/* Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/epa.h" #include "pbd/xml++.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #include #include #include #elif !defined(__FreeBSD__) #include #endif #include #include #include #include "ardour/audio_backend.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/rc_configuration.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/pathscanner.h" #ifdef __APPLE #include #endif #include "engine_dialog.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace PBD; using namespace Glib; EngineControl::EngineControl () : periods_adjustment (2, 2, 16, 1, 2), periods_spinner (periods_adjustment), ports_adjustment (128, 8, 1024, 1, 16), ports_spinner (ports_adjustment), input_latency_adjustment (0, 0, 99999, 1), input_latency (input_latency_adjustment), output_latency_adjustment (0, 0, 99999, 1), output_latency (output_latency_adjustment), realtime_button (_("Realtime")), no_memory_lock_button (_("Do not lock memory")), unlock_memory_button (_("Unlock memory")), soft_mode_button (_("No zombies")), monitor_button (_("Provide monitor ports")), force16bit_button (_("Force 16 bit")), hw_monitor_button (_("H/W monitoring")), hw_meter_button (_("H/W metering")), verbose_output_button (_("Verbose output")), start_button (_("Start")), stop_button (_("Stop")), #ifdef __APPLE___ basic_packer (5, 2), options_packer (4, 2), device_packer (4, 2) #else basic_packer (8, 2), options_packer (14, 2), device_packer (6, 2) #endif { using namespace Notebook_Helpers; Label* label; vector strings; int row = 0; _used = false; strings.push_back (_("8000Hz")); strings.push_back (_("22050Hz")); strings.push_back (_("44100Hz")); strings.push_back (_("48000Hz")); strings.push_back (_("88200Hz")); strings.push_back (_("96000Hz")); strings.push_back (_("192000Hz")); set_popdown_strings (sample_rate_combo, strings); sample_rate_combo.set_active_text ("48000Hz"); strings.clear (); strings.push_back ("32"); strings.push_back ("64"); strings.push_back ("128"); strings.push_back ("256"); strings.push_back ("512"); strings.push_back ("1024"); strings.push_back ("2048"); strings.push_back ("4096"); strings.push_back ("8192"); set_popdown_strings (period_size_combo, strings); period_size_combo.set_active_text ("1024"); strings.clear (); strings.push_back (_("None")); strings.push_back (_("Triangular")); strings.push_back (_("Rectangular")); strings.push_back (_("Shaped")); set_popdown_strings (dither_mode_combo, strings); dither_mode_combo.set_active_text (_("None")); /* basic parameters */ basic_packer.set_spacings (6); strings.clear (); #ifdef __APPLE__ strings.push_back (X_("CoreAudio")); #else #ifndef __FreeBSD__ strings.push_back (X_("ALSA")); #endif strings.push_back (X_("OSS")); strings.push_back (X_("FreeBoB")); strings.push_back (X_("FFADO")); #endif strings.push_back (X_("NetJACK")); strings.push_back (X_("Dummy")); set_popdown_strings (driver_combo, strings); driver_combo.set_active_text (strings.front()); driver_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::driver_changed)); driver_changed (); strings.clear (); strings.push_back (_("Playback/recording on 1 device")); strings.push_back (_("Playback/recording on 2 devices")); strings.push_back (_("Playback only")); strings.push_back (_("Recording only")); set_popdown_strings (audio_mode_combo, strings); audio_mode_combo.set_active_text (strings.front()); audio_mode_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::audio_mode_changed)); audio_mode_changed (); strings.clear (); strings.push_back (_("None")); strings.push_back (_("seq")); strings.push_back (_("raw")); set_popdown_strings (midi_driver_combo, strings); midi_driver_combo.set_active_text (strings.front ()); row = 0; label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Driver:"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (driver_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Audio Interface:"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (interface_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Sample rate:"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (sample_rate_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Buffer size:"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (period_size_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Number of buffers:"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (periods_spinner, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); periods_spinner.set_value (2); row++; #endif label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Approximate latency:"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (latency_label, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; sample_rate_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::redisplay_latency)); periods_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::redisplay_latency)); period_size_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::redisplay_latency)); redisplay_latency(); row++; /* no audio mode with CoreAudio, its duplex or nuthin' */ #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Audio mode:"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (audio_mode_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; #endif interface_combo.set_size_request (250, -1); input_device_combo.set_size_request (250, -1); output_device_combo.set_size_request (250, -1); /* if (engine_running()) { start_button.set_sensitive (false); } else { stop_button.set_sensitive (false); } start_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::start_engine)); stop_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::start_engine)); */ button_box.pack_start (start_button, false, false); button_box.pack_start (stop_button, false, false); // basic_packer.attach (button_box, 0, 2, 8, 9, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); /* options */ options_packer.set_spacings (6); row = 0; options_packer.attach (realtime_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; realtime_button.set_active (true); #if PROVIDE_TOO_MANY_OPTIONS #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) options_packer.attach (no_memory_lock_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (unlock_memory_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (soft_mode_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (monitor_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (force16bit_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (hw_monitor_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (hw_meter_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (verbose_output_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #else options_packer.attach (verbose_output_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #endif strings.clear (); strings.push_back (_("Ignore")); strings.push_back ("500 msec"); strings.push_back ("1 sec"); strings.push_back ("2 sec"); strings.push_back ("10 sec"); set_popdown_strings (timeout_combo, strings); timeout_combo.set_active_text (strings.front ()); label = manage (new Label (_("Client timeout"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); options_packer.attach (timeout_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, AttachOptions(0)); options_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #endif /* PROVIDE_TOO_MANY_OPTIONS */ label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Number of ports:"))); options_packer.attach (ports_spinner, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, AttachOptions(0)); options_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("MIDI driver:"))); options_packer.attach (midi_driver_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, AttachOptions(0)); options_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Dither:"))); options_packer.attach (dither_mode_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, AttachOptions(0)); options_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #endif find_jack_servers (server_strings); if (server_strings.empty()) { fatal << _("No JACK server found anywhere on this system. Please install JACK and restart") << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } set_popdown_strings (serverpath_combo, server_strings); serverpath_combo.set_active_text (server_strings.front()); if (server_strings.size() > 1) { label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Server:"))); options_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); options_packer.attach (serverpath_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; } /* device settings */ device_packer.set_spacings (6); row = 0; #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Input device:"))); device_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); device_packer.attach (input_device_combo, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Output device:"))); device_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); device_packer.attach (output_device_combo, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #endif label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Hardware input latency:"))); device_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); device_packer.attach (input_latency, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("samples"))); device_packer.attach (*label, 2, 3, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Hardware output latency:"))); device_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); device_packer.attach (output_latency, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("samples"))); device_packer.attach (*label, 2, 3, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; basic_hbox.pack_start (basic_packer, false, false); options_hbox.pack_start (options_packer, false, false); device_packer.set_border_width (12); options_packer.set_border_width (12); basic_packer.set_border_width (12); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (basic_hbox, _("Device"))); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (options_hbox, _("Options"))); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (device_packer, _("Advanced"))); notebook.set_border_width (12); set_border_width (12); pack_start (notebook); /* Pick up any existing audio setup configuration, if appropriate */ XMLNode* audio_setup = ARDOUR::Config->extra_xml ("AudioSetup"); if (audio_setup) { set_state (*audio_setup); } } EngineControl::~EngineControl () { } void EngineControl::build_command_line (vector& cmd) { string str; string driver; bool using_alsa = false; bool using_coreaudio = false; bool using_dummy = false; bool using_ffado = false; /* first, path to jackd */ cmd.push_back (serverpath_combo.get_active_text ()); /* now jackd arguments */ str = timeout_combo.get_active_text (); if (str != _("Ignore")) { double secs = 0; uint32_t msecs; secs = atof (str); msecs = (uint32_t) floor (secs * 1000.0); if (msecs > 0) { cmd.push_back ("-t"); cmd.push_back (to_string (msecs, std::dec)); } } if (no_memory_lock_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-m"); /* no munlock */ } cmd.push_back ("-p"); /* port max */ cmd.push_back (to_string ((uint32_t) floor (ports_spinner.get_value()), std::dec)); if (realtime_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-R"); } else { cmd.push_back ("-r"); /* override jackd's default --realtime */ } if (unlock_memory_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-u"); } if (verbose_output_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-v"); } /* now add fixed arguments (not user-selectable) */ cmd.push_back ("-T"); // temporary */ /* next the driver */ cmd.push_back ("-d"); driver = driver_combo.get_active_text (); if (driver == X_("ALSA")) { using_alsa = true; cmd.push_back ("alsa"); } else if (driver == X_("OSS")) { cmd.push_back ("oss"); } else if (driver == X_("CoreAudio")) { using_coreaudio = true; cmd.push_back ("coreaudio"); } else if (driver == X_("NetJACK")) { cmd.push_back ("netjack"); } else if (driver == X_("FreeBoB")) { cmd.push_back ("freebob"); } else if (driver == X_("FFADO")) { using_ffado = true; cmd.push_back ("firewire"); } else if ( driver == X_("Dummy")) { using_dummy = true; cmd.push_back ("dummy"); } /* driver arguments */ if (!using_coreaudio) { str = audio_mode_combo.get_active_text(); if (str == _("Playback/recording on 1 device")) { /* relax */ } else if (str == _("Playback/recording on 2 devices")) { string input_device = get_device_name (driver, input_device_combo.get_active_text()); string output_device = get_device_name (driver, output_device_combo.get_active_text()); if (input_device.empty() || output_device.empty()) { cmd.clear (); return; } cmd.push_back ("-C"); cmd.push_back (input_device); cmd.push_back ("-P"); cmd.push_back (output_device); } else if (str == _("Playback only")) { cmd.push_back ("-P"); } else if (str == _("Recording only")) { cmd.push_back ("-C"); } if (!using_dummy) { cmd.push_back ("-n"); cmd.push_back (to_string ((uint32_t) floor (periods_spinner.get_value()), std::dec)); } } cmd.push_back ("-r"); cmd.push_back (to_string (get_rate(), std::dec)); cmd.push_back ("-p"); cmd.push_back (period_size_combo.get_active_text()); if (using_alsa || using_ffado || using_coreaudio) { double val = input_latency_adjustment.get_value(); if (val) { cmd.push_back ("-I"); cmd.push_back (to_string ((uint32_t) val, std::dec)); } val = output_latency_adjustment.get_value(); if (val) { cmd.push_back ("-O"); cmd.push_back (to_string ((uint32_t) val, std::dec)); } } if (using_alsa) { if (audio_mode_combo.get_active_text() != _("Playback/recording on 2 devices")) { string device = get_device_name (driver, interface_combo.get_active_text()); if (device.empty()) { cmd.clear (); return; } cmd.push_back ("-d"); cmd.push_back (device); } if (hw_meter_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-M"); } if (hw_monitor_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-H"); } str = dither_mode_combo.get_active_text(); if (str == _("None")) { } else if (str == _("Triangular")) { cmd.push_back ("-z triangular"); } else if (str == _("Rectangular")) { cmd.push_back ("-z rectangular"); } else if (str == _("Shaped")) { cmd.push_back ("-z shaped"); } if (force16bit_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-S"); } if (soft_mode_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-s"); } str = midi_driver_combo.get_active_text (); if (str == _("seq")) { cmd.push_back ("-X seq"); } else if (str == _("raw")) { cmd.push_back ("-X raw"); } } else if (using_coreaudio) { #ifdef __APPLE__ // note: older versions of the CoreAudio JACK backend use -n instead of -d here string device = get_device_name (driver, interface_combo.get_active_text()); if (device.empty()) { cmd.clear (); return; } cmd.push_back ("-d"); cmd.push_back (device); #endif } } int EngineControl::setup_engine () { vector args; std::string cwd = "/tmp"; build_command_line (args); if (args.empty()) { return 1; // try again } std::string jackdrc_path = Glib::get_home_dir(); jackdrc_path += "/.jackdrc"; ofstream jackdrc (jackdrc_path.c_str()); if (!jackdrc) { error << string_compose (_("cannot open JACK rc file %1 to store parameters"), jackdrc_path) << endmsg; return -1; } for (vector::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i) { jackdrc << (*i) << ' '; } jackdrc << endl; jackdrc.close (); _used = true; return 0; } void EngineControl::enumerate_devices (const string& driver) { /* note: case matters for the map keys */ if (driver == "CoreAudio") { #ifdef __APPLE__ devices[driver] = enumerate_coreaudio_devices (); #endif #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) } else if (driver == "ALSA") { devices[driver] = enumerate_alsa_devices (); } else if (driver == "FreeBOB") { devices[driver] = enumerate_freebob_devices (); } else if (driver == "FFADO") { devices[driver] = enumerate_ffado_devices (); } else if (driver == "OSS") { devices[driver] = enumerate_oss_devices (); } else if (driver == "Dummy") { devices[driver] = enumerate_dummy_devices (); } else if (driver == "NetJACK") { devices[driver] = enumerate_netjack_devices (); } #else } #endif } #ifdef __APPLE__ static OSStatus getDeviceUIDFromID( AudioDeviceID id, char *name, size_t nsize) { UInt32 size = sizeof(CFStringRef); CFStringRef UI; OSStatus res = AudioDeviceGetProperty(id, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceUID, &size, &UI); if (res == noErr) CFStringGetCString(UI,name,nsize,CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); CFRelease(UI); return res; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_coreaudio_devices () { vector devs; // Find out how many Core Audio devices are there, if any... // (code snippet gently "borrowed" from St?hane Letz jackdmp;) OSStatus err; Boolean isWritable; UInt32 outSize = sizeof(isWritable); backend_devs.clear (); err = AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &outSize, &isWritable); if (err == noErr) { // Calculate the number of device available... int numCoreDevices = outSize / sizeof(AudioDeviceID); // Make space for the devices we are about to get... AudioDeviceID *coreDeviceIDs = new AudioDeviceID [numCoreDevices]; err = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &outSize, (void *) coreDeviceIDs); if (err == noErr) { // Look for the CoreAudio device name... char coreDeviceName[256]; UInt32 nameSize; for (int i = 0; i < numCoreDevices; i++) { nameSize = sizeof (coreDeviceName); /* enforce duplex devices only */ err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(coreDeviceIDs[i], 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyStreams, &outSize, &isWritable); if (err != noErr || outSize == 0) { continue; } err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(coreDeviceIDs[i], 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreams, &outSize, &isWritable); if (err != noErr || outSize == 0) { continue; } err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(coreDeviceIDs[i], 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &outSize, &isWritable); if (err == noErr) { err = AudioDeviceGetProperty(coreDeviceIDs[i], 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &nameSize, (void *) coreDeviceName); if (err == noErr) { char drivername[128]; // this returns the unique id for the device // that must be used on the commandline for jack if (getDeviceUIDFromID(coreDeviceIDs[i], drivername, sizeof (drivername)) == noErr) { devs.push_back (coreDeviceName); backend_devs.push_back (drivername); } } } } } delete [] coreDeviceIDs; } if (devs.size() == 0) { MessageDialog msg (string_compose (_("\ You do not have any audio devices capable of\n\ simultaneous playback and recording.\n\n\ Please use Applications -> Utilities -> Audio MIDI Setup\n\ to create an \"aggregrate\" device, or install a suitable\n\ audio interface.\n\n\ Please send email to Apple and ask them why new Macs\n\ have no duplex audio device.\n\n\ Alternatively, if you really want just playback\n\ or recording but not both, start JACK before running\n\ %1 and choose the relevant device then." ), PROGRAM_NAME), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK); msg.set_title (_("No suitable audio devices")); msg.set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); msg.run (); exit (1); } return devs; } #else #if !defined(__FreeBSD__) vector EngineControl::enumerate_alsa_devices () { vector devs; snd_ctl_t *handle; snd_ctl_card_info_t *info; snd_pcm_info_t *pcminfo; snd_ctl_card_info_alloca(&info); snd_pcm_info_alloca(&pcminfo); string devname; int cardnum = -1; int device = -1; backend_devs.clear (); while (snd_card_next (&cardnum) >= 0 && cardnum >= 0) { devname = "hw:"; devname += to_string (cardnum, std::dec); if (snd_ctl_open (&handle, devname.c_str(), 0) >= 0 && snd_ctl_card_info (handle, info) >= 0) { while (snd_ctl_pcm_next_device (handle, &device) >= 0 && device >= 0) { snd_pcm_info_set_device (pcminfo, device); snd_pcm_info_set_subdevice (pcminfo, 0); snd_pcm_info_set_stream (pcminfo, SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK); if (snd_ctl_pcm_info (handle, pcminfo) >= 0) { devs.push_back (snd_pcm_info_get_name (pcminfo)); devname += ','; devname += to_string (device, std::dec); backend_devs.push_back (devname); } } snd_ctl_close(handle); } } return devs; } #endif vector EngineControl::enumerate_ffado_devices () { vector devs; backend_devs.clear (); return devs; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_freebob_devices () { vector devs; return devs; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_oss_devices () { vector devs; return devs; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_dummy_devices () { vector devs; return devs; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_netjack_devices () { vector devs; return devs; } #endif void EngineControl::driver_changed () { string driver = driver_combo.get_active_text(); string::size_type maxlen = 0; int n = 0; enumerate_devices (driver); vector& strings = devices[driver]; if (strings.empty() && driver != "FreeBoB" && driver != "FFADO" && driver != "Dummy") { return; } for (vector::iterator i = strings.begin(); i != strings.end(); ++i, ++n) { if ((*i).length() > maxlen) { maxlen = (*i).length(); } } set_popdown_strings (interface_combo, strings); set_popdown_strings (input_device_combo, strings); set_popdown_strings (output_device_combo, strings); if (!strings.empty()) { interface_combo.set_active_text (strings.front()); input_device_combo.set_active_text (strings.front()); output_device_combo.set_active_text (strings.front()); } if (driver == "ALSA") { soft_mode_button.set_sensitive (true); force16bit_button.set_sensitive (true); hw_monitor_button.set_sensitive (true); hw_meter_button.set_sensitive (true); monitor_button.set_sensitive (true); } else { soft_mode_button.set_sensitive (false); force16bit_button.set_sensitive (false); hw_monitor_button.set_sensitive (false); hw_meter_button.set_sensitive (false); monitor_button.set_sensitive (false); } } uint32_t EngineControl::get_rate () { double r = atof (sample_rate_combo.get_active_text ()); /* the string may have been translated with an abbreviation for * thousands, so use a crude heuristic to fix this. */ if (r < 1000.0) { r *= 1000.0; } return lrint (r); } void EngineControl::redisplay_latency () { uint32_t rate = get_rate(); #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) float periods = 2; #else float periods = periods_adjustment.get_value(); #endif float period_size = atof (period_size_combo.get_active_text()); char buf[32]; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1fmsec", (periods * period_size) / (rate/1000.0)); latency_label.set_text (buf); latency_label.set_alignment (0, 0.5); } void EngineControl::audio_mode_changed () { std::string str = audio_mode_combo.get_active_text(); if (str == _("Playback/recording on 1 device")) { input_device_combo.set_sensitive (false); output_device_combo.set_sensitive (false); } else if (str == _("Playback/recording on 2 devices")) { input_device_combo.set_sensitive (true); output_device_combo.set_sensitive (true); } else if (str == _("Playback only")) { output_device_combo.set_sensitive (true); input_device_combo.set_sensitive (false); } else if (str == _("Recording only")) { input_device_combo.set_sensitive (true); output_device_combo.set_sensitive (false); } } static bool jack_server_filter(const string& str, void */*arg*/) { return str == "jackd" || str == "jackdmp"; } void EngineControl::find_jack_servers (vector& strings) { #ifdef __APPLE__ /* this magic lets us finds the path to the OSX bundle, and then we infer JACK's location from there */ char execpath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; uint32_t pathsz = sizeof (execpath); _NSGetExecutablePath (execpath, &pathsz); string path (Glib::path_get_dirname (execpath)); path += "/jackd"; if (Glib::file_test (path, FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { strings.push_back (path); } if (getenv ("ARDOUR_WITH_JACK")) { /* no other options - only use the JACK we supply */ if (strings.empty()) { fatal << string_compose (_("JACK appears to be missing from the %1 bundle"), PROGRAM_NAME) << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } return; } #else string path; #endif PathScanner scanner; vector *jack_servers; std::map un; char *p; bool need_minimal_path = false; p = getenv ("PATH"); if (p && *p) { path = p; } else { need_minimal_path = true; } #ifdef __APPLE__ // many mac users don't have PATH set up to include // likely installed locations of JACK need_minimal_path = true; #endif if (need_minimal_path) { if (path.empty()) { path = "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin"; } else { path += ":/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin"; } } #ifdef __APPLE__ // push it back into the environment so that auto-started JACK can find it. // XXX why can't we just expect OS X users to have PATH set correctly? we can't ... setenv ("PATH", path.c_str(), 1); #endif jack_servers = scanner (path, jack_server_filter, 0, false, true); if (!jack_servers) { return; } vector::iterator iter; for (iter = jack_servers->begin(); iter != jack_servers->end(); iter++) { string p = **iter; if (un[p]++ == 0) { strings.push_back(p); } } } string EngineControl::get_device_name (const string& driver, const string& human_readable) { vector::iterator n; vector::iterator i; if (human_readable.empty()) { /* this can happen if the user's .ardourrc file has a device name from another computer system in it */ MessageDialog msg (_("You need to choose an audio device first.")); msg.set_position (WIN_POS_MOUSE); msg.run (); return string(); } if (backend_devs.empty()) { return human_readable; } for (i = devices[driver].begin(), n = backend_devs.begin(); i != devices[driver].end(); ++i, ++n) { if (human_readable == (*i)) { return (*n); } } if (i == devices[driver].end()) { warning << string_compose (_("Audio device \"%1\" not known on this computer."), human_readable) << endmsg; } return string(); } XMLNode& EngineControl::get_state () { XMLNode* root = new XMLNode ("AudioSetup"); XMLNode* child; std::string path; child = new XMLNode ("periods"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (periods_adjustment.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("ports"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (ports_adjustment.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("inlatency"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (input_latency.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("outlatency"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (output_latency.