/* Copyright (C) 2005 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/rc_configuration.h" #include "ardour/smf_source.h" #include "canvas/canvas.h" #include "canvas/rectangle.h" #include "canvas/pixbuf.h" #include "canvas/text.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "editor.h" #include "global_signals.h" #include "editing.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "utils.h" #include "audio_time_axis.h" #include "editor_drag.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "editor_group_tabs.h" #include "editor_summary.h" #include "video_timeline.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "editor_cursors.h" #include "mouse_cursors.h" #include "verbose_cursor.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Glib; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace Editing; /* XXX this is a hack. it ought to be the maximum value of an framepos_t */ const double max_canvas_coordinate = (double) JACK_MAX_FRAMES; void Editor::initialize_canvas () { _track_canvas_viewport = new ArdourCanvas::GtkCanvasViewport (horizontal_adjustment, vertical_adjustment); _track_canvas = _track_canvas_viewport->canvas (); _time_bars_canvas_viewport = new ArdourCanvas::GtkCanvasViewport (horizontal_adjustment, unused_adjustment); _time_bars_canvas = _time_bars_canvas_viewport->canvas (); _verbose_cursor = new VerboseCursor (this); /* on the bottom, an image */ if (Profile->get_sae()) { Image img (::get_icon (X_("saelogo"))); // logo_item = new ArdourCanvas::Pixbuf (_track_canvas->root(), 0.0, 0.0, img.get_pixbuf()); // logo_item->property_height_in_pixels() = true; // logo_item->property_width_in_pixels() = true; // logo_item->property_height_set() = true; // logo_item->property_width_set() = true; logo_item->show (); } /* a group to hold time (measure) lines */ time_line_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_track_canvas->root()); transport_loop_range_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (time_line_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX)); transport_loop_range_rect->set_outline_width (1); transport_loop_range_rect->hide(); transport_punch_range_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (time_line_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX)); transport_punch_range_rect->set_outline_width (0); transport_punch_range_rect->hide(); _background_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_track_canvas->root()); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_background_group, "Canvas Background"); _master_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_track_canvas->root()); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_master_group, "Canvas Master"); _trackview_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_master_group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_trackview_group, "Canvas TrackViews"); _region_motion_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_trackview_group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_region_motion_group, "Canvas Region Motion"); meter_bar_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_bars_canvas->root ()); meter_bar = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (meter_bar_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height - 1)); meter_bar->set_outline_width (1); meter_bar->set_outline_what (0x8); tempo_bar_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_bars_canvas->root ()); tempo_bar = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (tempo_bar_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height - 1)); tempo_bar->set_outline_width (1); tempo_bar->set_outline_what (0x8); range_marker_bar_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_bars_canvas->root ()); range_marker_bar = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (range_marker_bar_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height - 1)); range_marker_bar->set_outline_width (1); range_marker_bar->set_outline_what (0x8); transport_marker_bar_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_bars_canvas->root ()); transport_marker_bar = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (transport_marker_bar_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height - 1)); transport_marker_bar->set_outline_width (1); transport_marker_bar->set_outline_what (0x8); marker_bar_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_bars_canvas->root ()); marker_bar = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (marker_bar_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height - 1)); marker_bar->set_outline_width (1); marker_bar->set_outline_what (0x8); cd_marker_bar_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_bars_canvas->root ()); cd_marker_bar = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (cd_marker_bar_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height - 1)); cd_marker_bar->set_outline_width (1); cd_marker_bar->set_outline_what (0x8); _time_markers_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_bars_canvas->root()); meter_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_markers_group, ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, timebar_height * 5.0)); tempo_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_markers_group, ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, timebar_height * 4.0)); range_marker_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_markers_group, ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, timebar_height * 3.0)); transport_marker_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_markers_group, ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, timebar_height * 2.0)); marker_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_markers_group, ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, timebar_height)); cd_marker_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_markers_group, ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, 0.0)); videotl_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_markers_group, ArdourCanvas::Duple(0.0, 0.0)); videotl_bar_group = new ArdourCanvas::Group (_time_bars_canvas->root ()); videotl_bar = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (videotl_bar_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, 100,(timebar_height * videotl_bar_height))); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->video_timeline = new VideoTimeLine(this, videotl_bar_group, (timebar_height * videotl_bar_height)); cd_marker_bar_drag_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (cd_marker_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, 100, timebar_height)); cd_marker_bar_drag_rect->set_outline (false); cd_marker_bar_drag_rect->hide (); range_bar_drag_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (range_marker_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, 100, timebar_height)); range_bar_drag_rect->set_outline (false); range_bar_drag_rect->hide (); transport_bar_drag_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (transport_marker_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, 100, timebar_height)); transport_bar_drag_rect->set_outline (false); transport_bar_drag_rect->hide (); transport_punchin_line = new ArdourCanvas::Line (_master_group); transport_punchin_line->set_x0 (0); transport_punchin_line->set_y0 (0); transport_punchin_line->set_x1 (0); transport_punchin_line->set_y1 (ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX); transport_punchin_line->hide (); transport_punchout_line = new ArdourCanvas::Line (_master_group); transport_punchout_line->set_x0 (0); transport_punchout_line->set_y0 (0); transport_punchout_line->set_x1 (0); transport_punchout_line->set_y1 (ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX); transport_punchout_line->hide(); // used to show zoom mode active zooming zoom_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (_master_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); zoom_rect->set_outline_width (1); zoom_rect->hide(); zoom_rect->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_zoom_rect_event), (ArdourCanvas::Item*) 0)); // used as rubberband rect rubberband_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (_trackview_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); rubberband_rect->set_outline_width (1); rubberband_rect->hide(); tempo_bar->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_tempo_bar_event), tempo_bar)); meter_bar->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_meter_bar_event), meter_bar)); marker_bar->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_marker_bar_event), marker_bar)); cd_marker_bar->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_cd_marker_bar_event), cd_marker_bar)); videotl_bar_group->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_videotl_bar_event), videotl_bar)); range_marker_bar->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_range_marker_bar_event), range_marker_bar)); transport_marker_bar->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_transport_marker_bar_event), transport_marker_bar)); playhead_cursor = new EditorCursor (*this, &Editor::canvas_playhead_cursor_event); if (logo_item) { logo_item->lower_to_bottom (); } /* need to handle 4 specific types of events as catch-alls */ _track_canvas->signal_scroll_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::track_canvas_scroll_event)); _track_canvas->signal_motion_notify_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::track_canvas_motion_notify_event)); _track_canvas->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::track_canvas_button_press_event)); _track_canvas->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::track_canvas_button_release_event)); _track_canvas->signal_drag_motion().