/* Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "editor.h" #include "actions.h" #include "audio_time_axis.h" #include "audio_region_view.h" #include "audio_streamview.h" #include "automation_line.h" #include "control_point.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace sigc; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Glib; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace Editing; struct TrackViewByPositionSorter { bool operator() (const TimeAxisView* a, const TimeAxisView *b) { return a->y_position < b->y_position; } }; bool Editor::extend_selection_to_track (TimeAxisView& view) { if (selection->selected (&view)) { /* already selected, do nothing */ return false; } if (selection->tracks.empty()) { if (!selection->selected (&view)) { selection->set (&view); return true; } else { return false; } } /* something is already selected, so figure out which range of things to add */ TrackViewList to_be_added; TrackViewList sorted = track_views; TrackViewByPositionSorter cmp; bool passed_clicked = false; bool forwards = true; sorted.sort (cmp); if (!selection->selected (&view)) { to_be_added.push_back (&view); } /* figure out if we should go forward or backwards */ for (TrackViewList::iterator i = sorted.begin(); i != sorted.end(); ++i) { if ((*i) == &view) { passed_clicked = true; } if (selection->selected (*i)) { if (passed_clicked) { forwards = true; } else { forwards = false; } break; } } passed_clicked = false; if (forwards) { for (TrackViewList::iterator i = sorted.begin(); i != sorted.end(); ++i) { if ((*i) == &view) { passed_clicked = true; continue; } if (passed_clicked) { if ((*i)->hidden()) { continue; } if (selection->selected (*i)) { break; } else if (!(*i)->hidden()) { to_be_added.push_back (*i); } } } } else { for (TrackViewList::reverse_iterator r = sorted.rbegin(); r != sorted.rend(); ++r) { if ((*r) == &view) { passed_clicked = true; continue; } if (passed_clicked) { if ((*r)->hidden()) { continue; } if (selection->selected (*r)) { break; } else if (!(*r)->hidden()) { to_be_added.push_back (*r); } } } } if (!to_be_added.empty()) { selection->add (to_be_added); return true; } return false; } void Editor::select_all_tracks () { selection->set (track_views); } bool Editor::set_selected_track (TimeAxisView& view, Selection::Operation op, bool no_remove) { bool commit = false; switch (op) { case Selection::Toggle: if (selection->selected (&view)) { if (!no_remove) { selection->remove (&view); commit = true; } } else { selection->add (&view); commit = false; } break; case Selection::Add: if (!selection->selected (&view)) { selection->add (&view); commit = true; } break; case Selection::Set: if (selection->selected (&view) && selection->tracks.size() == 1) { /* no commit necessary */ } else { /* reset track selection if there is only 1 other track selected OR if no_remove is not set (its there to prevent deselecting a multi-track selection when clicking on an already selected track for some reason. */ if (selection->tracks.empty()) { selection->set (&view); commit = true; } else if (selection->tracks.size() == 1 || !no_remove) { selection->set (&view); commit = true; } } break; case Selection::Extend: commit = extend_selection_to_track (view); break; } return commit; } bool Editor::set_selected_track_from_click (bool press, Selection::Operation op, bool no_remove) { if (!clicked_routeview) { return false; } if (!press) { return false; } return set_selected_track (*clicked_routeview, op, no_remove); } bool Editor::set_selected_control_point_from_click (Selection::Operation op, bool no_remove) { if (!clicked_control_point) { return false; } /* select this point and any others that it represents */ double y1, y2; nframes_t x1, x2; x1 = pixel_to_frame (clicked_control_point->get_x() - 10); x2 = pixel_to_frame (clicked_control_point->get_x() + 10); y1 = clicked_control_point->get_x() - 10; y2 = clicked_control_point->get_y() + 10; return select_all_within (x1, x2, y1, y2, selection->tracks, op); } void Editor::get_relevant_tracks (set& relevant_tracks) { /* step one: get all selected tracks and all tracks in the relevant edit groups */ for (TrackSelection::iterator ti = selection->tracks.begin(); ti != selection->tracks.end(); ++ti) { RouteTimeAxisView* rtv = dynamic_cast(*ti); if (!rtv) { continue; } RouteGroup* group = rtv->route()->edit_group(); if (group && group->is_active()) { /* active group for this track, loop over all tracks