/* Copyright (C) 2001 Brett Viren & Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace sigc; UndoTransaction::UndoTransaction () : _clearing(false) { gettimeofday (&_timestamp, 0); } UndoTransaction::UndoTransaction (const UndoTransaction& rhs) : Command(rhs._name) , _clearing(false) { clear (); actions.insert(actions.end(),rhs.actions.begin(),rhs.actions.end()); } UndoTransaction::~UndoTransaction () { GoingAway (); clear (); } void command_death (UndoTransaction* ut, Command* c) { if (ut->clearing()) { return; } ut->remove_command (c); if (ut->empty()) { delete ut; } } UndoTransaction& UndoTransaction::operator= (const UndoTransaction& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; _name = rhs._name; clear (); actions.insert(actions.end(),rhs.actions.begin(),rhs.actions.end()); return *this; } void UndoTransaction::add_command (Command *const action) { /* catch death of command (e.g. caused by death of object to which it refers. */ shivas.push_back (new PBD::ProxyShiva (*action, *this, &command_death)); actions.push_back (action); } void UndoTransaction::remove_command (Command* const action) { actions.remove (action); } void UndoTransaction::about_to_explicitly_delete () { /* someone is going to call our destructor and its not Shiva, the god of destruction and chaos. This happens when an UndoHistory is pruning itself. we must remove Shivas to avoid the god striking us down a second time, unnecessarily and illegally. */ for (list*>::iterator i = shivas.begin(); i != shivas.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } shivas.clear (); } bool UndoTransaction::empty () const { return actions.empty(); } void UndoTransaction::clear () { _clearing = true; for (list::iterator i = actions.begin(); i != actions.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } actions.clear (); _clearing = false; } void UndoTransaction::operator() () { for (list::iterator i = actions.begin(); i != actions.end(); ++i) { (*(*i))(); } } void UndoTransaction::undo () { for (list::reverse_iterator i = actions.rbegin(); i != actions.rend(); ++i) { (*i)->undo(); } } void UndoTransaction::redo () { (*this)(); } XMLNode &UndoTransaction::get_state() { XMLNode *node = new XMLNode ("UndoTransaction"); stringstream ss; ss << _timestamp.tv_sec; node->add_property("tv_sec", ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << _timestamp.tv_usec; node->add_property("tv_usec", ss.str()); node->add_property("name", _name); list::iterator it; for (it=actions.begin(); it!=actions.end(); it++) node->add_child_nocopy((*it)->get_state()); return *node; } UndoHistory::UndoHistory () { _clearing = false; _depth = 0; } void UndoHistory::set_depth (uint32_t d) { UndoTransaction* ut; uint32_t current_depth = UndoList.size(); _depth = d; if (d > current_depth) { /* not even transactions to meet request */ return; } if (_depth > 0) { uint32_t cnt = current_depth - d; while (cnt--) { ut = UndoList.front(); UndoList.pop_front (); ut->about_to_explicitly_delete (); delete ut; } } } void UndoHistory::add (UndoTransaction* const ut) { uint32_t current_depth = UndoList.size(); ut->GoingAway.connect (bind (mem_fun (*this, &UndoHistory::remove), ut)); /* if the current undo history is larger than or equal to the currently requested depth, then pop off at least 1 element to make space at the back for new one. */ if ((_depth > 0) && current_depth && (current_depth >= _depth)) { uint32_t cnt = 1 + (current_depth - _depth); while (cnt--) { UndoTransaction* ut; ut = UndoList.front (); UndoList.pop_front (); ut->about_to_explicitly_delete (); delete ut; } } UndoList.push_back (ut); /* we are now owners of the transaction and must delete it when finished with it */ Changed (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UndoHistory::remove (UndoTransaction* const ut) { if (_clearing) { return; } UndoList.remove (ut); RedoList.remove (ut); Changed (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } /** Undo some transactions. * @param n Number of transactions to undo. */ void UndoHistory::undo (unsigned int n) { while (n--) { if (UndoList.size() == 0) { return; } UndoTransaction* ut = UndoList.back (); UndoList.pop_back (); ut->undo (); RedoList.push_back (ut); } Changed (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UndoHistory::redo (unsigned int n) { while (n--) { if (RedoList.size() == 0) { return; } UndoTransaction* ut = RedoList.back (); RedoList.pop_back (); ut->redo (); UndoList.push_back (ut); } Changed (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UndoHistory::clear_redo () { _clearing = true; RedoList.clear (); _clearing = false; Changed (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UndoHistory::clear_undo () { _clearing = true; UndoList.clear (); _clearing = false; Changed (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UndoHistory::clear () { clear_undo (); clear_redo (); Changed (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } XMLNode& UndoHistory::get_state (int32_t depth) { XMLNode *node = new XMLNode ("UndoHistory"); if (depth == 0) { return (*node); } else if (depth < 0) { /* everything */ for (list::iterator it = UndoList.begin(); it != UndoList.end(); ++it) { node->add_child_nocopy((*it)->get_state()); } } else { /* just the last "depth" transactions */ list in_order; for (list::reverse_iterator it = UndoList.rbegin(); it != UndoList.rend() && depth; ++it, depth--) { in_order.push_front (*it); } for (list::iterator it = in_order.begin(); it != in_order.end(); it++) { node->add_child_nocopy((*it)->get_state()); } } return *node; }