/* Copyright (C) 2003 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/stacktrace.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "ardour/ardour.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/gui_thread.h" #include "canvas/container.h" #include "canvas/rectangle.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "canvas/text.h" #include "canvas/colors.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" /* * ardour_ui.h was moved up in the include list * due to a conflicting definition of 'Rect' between * Apple's MacTypes.h file and GTK */ #include "public_editor.h" #include "time_axis_view_item.h" #include "time_axis_view.h" #include "utils.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Editing; using namespace Glib; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; Pango::FontDescription TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_FONT; const double TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_X_OFFSET = 15.0; const double TimeAxisViewItem::GRAB_HANDLE_TOP = 0.0; const double TimeAxisViewItem::GRAB_HANDLE_WIDTH = 10.0; int TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_HEIGHT; double TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_Y_OFFSET; double TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE; double TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_HIGHLIGHT_THRESH; void TimeAxisViewItem::set_constant_heights () { NAME_FONT = Pango::FontDescription (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_SmallFont()); Gtk::Window win; Gtk::Label foo; win.add (foo); Glib::RefPtr layout = foo.create_pango_layout (X_("Hg")); /* ascender + descender */ int width = 0; int height = 0; layout->set_font_description (NAME_FONT); get_pixel_size (layout, width, height); layout = foo.create_pango_layout (X_("H")); /* just the ascender */ NAME_HEIGHT = height; /* Config->get_show_name_highlight) == true: Y_OFFSET is measured from bottom of the time axis view item. Config->get_show_name_highlight) == false: Y_OFFSET is measured from the top of the time axis view item. */ if (Config->get_show_name_highlight()) { NAME_Y_OFFSET = height + 1; NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE = height + 2; } else { NAME_Y_OFFSET = 3; NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE = 0; } NAME_HIGHLIGHT_THRESH = NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE * 3; } /** * Construct a new TimeAxisViewItem. * * @param it_name the unique name of this item * @param parent the parent canvas group * @param tv the TimeAxisView we are going to be added to * @param spu samples per unit * @param base_color * @param start the start point of this item * @param duration the duration of this item * @param recording true if this is a recording region view * @param automation true if this is an automation region view */ TimeAxisViewItem::TimeAxisViewItem( const string & it_name, ArdourCanvas::Item& parent, TimeAxisView& tv, double spu, uint32_t base_color, framepos_t start, framecnt_t duration, bool recording, bool automation, Visibility vis ) : trackview (tv) , frame_position (-1) , item_name (it_name) , selection_frame (0) , _height (1.0) , _recregion (recording) , _automation (automation) , _dragging (false) , _width (0.0) { init (&parent, spu, base_color, start, duration, vis, true, true); } TimeAxisViewItem::TimeAxisViewItem (const TimeAxisViewItem& other) : trackable (other) , Selectable (other) , PBD::ScopedConnectionList() , trackview (other.trackview) , frame_position (-1) , item_name (other.item_name) , selection_frame (0) , _height (1.0) , _recregion (other._recregion) , _automation (other._automation) , _dragging (other._dragging) , _width (0.0) { /* share the other's parent, but still create a new group */ ArdourCanvas::Item* parent = other.group->parent(); _selected = other._selected; init (parent, other.samples_per_pixel, other.fill_color, other.frame_position, other.item_duration, other.visibility, other.wide_enough_for_name, other.high_enough_for_name); } void TimeAxisViewItem::init (ArdourCanvas::Item* parent, double fpp, uint32_t base_color, framepos_t start, framepos_t duration, Visibility vis, bool wide, bool high) { group = new ArdourCanvas::Container (parent); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (group, string_compose ("TAVI group for %1", get_item_name())); group->Event.