_frame_buffer; int device_buffer; Cairo::RefPtr frame_buffer; sigc::connection vblank_connection; sigc::connection periodic_connection; enum ModifierState { None = 0, ModShift = 0x1, ModSelect = 0x2, }; ModifierState modifier_state; static const int cols; static const int rows; static const int pixels_per_row; void do_request (Push2Request*); int stop (); int open (); int close (); bool redraw (); int blit_to_device_frame_buffer (); bool vblank (); enum ButtonID { TapTempo, Metronome, Upper1, Upper2, Upper3, Upper4, Upper5, Upper6, Upper7, Upper8, Setup, User, Delete, AddDevice, Device, Mix, Undo, AddTrack, Browse, Clip, Mute, Solo, Stop, Lower1, Lower2, Lower3, Lower4, Lower5, Lower6, Lower7, Lower8, Master, Convert, DoubleLoop, Quantize, Duplicate, New, FixedLength, Automate, RecordEnable, Play, Fwd32ndT, Fwd32nd, Fwd16thT, Fwd16th, Fwd8thT, Fwd8th, Fwd4trT, Fwd4tr, Up, Right, Down, Left, Repeat, Accent, Scale, Layout, Note, Session, OctaveUp, PageRight, OctaveDown, PageLeft, Shift, Select }; struct LED { enum State { NoTransition, OneShot24th, OneShot16th, OneShot8th, OneShot4th, OneShot2th, Pulsing24th, Pulsing16th, Pulsing8th, Pulsing4th, Pulsing2th, Blinking24th, Blinking16th, Blinking8th, Blinking4th, Blinking2th }; enum Colors { Black = 0, Red = 127, Green = 126, Blue = 125, DarkGray = 124, LightGray = 123, White = 122 }; LED (uint8_t e) : _extra (e), _color_index (Black), _state (NoTransition) {} virtual ~LED() {} uint8_t extra () const { return _extra; } uint8_t color_index () const { return _color_index; } State state () const { return _state; } void set_color (uint8_t color_index); void set_state (State state); virtual MidiByteArray state_msg() const = 0; protected: uint8_t _extra; uint8_t _color_index; State _state; }; struct Pad : public LED { enum WhenPressed { Nothing, FlashOn, FlashOff, }; Pad (int xx, int yy, uint8_t ex) : LED (ex) , x (xx) , y (yy) , do_when_pressed (FlashOn) , filtered (ex) , perma_color (LED::Black) {} MidiByteArray state_msg () const { return MidiByteArray (3, 0x90|_state, _extra, _color_index); } int coord () const { return (y * 8) + x; } int note_number() const { return extra(); } int x; int y; int do_when_pressed; int filtered; int perma_color; }; struct Button : public LED { Button (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex) : LED (ex) , id (bb) , press_method (&Push2::relax) , release_method (&Push2::relax) , long_press_method (&Push2::relax) {} Button (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex, void (Push2::*press)()) : LED (ex) , id (bb) , press_method (press) , release_method (&Push2::relax) , long_press_method (&Push2::relax) {} Button (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex, void (Push2::*press)(), void (Push2::*release)()) : LED (ex) , id (bb) , press_method (press) , release_method (release) , long_press_method (&Push2::relax) {} Button (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex, void (Push2::*press)(), void (Push2::*release)(), void (Push2::*long_press)()) : LED (ex) , id (bb) , press_method (press) , release_method (release) , long_press_method (long_press) {} MidiByteArray state_msg () const { return MidiByteArray (3, 0xb0|_state, _extra, _color_index); } int controller_number() const { return extra(); } ButtonID id; void (Push2::*press_method)(); void (Push2::*release_method)(); void (Push2::*long_press_method)(); sigc::connection timeout_connection; }; struct ColorButton : public Button { ColorButton (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex) : Button (bb, ex) {} ColorButton (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex, void (Push2::*press)()) : Button (bb, ex, press) {} ColorButton (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex, void (Push2::*press)(), void (Push2::*release)()) : Button (bb, ex, press, release) {} ColorButton (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex, void (Push2::*press)(), void (Push2::*release)(), void (Push2::*long_press)()) : Button (bb, ex, press, release, long_press) {} }; struct WhiteButton : public Button { WhiteButton (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex) : Button (bb, ex) {} WhiteButton (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex, void (Push2::*press)()) : Button (bb, ex, press) {} WhiteButton (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex, void (Push2::*press)(), void (Push2::*release)()) : Button (bb, ex, press, release) {} WhiteButton (ButtonID bb, uint8_t ex, void (Push2::*press)(), void (Push2::*release)(), void (Push2::*long_press)()) : Button (bb, ex, press, release, long_press) {} }; void relax () {} /* map of Buttons by CC */ typedef std::map CCButtonMap; CCButtonMap cc_button_map; /* map of Buttons by ButtonID */ typedef std::map IDButtonMap; IDButtonMap id_button_map; std::set buttons_down; std::set consumed; bool