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("realtime"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (realtime_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("nomemorylock"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (no_memory_lock_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("unlockmemory"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (unlock_memory_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("softmode"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (soft_mode_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("force16bit"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (force16bit_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("hwmonitor"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (hw_monitor_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("hwmeter"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (hw_meter_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("verbose"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (verbose_output_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("samplerate"); child->add_property ("val", sample_rate_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("periodsize"); child->add_property ("val", period_size_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("serverpath"); child->add_property ("val", serverpath_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("driver"); child->add_property ("val", driver_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("interface"); child->add_property ("val", interface_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("timeout"); child->add_property ("val", timeout_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("dither"); child->add_property ("val", dither_mode_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("audiomode"); child->add_property ("val", audio_mode_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("inputdevice"); child->add_property ("val", input_device_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("outputdevice"); child->add_property ("val", output_device_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("mididriver"); child->add_property ("val", midi_driver_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); return *root; } void EngineControl::set_state (const XMLNode& root) { XMLNodeList clist; XMLNodeConstIterator citer; XMLNode* child; XMLProperty* prop = NULL; bool using_dummy = false; bool using_ffado = false; int val; string strval; if ( (child = root.child ("driver"))){ prop = child->property("val"); if (prop && (prop->value() == "Dummy") ) { using_dummy = true; } if (prop && (prop->value() == "FFADO") ) { using_ffado = true; } } clist = root.children(); for (citer = clist.begin(); citer != clist.end(); ++citer) { child = *citer; prop = child->property ("val"); if (!prop || prop->value().empty()) { if (((using_dummy || using_ffado) && ( child->name() == "interface" || child->name() == "inputdevice" || child->name() == "outputdevice")) || child->name() == "timeout") { continue; } error << string_compose (_("AudioSetup value for %1 is missing data"), child->name()) << endmsg; continue; } strval = prop->value(); /* adjustments/spinners */ if (child->name() == "periods") { val = atoi (strval); periods_adjustment.set_value(val); } else if (child->name() == "ports") { val = atoi (strval); ports_adjustment.set_value(val); } else if (child->name() == "inlatency") { val = atoi (strval); input_latency.set_value(val); } else if (child->name() == "outlatency") { val = atoi (strval); output_latency.set_value(val); } /* buttons */ else if (child->name() == "realtime") { val = atoi (strval); realtime_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "nomemorylock") { val = atoi (strval); no_memory_lock_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "unlockmemory") { val = atoi (strval); unlock_memory_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "softmode") { val = atoi (strval); soft_mode_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "force16bit") { val = atoi (strval); force16bit_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "hwmonitor") { val = atoi (strval); hw_monitor_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "hwmeter") { val = atoi (strval); hw_meter_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "verbose") { val = atoi (strval); verbose_output_button.set_active(val); } /* combos */ else if (child->name() == "samplerate") { sample_rate_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "periodsize") { period_size_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "serverpath") { /* only attempt to set this if we have bothered to look up server names already. otherwise this is all redundant (actually, all of this dialog/widget is redundant in that case ...) */ if (!server_strings.empty()) { /* do not allow us to use a server path that doesn't exist on this system. this handles cases where the user has an RC file listing a serverpath from some other machine. */ vector::iterator x; for (x = server_strings.begin(); x != server_strings.end(); ++x) { if (*x == strval) { break; } } if (x != server_strings.end()) { serverpath_combo.set_active_text (strval); } else { warning << string_compose (_("configuration files contain a JACK server path that doesn't exist (%1)"), strval) << endmsg; } } } else if (child->name() == "driver") { driver_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "interface") { interface_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "timeout") { timeout_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "dither") { dither_mode_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "audiomode") { audio_mode_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "inputdevice") { input_device_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "outputdevice") { output_device_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "mididriver") { midi_driver_combo.set_active_text(strval); } } }