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::track_canvas_drag_motion)); _track_canvas->signal_key_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::track_canvas_key_press)); _track_canvas->signal_key_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::track_canvas_key_release)); _track_canvas->set_name ("EditorMainCanvas"); _track_canvas->add_events (Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK | Gdk::SCROLL_MASK | Gdk::KEY_PRESS_MASK | Gdk::KEY_RELEASE_MASK); _track_canvas->signal_leave_notify_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::left_track_canvas), false); _track_canvas->signal_enter_notify_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::entered_track_canvas), false); _track_canvas->set_flags (CAN_FOCUS); /* set up drag-n-drop */ vector target_table; // Drag-N-Drop from the region list can generate this target target_table.push_back (TargetEntry ("regions")); target_table.push_back (TargetEntry ("text/plain")); target_table.push_back (TargetEntry ("text/uri-list")); target_table.push_back (TargetEntry ("application/x-rootwin-drop")); _track_canvas->drag_dest_set (target_table); _track_canvas->signal_drag_data_received().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::track_canvas_drag_data_received)); _track_canvas_viewport->signal_size_allocate().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::track_canvas_viewport_allocate)); ColorsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::color_handler)); color_handler(); } void Editor::track_canvas_viewport_allocate (Gtk::Allocation alloc) { _canvas_viewport_allocation = alloc; track_canvas_viewport_size_allocated (); } bool Editor::track_canvas_viewport_size_allocated () { bool height_changed = _visible_canvas_height != _canvas_viewport_allocation.get_height(); _visible_canvas_width = _canvas_viewport_allocation.get_width (); _visible_canvas_height = _canvas_viewport_allocation.get_height (); // SHOWTRACKS if (height_changed) { for (LocationMarkerMap::iterator i = location_markers.begin(); i != location_markers.end(); ++i) { i->second->canvas_height_set (_visible_canvas_height); } vertical_adjustment.set_page_size (_visible_canvas_height); if ((vertical_adjustment.get_value() + _visible_canvas_height) >= vertical_adjustment.get_upper()) { /* We're increasing the size of the canvas while the bottom is visible. We scroll down to keep in step with the controls layout. */ vertical_adjustment.set_value (_full_canvas_height - _visible_canvas_height); } } update_fixed_rulers(); redisplay_tempo (false); _summary->set_overlays_dirty (); return false; } void Editor::reset_controls_layout_width () { GtkRequisition req; gint w; edit_controls_vbox.size_request (req); w = req.width; if (_group_tabs->is_mapped()) { _group_tabs->size_request (req); w += req.width; } /* the controls layout has no horizontal scrolling, its visible width is always equal to the total width of its contents. */ controls_layout.property_width() = w; controls_layout.property_width_request() = w; } void Editor::reset_controls_layout_height (int32_t h) { /* set the height of the scrollable area (i.e. the sum of all contained widgets) */ controls_layout.property_height() = h; /* size request is set elsewhere, see ::track_canvas_allocate() */ } bool Editor::track_canvas_map_handler (GdkEventAny* /*ev*/) { if (current_canvas_cursor) { set_canvas_cursor (current_canvas_cursor); } return false; } /** This is called when something is dropped onto the track canvas */ void Editor::track_canvas_drag_data_received (const RefPtr& context, int x, int y, const SelectionData& data, guint info, guint time) { if (data.get_target() == "regions") { drop_regions (context, x, y, data, info, time); } else { drop_paths (context, x, y, data, info, time); } } bool Editor::idle_drop_paths (vector paths, framepos_t frame, double ypos, bool copy) { drop_paths_part_two (paths, frame, ypos, copy); return false; } void Editor::drop_paths_part_two (const vector& paths, framepos_t frame, double ypos, bool copy) { RouteTimeAxisView* tv; /* MIDI files must always be imported, because we consider them * writable. So split paths into two vectors, and follow the import * path on the MIDI part. */ vector midi_paths; vector audio_paths; for (vector::const_iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) { if (SMFSource::safe_midi_file_extension (*i)) { midi_paths.push_back (*i); } else { audio_paths.push_back (*i); } } std::pair const tvp = trackview_by_y_position (ypos); if (tvp.first == 0) { /* drop onto canvas background: create new tracks */ frame = 0; do_import (midi_paths, Editing::ImportDistinctFiles, ImportAsTrack, SrcBest, frame); if (Profile->get_sae() || Config->get_only_copy_imported_files() || copy) { do_import (audio_paths, Editing::ImportDistinctFiles, Editing::ImportAsTrack, SrcBest, frame); } else { do_embed (audio_paths, Editing::ImportDistinctFiles, ImportAsTrack, frame); } } else if ((tv = dynamic_cast (tvp.first)) != 0) { /* check that its a track, not a bus */ if (tv->track()) { /* select the track, then embed/import */ selection->set (tv); do_import (midi_paths, Editing::ImportSerializeFiles, ImportToTrack, SrcBest, frame); if (Profile->get_sae() || Config->get_only_copy_imported_files() || copy) { do_import (audio_paths, Editing::ImportSerializeFiles, Editing::ImportToTrack, SrcBest, frame); } else { do_embed (audio_paths, Editing::ImportSerializeFiles, ImportToTrack, frame); } } } } void Editor::drop_paths (const RefPtr& context, int x, int y, const SelectionData& data, guint info, guint time) { vector paths; GdkEvent ev; framepos_t frame; double cy; if (convert_drop_to_paths (paths, context, x, y, data, info, time) == 0) { /* D-n-D coordinates are window-relative, so convert to "world" coordinates */ ev.type = GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE; ev.button.x = x; ev.button.y = y; frame = window_event_frame (&ev, 0, &cy); snap_to (frame); bool copy = ((context->get_actions() & (Gdk::ACTION_COPY | Gdk::ACTION_LINK | Gdk::ACTION_MOVE)) == Gdk::ACTION_COPY); #ifdef GTKOSX /* We are not allowed to call recursive main event loops from within the main event loop with GTK/Quartz. Since import/embed wants to push up a progress dialog, defer all this till we go idle. */ Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::idle_drop_paths), paths, frame, cy, copy)); #else drop_paths_part_two (paths, frame, cy, copy); #endif } context->drag_finish (true, false, time); } /** If the editor window is arranged such that the edge of the trackview is right up * against the edge of the screen, autoscroll will not work very well. In this situation, * we start autoscrolling some distance in from the right-hand-side of the screen edge; * this is the distance at which that happens. */ int Editor::autoscroll_fudge_threshold () const { return current_page_samples() / 6; } /** @param allow_horiz true to allow horizontal autoscroll, otherwise false. * @param allow_vert true to allow vertical autoscroll, otherwise false. * @param moving_left true if we are moving left, so we only want to autoscroll on the left of the canvas, * otherwise false, so we only want to autoscroll on the right of the canvas. * @param moving_up true if we are moving up, so we only want to autoscroll at the top of the canvas, * otherwise false, so we only want to autoscroll at the bottom of the canvas. */ void Editor::maybe_autoscroll (bool allow_horiz, bool allow_vert, bool moving_left, bool moving_up) { if (!Config->get_autoscroll_editor ()) { return; } bool startit = false; /* Work out the distance between the right hand edge of the trackview and the edge of the monitor that it is on. */ Glib::RefPtr gdk_window = get_window (); Gdk::Rectangle window_rect; gdk_window->get_frame_extents (window_rect); Glib::RefPtr screen = get_screen (); Gdk::Rectangle root_rect; screen->get_root_window()->get_frame_extents (root_rect); Gtk::Allocation editor_list = _the_notebook.get_allocation (); framecnt_t distance = pixel_to_sample (root_rect.get_x() + root_rect.get_width() - window_rect.get_x() - window_rect.get_width()); if (_the_notebook.is_visible ()) { distance += pixel_to_sample (editor_list.get_width()); } /* Note whether we're fudging the autoscroll (see autoscroll_fudge_threshold) */ _autoscroll_fudging = (distance < autoscroll_fudge_threshold ()); double const ty = _drags->current_pointer_y(); autoscroll_y = 0; autoscroll_x = 0; if (ty < 0 && moving_up && allow_vert) { autoscroll_y = -1; startit = true; } else if (ty > _visible_canvas_height && !moving_up && allow_vert) { autoscroll_y = 1; startit = true; } framepos_t rightmost_frame = leftmost_frame + current_page_samples(); if (_autoscroll_fudging) { rightmost_frame -= autoscroll_fudge_threshold (); } if (_drags->current_pointer_frame() > rightmost_frame && allow_horiz) { if (rightmost_frame < max_framepos && !moving_left) { autoscroll_x = 1; startit = true; } } else if (_drags->current_pointer_frame() < leftmost_frame && allow_horiz) { if (leftmost_frame > 0 && moving_left) { autoscroll_x = -1; startit = true; } } if (autoscroll_active && ((autoscroll_x != last_autoscroll_x) || (autoscroll_y != last_autoscroll_y) || (autoscroll_x == 0 && autoscroll_y == 0))) { stop_canvas_autoscroll (); } if (startit && autoscroll_timeout_tag < 0) { start_canvas_autoscroll (autoscroll_x, autoscroll_y); } last_autoscroll_x = autoscroll_x; last_autoscroll_y = autoscroll_y; } gint Editor::_autoscroll_canvas (void *arg) { return ((Editor *) arg)->autoscroll_canvas (); } bool Editor::autoscroll_canvas () { framepos_t new_frame; framepos_t