/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2007 Doug McLain * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2015 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2016 Nick Mainsbridge * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "canvas/line_set.h" #include "midi_view_background.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; MidiViewBackground::MidiViewBackground (ArdourCanvas::Item* parent) : note_range_adjustment (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) , _range_dirty (false) , _range_sum_cache (-1.0) , _lowest_note (UIConfiguration::instance().get_default_lower_midi_note()) , _highest_note (UIConfiguration::instance().get_default_upper_midi_note()) , _data_note_min (60) , _data_note_max (71) , _note_lines (new ArdourCanvas::LineSet (parent, ArdourCanvas::LineSet::Horizontal)) , _note_mode (ARDOUR::Sustained) , _color_mode (ARDOUR::MeterColors) { _note_lines->lower_to_bottom(); // color_handler (); UIConfiguration::instance().ColorsChanged.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiViewBackground::color_handler)); UIConfiguration::instance().ParameterChanged.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiViewBackground::parameter_changed)); note_range_adjustment.set_page_size(_highest_note - _lowest_note); note_range_adjustment.set_value(_lowest_note); note_range_adjustment.set_lower(0); note_range_adjustment.set_upper(127); note_range_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MidiViewBackground::note_range_adjustment_changed)); } MidiViewBackground::~MidiViewBackground() { } void MidiViewBackground::parameter_changed (std::string const & param) { if (param == X_("max-note-height")) { apply_note_range (_lowest_note, _highest_note, true); } } void MidiViewBackground::color_handler () { draw_note_lines (); } void MidiViewBackground::note_range_adjustment_changed() { double sum = note_range_adjustment.get_value() + note_range_adjustment.get_page_size(); int lowest = (int) floor(note_range_adjustment.get_value()); int highest; if (sum == _range_sum_cache) { //cerr << "cached" << endl; highest = (int) floor(sum); } else { //cerr << "recalc" << endl; highest = lowest + (int) floor(note_range_adjustment.get_page_size()); _range_sum_cache = sum; } if (lowest == _lowest_note && highest == _highest_note) { return; } //cerr << "note range adjustment changed: " << lowest << " " << highest << endl; //cerr << " val=" << v_zoom_adjustment.get_value() << " page=" << v_zoom_adjustment.get_page_size() << " sum=" << v_zoom_adjustment.get_value() + v_zoom_adjustment.get_page_size() << endl; apply_note_range (lowest, highest, true); } uint8_t MidiViewBackground::y_to_note (double y) const { int const n = ((contents_height() - y) / contents_height() * (double)contents_note_range()) + lowest_note(); if (n < 0) { return 0; } else if (n > 127) { return 127; } /* min due to rounding and/or off-by-one errors */ return min ((uint8_t) n, highest_note()); } void MidiViewBackground::update_contents_height () { ViewBackground::update_contents_height (); draw_note_lines (); apply_note_range (lowest_note(), highest_note(), true); } void MidiViewBackground::draw_note_lines() { if (updates_suspended()) { return; } double y; double prev_y = 0.; Gtkmm2ext::Color black = UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod ("piano roll black", "piano roll black"); Gtkmm2ext::Color white = UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod ("piano roll white", "piano roll white"); Gtkmm2ext::Color outline = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("piano roll black outline"); Gtkmm2ext::Color color; ArdourCanvas::LineSet::ResetRAII lr (*_note_lines); if (contents_height() < 10 || note_height() < 3) { /* context is too small for note lines, or there are too many */ return; } /* do this is order of highest ... lowest since that matches the * coordinate system in which y=0 is at the top */ for (int i = highest_note() + 1; i >= lowest_note(); --i) { y = floor (note_to_y (i)); /* add a thicker line/bar which covers the entire vertical height of this note. */ switch (i % 12) { case 1: case 3: case 6: case 8: case 10: color = black; break; case 4: case 11: /* this is the line actually corresponding to the division between B & C and E & F */ _note_lines->add_coord (y, 1.0, outline); /* fallthrough */ default: color = white; break; } double h = y - prev_y; double middle = y + (h/2.0); if (!fmod (h, 2.) && !fmod (middle, 1.)) { middle += 0.5; } if (middle >= 0 && h > 1.0) { _note_lines->add_coord (middle, h, color); } prev_y = y; } _note_lines->set_extent (ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX); } void MidiViewBackground::set_note_visibility_range_style (VisibleNoteRange r) { _visibility_note_range = r; if (_visibility_note_range == FullRange) { apply_note_range (0, 127, true); } else { apply_note_range (_data_note_min, _data_note_max, true); } } void MidiViewBackground::maybe_extend_note_range (uint8_t note_num) { _data_note_min = min (_data_note_min, note_num); _data_note_max = max (_data_note_max, note_num); bool changed = false; if (_visibility_note_range == FullRange) { return; } if (_lowest_note > _data_note_min) { changed = true; } if (_highest_note < _data_note_max) { changed = true; } if (changed) { apply_note_range (_data_note_min, _data_note_max, true); } } void MidiViewBackground::apply_note_range (uint8_t lowest, uint8_t highest, bool to_children) { bool changed = false; if (_highest_note != highest) { _highest_note = highest; changed = true; } if (_lowest_note != lowest) { changed = true; _lowest_note = lowest; } if (!changed) { return; } float uiscale = UIConfiguration::instance().get_ui_scale(); uiscale = expf (uiscale) / expf (1.f); const int mnh = UIConfiguration::instance().get_max_note_height(); int const max_note_height = std::max (mnh, mnh * uiscale); int const range = _highest_note - _lowest_note; int const available_note_range = floor (contents_height() / max_note_height); int additional_notes = available_note_range - range; /* distribute additional notes to higher and lower ranges, clamp at 0 and 127 */ for (int i = 0; i < additional_notes; i++){ if (i % 2 && _highest_note < 127){ _highest_note++; } else if (i % 2) { _lowest_note--; } else if (_lowest_note > 0){ _lowest_note--; } else { _highest_note++; } } note_range_adjustment.set_page_size (_highest_note - _lowest_note); note_range_adjustment.set_value (_lowest_note); draw_note_lines(); if (to_children) { apply_note_range_to_children (); } NoteRangeChanged(); /* EMIT SIGNAL*/ } bool MidiViewBackground::update_data_note_range (uint8_t min, uint8_t max) { bool dirty = false; if (min < _data_note_min) { _data_note_min = min; dirty = true; } if (max > _data_note_max) { _data_note_max = max; dirty = true; } return dirty; }