/* * Copyright © 2020 Luciano Iam * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ import loadToolkit from './tkloader.js'; import { BaseContainer, BaseControl } from './widget.js'; class Control extends BaseControl { get element () { return this.tk.element; } } class RangeControl extends Control { constructor (tk) { super(); this.tk = tk; this.lastValue = NaN; this.tk.add_event('useraction', (name, value) => { if ((name == 'value') && (this.lastValue != value)) { this.lastValue = value; this.callback(value); } }); } get value () { return this.tk.get('value'); } set value (val) { this.tk.set('value', val); } } class Knob extends RangeControl { constructor (options) { super(new TK.Knob(options)); } } export async function createRootContainer () { await loadToolkit(); const root = new Container(); root.tk = new TK.Root({id: 'root'}); document.body.appendChild(root.element); return root; } export class Container extends BaseContainer { constructor () { super(); this.tk = new TK.Container(); } get element () { return this.tk.element; } appendChild (child) { super.appendChild(child); this.tk.append_child(child.tk); } } export class Toggle extends Control { constructor () { super(new TK.Toggle()); this.tk.add_event('toggled', (state) => this.callback(state)); } get value () { return this.tk.get('state'); } set value (val) { this.tk.set('state', val); } } export class StripGainFader extends RangeControl { constructor () { super(new TK.Fader({ scale: 'decibel', min: -58.0, max: 6.0 })); } } export class StripMeter extends RangeControl { constructor () { super(new TK.LevelMeter({ show_scale: false, scale: 'decibel', min: -58.0, max: 6.0 })); } set value (val) { this.tk.set('value', val); } } export class LinearKnob extends Knob { constructor (min, max) { super({ scale: 'linear', min: min, max: max }); } } export class LogKnob extends Knob { constructor (min, max) { super({ scale: 'log2', min: min, max: max }); } } export class DiscreteKnob extends Knob { constructor (min, max, step) { super({ scale: 'linear', min: min, max: max, snap: step || 1 }); } } export class PanKnob extends Knob { constructor () { super({ //scale: 'linear', scale: (k) => 1.0 - k, min: 0, max: 1.0, hand: { width: 5, length: 15 } }); } }