limit = max_framepos - current_page_samples(); GdkEventMotion ev; double new_pixel; double target_pixel; if (autoscroll_x_distance != 0) { if (autoscroll_x > 0) { autoscroll_x_distance = (_drags->current_pointer_frame() - (leftmost_frame + current_page_samples())) / 3; if (_autoscroll_fudging) { autoscroll_x_distance += autoscroll_fudge_threshold () / 3; } } else if (autoscroll_x < 0) { autoscroll_x_distance = (leftmost_frame - _drags->current_pointer_frame()) / 3; } } if (autoscroll_y_distance != 0) { if (autoscroll_y > 0) { autoscroll_y_distance = (_drags->current_pointer_y() - _visible_canvas_height) / 3; } else if (autoscroll_y < 0) { autoscroll_y_distance = (vertical_adjustment.get_value () - _drags->current_pointer_y()) / 3; } } if (autoscroll_x < 0) { if (leftmost_frame < autoscroll_x_distance) { new_frame = 0; } else { new_frame = leftmost_frame - autoscroll_x_distance; } } else if (autoscroll_x > 0) { if (leftmost_frame > limit - autoscroll_x_distance) { new_frame = limit; } else { new_frame = leftmost_frame + autoscroll_x_distance; } } else { new_frame = leftmost_frame; } double vertical_pos = vertical_adjustment.get_value(); if (autoscroll_y < 0) { if (vertical_pos < autoscroll_y_distance) { new_pixel = 0; } else { new_pixel = vertical_pos - autoscroll_y_distance; } target_pixel = _drags->current_pointer_y() - autoscroll_y_distance; target_pixel = max (target_pixel, 0.0); } else if (autoscroll_y > 0) { double const top_of_bottom_of_canvas = _full_canvas_height - _visible_canvas_height; if (vertical_pos > _full_canvas_height - autoscroll_y_distance) { new_pixel = _full_canvas_height; } else { new_pixel = vertical_pos + autoscroll_y_distance; } new_pixel = min (top_of_bottom_of_canvas, new_pixel); target_pixel = _drags->current_pointer_y() + autoscroll_y_distance; /* don't move to the full canvas height because the item will be invisible (its top edge will line up with the bottom of the visible canvas. */ target_pixel = min (target_pixel, _full_canvas_height - 10); } else { target_pixel = _drags->current_pointer_y(); new_pixel = vertical_pos; } if ((new_frame == 0 || new_frame == limit) && (new_pixel == 0 || new_pixel == DBL_MAX)) { /* we are done */ return false; } if (new_frame != leftmost_frame) { reset_x_origin (new_frame); } vertical_adjustment.set_value (new_pixel); /* fake an event. */ Glib::RefPtr canvas_window = const_cast(this)->_track_canvas->get_window(); gint x, y; Gdk::ModifierType mask; canvas_window->get_pointer (x, y, mask); ev.type = GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY; ev.state = Gdk::BUTTON1_MASK; ev.x = x; ev.y = y; motion_handler (0, (GdkEvent*) &ev, true); autoscroll_cnt++; if (autoscroll_cnt == 1) { /* connect the timeout so that we get called repeatedly */ autoscroll_timeout_tag = g_idle_add ( _autoscroll_canvas, this); return false; } return true; } void Editor::start_canvas_autoscroll (int dx, int dy) { if (!_session || autoscroll_active) { return; } stop_canvas_autoscroll (); autoscroll_active = true; autoscroll_x = dx; autoscroll_y = dy; autoscroll_x_distance = (framepos_t) floor (current_page_samples()/50.0); autoscroll_y_distance = fabs (dy * 5); /* pixels */ autoscroll_cnt = 0; /* do it right now, which will start the repeated callbacks */ autoscroll_canvas (); } void Editor::stop_canvas_autoscroll () { if (autoscroll_timeout_tag >= 0) { g_source_remove (autoscroll_timeout_tag); autoscroll_timeout_tag = -1; } autoscroll_active = false; } bool Editor::left_track_canvas (GdkEventCrossing */*ev*/) { DropDownKeys (); within_track_canvas = false; //cerr << "left track canvas\n"; set_entered_track (0); set_entered_regionview (0); reset_canvas_action_sensitivity (false); return false; } bool Editor::entered_track_canvas (GdkEventCrossing */*ev*/) { //cerr << "entered track canvas\n"; within_track_canvas = true; reset_canvas_action_sensitivity (true); return FALSE; } void Editor::ensure_time_axis_view_is_visible (const TimeAxisView& tav) { double begin = tav.y_position(); double v = vertical_adjustment.get_value (); if (begin < v || begin + tav.current_height() > v + _visible_canvas_height) { /* try to put the TimeAxisView roughly central */ if (begin >= _visible_canvas_height/2.0) { begin -= _visible_canvas_height/2.0; } vertical_adjustment.set_value (begin); } } /** Called when the main vertical_adjustment has changed */ void Editor::tie_vertical_scrolling () { if (pending_visual_change.idle_handler_id < 0) { _summary->set_overlays_dirty (); } } void Editor::set_horizontal_position (double p) { horizontal_adjustment.set_value (p); leftmost_frame = (framepos_t) floor (p * samples_per_pixel); update_fixed_rulers (); redisplay_tempo (true); if (pending_visual_change.idle_handler_id < 0) { _summary->set_overlays_dirty (); } update_video_timeline(); HorizontalPositionChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void