/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2019 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2005 Taybin Rutkin * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jesse Chappell * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2007 Doug McLain * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2016 Nick Mainsbridge * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/region.h" #include "ardour/track.h" #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "canvas/rectangle.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "audio_region_view.h" #include "streamview.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "route_time_axis.h" #include "region_gain_line.h" #include "region_selection.h" #include "selection.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "timers.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Editing; StreamView::StreamView (RouteTimeAxisView& tv, ArdourCanvas::Container* canvas_group) : _trackview (tv) , _canvas_group (canvas_group ? canvas_group : new ArdourCanvas::Container (_trackview.canvas_display())) , _samples_per_pixel (_trackview.editor().get_current_zoom ()) , rec_updating(false) , rec_active(false) , stream_base_color(0xFFFFFFFF) , _layers (1) , _layer_display (Overlaid) , height (tv.height) , last_rec_data_sample(0) { CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_canvas_group, string_compose ("SV canvas group %1", _trackview.name())); /* set_position() will position the group */ canvas_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (_canvas_group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (canvas_rect, string_compose ("SV canvas rectangle %1", _trackview.name())); canvas_rect->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, tv.current_height ())); canvas_rect->set_outline (false); canvas_rect->set_fill (true); canvas_rect->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (_trackview.editor(), &PublicEditor::canvas_stream_view_event), canvas_rect, &_trackview)); if (_trackview.is_track()) { _trackview.track()->rec_enable_control()->Changed.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StreamView::rec_enable_changed, this), gui_context()); _trackview.session()->TransportStateChange.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StreamView::transport_changed, this), gui_context()); _trackview.session()->TransportLooped.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StreamView::transport_looped, this), gui_context()); _trackview.session()->RecordStateChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StreamView::sess_rec_enable_changed, this), gui_context()); } UIConfiguration::instance().ColorsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StreamView::color_handler)); } StreamView::~StreamView () { delete canvas_rect; } void StreamView::attach () { if (_trackview.is_track()) { display_track (_trackview.track ()); } } int StreamView::set_position (gdouble x, gdouble y) { _canvas_group->set_position (ArdourCanvas::Duple (x, y)); return 0; } int StreamView::set_height (double h) { /* limit the values to something sane-ish */ if (h < 10.0 || h > 2500.0) { return -1; } if (height == h) { return 0; } height = h; canvas_rect->set_y1 (height); update_contents_height (); return 0; } int StreamView::set_samples_per_pixel (double fpp) { RegionViewList::iterator i; if (fpp < 1.0) { return -1; } if (fpp == _samples_per_pixel) { return 0; } _samples_per_pixel = fpp; for (i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_samples_per_pixel (fpp); } for (vector::iterator xi = rec_rects.begin(); xi != rec_rects.end(); ++xi) { RecBoxInfo &recbox = (*xi); ArdourCanvas::Coord const xstart = _trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (recbox.start); ArdourCanvas::Coord const xend = _trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (recbox.start + recbox.length); recbox.rectangle->set_x0 (xstart); recbox.rectangle->set_x1 (xend); } update_coverage_frame (); return 0; } void StreamView::add_region_view (std::weak_ptr wr) { std::shared_ptr r (wr.lock()); if (!r) { return; } add_region_view_internal (r, true); if (_layer_display == Stacked || _layer_display == Expanded) { update_contents_height (); } } void StreamView::remove_region_view (std::weak_ptr weak_r) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &StreamView::remove_region_view, weak_r) std::shared_ptr r (weak_r.lock()); if (!r) { return; } bool clear_rec_rects = false; for (list,RegionView*> >::iterator i = rec_regions.begin(); i != rec_regions.end();) { if (i->first == r) { i = rec_regions.erase (i); clear_rec_rects = true; } else { ++i; } } if (clear_rec_rects) { for (auto const& i : rec_rects) { delete i.rectangle; } rec_rects.clear(); } for (list::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { if (((*i)->region()) == r) { RegionView* rv = *i; region_views.erase (i); delete rv; break; } } RegionViewRemoved (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void StreamView::undisplay_track () { RegionViewList copy (region_views); region_views.clear (); for (auto const & rv : copy) { delete rv; } } void StreamView::display_track (std::shared_ptr tr) { playlist_switched_connection.disconnect(); playlist_switched (tr); tr->PlaylistChanged.connect (playlist_switched_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StreamView::playlist_switched, this, std::weak_ptr (tr)), gui_context()); } void StreamView::layer_regions() { // In one traversal of the region view list: // - Build a list of region views sorted by layer // - Remove invalid views from the actual region view list RegionViewList copy; list::iterator i, tmp; for (i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ) { tmp = i; tmp++; if (!(*i)->is_valid()) { delete *i; region_views.erase (i); i = tmp; continue; } if (copy.size() == 0) { copy.push_front((*i)); i = tmp; continue; } RegionViewList::iterator k = copy.begin(); RegionViewList::iterator l = copy.end(); l--; if ((*i)->region()->layer() <= (*k)->region()->layer()) { copy.push_front((*i)); i = tmp; continue; } else if ((*i)->region()->layer() >= (*l)->region()->layer()) { copy.push_back((*i)); i = tmp; continue; } for (RegionViewList::iterator j = copy.begin(); j != copy.end(); ++j) { if ((*j)->region()->layer() >= (*i)->region()->layer()) { copy.insert(j, (*i)); break; } } i = tmp; } // Fix canvas layering by raising each to the top in the sorted order. for (RegionViewList::iterator i = copy.begin(); i != copy.end(); ++i) { (*i)->visual_layer_on_top (); } } void StreamView::playlist_layered (std::weak_ptr wtr) { std::shared_ptr tr (wtr.lock()); if (!tr) { return; } /* update layers count and the y positions and heights of our regions */ if (tr->playlist()) { _layers = tr->playlist()->top_layer() + 1; } if (_layer_display == Stacked) { update_contents_height (); /* tricky. playlist_changed() does this as well, and its really inefficient. */ update_coverage_frame (); } else { /* layering has probably been modified. reflect this in the canvas. */ layer_regions(); } } void StreamView::playlist_switched (std::weak_ptr wtr) { std::shared_ptr tr (wtr.lock()); if (!tr) { return; } /* disconnect from old playlist */ playlist_connections.drop_connections (); undisplay_track (); /* draw it */ tr->playlist()->freeze(); redisplay_track (); tr->playlist()->thaw(); /* update layers count and the y positions and heights of our regions */ _layers = tr->playlist()->top_layer() + 1; update_contents_height (); update_coverage_frame (); /* catch changes */ tr->playlist()->LayeringChanged.connect (playlist_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StreamView::playlist_layered, this, std::weak_ptr (tr)), gui_context()); tr->playlist()->RegionAdded.connect (playlist_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StreamView::add_region_view, this, _1), gui_context()); tr->playlist()->RegionRemoved.connect (playlist_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StreamView::remove_region_view, this, _1), gui_context()); tr->playlist()->ContentsChanged.connect (playlist_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StreamView::update_coverage_frame, this), gui_context()); } void StreamView::apply_color (Gdk::Color const& c, ColorTarget target) { return apply_color (Gtkmm2ext::gdk_color_to_rgba (c), target); } void StreamView::apply_color (uint32_t color, ColorTarget target) { list::iterator i; switch (target) { case RegionColor: region_color = color; for (i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_color (region_color); } break; case StreamBaseColor: stream_base_color = color; canvas_rect->set_fill_color (stream_base_color); break; } } void StreamView::region_layered (RegionView* rv) { /* don't ever leave it at the bottom, since then it doesn't get events - the parent group does instead ... */ rv->get_canvas_group()->raise (rv->region()->layer()); } void StreamView::rec_enable_changed () { setup_rec_box (); } void StreamView::sess_rec_enable_changed () { setup_rec_box (); } void StreamView::transport_changed() { setup_rec_box (); } void StreamView::transport_looped() { // to force