ardour { ["type"] = "EditorHook", name = "On Editor Selection Change" } function signals () -- call script function when editor selection changes return LuaSignal.Set():add ({[LuaSignal.SelectionChanged] = true}) end -- output is printed to Window > Log function factory () return function () -- -- the Ardour Selection can include multiple items -- (regions, tracks, ranges, markers, automation, midi-notes etc) local sel = Editor:get_selection () -- -- At the point of writing the following data items are available -- -- Track/Bus Selection -- for r in sel.tracks:routelist ():iter () do -- each of the items is a -- print ("Route:", r:name ()) end -- Region selection -- for r in sel.regions:regionlist ():iter () do -- each of the items is a -- print ("Region:", r:name ()) end -- Time Range selection, total span of all ranges (0, 0 if no time range is selected) if sel.time:start_sample () < sel.time:end_sample () then print ("Total Range:", sel.time:start_sample (), sel.time:end_sample ()) end -- .. and the same in Temporal.timepos_t if sel.time:start_time () < sel.time:end_time () then print ("Total Range:", sel.time:start_time (), sel.time:end_time ()) end -- Range selection, individual ranges. for ar in sel.time:iter () do -- each of the items is a -- print ("Range:",, ar.start, ar._end) end -- Markers -- for m in sel.markers:iter () do -- each of the items is a -- print ("Marker:", m:name (), m:position(), m:_type()) end ---------------------------------------------------------- -- The total time extents of all selected regions and ranges local ok, ext = Editor:get_selection_extents (Temporal.timepos_t(0), Temporal.timepos_t(0)) if ok then print ("Selection Extents:", ext[1], ext[2]) else print ("No region or range is selected") end end end