/* Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/strsplit.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/actions.h" #include "mackie_control_protocol.h" #include "device_info.h" #include "gui.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Mackie; using namespace Gtk; void* MackieControlProtocol::get_gui () const { if (!_gui) { const_cast(this)->build_gui (); } return _gui; } void MackieControlProtocol::tear_down_gui () { delete (MackieControlProtocolGUI*) _gui; } void MackieControlProtocol::build_gui () { _gui = (void *) new MackieControlProtocolGUI (*this); } MackieControlProtocolGUI::MackieControlProtocolGUI (MackieControlProtocol& p) : _cp (p) { set_border_width (12); Gtk::Table* table = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Table (2, 2)); table->set_spacings (4); table->attach (*manage (new Gtk::Label (_("Surface type:"))), 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), AttachOptions(0)); table->attach (_surface_combo, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), AttachOptions(0)); vector surfaces; for (std::map::iterator i = DeviceInfo::device_info.begin(); i != DeviceInfo::device_info.end(); ++i) { std::cerr << "Dveice known: " << i->first << endl; surfaces.push_back (i->first); } Gtkmm2ext::set_popdown_strings (_surface_combo, surfaces); _surface_combo.set_active_text (p.device_info().name()); _surface_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MackieControlProtocolGUI::surface_combo_changed)); append_page (*table, _("Device Selection")); table->show_all(); /* function key editor */ append_page (function_key_scroller, _("Function Keys")); function_key_scroller.add (function_key_editor); rebuild_function_key_editor (); function_key_scroller.show_all(); } void MackieControlProtocolGUI::rebuild_function_key_editor () { /* build a model of all available actions (needs to be tree structured * more) */ available_action_model = TreeStore::create (available_action_columns); vector paths; vector labels; vector tooltips; vector keys; vector bindings; typedef std::map NodeMap; NodeMap nodes; NodeMap::iterator r; ActionManager::get_all_actions (labels, paths, tooltips, keys, bindings); vector::iterator k; vector::iterator p; vector::iterator t; vector::iterator l; available_action_model->clear (); for (l = labels.begin(), k = keys.begin(), p = paths.begin(), t = tooltips.begin(); l != labels.end(); ++k, ++p, ++t, ++l) { TreeModel::Row row; vector parts; parts.clear (); split (*p, parts, '/'); if (parts.empty()) { continue; } //kinda kludgy way to avoid displaying menu items as mappable if ( parts[1] == _("Main_menu") ) continue; if ( parts[1] == _("JACK") ) continue; if ( parts[1] == _("redirectmenu") ) continue; if ( parts[1] == _("Editor_menus") ) continue; if ( parts[1] == _("RegionList") ) continue; if ( parts[1] == _("ProcessorMenu") ) continue; if ((r = nodes.find (parts[1])) == nodes.end()) { /* top level is missing */ TreeIter rowp; TreeModel::Row parent; rowp = available_action_model->append(); nodes[parts[1]] = rowp; parent = *(rowp); parent[available_action_columns.name] = parts[1]; row = *(available_action_model->append (parent.children())); } else { row = *(available_action_model->append ((*r->second)->children())); } /* add this action */ if (l->empty ()) { row[available_action_columns.name] = *t; } else { row[available_action_columns.name] = *l; } row[available_action_columns.path] = (*p); } function_key_editor.append_column (_("Key"), function_key_columns.name); CellRendererCombo* action_renderer = manage (new CellRendererCombo); action_renderer->property_model() = available_action_model; action_renderer->property_editable() = true; action_renderer->property_text_column() = 0; action_renderer->property_has_entry() = false; TreeViewColumn* col; col = manage (new TreeViewColumn (_("Plain"), *action_renderer)); col->add_attribute (action_renderer->property_text(), function_key_columns.plain); function_key_editor.append_column (*col); col = manage (new TreeViewColumn (_("Shift"), *action_renderer)); col->add_attribute (action_renderer->property_text(), function_key_columns.shift); function_key_editor.append_column (*col); col = manage (new TreeViewColumn (_("Control"), *action_renderer)); col->add_attribute (action_renderer->property_text(), function_key_columns.control); function_key_editor.append_column (*col); col = manage (new TreeViewColumn (_("Option"), *action_renderer)); col->add_attribute (action_renderer->property_text(), function_key_columns.option); function_key_editor.append_column (*col); col = manage (new TreeViewColumn (_("Cmd/Alt"), *action_renderer)); col->add_attribute (action_renderer->property_text(), function_key_columns.cmdalt); function_key_editor.append_column (*col); col = manage (new TreeViewColumn (_("Shift+Control"), *action_renderer)); col->add_attribute (action_renderer->property_text(), function_key_columns.shiftcontrol); function_key_editor.append_column (*col); /* now fill with data */ function_key_model = ListStore::create (function_key_columns); TreeModel::Row row; row = *(function_key_model->append()); row[function_key_columns.name] = "F1"; row = *(function_key_model->append()); row[function_key_columns.name] = "F2"; row = *(function_key_model->append()); row[function_key_columns.name] = "F3"; row = *(function_key_model->append()); row[function_key_columns.name] = "F4"; row = *(function_key_model->append()); row[function_key_columns.name] = "F5"; row = *(function_key_model->append()); row[function_key_columns.name] = "F6"; row = *(function_key_model->append()); row[function_key_columns.name] = "F7"; row = *(function_key_model->append()); row[function_key_columns.name] = "F8"; function_key_editor.set_model (function_key_model); } void MackieControlProtocolGUI::surface_combo_changed () { _cp.set_device (_surface_combo.get_active_text()); }