/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Robin Gareus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include "gui_thread.h" #include "ardour/plugin_insert.h" #include "ardour/mac_vst_plugin.h" #include "ardour/vst_types.h" #include "mac_vst_plugin_ui.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace Gtk; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; struct ERect{ short top; short left; short bottom; short right; }; @implementation ResizeNotificationObject - (ResizeNotificationObject*) initWithPluginUI: (MacVSTPluginUI*) vstui { self = [ super init ]; plugin_ui = vstui; return self; } - (void)viewResized:(NSNotification *)notification { (void) notification; // unused plugin_ui->view_resized(); } @end VSTPluginUI* create_mac_vst_gui (boost::shared_ptr insert) { /* PluginUIWindow::create_mac_vst_editor assures this cast works */ boost::shared_ptr mvst = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (insert->plugin()); return new MacVSTPluginUI (insert, mvst); } MacVSTPluginUI::MacVSTPluginUI (boost::shared_ptr pi, boost::shared_ptr vst) : VSTPluginUI (pi, vst) , _ns_view (0) { low_box.add_events (Gdk::VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk::EXPOSURE_MASK); low_box.signal_realize().connect (mem_fun (this, &MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_realized)); low_box.signal_visibility_notify_event ().connect (mem_fun (this, &MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_visibility_notify)); low_box.signal_size_request ().connect (mem_fun (this, &MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_size_request)); low_box.signal_size_allocate ().connect (mem_fun (this, &MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_size_allocate)); low_box.signal_map ().connect (mem_fun (this, &MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_map)); low_box.signal_unmap ().connect (mem_fun (this, &MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_unmap)); pack_start (low_box, true, true); low_box.show (); vst->LoadPresetProgram.connect (_program_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MacVSTPluginUI::set_program, this), gui_context()); _ns_view = [[NSView new] retain]; AEffect* plugin = _vst->state()->plugin; plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effEditOpen, 0, 0, _ns_view, 0.0f); _idle_connection = Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MacVSTPluginUI::idle)); _resize_notifier = [[ResizeNotificationObject alloc] initWithPluginUI:this]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:_resize_notifier selector:@selector(viewResized:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:_ns_view]; NSArray* subviews = [_ns_view subviews]; assert ([subviews count] < 2); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < [subviews count]; ++i) { NSView* subview = [subviews objectAtIndex:i]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:_resize_notifier selector:@selector(viewResized:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:subview]; } } MacVSTPluginUI::~MacVSTPluginUI () { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_resize_notifier]; [_resize_notifier release]; [_ns_view removeFromSuperview]; [_ns_view release]; AEffect* plugin = _vst->state()->plugin; plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effEditClose, 0, 0, 0, 0.0f); _idle_connection.disconnect(); } NSWindow* MacVSTPluginUI::get_nswindow () { Gtk::Container* toplevel = get_toplevel(); if (!toplevel || !toplevel->is_toplevel()) { error << _("MacVSTPluginUI: no top level window!") << endmsg; return 0; } NSWindow* true_parent = gdk_quartz_window_get_nswindow (toplevel->get_window()->gobj()); if (!true_parent) { error << _("MacVSTPluginUI: no top level window!") << endmsg; return 0; } return true_parent; } int MacVSTPluginUI::package (Gtk::Window& win) { VSTPluginUI::package (win); return 0; } void MacVSTPluginUI::forward_key_event (GdkEventKey* ev) { NSEvent* nsevent = gdk_quartz_event_get_nsevent ((GdkEvent*)ev); if (_ns_view && nsevent) { /* filter on nsevent type here because GDK massages FlagsChanged * messages into GDK_KEY_{PRESS,RELEASE} but Cocoa won't * handle a FlagsChanged message as a keyDown or keyUp */ if ([nsevent type] == NSKeyDown) { [[[_ns_view window] firstResponder] keyDown:nsevent]; } else if ([nsevent type] == NSKeyUp) { [[[_ns_view window] firstResponder] keyUp:nsevent]; } else if ([nsevent type] == NSFlagsChanged) { [[[_ns_view window] firstResponder] flagsChanged:nsevent]; } } } void MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_realized () { NSWindow* win = get_nswindow (); if (!win) { return; } [win setAutodisplay:1]; // turn off GTK stuff for this window NSView* view = gdk_quartz_window_get_nsview (low_box.get_window()->gobj()); [view addSubview:_ns_view]; low_box.queue_resize (); } bool MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_visibility_notify (GdkEventVisibility* ev) { return false; } void MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_map () { [_ns_view setHidden:0]; } void MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_unmap () { [_ns_view setHidden:1]; } void MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_size_request (GtkRequisition* requisition) { struct ERect* er = NULL; AEffect* plugin = _vst->state()->plugin; plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effEditGetRect, 0, 0, &er, 0 ); if (er) { requisition->width = er->right - er->left; requisition->height = er->bottom - er->top; } else { requisition->width = 600; requisition->height = 400; } } void MacVSTPluginUI::lower_box_size_allocate (Gtk::Allocation& allocation) { gint xx, yy; gtk_widget_translate_coordinates( GTK_WIDGET(low_box.gobj()), GTK_WIDGET(low_box.get_parent()->gobj()), 8, 6, &xx, &yy); [_ns_view setFrame:NSMakeRect (xx, yy, allocation.get_width (), allocation.get_height ())]; NSArray* subviews = [_ns_view subviews]; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < [subviews count]; ++i) { NSView* subview = [subviews objectAtIndex:i]; [subview setFrame:NSMakeRect (0, 0, allocation.get_width (), allocation.get_height ())]; break; /* only resize first subview */ } } void MacVSTPluginUI::view_resized () { low_box.queue_resize (); } int MacVSTPluginUI::get_XID () { return _vst->state()->xid; // unused } bool MacVSTPluginUI::idle () { AEffect* plugin = _vst->state()->plugin; _vst->state()->wantIdle = plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effEditIdle, 0, 0, NULL, 0); return true; // _vst->state()->wantIdle; } void MacVSTPluginUI::set_program () { vststate_maybe_set_program (_vst->state()); }