/* * Copyright (C) 2024 Paul Davis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "ardour/midi_region.h" #include "ardour/midi_source.h" #include "ardour/midi_track.h" #include "ardour/triggerbox.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "canvas/box.h" #include "canvas/button.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "editing_context.h" #include "editor_drag.h" #include "hit.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "mergeable_line.h" #include "midi_cue_automation_line.h" #include "midi_cue_view.h" #include "midi_cue_velocity.h" #include "note.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "velocity_display.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; MidiCueView::MidiCueView (std::shared_ptr mt, uint32_t slot_index, ArdourCanvas::Item& parent, EditingContext& ec, MidiViewBackground& bg, uint32_t basic_color) : MidiView (mt, parent, ec, bg, basic_color) , velocity_display (nullptr) , _slot_index (slot_index) { CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_note_group, X_("note group for MIDI cue")); _needs_active_notes_for_rec_enabled_track = true; /* Containers don't get canvas events, so we need an invisible rect * that will. It will be resized as needed sothat it always covers the * entire canvas/view. */ event_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (&parent); event_rect->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, 10.)); event_rect->Event.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiCueView::canvas_event)); event_rect->set_fill (false); event_rect->set_outline (false); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (event_rect, "cue event rect"); _note_group->raise_to_top (); automation_group = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (&parent); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (automation_group, "cue automation group"); automation_group->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("midi automation track fill")); automation_group->set_data ("linemerger", this); velocity_display = new MidiCueVelocityDisplay (editing_context(), midi_context(), *this, *automation_group, 0x312244ff); for (auto & ev : _events) { velocity_display->add_note (ev.second); } velocity_display->hide (); button_bar = new ArdourCanvas::Box (&parent, ArdourCanvas::Box::Horizontal); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (button_bar, "button bar"); button_bar->set_spacing (12.); /* Right-side padding only */ button_bar->set_padding (0., 0., 0., 24.); button_bar->set_margin (5., 5., 5., 5.); Pango::FontDescription button_font = UIConfiguration::instance().get_NormalFont(); velocity_button = new ArdourCanvas::Button (button_bar, _("Velocity"), button_font); velocity_button->text()->set_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("neutral:foreground")); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (velocity_button, "velocity button"); bender_button = new ArdourCanvas::Button (button_bar, _("Bender"), button_font); bender_button->text()->set_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("neutral:foreground")); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (bender_button, "bender button"); pressure_button = new ArdourCanvas::Button (button_bar, _("Pressure"), button_font); pressure_button->text()->set_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("neutral:foreground")); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (pressure_button, "pressure button"); expression_button = new ArdourCanvas::Button (button_bar, _("Expression"), button_font); expression_button->text()->set_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("neutral:foreground")); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (expression_button, "expression button"); modulation_button = new ArdourCanvas::Button (button_bar, _("Modulation"), button_font); modulation_button->text()->set_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("neutral:foreground")); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (modulation_button, "modulation button"); velocity_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiCueView::automation_button_event), ARDOUR::MidiVelocityAutomation, 0)); pressure_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiCueView::automation_button_event), ARDOUR::MidiChannelPressureAutomation, 0)); bender_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiCueView::automation_button_event), ARDOUR::MidiPitchBenderAutomation, 0)); modulation_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiCueView::automation_button_event), ARDOUR::MidiCCAutomation, MIDI_CTL_MSB_MODWHEEL)); expression_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiCueView::automation_button_event), ARDOUR::MidiCCAutomation, MIDI_CTL_MSB_EXPRESSION)); set_extensible (true); Evoral::Parameter fully_qualified_param (ARDOUR::MidiVelocityAutomation, 0, 0); update_automation_display (fully_qualified_param, SelectionSet); } void MidiCueView::set_height (double h) { double bbw, bbh; button_bar->size_request (bbw, bbh); double note_area_height = ceil ((h - bbh) / 2.); double automation_height = ceil (h - bbh - note_area_height); event_rect->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, note_area_height)); midi_context().set_size (midi_context().width(), note_area_height); automation_group->set_position (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0., note_area_height)); automation_group->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (0., 0., ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, automation_height)); button_bar->size_allocate (ArdourCanvas::Rect (0., note_area_height + automation_height, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, note_area_height + automation_height + bbh)); for (auto & ads : automation_map) { ads.second.set_height (automation_height); } view_changed (); } ArdourCanvas::Item* MidiCueView::drag_group () const { return event_rect; } bool MidiCueView::canvas_event (GdkEvent* ev) { return MidiView::canvas_group_event (ev); } bool MidiCueView::scroll (GdkEventScroll* ev) { if (_editing_context.drags()->active()) { return false; } if (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier) || Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier)) { switch (ev->direction) { case GDK_SCROLL_UP: _editing_context.reset_zoom (_editing_context.get_current_zoom() / 2); return true; case GDK_SCROLL_DOWN: _editing_context.reset_zoom (_editing_context.get_current_zoom() * 2); return true; default: return false; } } return MidiView::scroll (ev); } void MidiCueView::set_samples_per_pixel (double spp) { std::shared_ptr map; Temporal::timecnt_t duration; if (_midi_region) { duration = Temporal::timecnt_t (_midi_region->midi_source()->length().beats()); map.reset (new Temporal::TempoMap (Temporal::Tempo (120, 4), Temporal::Meter (4, 4))); } else { duration = Temporal::timecnt_t (Temporal::Beats (4, 0)); map.reset (new Temporal::TempoMap (Temporal::Tempo (120, 4), Temporal::Meter (4, 4))); } EditingContext::TempoMapScope tms (_editing_context, map); reset_width_dependent_items (_editing_context.duration_to_pixels (duration)); } void MidiCueView::clear_ghost_events () { if (velocity_display) { velocity_display->clear (); } } void MidiCueView::ghosts_model_changed () { if (velocity_display) { velocity_display->clear (); for (auto & ev : _events) { velocity_display->add_note (ev.second); } } } void MidiCueView::ghosts_view_changed () { if (velocity_display) { velocity_display->redisplay(); } } void MidiCueView::ghost_remove_note (NoteBase* nb) { if (velocity_display) { velocity_display->remove_note (nb); } } void MidiCueView::ghost_add_note (NoteBase* nb) { if (velocity_display) { velocity_display->add_note (nb); } } void MidiCueView::ghost_sync_selection (NoteBase* nb) { if (velocity_display) { velocity_display->note_selected (nb); } } void MidiCueView::update_sustained (Note* n) { MidiView::update_sustained (n); if (velocity_display) { velocity_display->update_note (n); } } void MidiCueView::update_hit (Hit* h) { MidiView::update_hit (h); if (velocity_display) { velocity_display->update_note (h); } } bool MidiCueView::automation_button_event (GdkEvent* ev, Evoral::ParameterType type, int id) { SelectionOperation op = ArdourKeyboard::selection_type (ev->button.state); switch (ev->type) { case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: automation_button_click (type, id, op); break; default: break; } return false; } void MidiCueView::automation_button_click (Evoral::ParameterType type, int id, SelectionOperation op) { #warning paul allow channel selection (2nd param) update_automation_display (Evoral::Parameter (type, 0, id), op); } void MidiCueView::update_automation_display (Evoral::Parameter const & param, SelectionOperation op) { using namespace ARDOUR; if (!_midi_region) { return; } switch (param.type()) { case MidiCCAutomation: case MidiPgmChangeAutomation: case MidiPitchBenderAutomation: case MidiChannelPressureAutomation: case MidiNotePressureAutomation: case MidiSystemExclusiveAutomation: case MidiVelocityAutomation: break; default: return; } CueAutomationMap::iterator i = automation_map.find (param); AutomationDisplayState* ads = nullptr; if (i != automation_map.end()) { ads = &i->second; } else { if (param.type() == MidiVelocityAutomation) { } else { std::shared_ptr control = _midi_region->model()->control (param, true); automation_control = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (control); if (!automation_control) { return; } automation_line.reset (new MidiCueAutomationLine ("whatevs", _editing_context, *automation_group, automation_group, automation_control->alist(), automation_control->desc())); AutomationDisplayState cad (automation_control, automation_line, true); auto res = automation_map.insert (std::make_pair (param, cad)); ads = &((*res.first).second); } } std::cerr << "sad " << op << " param " << enum_2_string (param.type()) << std::endl; switch (op) { case SelectionSet: /* hide the rest */ for (auto & as : automation_map) { as.second.hide (); } /*FALLTHRU*/ case SelectionAdd: ads->set_height (automation_group->get().height()); ads->show (); break; case SelectionRemove: ads->hide (); break; case SelectionToggle: if (ads->visible) { ads->hide (); } else { ads->set_height (automation_group->get().height()); ads->show (); } return; case SelectionExtend: /* undefined in this context */ break; } } std::list MidiCueView::selectable_owners() { std::list sl; if (automation_line) { sl.push_back (automation_line.get()); } return sl; } MergeableLine* MidiCueView::make_merger () { return new MergeableLine (automation_line, automation_control, [](Temporal::timepos_t const& t) { return t; }, nullptr, nullptr); } bool MidiCueView::automation_rb_click (GdkEvent* event, Temporal::timepos_t const & pos) { bool with_guard_points = Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (event->button.state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier); automation_line->add (automation_control, event, pos, event->button.y, with_guard_points); return false; } void MidiCueView::line_drag_click (GdkEvent* event, Temporal::timepos_t const & pos) { } MidiCueView::AutomationDisplayState::~AutomationDisplayState() { delete velocity_display; } void MidiCueView::AutomationDisplayState::hide () { if (velocity_display) { velocity_display->hide (); } else if (line) { line->hide_all (); } } void MidiCueView::AutomationDisplayState::show () { if (velocity_display) { velocity_display->show (); } else if (line) { line->show (); } } void MidiCueView::AutomationDisplayState::set_height (double h) { if (velocity_display) { // velocity_display->set_height (h); } else if (line) { line->set_height (h); } }