#! /usr/bin/ruby # Copyright (C) 2006,2007 John Anderson # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. require 'faster_csv' require 'mackie.rb' class Control attr_accessor :id, :led, :group, :name, :ordinal, :switch def initialize( obj, group ) @id = obj.id @name = obj.name @ordinal = obj.ordinal @switch = obj.switch @group = group end def ordinal_name end end class Fader < Control def self.midi_zero_byte 0xe0 end def self.mask_for_id( bytes ) bytes[0] & 0b00001111 end end class Button < Control def self.midi_zero_byte 0x90 end def self.mask_for_id( bytes ) bytes[1] end end class Led < Control end class LedRing < Led end class Pot < Control def self.midi_zero_byte 0xb0 end def self.mask_for_id( bytes ) bytes[1] & 0b00011111 end def led=( rhs ) @led = LedRing.new( rhs, group ) end end class Group < Array attr_accessor :name, :controls def initialize( name ) @name = name end def add_control( control ) @controls ||= Array.new @controls << control end end class Strip < Group attr_accessor :ordinal def initialize( name, ordinal ) super( name ) @ordinal = ordinal end def name @name == 'master' ? @name : "#{@name}_#{@ordinal}" end def is_master name == 'master' end end types = { 0xe0 => Fader, 0x90 => Button, 0xb0 => Pot } # number of controls, name, switch, led, id # anything that doesn't have the correct number # of columns will be ignored # actually, 'switch' means it generates data # whereas 'led' means it receives data class Row attr_accessor :count, :name, :switch, :led, :start_id, :type, :group attr_accessor :id, :ordinal_name, :ordinal_group, :ordinal def initialize( hash ) @count = hash['count'].to_i @name = hash['name'] @switch = hash['switch'].to_b @led = hash['led'].to_b @start_id = hash['id'].hex @type = hash['type'] @group = hash['group'] @hash = hash end def each_ordinal( &block ) for i in 0...count @ordinal = i + 1 @ordinal_name = count > 1 ? "#{name}_#{ordinal}" : name @ordinal_group = count > 1 ? "#{group}_#{ordinal}" : group @id = start_id + i @hash['ordinal_name'] = @ordinal_name @hash['ordinal_group'] = @ordinal_group yield( self ) end self end def to_hash @hash end end class Surface attr_reader :groups, :controls_by_id, :types, :midis, :controls, :name def initialize( name = 'none' ) @name = name @types = Hash.new @groups = Hash.new @controls = Array.new @controls_by_id = Hash.new @midis = Hash.new end def add_or_create_group( name, ordinal = nil ) if name.nil? @groups['none'] = Group.new('none') else group = name =~ /strip/ || name == 'master' ? Strip.new( name, ordinal ) : Group.new( name ) @groups[group.name] ||= group end end def parse( control_data ) FasterCSV.parse( control_data, :headers => true ) do |csv_row| next if csv_row.entries.size < 5 || csv_row[0] =~ /^\s*#/ || csv_row['id'].nil? row = Row.new( csv_row ) row.each_ordinal do |row| group = add_or_create_group( row.group, row.ordinal ) if row.switch # for controls control = eval "#{row.type.capitalize}.new( row, group )" # for controls with leds control.led = Led.new( row, group ) if row.led else # for LED-only entries if row.led control = Led.new( row, group ) control.led = control end end # add the new control to the various lookups @controls_by_id[row.id] = control @controls << control group << control # add incoming midi bytes if row.switch types[control.class.midi_zero_byte] = control.class midis[control.class.midi_zero_byte] ||= Hash.new midis[control.class.midi_zero_byte][row.id] = control end end end self end end