/* Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "pbd/file_manager.h" #include "pbd/debug.h" using namespace std; using namespace PBD; FileManager* FileDescriptor::_manager; FileManager::FileManager () : _open (0) { struct rlimit rl; int const r = getrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl); /* XXX: this is a bit arbitrary */ if (r == 0) { _max_open = rl.rlim_cur - 64; } else { _max_open = 256; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::FileManager, string_compose ("FileManager can open up to %1 files.\n", _max_open)); } void FileManager::add (FileDescriptor* d) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_mutex); _files.push_back (d); } /** @return true on error, otherwise false */ bool FileManager::allocate (FileDescriptor* d) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_mutex); if (!d->is_open()) { /* this file needs to be opened */ if (_open == _max_open) { /* We already have the maximum allowed number of files opened, so we must try to close one. Find the unallocated, open file with the lowest last_used time. */ double lowest_last_used = DBL_MAX; list::iterator oldest = _files.end (); for (list::iterator i = _files.begin(); i != _files.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->is_open() && (*i)->_refcount == 0) { if ((*i)->_last_used < lowest_last_used) { lowest_last_used = (*i)->_last_used; oldest = i; } } } if (oldest == _files.end()) { /* no unallocated and open files exist, so there's nothing we can do */ return true; } close (*oldest); DEBUG_TRACE ( DEBUG::FileManager, string_compose ( "closed file for %1 to release file handle; now have %2 of %3 open\n", (*oldest)->_name, _open, _max_open ) ); } if (d->open ()) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::FileManager, string_compose ("open of %1 failed.\n", d->_name)); return true; } _open++; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::FileManager, string_compose ("opened file for %1; now have %2 of %3 open.\n", d->_name, _open, _max_open)); } #ifdef __APPLE__ d->_last_used = get_absolute_time(); #else struct timespec t; clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t); d->_last_used = t.tv_sec + (double) t.tv_nsec / 10e9; #endif d->_refcount++; return false; } /** Tell FileManager that a FileDescriptor is no longer needed for a given handle */ void FileManager::release (FileDescriptor* d) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_mutex); d->_refcount--; assert (d->_refcount >= 0); } /** Remove a file from our lists. It will be closed if it is currently open. */ void FileManager::remove (FileDescriptor* d) { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_mutex); if (d->is_open ()) { close (d); DEBUG_TRACE ( DEBUG::FileManager, string_compose ("closed file for %1; file is being removed; now have %2 of %3 open\n", d->_name, _open, _max_open) ); } _files.remove (d); } void FileManager::close (FileDescriptor* d) { /* we must have a lock on our mutex */ d->close (); d->Closed (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ _open--; } FileDescriptor::FileDescriptor (string const & n, bool w) : _refcount (0) , _last_used (0) , _name (n) , _writeable (w) { } FileManager* FileDescriptor::manager () { if (_manager == 0) { _manager = new FileManager; } return _manager; } /** Release a previously allocated handle to this file */ void FileDescriptor::release () { manager()->release (this); } /** @param n Filename. * @param w true to open writeable, otherwise false. * @param m Open mode for the file. */ FdFileDescriptor::FdFileDescriptor (string const & n, bool w, mode_t m) : FileDescriptor (n, w) , _fd (-1) , _mode (m) { manager()->add (this); } FdFileDescriptor::~FdFileDescriptor () { manager()->remove (this); } bool FdFileDescriptor::is_open () const { /* we must have a lock on the FileManager's mutex */ return _fd != -1; } bool FdFileDescriptor::open () { /* we must have a lock on the FileManager's mutex */ _fd = ::open (_name.c_str(), _writeable ? (O_RDWR | O_CREAT) : O_RDONLY, _mode); return (_fd == -1); } void FdFileDescriptor::close () { /* we must have a lock on the FileManager's mutex */ ::close (_fd); _fd = -1; } /** @return fd, or -1 on error */ int FdFileDescriptor::allocate () { bool const f = manager()->allocate (this); if (f) { return -1; } /* this is ok thread-wise because allocate () has incremented the Descriptor's refcount, so the file will not be closed */ return _fd; } /** @param n Filename. * @param w true to open writeable, otherwise false. */ StdioFileDescriptor::StdioFileDescriptor (string const & n, std::string const & m) : FileDescriptor (n, false) , _file (0) , _mode (m) { manager()->add (this); } StdioFileDescriptor::~StdioFileDescriptor () { manager()->remove (this); } bool StdioFileDescriptor::is_open () const { /* we must have a lock on the FileManager's mutex */ return _file != 0; } bool StdioFileDescriptor::open () { /* we must have a lock on the FileManager's mutex */ _file = fopen (_name.c_str(), _mode.c_str()); return (_file == 0); } void StdioFileDescriptor::close () { /* we must have a lock on the FileManager's mutex */ fclose (_file); _file = 0; } /** @return FILE*, or 0 on error */ FILE* StdioFileDescriptor::allocate () { bool const f = manager()->allocate (this); if (f) { return 0; } /* this is ok thread-wise because allocate () has incremented the Descriptor's refcount, so the file will not be closed */ return _file; }