/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Robin Gareus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "ardour/async_midi_port.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "widgets/tooltips.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "virtual_keyboard_window.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "utils.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace Glib; using namespace Gtk; using namespace ArdourWidgets; #define PX_SCALE(px) std::max((float)px, rintf((float)px * UIConfiguration::instance().get_ui_scale())) VirtualKeyboardWindow::VirtualKeyboardWindow () : ArdourWindow (_("Virtual MIDI Keyboard")) , _piano_channel (*manage (new Adjustment (1, 1, 16, 1, 1))) , _bank_msb (*manage (new Adjustment (0, 0, 127, 1, 16))) , _bank_lsb (*manage (new Adjustment (0, 0, 127, 1, 16))) , _patchpgm (*manage (new Adjustment (1, 1, 128, 1, 16))) , _cfg_display ("Config", ArdourButton::led_default_elements) , _pgm_display ("Bank/Patch", ArdourButton::led_default_elements) , _yaxis_velocity ("Y-Axis", ArdourButton::led_default_elements) , _highlight_grand_piano ("Grand Piano", ArdourButton::led_default_elements) , _highlight_key_range ("Key Bindings", ArdourButton::led_default_elements) , _send_panic ("Panic", ArdourButton::default_elements) , _piano_key_velocity (*manage (new Adjustment (100, 1, 127, 1, 16))) , _piano_min_velocity (*manage (new Adjustment (1 , 1, 127, 1, 16))) , _piano_max_velocity (*manage (new Adjustment (127, 1, 127, 1, 16))) , _piano_octave_key (*manage (new Adjustment (4, -1, 7, 1, 1))) , _piano_octave_range (*manage (new Adjustment (7, 2, 11, 1, 1))) , _pitch_adjustment (8192, 0, 16383, 1, 256) { _piano = (PianoKeyboard*)piano_keyboard_new(); _pianomm = Glib::wrap((GtkWidget*)_piano); _pianomm->set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS); _pianomm->add_events(Gdk::KEY_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::KEY_RELEASE_MASK); piano_keyboard_set_keyboard_layout (_piano, "QWERTY"); using namespace Menu_Helpers; _keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem ("QWERTY", sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), 0))); _keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem ("QWERTZ", sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), 1))); _keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem ("AZERTY", sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), 2))); _keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem ("DVORAK", sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), 3))); _keyboard_layout.set_active (_("QWERTY")); _cfg_display.set_active (false); _pgm_display.set_active (false); _yaxis_velocity.set_active (false); _highlight_grand_piano.set_active (false); _highlight_key_range.set_active (false); _pitchbend = boost::shared_ptr (new VKBDControl ("PB", 8192, 16383)); _pitch_slider = manage (new VSliderController(&_pitch_adjustment, _pitchbend, 0, PX_SCALE (15))); _pitch_slider_tooltip = new Gtkmm2ext::PersistentTooltip (_pitch_slider); _pitch_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_slider_adjusted)); _pitchbend->ValueChanged.connect_same_thread (_cc_connections, boost::bind (&VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_event_handler, this, _1)); set_tooltip (_highlight_grand_piano, "Shade keys outside the range of a Grand Piano (A0-C8)."); set_tooltip (_highlight_key_range, "Indicate which notes can be controlled by keyboard-shortcuts."); set_tooltip (_yaxis_velocity, "When enabled, mouse-click y-axis position defines the velocity."); set_tooltip (_piano_octave_key, "The center octave, and lowest octave for keyboard control."); set_tooltip (_piano_octave_range, "Available octave range, centered around the key-octave."); set_tooltip (_keyboard_layout, "Keyboard layout to use for keyboard control."); set_tooltip (_piano_key_velocity, "The default velocity to use with keyboard control, and when y-axis click-position is disabled."); set_tooltip (_piano_min_velocity, "Velocity to use when clicking at the top-end of a key."); set_tooltip (_piano_max_velocity, "Velocity to use when clicking at the bottom-end of a key."); set_tooltip (_send_panic, "Send MIDI Panic message for current channel"); _pitch_slider_tooltip->set_tip ("Pitchbend: 8192"); /* config */ Table* cfg_tbl = manage (new Table); cfg_tbl->attach (_yaxis_velocity, 0, 1, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Velocity:"))), 0, 1, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_min_velocity, 1, 2, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Min"))), 1, 2, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_max_velocity, 2, 3, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Max"))), 2, 3, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_key_velocity, 3, 4, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Key"))), 3, 4, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 4, 5, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_octave_key, 5, 6, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Octave"))), 5, 6, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_octave_range, 6, 7, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Range"))), 6, 7, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 7, 8, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (_highlight_grand_piano, 8, 9, 0, 1, FILL, SHRINK, 4, 2); cfg_tbl->attach (_highlight_key_range, 8, 9, 1, 2, FILL, SHRINK, 4, 2); cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 9,10, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->attach (_keyboard_layout, 10,11, 0, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); cfg_tbl->show_all (); /* bank/patch */ Table* pgm_tbl = manage (new Table); Label* lbl = manage (new Label (_("Note: Prefer\nTrack-controls"))); lbl->set_justify (JUSTIFY_CENTER); pgm_tbl->attach (*lbl, 0, 1, 0, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 1, 2, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0); pgm_tbl->attach (_bank_msb, 2, 3, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); pgm_tbl->attach (_bank_lsb, 3, 4, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); pgm_tbl->attach (_patchpgm, 4, 5, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("MSB"))), 2, 3, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("LSB"))), 3, 4, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("PGM"))), 4, 5, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 5, 6, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0); pgm_tbl->attach (_send_panic, 6, 7, 0, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); pgm_tbl->show_all (); /* settings */ Table* tbl = manage (new Table); tbl->attach (_piano_channel, 0, 1, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Channel"))), 0, 1, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0); tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 1, 2, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0); tbl->attach (*_pitch_slider, 2, 3, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0); const char* default_cc[VKBD_NCTRLS] = { "7", "8", "1", "11", "91", "92", "93", "94" }; for (int i = 0; i < VKBD_NCTRLS; ++i) { _cc[i] = boost::shared_ptr (new VKBDControl ("CC")); _cc_knob[i] = manage(new ArdourKnob (ArdourKnob::default_elements, ArdourKnob::Flags (0))); _cc_knob[i]->set_controllable (_cc[i]); _cc_knob[i]->set_size_request (PX_SCALE(21), PX_SCALE(21)); _cc_knob[i]->set_tooltip_prefix (_("CC: ")); _cc_knob[i]->set_name ("monitor section knob"); for (int c = 1; c < 120; ++c) { if (c == 32) { continue; } char key[32]; sprintf (key, "%d", c); _cc_key[i].append_text_item (key); } _cc_key[i].set_active (default_cc[i]); tbl->attach (*_cc_knob[i], i+3, i+4, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 2); tbl->attach (_cc_key[i] , i+3, i+4, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 2); _cc[i]->ValueChanged.connect_same_thread (_cc_connections, boost::bind (&VirtualKeyboardWindow::control_change_event_handler, this, i, _1)); } /* main layout */ Box* box1 = manage (new HBox ()); box1->pack_start (*tbl, true, false); Box* box2 = manage (new VBox ()); box2->pack_start (_pgm_display, false, false); box2->pack_start (_cfg_display, false, false); box1->pack_start (*box2, false, false); _cfg_box = manage (new HBox ()); _cfg_box->pack_start (*cfg_tbl, true, false); _cfg_box->set_no_show_all (true); _pgm_box = manage (new HBox ()); _pgm_box->pack_start (*pgm_tbl, true, false); _pgm_box->set_no_show_all (true); VBox* vbox = manage (new VBox); vbox->pack_start (*box1, false, false, 4); vbox->pack_start (*_pgm_box, false, false, 4); vbox->pack_start (*_cfg_box, false, false, 4); vbox->pack_start (*_pianomm, true, true); add (*vbox); _bank_msb.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch)); _bank_lsb.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch)); _patchpgm.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch)); _piano_key_velocity.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings), 0)); _piano_min_velocity.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings), 1)); _piano_max_velocity.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings), 2)); _piano_octave_key.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_key)); _piano_octave_range.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_range)); _cfg_display.