ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Engage Automation", author = "Ardour Team", description = [[Set automation mode of various controls (fader, trim, mute, pan), for all selected tracks.]] } function factory() return function() -- local auto_state = ARDOUR.AutoState.Touch local with_plugins = true -- Ask user which mode to use, and whether to include plugins local dialog_options = { { type = "label", align="left", title = "Select automation state to apply all selected tracks:" }, { type = "dropdown", key = "as", title="", values = { ["Manual"] = ARDOUR.AutoState.Off, ["Touch"] = ARDOUR.AutoState.Touch, ["Write"] = ARDOUR.AutoState.Write, ["Play"] = ARDOUR.AutoState.Play, }, default = "Touch" }, { type = "checkbox", key = "plug", default = true, title = "Also set plugin controls" } } local rv = LuaDialog.Dialog ("Select Automation State", dialog_options):run() if not rv then return end auto_state = rv['as'] with_plugins = rv['plug'] -- helper function to check if given ARDOUR:AutomationControl exists function maybe_set_automation_state (ac) if not ac:isnil() then ac:set_automation_state (auto_state) end end -- helper function to iterate over all automatable parameters of a plugin function set_plugin_control_mode (pi) local pc = pi:plugin (0):parameter_count() for c = 0, pc do local ac = pi:to_automatable():automation_control (Evoral.Parameter (ARDOUR.AutomationType.PluginAutomation, 0, c), false) if not ac:isnil () then ac:set_automation_state (auto_state) end end end -- get selected tracks -- local sel = Editor:get_selection () if sel.tracks:routelist ():empty() then LuaDialog.Message ("Select Automation State", "No Tracks are selected.", LuaDialog.MessageType.Info, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Close):run () return end -- iterate over selected tracks -- for r in sel.tracks:routelist ():iter () do -- r is-a -- which interhits from ARDOUR:Stripable -- set route's direct control r:gain_control ():set_automation_state (auto_state) maybe_set_automation_state (r:trim_control ()) maybe_set_automation_state (r:mute_control ()) maybe_set_automation_state (r:pan_azimuth_control ()) maybe_set_automation_state (r:pan_width_control ()) -- for every plugin local i = 0 while with_plugins do local proc = r:nth_plugin (i) if proc:isnil () then break end set_plugin_control_mode (proc:to_insert ()) i = i + 1 end end end end