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisViewItem::canvas_group_event)); fill_color = base_color; samples_per_pixel = fpp; frame_position = start; item_duration = duration; name_connected = false; position_locked = false; max_item_duration = ARDOUR::max_framepos; min_item_duration = 0; show_vestigial = true; visibility = vis; _sensitive = true; name_text_width = 0; last_item_width = 0; wide_enough_for_name = wide; high_enough_for_name = high; rect_visible = true; vestigial_frame = 0; if (duration == 0) { warning << "Time Axis Item Duration == 0" << endl; } if (visibility & ShowFrame) { frame = new ArdourCanvas::TimeRectangle (group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(duration), trackview.current_height())); frame->set_outline_what (ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::What (ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::LEFT|ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::RIGHT)); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (frame, string_compose ("frame for %1", get_item_name())); if (_recregion) { frame->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("recording rect")); } else { frame->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("time axis frame")); } } if (Config->get_show_name_highlight() && (visibility & ShowNameHighlight)) { double width; double start = 1.0; if (visibility & FullWidthNameHighlight) { width = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(item_duration); } else { width = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(item_duration) - 2.0; } name_highlight = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (start, trackview.current_height() - TimeAxisViewItem::NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE, width - 2.0, trackview.current_height() - 1.0)); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (name_highlight, string_compose ("name highlight for %1", get_item_name())); name_highlight->set_data ("timeaxisviewitem", this); name_highlight->set_outline_what (ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::TOP); name_highlight->set_outline_color (RGBA_TO_UINT (0,0,0,255)); } else { name_highlight = 0; } if (visibility & ShowNameText) { name_text = new ArdourCanvas::Text (group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (name_text, string_compose ("name text for %1", get_item_name())); if (Config->get_show_name_highlight()) { name_text->set_position (ArdourCanvas::Duple (NAME_X_OFFSET, trackview.current_height() - NAME_Y_OFFSET)); } else { name_text->set_position (ArdourCanvas::Duple (NAME_X_OFFSET, NAME_Y_OFFSET)); } name_text->set_font_description (NAME_FONT); name_text->set_ignore_events (true); } else { name_text = 0; } /* create our grab handles used for trimming/duration etc */ if (!_recregion && !_automation) { double top = TimeAxisViewItem::GRAB_HANDLE_TOP; double width = TimeAxisViewItem::GRAB_HANDLE_WIDTH; frame_handle_start = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, top, width, trackview.current_height())); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (frame_handle_start, "TAVI frame handle start"); frame_handle_start->set_outline (false); frame_handle_start->set_fill (false); frame_handle_start->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisViewItem::frame_handle_crossing), frame_handle_start)); frame_handle_end = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, top, width, trackview.current_height())); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (frame_handle_end, "TAVI frame handle end"); frame_handle_end->set_outline (false); frame_handle_end->set_fill (false); frame_handle_end->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisViewItem::frame_handle_crossing), frame_handle_end)); } else { frame_handle_start = frame_handle_end = 0; } set_color (base_color); set_duration (item_duration, this); set_position (start, this); Config->ParameterChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&TimeAxisViewItem::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context ()); ARDOUR_UI::config()->ParameterChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisViewItem::parameter_changed)); } TimeAxisViewItem::~TimeAxisViewItem() { delete group; } bool TimeAxisViewItem::canvas_group_event (GdkEvent* /*ev*/) { return false; } void TimeAxisViewItem::hide_rect () { rect_visible = false; set_frame_color (); if (name_highlight) { name_highlight->set_outline_what (ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::What (0)); name_highlight->set_fill_color (UINT_RGBA_CHANGE_A (fill_color, 64)); } } void TimeAxisViewItem::show_rect () { rect_visible = true; set_frame_color (); if (name_highlight) { name_highlight->set_outline_what (ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::TOP); name_highlight->set_fill_color (fill_color); } } /** * Set the position of this item on the timeline. * * @param pos the new position * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @return true on success */ bool TimeAxisViewItem::set_position(framepos_t pos, void* src, double* delta) { if (position_locked) { return false; } frame_position = pos; double new_unit_pos = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (pos); if (delta) { (*delta) = new_unit_pos - group->position().x; if (*delta == 0.0) { return true; } } else { if (new_unit_pos == group->position().x) { return true; } } group->set_x_position (new_unit_pos); PositionChanged (frame_position, src); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ return true; } /** @return position of this item on the