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_config), false); _pgm_display.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_bankpatch), false); _yaxis_velocity.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_yaxis_velocity), false); _highlight_grand_piano.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_highlight_piano), false); _highlight_key_range.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_highlight_key), false); _send_panic.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::send_panic_message), false); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (_piano), "note-on", G_CALLBACK (VirtualKeyboardWindow::_note_on_event_handler), this); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (_piano), "note-off", G_CALLBACK (VirtualKeyboardWindow::_note_off_event_handler), this); update_velocity_settings (0); set_keep_above (true); vbox->show_all(); } VirtualKeyboardWindow::~VirtualKeyboardWindow () { delete _pianomm; delete _pitch_slider_tooltip; } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s) { ArdourWindow::set_session (s); if (!_session) { return; } XMLNode* node = _session->instant_xml(X_("VirtualKeyboard")); if (node) { set_state (*node); } } XMLNode& VirtualKeyboardWindow::get_state () { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("VirtualKeyboard")); node->set_property (X_("YAxisVelocity"), _yaxis_velocity.get_active()); node->set_property (X_("Layout"), _keyboard_layout.get_text ()); node->set_property (X_("Channel"), _piano_channel.get_value_as_int ()); node->set_property (X_("MinVelocity"), _piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int ()); node->set_property (X_("MaxVelocity"), _piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int ()); node->set_property (X_("KeyVelocity"), _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int ()); for (int i = 0; i < VKBD_NCTRLS; ++i) { char buf[16]; sprintf (buf, "CC-%d", i); node->set_property (buf, _cc_key[i].get_text()); } return *node; } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::set_state (const XMLNode &root) { if (root.name() != "VirtualKeyboard") { return; } XMLNode const* node = &root; std::string layout; if (node->get_property(X_("Layout"), layout)) { piano_keyboard_set_keyboard_layout (_piano, layout.c_str()); _keyboard_layout.set_active (layout); } for (int i = 0; i < VKBD_NCTRLS; ++i) { char buf[16]; sprintf (buf, "CC-%d", i); std::string cckey; if (node->get_property(buf, cckey)) { _cc_key[i].set_active (cckey); } } bool a; if (node->get_property(X_("YAxisVelocity"), a)) { _yaxis_velocity.set_active (a); } int v; if (node->get_property(X_("Channel"), v)) { _piano_channel.set_value (v); } if (node->get_property(X_("MinVelocity"), v)) { _piano_min_velocity.set_value (v); } if (node->get_property(X_("MaxVelocity"), v)) { _piano_max_velocity.set_value (v); } if (node->get_property(X_("KeyVelocity"), v)) { _piano_key_velocity.set_value (v); } update_velocity_settings (0); } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::on_unmap () { ArdourWindow::on_unmap (); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->reset_focus (this); } bool VirtualKeyboardWindow::on_key_press_event (GdkEventKey* ev) { return ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::relay_key_press (ev, this); } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout (int l) { switch (l) { default: case 0: piano_keyboard_set_keyboard_layout (_piano, "QWERTY"); break; case 1: piano_keyboard_set_keyboard_layout (_piano, "QWERTZ"); break; case 2: piano_keyboard_set_keyboard_layout (_piano, "AZERTY"); break; case 3: piano_keyboard_set_keyboard_layout (_piano, "DVORAK"); break; } } bool VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_config (GdkEventButton* ev) { bool a = ! _cfg_display.get_active (); _cfg_display.set_active (a); if (a) { _cfg_box->show (); } else { _cfg_box->hide (); } return false; } bool VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_bankpatch (GdkEventButton*) { bool a = ! _pgm_display.get_active (); _pgm_display.set_active (a); if (a) { _pgm_box->show (); } else { _pgm_box->hide (); } return false; } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_key () { piano_keyboard_set_octave (_piano, _piano_octave_key.get_value_as_int ()); } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_range () { piano_keyboard_set_octave_range (_piano, _piano_octave_range.get_value_as_int ()); } bool VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_yaxis_velocity (GdkEventButton*) { _yaxis_velocity.set_active (!