/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Paul Davis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef _gtk_ardour_triggerbox_ui_h_ #define _gtk_ardour_triggerbox_ui_h_ #include #include "pbd/properties.h" #include "ardour/triggerbox.h" #include "canvas/canvas.h" #include "canvas/rectangle.h" #include "fitted_canvas_widget.h" #include "trigger_ui.h" namespace Temporal { struct BBT_Offset; } namespace ArdourCanvas { class Text; class Polygon; } class TriggerEntry : public ArdourCanvas::Rectangle, public TriggerUI { public: TriggerEntry (ArdourCanvas::Item* item, ARDOUR::TriggerReference rf); ~TriggerEntry (); ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* play_button; ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* name_button; ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* follow_button; ArdourCanvas::Text* name_text; void draw_launch_icon (Cairo::RefPtr context, float size, float scale) const; void draw_follow_icon (Cairo::RefPtr context, ARDOUR::Trigger::FollowAction icon, float size, float scale) const; void render (ArdourCanvas::Rect const& area, Cairo::RefPtr context) const; void _size_allocate (ArdourCanvas::Rect const&); void on_trigger_changed (PBD::PropertyChange const& change); void selection_change (); enum EnteredState { PlayEntered, NameEntered, FollowEntered, NoneEntered }; void set_widget_colors (TriggerEntry::EnteredState es = NoneEntered); bool name_button_event (GdkEvent*); private: bool _grabbed; double _poly_size; double _poly_margin; int _drag_start_x; int _drag_start_y; bool _drag_active; bool event (GdkEvent*); void drag_begin (Glib::RefPtr const&); void drag_end (Glib::RefPtr const&); void drag_data_get (Glib::RefPtr const&, Gtk::SelectionData&, guint, guint); void ui_parameter_changed (std::string const& p); bool play_button_event (GdkEvent*); bool follow_button_event (GdkEvent*); void owner_prop_change (PBD::PropertyChange const&); void owner_color_changed (); PBD::ScopedConnection _owner_prop_connection; }; class TriggerBoxUI : public ArdourCanvas::Rectangle { public: TriggerBoxUI (ArdourCanvas::Item* parent, ARDOUR::TriggerBox&); ~TriggerBoxUI (); void _size_allocate (ArdourCanvas::Rect const&); static Glib::RefPtr dnd_src () { return _dnd_src; } private: typedef std::vector Slots; ARDOUR::TriggerBox& _triggerbox; Slots _slots; static Glib::RefPtr _dnd_src; void build (); void selection_changed (); bool drag_motion (Glib::RefPtr const&, int, int, guint); void drag_leave (Glib::RefPtr const&, guint); void drag_data_received (Glib::RefPtr const&, int, int, Gtk::SelectionData const&, guint, guint); bool triggerbox_event (GdkEvent*); uint64_t slot_at_y (int) const; sigc::connection _selection_connection; }; class TriggerBoxWidget : public FittedCanvasWidget { public: TriggerBoxWidget (float w, float h); void set_triggerbox (ARDOUR::TriggerBox* tb); private: TriggerBoxUI* ui; }; #endif