/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2005 Taybin Rutkin * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nick Mainsbridge * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef __gtk_ardour_marker_h__ #define __gtk_ardour_marker_h__ #include #include #include #include "ardour/ardour.h" #include "pbd/signals.h" #include "canvas/fwd.h" #include "canvas/types.h" #include "canvas/circle.h" #include "canvas/text.h" namespace Temporal { class Point; class TempoPoint; class MeterPoint; class MusicTimePoint; } class PublicEditor; class RegionView; class TempoCurve; /** Location Marker * * Editor ruler representation of a location marker or range on the timeline. */ class ArdourMarker : public sigc::trackable { public: enum Type { Mark, Tempo, Meter, BBTPosition, SessionStart, ///< session start SessionEnd, ///< session end RangeStart, RangeEnd, LoopStart, LoopEnd, PunchIn, PunchOut, RegionCue, Cue, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, }; ArdourMarker (PublicEditor& editor, ArdourCanvas::Item &, std::string const& color_name, std::string const& text, Type, Temporal::timepos_t const & position, bool handle_events = true, RegionView* rv = 0); virtual ~ArdourMarker (); static PBD::Signal1 CatchDeletion; static void setup_sizes (const double timebar_height); ArdourCanvas::Item& the_item() const; void set_selected (bool); void set_entered (bool); void set_show_line (bool); void set_line_height (double); void set_position (Temporal::timepos_t const &); void set_name (const std::string&, const std::string & tooltip = std::string()); void set_color (std::string const& color_name); void set_points_color (std::string const& color_name); void setup_line (); ARDOUR::timepos_t position() const { return _position; } ArdourCanvas::Item * get_parent() { return _parent; } void reparent (ArdourCanvas::Item & parent); void hide (); void show (); Type type () { return _type; } void set_left_label_limit (double); void set_right_label_limit (double); std::string name () const { return _name; } bool label_on_left () const; /* this will be null for all global markers; non-null for region markers */ RegionView* region_view() const { return _region_view; } /* this will be -1 for all non-cue markers; or cue_index for cue markers */ void set_cue_index(int c) { _cue_index = c; set_name(_name); } int cue_index() const { return _cue_index; } protected: PublicEditor& editor; Pango::FontDescription name_font; ArdourCanvas::Item* _parent; ArdourCanvas::Item *group; ArdourCanvas::Circle *_pcue; ArdourCanvas::Polygon *_pmark; ArdourCanvas::Text *_name_item; ArdourCanvas::Points *points; ArdourCanvas::Line* _track_canvas_line; ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* _name_flag; std::string _name; double unit_position; ARDOUR::timepos_t _position; double _shift; Type _type; int name_height; bool _selected; bool _entered; bool _shown; bool _line_shown; std::string _color; std::string _points_color; double _left_label_limit; ///< the number of pixels available to the left of this marker for a label double _right_label_limit; ///< the number of pixels available to the right of this marker for a label double _label_offset; double _line_height; RegionView* _region_view; int _cue_index; virtual void reposition (); void setup_line_x (); void setup_name_display (); private: /* disallow copy construction */ ArdourMarker (ArdourMarker const &); ArdourMarker & operator= (ArdourMarker const &); static uint32_t color (std::string const&); void apply_color (); void color_handler (); }; class SelectionMarker : public ArdourMarker { public: SelectionMarker (PublicEditor& ed, ArdourCanvas::Item& parent, std::string const& color_name, Type); }; class MetricMarker : public ArdourMarker { public: MetricMarker (PublicEditor& ed, ArdourCanvas::Item& parent, std::string const& color_name, const std::string& annotation, Type type, Temporal::timepos_t const & pos, bool handle_events); virtual Temporal::Point const & point() const = 0; virtual void update() = 0; }; class TempoMarker : public MetricMarker { public: TempoMarker (PublicEditor& editor, ArdourCanvas::Item & parent, ArdourCanvas::Item & text_parent, std::string const& color_name, const std::string& text, Temporal::TempoPoint const &, samplepos_t sample, uint32_t curve_color); ~TempoMarker (); void reset_tempo (Temporal::TempoPoint const & t); void update (); void reposition (); Temporal::TempoPoint const & tempo() const { return *_tempo; } Temporal::Point const & point() const; TempoCurve& curve(); private: Temporal::TempoPoint const * _tempo; TempoCurve* _curve; ArdourCanvas::Text* _mapping_text; }; class MeterMarker : public MetricMarker { public: MeterMarker (PublicEditor& editor, ArdourCanvas::Item &, std::string const& color_name, const std::string& text, Temporal::MeterPoint const &); ~MeterMarker (); void reset_meter (Temporal::MeterPoint const & m); void update (); Temporal::MeterPoint const & meter() const { return *_meter; } Temporal::Point const & point() const; private: Temporal::MeterPoint const * _meter; }; class BBTMarker : public MetricMarker { public: BBTMarker (PublicEditor& editor, ArdourCanvas::Item &, std::string const& color_name, Temporal::MusicTimePoint const &); ~BBTMarker (); void reset_point (Temporal::MusicTimePoint const &); void update (); Temporal::MusicTimePoint const & mt_point() const { return *_point; } Temporal::Point const & point() const; private: Temporal::MusicTimePoint const * _point; }; #endif /* __gtk_ardour_marker_h__ */