_yaxis_velocity.get_active ()); update_velocity_settings (0); return false; } bool VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_highlight_piano (GdkEventButton*) { bool a = ! _highlight_grand_piano.get_active (); _highlight_grand_piano.set_active (a); piano_keyboard_set_grand_piano_highlight (_piano, a); return false; } bool VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_highlight_key (GdkEventButton*) { bool a = ! _highlight_key_range.get_active (); _highlight_key_range.set_active (a); piano_keyboard_set_keyboard_cue (_piano, a); return false; } bool VirtualKeyboardWindow::send_panic_message (GdkEventButton*) { uint8_t channel = _piano_channel.get_value_as_int () - 1; uint8_t ev[3]; ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_CONTROL | channel; ev[1] = MIDI_CTL_SUSTAIN; ev[2] = 0; _session->vkbd_output_port()->write (ev, 3, 0); ev[1] = MIDI_CTL_ALL_NOTES_OFF; _session->vkbd_output_port()->write (ev, 3, 0); ev[1] = MIDI_CTL_RESET_CONTROLLERS; _session->vkbd_output_port()->write (ev, 3, 0); return false; } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch () { int msb = _bank_msb.get_value_as_int (); int lsb = _bank_lsb.get_value_as_int (); int pgm = _patchpgm.get_value_as_int () - 1; uint8_t channel = _piano_channel.get_value_as_int () - 1; uint8_t ev[3]; ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_CONTROL | channel; ev[1] = MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK; ev[2] = (msb >> 7) & 0x7f; _session->vkbd_output_port()->write (ev, 3, 0); ev[1] = MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK | channel; ev[2] = lsb & 0x7f; _session->vkbd_output_port()->write (ev, 3, 0); ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_PGM_CHANGE | channel; ev[1] = pgm & 0x7f; _session->vkbd_output_port()->write (ev, 2, 0); } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings (int ctrl) { if (_piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int () > _piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int ()) { if (ctrl == 2) { _piano_min_velocity.set_value (_piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int ()); return; } else { _piano_max_velocity.set_value (_piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int ()); return; } } if (_yaxis_velocity.get_active ()) { piano_keyboard_set_velocities (_piano, _piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int (), _piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int (), _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int () ); } else { piano_keyboard_set_velocities (_piano, _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int (), _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int (), _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int () ); } update_sensitivity (); } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_sensitivity () { bool c = _yaxis_velocity.get_active (); _piano_min_velocity.set_sensitive (c); _piano_max_velocity.set_sensitive (c); } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_slider_adjusted () { _pitchbend->set_value (_pitch_adjustment.get_value (), PBD::Controllable::NoGroup); char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Pitchbend: %.0f", _pitch_adjustment.get_value()); _pitch_slider_tooltip->set_tip (buf); } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::note_on_event_handler (int note, int velocity) { _pianomm->grab_focus (); if (!_session) { return; } uint8_t channel = _piano_channel.get_value_as_int () - 1; uint8_t ev[3]; ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_NOTE_ON | channel; ev[1] = note; ev[2] = velocity; _session->vkbd_output_port()->write (ev, 3, 0); } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::note_off_event_handler (int note) { if (!_session) { return; } uint8_t channel = _piano_channel.get_value_as_int () - 1; uint8_t ev[3]; ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_NOTE_OFF | channel; ev[1] = note; ev[2] = 0; _session->vkbd_output_port()->write (ev, 3, 0); } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::control_change_event_handler (int key, int val) { if (!_session) { return; } assert (key >= 0 && key < VKBD_NCTRLS); int ctrl = PBD::atoi (_cc_key[key].get_text()); assert (ctrl > 0 && ctrl < 127); uint8_t channel = _piano_channel.get_value_as_int () - 1; uint8_t ev[3]; ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_CONTROL | channel; ev[1] = ctrl; ev[2] = val; _session->vkbd_output_port()->write (ev, 3, 0); } void VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_event_handler (int val) { if (!_session) { return; } uint8_t channel = _piano_channel.get_value_as_int () - 1; uint8_t ev[3]; ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_BENDER | channel; ev[1] = val & 0x7f; ev[2] = (val >> 7) & 0x7f; _session->vkbd_output_port()->write (ev, 3, 0); }