a new rec region rec_active = false; Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->call_slot (invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StreamView::setup_rec_box, this)); } void StreamView::create_rec_box(samplepos_t sample_pos, double width) { const double xstart = _trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(sample_pos); const double xend = xstart + width; const uint32_t fill_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod("recording rect", "recording_rect"); ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* rec_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle(_canvas_group); rec_rect->set_x0(xstart); rec_rect->set_y0(0); rec_rect->set_x1(xend); rec_rect->set_y1(child_height ()); rec_rect->set_outline_what(ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::What(0)); rec_rect->set_outline_color(UIConfiguration::instance().color("recording rect")); rec_rect->set_fill_color(fill_color); rec_rect->lower_to_bottom(); RecBoxInfo recbox; recbox.rectangle = rec_rect; recbox.length = 0; if (rec_rects.empty()) { recbox.start = _trackview.session()->record_location (); } else { recbox.start = _trackview.session()->transport_sample (); } rec_rects.push_back (recbox); screen_update_connection.disconnect(); screen_update_connection = Timers::rapid_connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &StreamView::update_rec_box)); rec_updating = true; rec_active = true; } void StreamView::update_rec_box () { if (rec_active && rec_rects.size() > 0) { /* only update the last box */ RecBoxInfo & rect = rec_rects.back(); samplepos_t const at = _trackview.track()->current_capture_end (); double xstart; double xend; switch (_trackview.track()->mode()) { case NonLayered: case Normal: rect.length = at - rect.start; xstart = _trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (rect.start); xend = _trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (at); break; default: fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"), "illegal track mode") << endmsg; abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/ return; } rect.rectangle->set_x0 (xstart); rect.rectangle->set_x1 (xend); } } void StreamView::cleanup_rec_box () { if (rec_rects.empty() && rec_regions.empty()) { return; } /* disconnect rapid update */ screen_update_connection.disconnect(); rec_data_ready_connections.drop_connections (); rec_updating = false; rec_active = false; /* remove temp regions */ auto rr (rec_regions); for (auto const& i : rr) { i.first->drop_references (); } rec_regions.clear(); // cerr << "\tclear " << rec_rects.size() << " rec rects\n"; /* transport stopped, clear boxes */ for (auto const& i : rec_rects) { delete i.rectangle; } rec_rects.clear(); } RegionView* StreamView::find_view (std::shared_ptr region) { for (list::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->region() == region) { return *i; } } return 0; } uint32_t StreamView::num_selected_regionviews () const { uint32_t cnt = 0; for (list::const_iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->selected()) { ++cnt; } } return cnt; } void StreamView::foreach_regionview (sigc::slot slot) { for (list::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { slot (*i); } } void StreamView::foreach_selected_regionview (sigc::slot slot) { for (list::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->selected()) { slot (*i); } } } void StreamView::set_selected_regionviews (RegionSelection& regions) { bool selected; for (list::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { selected = false; /* Linear search: probably as good as anything else */ for (RegionSelection::iterator ii = regions.begin(); ii != regions.end(); ++ii) { if ((*i)->region() == (*ii)->region()) { selected = true; break; } } (*i)->set_selected (selected); } } /** Get selectable things within a given range. * @param start Start time in session samples. * @param end End time in session samples. * @param top Top y range, in trackview coordinates (ie 0 is the top of the track view) * @param bot Bottom y range, in trackview coordinates (ie 0 is the top of the track view) * @param result Filled in with selectable things. */ void StreamView::get_selectables (timepos_t const & start, timepos_t const & end, double top, double bottom, list& results, bool within) { layer_t min_layer = 0; layer_t max_layer = 0; if (_layer_display == Stacked) { double const c = child_height (); int const mi = _layers - ((bottom - _trackview.y_position()) / c); if (mi < 0) { min_layer = 0; } else { min_layer = mi; } int