/* Copyright (C) 2001 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include "ardour/tempo.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" /* * ardour_ui.h include was moved to the top of the list * due to a conflicting definition of 'Rect' between * Apple's MacTypes.h and GTK. */ #include "marker.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "utils.h" #include "canvas_impl.h" #include "simpleline.h" #include #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; Marker::Marker (PublicEditor& ed, ArdourCanvas::Group& parent, guint32 rgba, const string& annotation, Type type, nframes_t frame, bool handle_events) : editor (ed), _parent(&parent), _type(type) { double label_offset = 0; /* Shapes we use: Mark: (0,0) -> (6,0) ^ | | V (0,5) (6,5) \ / (3,10) TempoMark: MeterMark: (3,0) / \ (0,5) -> (6,5) ^ | | V (0,10)<-(6,10) Start: 0,0\ | \ | \ 6,6 | / | / 0,12 End: /12,0 / | / | 6,6 | \ | \ | \ | 12,12 TransportStart: 0,0 | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ 0,13 --- 13,13 TransportEnd: /13,0 / | / | / | / | / | 0,13 ------ 13,13 PunchIn: 0,0 ------> 13,0 | / | / | / | / | / | / 0,13 PunchOut 0,0 -->-13,0 \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | 13,13 */ switch (type) { case Mark: points = new ArdourCanvas::Points (); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (6.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (6.0, 5.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (3.0, 10.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 5.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 0.0)); shift = 3; label_offset = 8.0; break; case Tempo: case Meter: points = new ArdourCanvas::Points (); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (3.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (6.0, 5.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (6.0, 10.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 10.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 5.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (3.0, 0.0)); shift = 3; label_offset = 8.0; break; case Start: points = new ArdourCanvas::Points (); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (6.5, 6.5)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 13.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 0.0)); shift = 0; label_offset = 13.0; break; case End: points = new ArdourCanvas::Points (); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (6.5, 6.5)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (13.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (13.0, 13.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (6.5, 6.5)); shift = 13; label_offset = 6.0; break; case LoopStart: points = new ArdourCanvas::Points (); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (13.0, 13.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 13.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 0.0)); shift = 0; label_offset = 12.0; break; case LoopEnd: points = new ArdourCanvas::Points (); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (13.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (13.0, 13.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 13.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (13.0, 0.0)); shift = 13; label_offset = 0.0; break; case PunchIn: points = new ArdourCanvas::Points (); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (13.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 13.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 0.0)); shift = 0; label_offset = 13.0; break; case PunchOut: points = new ArdourCanvas::Points (); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (12.0, 0.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (12.0, 12.0)); points->push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0.0, 0.0)); shift = 13; label_offset = 0.0; break; } frame_position = frame; unit_position = editor.frame_to_unit (frame); /* adjust to properly locate the tip */ unit_position -= shift; group = new Group (parent, unit_position, 1.0); mark = new Polygon (*group); mark->property_points() = *points; mark->property_fill_color_rgba() = rgba; mark->property_outline_color_rgba() = rgba; mark->property_width_pixels() = 1; /* setup name pixbuf sizes */ name_font = get_font_for_style (N_("MarkerText")); Gtk::Window win; Gtk::Label foo; win.add (foo); Glib::RefPtr layout = foo.create_pango_layout (X_("Hg")); /* ascender + descender */ int width; int height; layout->set_font_description (*name_font); Gtkmm2ext::get_ink_pixel_size (layout, width, height); name_height = height + 6; name_pixbuf = new ArdourCanvas::Pixbuf(*group); name_pixbuf->property_x() = label_offset; set_name (annotation.c_str()); editor.ZoomChanged.connect (mem_fun (*this, &Marker::reposition)); mark->set_data ("marker", this); if (handle_events) { group->signal_event().connect (bind (mem_fun (editor, &PublicEditor::canvas_marker_event), mark, this)); } line = 0; } Marker::~Marker () { drop_references (); /* destroying the parent group destroys its contents, namely any polygons etc. that we added */ delete name_pixbuf; delete mark; delete points; delete line; line = 0; } void Marker::reparent(ArdourCanvas::Group & parent) { group->reparent(parent); _parent = &parent; } void Marker::set_line_vpos (double pos, double height) { if (line) { line->property_y1() = pos; line->property_y2() = pos + height; } } void Marker::add_line (ArdourCanvas::Group* group, double y_origin, double initial_height) { if (!line) { line = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleLine (*group); line->property_color_rgba() = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_EditPoint.get(); line->property_x1() = unit_position + shift; line->property_y1() = y_origin; line->property_x2() = unit_position + shift; line->property_y2() = y_origin + initial_height; line->signal_event().connect (bind (mem_fun (editor, &PublicEditor::canvas_marker_event), mark, this)); } show_line (); } void Marker::show_line () { if (line) { line->raise_to_top(); line->show (); } } void Marker::hide_line () { if (line) { line->hide (); } } ArdourCanvas::Item& Marker::the_item() const { return *mark; } void Marker::set_name (const string& new_name) { uint32_t pb_width; double font_size; if (new_name.empty()) { return; } font_size = name_font->get_size() / Pango::SCALE; pb_width = new_name.length() * font_size; Glib::RefPtr buf = Gdk::Pixbuf::create(Gdk::COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8, pb_width, name_height); cairo_surface_t* surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, pb_width, name_height); cairo_t *cr = cairo_create (surface); cairo_text_extents_t te; cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); cairo_select_font_face (cr, name_font->get_family().c_str(), CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size (cr, font_size); cairo_text_extents (cr, new_name.c_str(), &te); cairo_move_to (cr, 0.5, 0.5 - te.height / 2 - te.y_bearing + name_height / 2); cairo_show_text (cr, new_name.c_str()); unsigned char* src = cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface); convert_bgra_to_rgba(src, buf->get_pixels(), pb_width, name_height); cairo_destroy(cr); name_pixbuf->property_pixbuf() = buf; if (_type == End || _type == LoopEnd || _type == PunchOut) { name_pixbuf->property_x() = -(te.width); } } void Marker::set_position (nframes64_t frame) { double new_unit_position = editor.frame_to_unit (frame); new_unit_position -= shift; group->move (new_unit_position - unit_position, 0.0); frame_position = frame; unit_position = new_unit_position; if (line) { line->property_x1() = unit_position + shift; line->property_x2() = unit_position + shift; } } void Marker::reposition () { set_position (frame_position); } void Marker::show () { group->show(); } void Marker::hide () { group->hide(); } void Marker::set_color_rgba (uint32_t color) { mark->property_fill_color_rgba() = color; mark->property_outline_color_rgba() = color; } /***********************************************************************/ TempoMarker::TempoMarker (PublicEditor& editor, ArdourCanvas::Group& parent, guint32 rgba, const string& text, ARDOUR::TempoSection& temp) : Marker (editor, parent, rgba, text, Tempo, 0, false), _tempo (temp) { set_position (_tempo.frame()); group->signal_event().connect (bind (mem_fun (editor, &PublicEditor::canvas_tempo_marker_event), mark, this)); } TempoMarker::~TempoMarker () { } /***********************************************************************/ MeterMarker::MeterMarker (PublicEditor& editor, ArdourCanvas::Group& parent, guint32 rgba, const string& text, ARDOUR::MeterSection& m) : Marker (editor, parent, rgba, text, Meter, 0, false), _meter (m) { set_position (_meter.frame()); group->signal_event().connect (bind (mem_fun (editor, &PublicEditor::canvas_meter_marker_event), mark, this)); } MeterMarker::~MeterMarker () { }