timeline */ framepos_t TimeAxisViewItem::get_position() const { return frame_position; } /** * Set the duration of this item. * * @param dur the new duration of this item * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change * @return true on success */ bool TimeAxisViewItem::set_duration (framecnt_t dur, void* src) { if ((dur > max_item_duration) || (dur < min_item_duration)) { warning << string_compose ( P_("new duration %1 frame is out of bounds for %2", "new duration of %1 frames is out of bounds for %2", dur), get_item_name(), dur) << endmsg; return false; } if (dur == 0) { group->hide(); } item_duration = dur; reset_width_dependent_items (trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (dur)); DurationChanged (dur, src); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ return true; } /** @return duration of this item */ framepos_t TimeAxisViewItem::get_duration() const { return item_duration; } /** * Set the maximum duration that this item can have. * * @param dur the new maximum duration * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_max_duration(framecnt_t dur, void* src) { max_item_duration = dur; MaxDurationChanged(max_item_duration, src); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } /** @return the maximum duration that this item may have */ framecnt_t TimeAxisViewItem::get_max_duration() const { return max_item_duration; } /** * Set the minimum duration that this item may have. * * @param the minimum duration that this item may be set to * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_min_duration(framecnt_t dur, void* src) { min_item_duration = dur; MinDurationChanged(max_item_duration, src); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } /** @return the minimum duration that this item mey have */ framecnt_t TimeAxisViewItem::get_min_duration() const { return min_item_duration; } /** * Set whether this item is locked to its current position. * Locked items cannot be moved until the item is unlocked again. * * @param yn true to lock this item to its current position * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_position_locked(bool yn, void* src) { position_locked = yn; set_trim_handle_colors(); PositionLockChanged (position_locked, src); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } /** @return true if this item is locked to its current position */ bool TimeAxisViewItem::get_position_locked() const { return position_locked; } /** * Set whether the maximum duration constraint is active. * * @param active set true to enforce the max duration constraint * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_max_duration_active (bool active, void* /*src*/) { max_duration_active = active; } /** @return true if the maximum duration constraint is active */ bool TimeAxisViewItem::get_max_duration_active() const { return max_duration_active; } /** * Set whether the minimum duration constraint is active. * * @param active set true to enforce the min duration constraint * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_min_duration_active (bool active, void* /*src*/) { min_duration_active = active; } /** @return true if the maximum duration constraint is active */ bool TimeAxisViewItem::get_min_duration_active() const { return min_duration_active; } /** * Set the name of this item. * * @param new_name the new name of this item * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_item_name(std::string new_name, void* src) { if (new_name != item_name) { std::string temp_name = item_name; item_name = new_name; NameChanged (item_name, temp_name, src); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } } /** @return the name of this item */ std::string TimeAxisViewItem::get_item_name() const { return item_name; } /** * Set selection status. * * @param yn true if this item is currently selected */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_selected(bool yn) { if (_selected == yn) { return; } Selectable::set_selected (yn); set_frame_color (); set_name_text_color (); if (_selected && frame) { if (!selection_frame) { selection_frame = new ArdourCanvas::TimeRectangle (group); selection_frame->set_fill (false); selection_frame->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("selected time axis frame")); selection_frame->set_ignore_events (true); } selection_frame->set (frame->get().shrink (1.0)); selection_frame->show (); } else { if (selection_frame) { selection_frame->hide (); } } } /** @return the TimeAxisView that this item is on */ TimeAxisView& TimeAxisViewItem::get_time_axis_view () const { return trackview; } /** * Set the displayed item text. * This item is the visual text name displayed on the canvas item, this can be different to the name of the item. * * @param new_name the new name text to display */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_name_text(const string& new_name) { if (!name_text) { return; } name_text_width = pixel_width (new_name, NAME_FONT) + 2; name_text->set (new_name); } /** * Set the height of this item. * * @param h new height */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_height (double height) { _height = height; manage_name_highlight (); if (visibility & ShowNameText) { if (Config->get_show_name_highlight()) { name_text->set_y_position (height - NAME_Y_OFFSET); } else { name_text->set_y_position (NAME_Y_OFFSET); } } if (frame) { frame->set_y0 (1.0); frame->set_y1 (height); if (frame_handle_start) { frame_handle_start->set_y1 (height); frame_handle_end->set_y1 (height); } if (selection_frame) { selection_frame->set (frame->get().shrink (1.0)); } } if (vestigial_frame) { vestigial_frame->set_y0 (1.0); vestigial_frame->set_y1 (height); } set_colors (); } void TimeAxisViewItem::manage_name_highlight () { if (!name_highlight) { return; } if (_height < NAME_HIGHLIGHT_THRESH) { high_enough_for_name = false; } else { high_enough_for_name = true; } if (_width < 2.0) { wide_enough_for_name = false; } else { wide_enough_for_name = true; } if (name_highlight && wide_enough_for_name && high_enough_for_name) { name_highlight->show(); name_highlight->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (1.0, (double) _height - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE, _width, (double) _height - 1.0)); } else { name_highlight->hide(); } manage_name_text (); } void TimeAxisViewItem::set_color (uint32_t base_color) { fill_color = base_color; set_colors (); } ArdourCanvas::Item* TimeAxisViewItem::get_canvas_frame() { return frame; } ArdourCanvas::Item* TimeAxisViewItem::get_canvas_group() { return group; } ArdourCanvas::Item* TimeAxisViewItem::get_name_highlight() { return name_highlight; } /** * Convenience method to set the various canvas item colors */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_colors() { set_frame_color (); if (name_highlight) { name_highlight->set_fill_color (fill_color); } set_name_text_color (); set_trim_handle_colors(); } void TimeAxisViewItem::set_name_text_color () { if (!name_text) { return; } uint32_t f; if (Config->get_show_name_highlight()) { /* name text will always be on top of name highlight, which will always use our fill color. */ f = fill_color; } else { /* name text will be on top of the item, whose color may vary depending on various conditions. */ f = get_fill_color (); } name_text->set_color (ArdourCanvas::contrasting_text_color (f)); } uint32_t TimeAxisViewItem::fill_opacity () const { if (!rect_visible) { /* if the frame/rect is marked as "invisible", then the fill should be translucent.parent. */ return 64; } if (_dragging) { return 130; } uint32_t col = ARDOUR_UI::config()->color_mod ("region base", "region base"); return UINT_RGBA_A (col); } uint32_t TimeAxisViewItem::get_fill_color () const { uint32_t f; uint32_t o; o = fill_opacity (); if (_selected) { f = ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("selected region base"); if (o == 0) { /* some condition of this item has set fill opacity to * zero, but it has been selected, so use a mid-way * alpha value to make it reasonably visible. */ o = 130; } } else { if (_recregion) { f = ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("recording rect"); } else { if ((!Config->get_show_name_highlight() || high_enough_for_name) && !ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_color_regions_using_track_color()) { f = ARDOUR_UI::config()->color_mod ("region base", "region base"); } else { f = fill_color; } } } return UINT_RGBA_CHANGE_A (f, o); } /** * Sets the frame color depending on whether this item is selected */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_frame_color() { if (!frame) { return; } frame->set_fill_color (get_fill_color()); set_frame_gradient (); if (!_recregion) { uint32_t f = ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("time axis frame"); if (!rect_visible) { /* make the frame outline be visible but rather transparent */ f = UINT_RGBA_CHANGE_A (f, 64); } frame->set_outline_color (f); } } void TimeAxisViewItem::set_frame_gradient () { if (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_timeline_item_gradient_depth() == 0.0) { frame->set_gradient (ArdourCanvas::Fill::StopList (), 0); return; } ArdourCanvas::Fill::StopList stops; double r, g, b, a; double h, s, v; ArdourCanvas::Color f (get_fill_color()); /* need to get alpha value */ ArdourCanvas::color_to_rgba (f, r, g, b, a); stops.push_back (std::make_pair (0.0, f)); /* now a darker version */ ArdourCanvas::color_to_hsv (f, h, s, v); v = min (1.0, v * (1.0 - ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_timeline_item_gradient_depth())); ArdourCanvas::Color darker = ArdourCanvas::hsva_to_color (h, s, v, a); stops.push_back (std::make_pair (1.0, darker)); frame->set_gradient (stops, true); } /** * Set the colors of the start and end trim handle depending on object state */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_trim_handle_colors() { #if 1 /* Leave them transparent for now */ if (frame_handle_start) { frame_handle_start->set_fill_color (0x00000000); frame_handle_end->set_fill_color (0x00000000); } #else if (frame_handle_start) { if (position_locked) { frame_handle_start->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_TrimHandleLocked()); frame_handle_end->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_TrimHandleLocked()); } else { frame_handle_start->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_TrimHandle()); frame_handle_end->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_TrimHandle()); } } #endif } bool TimeAxisViewItem::frame_handle_crossing (GdkEvent* ev, ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* item) { switch (ev->type) { case GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY: /* always hide the handle whenever we leave, no matter what mode */ item->set_fill (false); break; case GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY: if (trackview.editor().effective_mouse_mode() == Editing::MouseObject && !trackview.editor().internal_editing()) { /* never set this to be visible in internal edit mode. Note, however, that we do need to undo visibility (LEAVE_NOTIFY case above) no matter what the mode is. */ item->set_fill (true); } break; default: break; } return false; } /** @return the frames per pixel */ double TimeAxisViewItem::get_samples_per_pixel () const { return samples_per_pixel; } /** Set the frames per pixel of this item. * This item is used to determine the relative visual size and position of this item * based upon its duration and start value. * * @param fpp the new frames per pixel */ void TimeAxisViewItem::set_samples_per_pixel (double fpp) { samples_per_pixel = fpp; set_position (this->get_position(), this); reset_width_dependent_items ((double) get_duration() / samples_per_pixel); } void TimeAxisViewItem::reset_width_dependent_items (double pixel_width) { _width = pixel_width; manage_name_highlight (); manage_name_text (); if (pixel_width < 2.0) { if (show_vestigial) { if (!vestigial_frame) { vestigial_frame = new ArdourCanvas::TimeRectangle (group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, 2.0, trackview.current_height())); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (vestigial_frame, string_compose ("vestigial frame for %1", get_item_name())); vestigial_frame->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("vestigial frame")); vestigial_frame->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("vestigial frame")); vestigial_frame->set_outline_what (ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::What (ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::LEFT|ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::RIGHT)); } vestigial_frame->show(); } if (frame) { frame->hide(); } if (frame_handle_start) { frame_handle_start->hide(); frame_handle_end->hide(); } } else { if (vestigial_frame) { vestigial_frame->hide(); } if (frame) { frame->show(); frame->set_x1 (pixel_width); if (selection_frame) { selection_frame->set (frame->get().shrink (1.0)); } } if (frame_handle_start) { if (pixel_width < (3 * TimeAxisViewItem::GRAB_HANDLE_WIDTH)) { /* * there's less than GRAB_HANDLE_WIDTH of the region between * the right-hand end of frame_handle_start and the left-hand * end of frame_handle_end, so disable the handles */ frame_handle_start->hide(); frame_handle_end->hide(); } else { frame_handle_start->show(); frame_handle_end->set_x0 (pixel_width - (TimeAxisViewItem::GRAB_HANDLE_WIDTH)); frame_handle_end->set_x1 (pixel_width); frame_handle_end->show(); } } } } void TimeAxisViewItem::manage_name_text () { int visible_name_width; if (!name_text) { return; } if (!wide_enough_for_name || !high_enough_for_name) { name_text->hide (); return; } if (name_text->text().empty()) { name_text->hide (); } visible_name_width = name_text_width; if (visible_name_width > _width - NAME_X_OFFSET) { visible_name_width = _width - NAME_X_OFFSET; } if (visible_name_width < 1) { name_text->hide (); } else { name_text->clamp_width (visible_name_width); name_text->show (); } } /** * Callback used to remove this time axis item during the gtk idle loop. * This is used to avoid deleting the obejct while inside the remove_this_item * method. * * @param item the TimeAxisViewItem to remove. * @param src the identity of the object that initiated the change. */ gint TimeAxisViewItem::idle_remove_this_item(TimeAxisViewItem* item, void* src) { item->ItemRemoved (item->get_item_name(), src); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ delete item; item = 0; return false; } void TimeAxisViewItem::set_y (double y) { group->set_y_position (y); } void TimeAxisViewItem::parameter_changed (string p) { if (p == "color-regions-using-track-color") { set_colors (); } else if (p == "timeline-item-gradient-depth") { set_frame_gradient (); } } void TimeAxisViewItem::drag_start () { _dragging = true; set_frame_color (); } void TimeAxisViewItem::drag_end () { _dragging = false; set_frame_color (); }