/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Robin Gareus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #undef nil #include "coremidi_io.h" #include "coreaudio_backend.h" using namespace ARDOUR; #ifndef NDEBUG static int _debug_mode = 0; #endif /** * MIDI Data flow * * (A) INPUT (incoming from outside the application) * * - midiInputCallback (in its own thread, async WRT process callback): * takes OS X MIDIPacket, copies into lock-free ringbuffer * * - processCallback (in its own thread): * * (1) loop on all input ports: * 1A) call recv_event() to read from ringbuffer into stack buffer, also assign-timestamp, * 1B) call parse_events() using stack buffer, when appropriate * pushes CoreMidiEvent into std::vector * * (2) in MidiPort::cycle_start() (also part of the process callback call tree), MidiPort::get_midi_buffer() * calls CoreAudioBackend::midi_event_get () returns a pointer to the data of the specified CoreMidiEvent */ static void notifyProc (const MIDINotification *message, void *refCon) { CoreMidiIo *self = static_cast(refCon); self->notify_proc(message); } #ifndef NDEBUG static void print_packet (const MIDIPacket *p) { fprintf (stderr, "CoreMIDI: Packet %d bytes [ ", p->length); for (int bb = 0; bb < p->length; ++bb) { fprintf (stderr, "%02x ", ((const uint8_t*)p->data)[bb]); } fprintf (stderr, "]\n"); } static void dump_packet_list (const UInt32 numPackets, MIDIPacket const *p) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numPackets; ++i) { print_packet (p); p = MIDIPacketNext (p); } } #endif static void midiInputCallback(const MIDIPacketList *list, void *procRef, void *srcRef) { CoreMidiIo *self = static_cast (procRef); if (!self || !self->enabled()) { // skip while freewheeling #ifndef NDEBUG if (_debug_mode & 2) { fprintf (stderr, "Ignored Midi Packet while freewheeling:\n"); dump_packet_list (list->numPackets, &list->packet[0]); } #endif return; } PBD::RingBuffer * rb = static_cast *> (srcRef); if (!rb) { #ifndef NDEBUG if (_debug_mode & 4) { fprintf (stderr, "Ignored Midi Packet - no ringbuffer:\n"); dump_packet_list (list->numPackets, &list->packet[0]); } #endif return; } MIDIPacket const *p = &list->packet[0]; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < list->numPackets; ++i) { uint32_t len = ((p->length + 3)&~3) + sizeof(MIDITimeStamp) + sizeof(UInt16); #ifndef NDEBUG if (_debug_mode & 1) { print_packet (p); } #endif if (rb->write_space() > sizeof(uint32_t) + len) { rb->write ((uint8_t*)&len, sizeof(uint32_t)); rb->write ((uint8_t const*)p, len); } #ifndef NDEBUG else { fprintf (stderr, "CoreMIDI: dropped MIDI event\n"); } #endif p = MIDIPacketNext (p); } } static std::string getPropertyString (MIDIObjectRef object, CFStringRef key) { CFStringRef name = NULL; std::string rv = ""; if (noErr == MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(object, key, &name)) { const CFIndex size = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(CFStringGetLength(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8); char *tmp = (char*) malloc(size); if (CFStringGetCString(name, tmp, size, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) { rv = tmp; } free(tmp); CFRelease(name); } return rv; } static std::string getDisplayName (MIDIObjectRef object) { return getPropertyString(object, kMIDIPropertyDisplayName); } CoreMidiIo::CoreMidiIo() : _midi_client (0) , _input_endpoints (0) , _output_endpoints (0) , _input_ports (0) , _output_ports (0) , _input_queue (0) , _rb (0) , _n_midi_in (0) , _n_midi_out (0) , _send_start (0) , _recv_start (0) , _recv_end (0) , _active (false) , _enabled (true) , _run (false) , _changed_callback (0) , _changed_arg (0) { pthread_mutex_init (&_discovery_lock, 0); #ifndef NDEBUG const char *p = getenv ("ARDOUR_COREMIDI_DEBUG"); if (p && *p) _debug_mode = atoi (p); #endif } CoreMidiIo::~CoreMidiIo() { pthread_mutex_lock (&_discovery_lock); cleanup(); if (_midi_client) { MIDIClientDispose(_midi_client); _midi_client = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&_discovery_lock); pthread_mutex_destroy (&_discovery_lock); } void CoreMidiIo::cleanup() { _active = false; for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < _n_midi_in ; ++i) { MIDIPortDispose(_input_ports[i]); _input_queue[i].clear(); delete _rb[i]; } for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < _n_midi_out ; ++i) { MIDIPortDispose(_output_ports[i]); } free(_input_ports); _input_ports = 0; free(_input_endpoints); _input_endpoints = 0; free(_input_queue); _input_queue = 0; free(_output_ports); _output_ports = 0; free(_output_endpoints); _output_endpoints = 0; free(_rb); _rb = 0; _n_midi_in = 0; _n_midi_out = 0; } void CoreMidiIo::start_cycle (MIDITimeStamp time_at_cycle_start, double cycle_time_us) { _send_start = time_at_cycle_start; _recv_end = time_at_cycle_start; MIDITimeStamp cycle_time = AudioConvertNanosToHostTime (cycle_time_us); if (cycle_time <= time_at_cycle_start) { _recv_start = time_at_cycle_start - cycle_time; } else { _recv_start = 0; } } void CoreMidiIo::notify_proc(const MIDINotification *message) { switch(message->messageID) { case kMIDIMsgSetupChanged: /* this one catches all of the added/removed/changed below */ //printf("kMIDIMsgSetupChanged\n"); discover(); break; case kMIDIMsgObjectAdded: { //const MIDIObjectAddRemoveNotification *n = (const MIDIObjectAddRemoveNotification*) message; //printf("kMIDIMsgObjectAdded\n"); } break; case kMIDIMsgObjectRemoved: { //const MIDIObjectAddRemoveNotification *n = (const MIDIObjectAddRemoveNotification*) message; //printf("kMIDIMsgObjectRemoved\n"); } break; case kMIDIMsgPropertyChanged: { //const MIDIObjectPropertyChangeNotification *n = (const MIDIObjectPropertyChangeNotification*) message; //printf("kMIDIMsgObjectRemoved\n"); } break; case kMIDIMsgThruConnectionsChanged: //printf("kMIDIMsgThruConnectionsChanged\n"); break; case kMIDIMsgSerialPortOwnerChanged: //printf("kMIDIMsgSerialPortOwnerChanged\n"); break; case kMIDIMsgIOError: fprintf(stderr, "kMIDIMsgIOError\n"); discover(); break; } } size_t CoreMidiIo::recv_event (uint32_t port, uint64_t &time, uint8_t *d, size_t &s) { if (!_active || _recv_start == 0) { return 0; } assert(port < _n_midi_in); const size_t minsize = 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(MIDITimeStamp) + sizeof(UInt16); while (_rb[port]->read_space() > minsize) { int32_t packet[1024]; size_t rv; uint32_t s = 0; rv = _rb[port]->read((uint8_t*)&s, sizeof(uint32_t)); assert(rv == sizeof(uint32_t)); if (s > 1024) { _rb[port]->increment_read_idx (s); continue; } rv = _rb[port]->read((uint8_t*)packet, s); assert(rv == s); _input_queue[port].push_back(std::shared_ptr(new _CoreMIDIPacket ((MIDIPacket*)&packet))); } for (CoreMIDIQueue::iterator it = _input_queue[port].begin (); it != _input_queue[port].end (); ) { if ((*it)->timeStamp < _recv_end) { if ((*it)->timeStamp < _recv_start) { uint64_t dt = AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos(_recv_start - (*it)->timeStamp); /* note: it used to be 10ms (insert handwavy explanation about percievable latency) * turns out some midi-keyboads connected via bluetooth can be late by as much as 50ms * https://discourse.ardour.org/t/ardour-not-getting-all-messages-from-midi-keyboard/107618/13? */ if (dt > 8e7 && (*it)->timeStamp != 0) { // 60ms slack and a timestamp is given #ifndef NDEBUG printf("Dropped Stale Midi Event. dt:%.2fms\n", dt * 1e-6); #endif it = _input_queue[port].erase(it); continue; } else { /* events without a valid timestamp, or events that arrived * less than 10ms in the past are allowed and * queued at the beginning of the cycle: * time (relative to cycle start) = 0 * * The latter use needed for the "Avid Artist" Control Surface * the OSX driver sends no timestamps. */ #if 0 printf("Stale Midi Event. dt:%.2fms\n", dt * 1e-6); #endif } time = 0; } else { time = AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos((*it)->timeStamp - _recv_start); } s = std::min(s, (size_t) (*it)->length); if (s > 0) { memcpy(d, (*it)->data, s); } _input_queue[port].erase(it); return s; } else { #ifndef NDEBUG uint64_t dt = AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos((*it)->timeStamp - _recv_end); printf("Postponed future Midi Event. dt:%.2fms\n", dt * 1e-6); #endif } ++it; } return 0; } int CoreMidiIo::send_event (uint32_t port, double reltime_ns, const uint8_t *d, const size_t s) { if (!