and get every member of the group */ for (TrackViewList::iterator i = track_views.begin(); i != track_views.end(); ++i) { RouteTimeAxisView* trtv; if ((trtv = dynamic_cast (*i)) != 0) { if (trtv->route()->edit_group() == group) { relevant_tracks.insert (trtv); } } } } else { relevant_tracks.insert (rtv); } } } /** * Call a slot for a given `basis' track and also for any track that is in the same * active edit group. * @param sl Slot to call. * @param basis Basis track. */ void Editor::mapover_tracks (slot sl, TimeAxisView* basis) const { RouteTimeAxisView* route_basis = dynamic_cast (basis); if (route_basis == 0) { return; } /* work out the tracks that we will call the slot for; use a set here as it will disallow possible duplicates of the basis track */ set tracks; /* always call for the basis */ tracks.insert (route_basis); RouteGroup* group = route_basis->route()->edit_group(); if (group && group->is_active()) { /* the basis is a member of an active edit group; find other members */ for (TrackViewList::const_iterator i = track_views.begin(); i != track_views.end(); ++i) { RouteTimeAxisView* v = dynamic_cast (*i); if (v && v->route()->edit_group() == group) { tracks.insert (v); } } } /* call the slots */ uint32_t const sz = tracks.size (); for (set::iterator i = tracks.begin(); i != tracks.end(); ++i) { sl (**i, sz); } } void Editor::mapped_get_equivalent_regions (RouteTimeAxisView& tv, uint32_t ignored, RegionView* basis, vector* all_equivs) const { boost::shared_ptr pl; vector > results; RegionView* marv; boost::shared_ptr ds; if ((ds = tv.get_diskstream()) == 0) { /* bus */ return; } if (&tv == &basis->get_time_axis_view()) { /* looking in same track as the original */ return; } if ((pl = ds->playlist()) != 0) { pl->get_equivalent_regions (basis->region(), results); } for (vector >::iterator ir = results.begin(); ir != results.end(); ++ir) { if ((marv = tv.view()->find_view (*ir)) != 0) { all_equivs->push_back (marv); } } } void Editor::get_equivalent_regions (RegionView* basis, vector& equivalent_regions) const { mapover_tracks (bind (mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mapped_get_equivalent_regions), basis, &equivalent_regions), &basis->get_trackview()); /* add clicked regionview since we skipped all other regions in the same track as the one it was in */ equivalent_regions.push_back (basis); } bool Editor::set_selected_regionview_from_click (bool press, Selection::Operation op, bool no_track_remove) { vector all_equivalent_regions; bool commit = false; if (!clicked_regionview || !clicked_routeview) { return false; } if (press) { button_release_can_deselect = false; } if (op == Selection::Toggle || op == Selection::Set) { switch (op) { case Selection::Toggle: if (clicked_regionview->get_selected()) { if (press) { /* whatever was clicked was selected already; do nothing here but allow the button release to deselect it */ button_release_can_deselect = true; } else { if (button_release_can_deselect) { /* just remove this one region, but only on a permitted button release */ selection->remove (clicked_regionview); commit = true; /* no more deselect action on button release till a new press finds an already selected object. */ button_release_can_deselect = false; } } } else { if (press) { if (selection->selected (clicked_routeview)) { get_equivalent_regions (clicked_regionview, all_equivalent_regions); } else { all_equivalent_regions.push_back (clicked_regionview); } /* add all the equivalent regions, but only on button press */ if (!all_equivalent_regions.empty()) { commit = true; } selection->add (all_equivalent_regions); } } break; case Selection::Set: if (!clicked_regionview->get_selected()) { selection->set (clicked_regionview); commit = true; } else { /* no commit necessary: clicked on an already selected region */ goto out; } break; default: /* silly compiler */ break; } } else if (op == Selection::Extend) { list results; nframes_t last_frame; nframes_t first_frame; /* 1. find the last selected regionview in the track that was clicked in */ last_frame = 0; first_frame = max_frames; for (RegionSelection::iterator x = selection->regions.begin(); x != selection->regions.end(); ++x) { if (&(*x)->get_time_axis_view() == &clicked_regionview->get_time_axis_view()) { if ((*x)->region()->last_frame() > last_frame) { last_frame = (*x)->region()->last_frame(); } if ((*x)->region()->first_frame() < first_frame) { first_frame = (*x)->region()->first_frame(); } } } /* 2. figure out the boundaries for our search for new objects */ switch (clicked_regionview->region()->coverage (first_frame, last_frame)) { case OverlapNone: if (last_frame < clicked_regionview->region()->first_frame()) { first_frame = last_frame; last_frame = clicked_regionview->region()->last_frame(); } else { last_frame = first_frame; first_frame = clicked_regionview->region()->first_frame(); } break; case OverlapExternal: if (last_frame < clicked_regionview->region()->first_frame()) { first_frame = last_frame; last_frame = clicked_regionview->region()->last_frame(); } else { last_frame = first_frame; first_frame = clicked_regionview->region()->first_frame(); } break; case OverlapInternal: if (last_frame < clicked_regionview->region()->first_frame()) { first_frame = last_frame; last_frame = clicked_regionview->region()->last_frame(); } else { last_frame = first_frame; first_frame = clicked_regionview->region()->first_frame(); } break; case OverlapStart: case OverlapEnd: /* nothing to do except add clicked region to selection, since it overlaps with the existing selection in this track. */ break; } /* 2. find all selectable objects (regionviews in this case) between that one and the end of the one that was clicked. */ set relevant_tracks; get_relevant_tracks (relevant_tracks); for (set::iterator t = relevant_tracks.begin(); t != relevant_tracks.end(); ++t) { (*t)->get_selectables (first_frame, last_frame, -1.0, -1.0, results); } /* 3. convert to a vector of audio regions */ vector regions; for (list::iterator x = results.begin(); x != results.end(); ++x) { RegionView* arv; if ((arv = dynamic_cast(*x)) != 0) { regions.push_back (arv); } } if (!regions.empty()) { selection->add (regions); commit = true; } } out: return commit; } void Editor::set_selected_regionview_from_region_list (boost::shared_ptr region, Selection::Operation op) { vector all_equivalent_regions; for (TrackViewList::iterator i = track_views.begin(); i != track_views.end(); ++i) { RouteTimeAxisView* tatv; if ((tatv = dynamic_cast (*i)) != 0) { boost::shared_ptr pl; vector > results; RegionView* marv; boost::shared_ptr ds; if ((ds = tatv->get_diskstream()) == 0) { /* bus */ continue; } if ((pl = (ds->playlist())) != 0) { pl->get_region_list_equivalent_regions (region, results); } for (vector >::iterator ir = results.begin(); ir != results.end(); ++ir) { if ((marv = tatv->view()->find_view (*ir)) != 0) { all_equivalent_regions.push_back (marv); } } } } begin_reversible_command (_("set selected regions")); switch (op) { case Selection::Toggle: /* XXX this is not correct */ selection->toggle (all_equivalent_regions); break; case Selection::Set: selection->set (all_equivalent_regions); break; case Selection::Extend: selection->add (all_equivalent_regions); break; case Selection::Add: selection->add (all_equivalent_regions); break; } commit_reversible_command () ; } void Editor::track_selection_changed () { switch (selection->tracks.size()){ case 0: break; default: set_selected_mixer_strip (*(selection->tracks.front())); break; } for (TrackViewList::iterator i = track_views.begin(); i != track_views.end(); ++i) { if (find (selection->tracks.begin(), selection->tracks.end(), *i) != selection->tracks.end()) { (*i)->set_selected (true); } else { (*i)->set_selected (false); } } } void Editor::time_selection_changed () { for (TrackViewList::iterator i = track_views.begin(); i != track_views.end(); ++i) { (*i)->hide_selection (); } if (selection->tracks.empty()) { for (TrackViewList::iterator i = track_views.begin(); i != track_views.end(); ++i) { (*i)->show_selection (selection->time); } } else { for (TrackSelection::iterator i = selection->tracks.begin(); i != selection->tracks.end(); ++i) { (*i)->show_selection (selection->time); } } if (selection->time.empty()) { ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::time_selection_sensitive_actions, false); } else { ActionManager::set_sensitive (ActionManager::time_selection_sensitive_actions, true); } } void Editor::region_selection_changed () { for (TrackViewList::iterator i = track_views.begin(); i != track_views.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_selected_regionviews (selection->regions); } } void Editor::point_selection_changed () { for (TrackViewList::iterator i = track_views.begin(); i != track_views.