Editor::color_handler() { playhead_cursor->set_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_PlayHead.get()); _verbose_cursor->set_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_VerboseCanvasCursor.get()); meter_bar->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MeterBar.get()); meter_bar->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MarkerBarSeparator.get()); tempo_bar->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_TempoBar.get()); tempo_bar->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MarkerBarSeparator.get()); marker_bar->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MarkerBar.get()); marker_bar->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MarkerBarSeparator.get()); cd_marker_bar->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_CDMarkerBar.get()); cd_marker_bar->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MarkerBarSeparator.get()); videotl_bar->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_VideoBar.get()); videotl_bar->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MarkerBarSeparator.get()); range_marker_bar->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_RangeMarkerBar.get()); range_marker_bar->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MarkerBarSeparator.get()); transport_marker_bar->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_TransportMarkerBar.get()); transport_marker_bar->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MarkerBarSeparator.get()); cd_marker_bar_drag_rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_RangeDragBarRect.get()); cd_marker_bar_drag_rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_RangeDragBarRect.get()); range_bar_drag_rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_RangeDragBarRect.get()); range_bar_drag_rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_RangeDragBarRect.get()); transport_bar_drag_rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_TransportDragRect.get()); transport_bar_drag_rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_TransportDragRect.get()); transport_loop_range_rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_TransportLoopRect.get()); transport_loop_range_rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_TransportLoopRect.get()); transport_punch_range_rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_TransportPunchRect.get()); transport_punch_range_rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_TransportPunchRect.get()); transport_punchin_line->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_PunchLine.get()); transport_punchout_line->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_PunchLine.get()); zoom_rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_ZoomRect.get()); zoom_rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_ZoomRect.get()); rubberband_rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_RubberBandRect.get()); rubberband_rect->set_fill_color ((guint32) ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_RubberBandRect.get()); location_marker_color = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_LocationMarker.get(); location_range_color = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_LocationRange.get(); location_cd_marker_color = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_LocationCDMarker.get(); location_loop_color = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_LocationLoop.get(); location_punch_color = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_LocationPunch.get(); refresh_location_display (); /* redisplay_tempo (true); if (_session) _session->tempo_map().apply_with_metrics (*this, &Editor::draw_metric_marks); // redraw metric markers */ } double Editor::horizontal_position () const { return sample_to_pixel (leftmost_frame); } void Editor::set_canvas_cursor (Gdk::Cursor* cursor, bool save) { if (save) { current_canvas_cursor = cursor; } Glib::RefPtr win = _track_canvas->get_window(); if (win) { _track_canvas->get_window()->set_cursor (*cursor); } } bool Editor::track_canvas_key_press (GdkEventKey*) { /* XXX: event does not report the modifier key pressed down, AFAICS, so use the Keyboard object instead */ if (mouse_mode == Editing::MouseZoom && Keyboard::the_keyboard().key_is_down (GDK_Control_L)) { set_canvas_cursor (_cursors->zoom_out, true); } return false; } bool Editor::track_canvas_key_release (GdkEventKey*) { if (mouse_mode == Editing::MouseZoom && !Keyboard::the_keyboard().key_is_down (GDK_Control_L)) { set_canvas_cursor (_cursors->zoom_in, true); } return false; } double Editor::clamp_verbose_cursor_x (double x) { if (x < 0) { x = 0; } else { x = min (_visible_canvas_width - 200.0, x); } return x; } double Editor::clamp_verbose_cursor_y (double y) { y = max (0.0, y); y = min (_visible_canvas_height - 50, y); return y; }