_active || _send_start == 0) { return 0; } assert(port < _n_midi_out); UInt64 ts = AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos(_send_start); ts += reltime_ns; // TODO use a single packet list.. queue all events first.. MIDIPacketList pl; pl.numPackets = 1; MIDIPacket *mp = &(pl.packet[0]); mp->timeStamp = AudioConvertNanosToHostTime(ts); mp->length = s; assert(s < 256); memcpy(mp->data, d, s); MIDISend(_output_ports[port], _output_endpoints[port], &pl); return 0; } std::string CoreMidiIo::port_id (uint32_t port, bool input) { std::stringstream ss; if (input) { ss << "system:midi_capture_"; SInt32 id; if (noErr == MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(_input_endpoints[port], kMIDIPropertyUniqueID, &id)) { ss << (unsigned int)id; } else { ss << port; } } else { ss << "system:midi_playback_"; SInt32 id; if (noErr == MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(_output_endpoints[port], kMIDIPropertyUniqueID, &id)) { ss << (unsigned int)id; } else { ss << port; } } return ss.str(); } std::string CoreMidiIo::port_name (uint32_t port, bool input) { if (input) { if (port < _n_midi_in) { return getDisplayName(_input_endpoints[port]); } } else { if (port < _n_midi_out) { return getDisplayName(_output_endpoints[port]); } } return ""; } void CoreMidiIo::start () { _run = true; if (!_midi_client) { OSStatus err; err = MIDIClientCreate(CFSTR("Ardour"), ¬ifyProc, this, &_midi_client); if (noErr != err) { fprintf(stderr, "Creating Midi Client failed\n"); } } discover(); } void CoreMidiIo::stop () { _run = false; pthread_mutex_lock (&_discovery_lock); cleanup(); pthread_mutex_unlock (&_discovery_lock); #if 0 if (_midi_client) { MIDIClientDispose(_midi_client); _midi_client = 0; } #endif } void CoreMidiIo::discover() { if (!_run || !_midi_client) { return; } if (pthread_mutex_trylock (&_discovery_lock)) { return; } cleanup(); ItemCount srcCount = MIDIGetNumberOfSources(); ItemCount dstCount = MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations(); if (srcCount > 0) { _input_ports = (MIDIPortRef *) malloc (srcCount * sizeof(MIDIPortRef)); _input_endpoints = (MIDIEndpointRef*) malloc (srcCount * sizeof(MIDIEndpointRef)); _input_queue = (CoreMIDIQueue*) calloc (srcCount, sizeof(CoreMIDIQueue)); _rb = (PBD::RingBuffer **) malloc (srcCount * sizeof(PBD::RingBuffer*)); } if (dstCount > 0) { _output_ports = (MIDIPortRef *) malloc (dstCount * sizeof(MIDIPortRef)); _output_endpoints = (MIDIEndpointRef*) malloc (dstCount * sizeof(MIDIEndpointRef)); } for (ItemCount i = 0; i < srcCount; i++) { OSStatus err; MIDIEndpointRef src = MIDIGetSource(i); if (!src) continue; #ifndef NDEBUG printf("MIDI IN DEVICE: %s\n", getDisplayName(src).c_str()); #endif CFStringRef port_name; port_name = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("midi_capture_%lu"), i); err = MIDIInputPortCreate (_midi_client, port_name, midiInputCallback, this, &_input_ports[_n_midi_in]); if (noErr != err) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create Midi Output\n"); continue; } _rb[_n_midi_in] = new PBD::RingBuffer(32768); _input_queue[_n_midi_in] = CoreMIDIQueue(); MIDIPortConnectSource(_input_ports[_n_midi_in], src, (void*) _rb[_n_midi_in]); CFRelease(port_name); _input_endpoints[_n_midi_in] = src; ++_n_midi_in; } for (ItemCount i = 0; i < dstCount; i++) { MIDIEndpointRef dst = MIDIGetDestination(i); CFStringRef port_name; port_name = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("midi_playback_%lu"), i); OSStatus err; err = MIDIOutputPortCreate (_midi_client, port_name, &_output_ports[_n_midi_out]); if (noErr != err) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create Midi Output\n"); continue; } #ifndef NDEBUG printf("MIDI OUT DEVICE: %s\n", getDisplayName(dst).c_str()); #endif MIDIPortConnectSource(_output_ports[_n_midi_out], dst, NULL); CFRelease(port_name); _output_endpoints[_n_midi_out] = dst; ++_n_midi_out; } if (_changed_callback) { _changed_callback(_changed_arg); } _active = true; pthread_mutex_unlock (&_discovery_lock); }