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_selected_points (selection->points); } } /** Select everything in the selected tracks * @param Selection operation to apply. */ void Editor::select_all_in_selected_tracks (Selection::Operation op) { list touched; for (TrackSelection::iterator i = selection->tracks.begin(); i != selection->tracks.end(); ++i) { (*i)->get_selectables (0, max_frames, 0, DBL_MAX, touched); } switch (op) { case Selection::Toggle: selection->add (touched); break; case Selection::Set: selection->set (touched); break; case Selection::Extend: /* meaningless, because we're selecting everything */ break; case Selection::Add: selection->add (touched); break; } } void Editor::select_all (Selection::Operation op) { list touched; for (TrackViewList::iterator iter = track_views.begin(); iter != track_views.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->hidden()) { continue; } (*iter)->get_selectables (0, max_frames, 0, DBL_MAX, touched); } begin_reversible_command (_("select all")); switch (op) { case Selection::Add: selection->add (touched); break; case Selection::Toggle: selection->add (touched); break; case Selection::Set: selection->set (touched); break; case Selection::Extend: /* meaningless, because we're selecting everything */ break; } commit_reversible_command (); } /** Invert the selection in the selected tracks */ void Editor::invert_selection_in_selected_tracks () { list touched; for (TrackSelection::iterator i = selection->tracks.begin(); i != selection->tracks.end(); ++i) { (*i)->get_inverted_selectables (*selection, touched); } selection->set (touched); } void Editor::invert_selection () { list touched; for (TrackViewList::iterator iter = track_views.begin(); iter != track_views.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->hidden()) { continue; } (*iter)->get_inverted_selectables (*selection, touched); } selection->set (touched); } bool Editor::select_all_within (nframes_t start, nframes_t end, double top, double bot, const TrackViewList& tracklist, Selection::Operation op) { list touched; list::size_type n = 0; TrackViewList touched_tracks; for (TrackViewList::const_iterator iter = tracklist.begin(); iter != tracklist.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->hidden()) { continue; } n = touched.size(); (*iter)->get_selectables (start, end, top, bot, touched); if (n != touched.size()) { touched_tracks.push_back (*iter); } } if (touched.empty()) { return false; } if (!touched_tracks.empty()) { switch (op) { case Selection::Add: selection->add (touched_tracks); break; case Selection::Toggle: selection->toggle (touched_tracks); break; case Selection::Set: selection->set (touched_tracks); break; case Selection::Extend: /* not defined yet */ break; } } begin_reversible_command (_("select all within")); switch (op) { case Selection::Add: selection->add (touched); break; case Selection::Toggle: selection->toggle (touched); break; case Selection::Set: selection->set (touched); break; case Selection::Extend: /* not defined yet */ break; } commit_reversible_command (); return !touched.empty(); } void Editor::set_selection_from_audio_region () { if (selection->regions.empty()) { return; } RegionView* rv = *(selection->regions.begin()); boost::shared_ptr region = rv->region(); begin_reversible_command (_("set selection from region")); selection->set (0, region->position(), region->last_frame()); commit_reversible_command (); set_mouse_mode (Editing::MouseRange, false); } void Editor::set_selection_from_punch() { Location* location; if ((location = session->locations()->auto_punch_location()) == 0) { return; } set_selection_from_range (*location); } void Editor::set_selection_from_loop() { Location* location; if ((location = session->locations()->auto_loop_location()) == 0) { return; } set_selection_from_range (*location); } void Editor::set_selection_from_range (Location& loc) { begin_reversible_command (_("set selection from range")); selection->set (0, loc.start(), loc.end()); commit_reversible_command (); set_mouse_mode (Editing::MouseRange, false); } void Editor::select_all_selectables_using_time_selection () { list touched; if (selection->time.empty()) { return; } nframes_t start = selection->time[clicked_selection].start; nframes_t end = selection->time[clicked_selection].end; if (end - start < 1) { return; } for (TrackViewList::iterator iter = selection->tracks.begin(); iter != selection->tracks.