const ma = _layers - ((top - _trackview.y_position()) / c); if (ma > (int) _layers) { max_layer = _layers - 1; } else { max_layer = ma; } } for (list::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { bool layer_ok = true; if (_layer_display == Stacked) { layer_t const l = (*i)->region()->layer (); layer_ok = (min_layer <= l && l <= max_layer); } if (!layer_ok) { continue; } if ((within && (*i)->region()->coverage (start, end) == Temporal::OverlapExternal) || (!within && (*i)->region()->coverage (start, end) != Temporal::OverlapNone)) { if (_trackview.editor().internal_editing()) { AudioRegionView* arv = dynamic_cast (*i); if (arv && arv->fx_line ()) { /* Note: AutomationLine::get_selectables() uses trackview.current_height (), * disregarding Stacked layer display height */ double const c = height; // child_height (); // XXX double const y = (*i)->get_canvas_group ()->position().y; double t = 1.0 - std::min (1.0, std::max (0., (top - _trackview.y_position () - y) / c)); double b = 1.0 - std::min (1.0, std::max (0., (bottom - _trackview.y_position () - y) / c)); arv->fx_line()->get_selectables (start, end, b, t, results); } } else { results.push_back (*i); } } } } void StreamView::get_inverted_selectables (Selection& sel, list& results) { for (list::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { if (!sel.regions.contains (*i)) { results.push_back (*i); } } } void StreamView::get_regionviews_at_or_after (timepos_t const & pos, RegionSelection& regions) { for (list::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->region()->position() >= pos) { regions.push_back (*i); } } } /** @return height of a child region view, depending on stacked / overlaid mode */ double StreamView::child_height () const { switch (_layer_display) { case Overlaid: return height; case Stacked: return height / _layers; case Expanded: return height / (_layers * 2 + 1); } abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ return height; } void StreamView::update_contents_height () { const double h = child_height (); for (RegionViewList::iterator i = region_views.begin(); i != region_views.end(); ++i) { switch (_layer_display) { case Overlaid: (*i)->set_y (0); break; case Stacked: (*i)->set_y (height - ((*i)->region()->layer() + 1) * h); break; case Expanded: (*i)->set_y (height - ((*i)->region()->layer() + 1) * 2 * h); break; } (*i)->set_height (h); } for (vector::iterator i = rec_rects.begin(); i != rec_rects.end(); ++i) { switch (_layer_display) { case Overlaid: i->rectangle->set_y1 (height); break; case Stacked: case Expanded: /* In stacked displays, the recregion is always at the top */ i->rectangle->set_y0 (0); i->rectangle->set_y1 (h); break; } } ContentsHeightChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void StreamView::set_layer_display (LayerDisplay d) { _layer_display = d; if (_layer_display == Overlaid) { layer_regions (); } update_contents_height (); update_coverage_frame (); } void StreamView::update_coverage_frame () { for (RegionViewList::iterator i = region_views.begin (); i != region_views.end (); ++i) { (*i)->update_coverage_frame (_layer_display); } } void StreamView::check_record_layers (std::shared_ptr region, samplepos_t to) { if (_new_rec_layer_time < to) { /* The region being recorded has overlapped the start of a top-layered region, so `fake' a new visual layer for the recording. This is only a visual thing for now, as the proper layering will get sorted out when the recorded region is added to its playlist. */ /* Stop this happening again */ _new_rec_layer_time = max_samplepos; /* Make space in the view for the new layer */ ++_layers; /* Set the temporary region to the correct layer so that it gets drawn correctly */ region->set_layer (_layers - 1); /* and reset the view */ update_contents_height (); } } void StreamView::setup_new_rec_layer_time (std::shared_ptr region) { /* If we are in Stacked mode, we may need to (visually) create a new layer to put the recorded region in. To work out where this needs to happen, find the start of the next top-layered region after the start of the region we are recording and make a note of it. */ if (_layer_display == Stacked) { _new_rec_layer_time = _trackview.track()->playlist()->find_next_top_layer_position (region->position()).samples(); } else { _new_rec_layer_time = max_samplepos; } } void StreamView::parameter_changed (string const & what) { if (what == "show-region-name") { for (RegionViewList::iterator i = region_views.begin (); i != region_views.end (); ++i) { (*i)->update_visibility (); } } }