button_long_press_timeout (ButtonID id); void start_press_timeout (Button&, ButtonID); void init_buttons (bool startup); void init_touch_strip (); /* map of Pads by note number */ typedef std::map NNPadMap; NNPadMap nn_pad_map; /* map of Pads by coordinate * * coord = row * 64 + column; * * rows start at top left */ typedef std::map CoordPadMap; CoordPadMap coord_pad_map; void set_button_color (ButtonID, uint8_t color_index); void set_button_state (ButtonID, LED::State); void set_led_color (ButtonID, uint8_t color_index); void set_led_state (ButtonID, LED::State); void build_maps (); MIDI::Port* _input_port; MIDI::Port* _output_port; boost::shared_ptr _async_in; boost::shared_ptr _async_out; void connect_to_parser (); void handle_midi_pitchbend_message (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::pitchbend_t); void handle_midi_controller_message (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::EventTwoBytes*); void handle_midi_note_on_message (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::EventTwoBytes*); void handle_midi_note_off_message (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::EventTwoBytes*); void handle_midi_sysex (MIDI::Parser&, MIDI::byte *, size_t count); void write (const MidiByteArray&); bool midi_input_handler (Glib::IOCondition ioc, MIDI::Port* port); bool periodic (); void thread_init (); PBD::ScopedConnectionList session_connections; void connect_session_signals (); void notify_record_state_changed (); void notify_transport_state_changed (); void notify_loop_state_changed (); void notify_parameter_changed (std::string); void notify_solo_active_changed (bool); /* Button methods */ void button_play (); void button_recenable (); void button_up (); void button_down (); void button_right (); void button_left (); void button_metronome (); void button_repeat (); void button_solo (); void button_fixed_length (); void button_new (); void button_browse (); void button_clip (); void button_upper (uint32_t n); void button_lower (uint32_t n); void button_upper_1 () { button_upper (0); } void button_upper_2 () { button_upper (1); } void button_upper_3 () { button_upper (2); } void button_upper_4 () { button_upper (3); } void button_upper_5 () { button_upper (4); } void button_upper_6 () { button_upper (5); } void button_upper_7 () { button_upper (6); } void button_upper_8 () { button_upper (7); } void button_lower_1 () { button_lower (0); } void button_lower_2 () { button_lower (1); } void button_lower_3 () { button_lower (2); } void button_lower_4 () { button_lower (3); } void button_lower_5 () { button_lower (4); } void button_lower_6 () { button_lower (5); } void button_lower_7 () { button_lower (6); } void button_lower_8 () { button_lower (7); } void button_undo (); void button_fwd32t (); void button_fwd32 (); void button_fwd16t (); void button_fwd16 (); void button_fwd8t (); void button_fwd8 (); void button_fwd4t (); void button_fwd4 (); void button_add_track (); void button_stop (); void button_shift_press (); void button_shift_release (); void button_shift_long_press (); void button_select_press (); void button_select_release (); void button_select_long_press (); void button_page_left (); void button_page_right (); void button_octave_up (); void button_octave_down (); void start_shift (); void end_shift (); void start_select (); void end_select (); /* encoders */ void strip_vpot (int, int); void other_vpot (int, int); void strip_vpot_touch (int, bool); void other_vpot_touch (int, bool); /* widgets */ Cairo::RefPtr context; Glib::RefPtr tc_clock_layout; Glib::RefPtr bbt_clock_layout; Glib::RefPtr upper_layout[8]; Glib::RefPtr mid_layout[8]; Glib::RefPtr lower_layout[8]; void splash (); ARDOUR::microseconds_t splash_start; /* stripables */ int32_t bank_start; PBD::ScopedConnectionList stripable_connections; boost::shared_ptr stripable[8]; boost::shared_ptr master; boost::shared_ptr monitor; void solo_change (int); void mute_change (int); void stripable_property_change (PBD::PropertyChange const& what_changed, int which); void switch_bank (uint32_t base); bool pad_filter (ARDOUR::MidiBuffer& in, ARDOUR::MidiBuffer& out) const; boost::weak_ptr current_pad_target; PBD::ScopedConnection selection_connection; void stripable_selection_change (ARDOUR::StripableNotificationListPtr); PBD::ScopedConnection port_reg_connection; void port_registration_handler (); enum ConnectionState { InputConnected = 0x1, OutputConnected = 0x2 }; int connection_state; bool connection_handler (boost::weak_ptr, std::string name1, boost::weak_ptr, std::string name2, bool yn); PBD::ScopedConnection port_connection; /* GUI */ mutable P2GUI* gui; void build_gui (); /* pad mapping */ std::map pad_map; void build_pad_table(); MusicalMode::Type _mode; int _scale_root; int _root_octave; bool _in_key; int octave_shift; }; } /* namespace */ #endif /* __ardour_push2_h__ */