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->hidden()) { continue; } (*iter)->get_selectables (start, end - 1, 0, DBL_MAX, touched); } begin_reversible_command (_("select all from range")); selection->set (touched); commit_reversible_command (); } void Editor::select_all_selectables_using_punch() { Location* location = session->locations()->auto_punch_location(); list touched; if (location == 0 || (location->end() - location->start() <= 1)) { return; } for (TrackViewList::iterator iter = track_views.begin(); iter != track_views.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->hidden()) { continue; } (*iter)->get_selectables (location->start(), location->end() - 1, 0, DBL_MAX, touched); } begin_reversible_command (_("select all from punch")); selection->set (touched); commit_reversible_command (); } void Editor::select_all_selectables_using_loop() { Location* location = session->locations()->auto_loop_location(); list touched; if (location == 0 || (location->end() - location->start() <= 1)) { return; } for (TrackViewList::iterator iter = track_views.begin(); iter != track_views.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->hidden()) { continue; } (*iter)->get_selectables (location->start(), location->end() - 1, 0, DBL_MAX, touched); } begin_reversible_command (_("select all from loop")); selection->set (touched); commit_reversible_command (); } void Editor::select_all_selectables_using_cursor (Cursor *cursor, bool after) { nframes_t start; nframes_t end; list touched; if (after) { begin_reversible_command (_("select all after cursor")); start = cursor->current_frame ; end = session->current_end_frame(); } else { if (cursor->current_frame > 0) { begin_reversible_command (_("select all before cursor")); start = 0; end = cursor->current_frame - 1; } else { return; } } for (TrackViewList::iterator iter = track_views.begin(); iter != track_views.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->hidden()) { continue; } (*iter)->get_selectables (start, end, 0, DBL_MAX, touched); } selection->set (touched); commit_reversible_command (); } void Editor::select_all_selectables_using_edit (bool after) { nframes_t start; nframes_t end; list touched; if (after) { begin_reversible_command (_("select all after edit")); start = get_preferred_edit_position(); end = session->current_end_frame(); } else { if ((end = get_preferred_edit_position()) > 1) { begin_reversible_command (_("select all before edit")); start = 0; end -= 1; } else { return; } } for (TrackViewList::iterator iter = track_views.begin(); iter != track_views.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->hidden()) { continue; } (*iter)->get_selectables (start, end, 0, DBL_MAX, touched); } selection->set (touched); commit_reversible_command (); } void Editor::select_all_selectables_between (bool within) { nframes64_t start; nframes64_t end; list touched; if (!get_edit_op_range (start, end)) { return; } for (TrackViewList::iterator iter = track_views.begin(); iter != track_views.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->hidden()) { continue; } (*iter)->get_selectables (start, end, 0, DBL_MAX, touched); } selection->set (touched); } void Editor::select_range_between () { nframes64_t start; nframes64_t end; if (!get_edit_op_range (start, end)) { return; } set_mouse_mode (MouseRange); selection->set (0, start, end); } bool Editor::get_edit_op_range (nframes64_t& start, nframes64_t& end) const { nframes64_t m; bool ignored; /* in range mode, use any existing selection */ if (mouse_mode == MouseRange && !selection->time.empty()) { /* we know that these are ordered */ start = selection->time.start(); end = selection->time.end_frame(); return true; } if (!mouse_frame (m, ignored)) { /* mouse is not in a canvas, try playhead+selected marker. this is probably most true when using menus. */ if (selection->markers.empty()) { return false; } start = selection->markers.front()->position(); end = session->audible_frame(); } else { switch (_edit_point) { case EditAtPlayhead: if (selection->markers.empty()) { /* use mouse + playhead */ start = m; end = session->audible_frame(); } else { /* use playhead + selected marker */ start = session->audible_frame(); end = selection->markers.front()->position(); } break; case EditAtMouse: case EditAtSelectedMarker: /* use mouse + selected marker */ if (selection->markers.empty()) { return false; } start = selection->markers.front()->position(); end = m; break; } } if (start == end) { return false; } if (start > end) { swap (start, end); } return true; }