/* Copyright (C) 2006,2007 John Anderson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "midi++/types.h" #include "midi++/port.h" #include "pbd/pthread_utils.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "ardour/dB.h" #include "ardour/debug.h" #include "ardour/location.h" #include "ardour/meter.h" #include "ardour/panner.h" #include "ardour/panner_shell.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/tempo.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "mackie_control_protocol.h" #include "midi_byte_array.h" #include "mackie_control_exception.h" #include "mackie_midi_builder.h" #include "surface_port.h" #include "surface.h" #include "strip.h" #include "control_group.h" #include "meter.h" #include "button.h" #include "fader.h" #include "pot.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace std; using namespace Mackie; using namespace PBD; using namespace Glib; #include "i18n.h" #include "pbd/abstract_ui.cc" // instantiate template #define ui_bind(f, ...) boost::protect (boost::bind (f, __VA_ARGS__)) extern PBD::EventLoop::InvalidationRecord* __invalidator (sigc::trackable& trackable, const char*, int); #define invalidator() __invalidator ((*this), __FILE__, __LINE__) const int MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_OPTION = 0x1; const int MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_CONTROL = 0x2; const int MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_SHIFT = 0x3; const int MackieControlProtocol::MODIFIER_CMDALT = 0x4; MackieControlProtocol* MackieControlProtocol::_instance = 0; bool MackieControlProtocol::probe() { return true; } MackieControlProtocol::MackieControlProtocol (Session& session) : ControlProtocol (session, X_("Mackie"), this) , AbstractUI ("mackie") , _current_initial_bank (0) , _timecode_type (ARDOUR::AnyTime::BBT) , _input_bundle (new ARDOUR::Bundle (_("Mackie Control In"), true)) , _output_bundle (new ARDOUR::Bundle (_("Mackie Control Out"), false)) , _gui (0) , _zoom_mode (false) , _scrub_mode (false) , _current_selected_track (-1) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, "MackieControlProtocol::MackieControlProtocol\n"); AudioEngine::instance()->PortConnectedOrDisconnected.connect ( audio_engine_connections, invalidator (), ui_bind (&MackieControlProtocol::port_connected_or_disconnected, this, _2, _4, _5), this ); _instance = this; } MackieControlProtocol::~MackieControlProtocol() { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, "MackieControlProtocol::~MackieControlProtocol\n"); _active = false; try { close(); } catch (exception & e) { cout << "~MackieControlProtocol caught " << e.what() << endl; } catch (...) { cout << "~MackieControlProtocol caught unknown" << endl; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, "finished ~MackieControlProtocol::MackieControlProtocol\n"); _instance = 0; } void MackieControlProtocol::thread_init () { struct sched_param rtparam; pthread_set_name (X_("MackieControl")); PBD::notify_gui_about_thread_creation (X_("gui"), pthread_self(), X_("MackieControl"), 2048); ARDOUR::SessionEvent::create_per_thread_pool (X_("MackieControl"), 128); memset (&rtparam, 0, sizeof (rtparam)); rtparam.sched_priority = 9; /* XXX should be relative to audio (JACK) thread */ if (pthread_setschedparam (pthread_self(), SCHED_FIFO, &rtparam) != 0) { // do we care? not particularly. } } // go to the previous track. // Assume that get_sorted_routes().size() > route_table.size() void MackieControlProtocol::prev_track() { if (_current_initial_bank >= 1) { session->set_dirty(); switch_banks (_current_initial_bank - 1); } } // go to the next track. // Assume that get_sorted_routes().size() > route_table.size() void MackieControlProtocol::next_track() { Sorted sorted = get_sorted_routes(); if (_current_initial_bank + n_strips() < sorted.size()) { session->set_dirty(); switch_banks (_current_initial_bank + 1); } } // predicate for sort call in get_sorted_routes struct RouteByRemoteId { bool operator () (const boost::shared_ptr & a, const boost::shared_ptr & b) const { return a->remote_control_id() < b->remote_control_id(); } bool operator () (const Route & a, const Route & b) const { return a.remote_control_id() < b.remote_control_id(); } bool operator () (const Route * a, const Route * b) const { return a->remote_control_id() < b->remote_control_id(); } }; MackieControlProtocol::Sorted MackieControlProtocol::get_sorted_routes() { Sorted sorted; // fetch all routes boost::shared_ptr routes = session->get_routes(); set remote_ids; // routes with remote_id 0 should never be added // TODO verify this with ardour devs // remote_ids.insert (0); // sort in remote_id order, and exclude master, control and hidden routes // and any routes that are already set. for (RouteList::iterator it = routes->begin(); it != routes->end(); ++it) { Route & route = **it; if ( route.active() && !route.is_master() && !route.is_hidden() && !route.is_monitor() && remote_ids.find (route.remote_control_id()) == remote_ids.end() ) { sorted.push_back (*it); remote_ids.insert (route.remote_control_id()); } } sort (sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), RouteByRemoteId()); return sorted; } void MackieControlProtocol::refresh_current_bank() { switch_banks (_current_initial_bank, true); } uint32_t MackieControlProtocol::n_strips() const { uint32_t strip_count = 0; for (Surfaces::const_iterator si = surfaces.begin(); si != surfaces.end(); ++si) { if ((*si)->active()) { strip_count += (*si)->n_strips (); } } return strip_count; } void MackieControlProtocol::switch_banks (uint32_t initial, bool force) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("switch banking to start at %1 force ? %2 current = %3\n", initial, force, _current_initial_bank)); if (initial == _current_initial_bank && !force) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("not switching to %1\n", initial)); return; } Sorted sorted = get_sorted_routes(); uint32_t strip_cnt = n_strips(); if (sorted.size() <= strip_cnt && !force) { /* no banking */ DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("not switching to %1\n", initial)); return; } uint32_t delta = sorted.size() - strip_cnt; if (delta > 0 && initial > delta) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("not switching to %1\n", initial)); return; } _current_initial_bank = initial; _current_selected_track = -1; for (Surfaces::iterator si = surfaces.begin(); si != surfaces.end(); ++si) { (*si)->drop_routes (); } // Map current bank of routes onto each surface(+strip) if (_current_initial_bank <= sorted.size()) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("switch to %1, %2, available routes %3\n", _current_initial_bank, strip_cnt, sorted.size())); // link routes to strips Sorted::iterator r = sorted.begin() + _current_initial_bank; for (Surfaces::iterator si = surfaces.begin(); si != surfaces.end(); ++si) { vector > routes; uint32_t added = 0; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("surface has %1 strips\n", (*si)->n_strips())); for (; r != sorted.end() && added < (*si)->n_strips(); ++r, ++added) { routes.push_back (*r); cerr << "\t\tadded " << (*r)->name() << endl; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("give surface %1 routes\n", routes.size())); (*si)->map_routes (routes); } } // display the current start bank. surfaces.front()->display_bank_start (_current_initial_bank); } int MackieControlProtocol::set_active (bool yn) { if (yn == _active) { return 0; } try { if (yn) { /* start event loop */ BaseUI::run (); create_surfaces (); connect_session_signals (); _active = true; update_surfaces (); /* set up periodic task for metering and automation */ Glib::RefPtr periodic_timeout = Glib::TimeoutSource::create (100); // milliseconds periodic_connection = periodic_timeout->connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MackieControlProtocol::periodic)); periodic_timeout->attach (main_loop()->get_context()); } else { BaseUI::quit (); close(); _active = false; } } catch (exception & e) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("set_active to false because exception caught: %1\n", e.what())); _active = false; throw; } return 0; } bool MackieControlProtocol::periodic () { if (!_active) { return false; } for (Surfaces::iterator s = surfaces.begin(); s != surfaces.end(); ++s) { (*s)->periodic (); } update_timecode_display(); return true; } void MackieControlProtocol::update_timecode_beats_led() { switch (_timecode_type) { case ARDOUR::AnyTime::BBT: update_global_led ("beats", on); update_global_led ("timecode", off); break; case ARDOUR::AnyTime::Timecode: update_global_led ("timecode", on); update_global_led ("beats", off); break; default: ostringstream os; os << "Unknown Anytime::Type " << _timecode_type; throw runtime_error (os.str()); } } void MackieControlProtocol::update_global_button (const string & name, LedState ls) { boost::shared_ptr surface = surfaces.front(); if (!surface->type() == mcu) { return; } if (surface->controls_by_name.find (name) != surface->controls_by_name.end()) { Button * button = dynamic_cast (surface->controls_by_name[name]); surface->write (builder.build_led (button->led(), ls)); } else { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("Button %1 not found\n", name)); } } void MackieControlProtocol::update_global_led (const string & name, LedState ls) { boost::shared_ptr surface = surfaces.front(); if (!surface->type() == mcu) { return; } if (surface->controls_by_name.find (name) != surface->controls_by_name.end()) { Led * led = dynamic_cast (surface->controls_by_name[name]); surface->write (builder.build_led (*led, ls)); } else { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("Led %1 not found\n", name)); } } // send messages to surface to set controls to correct values void MackieControlProtocol::update_surfaces() { if (!_active) { return; } // do the initial bank switch to connect signals // _current_initial_bank is initialised by set_state switch_banks (_current_initial_bank, true); // sometimes the jog wheel is a pot surfaces.front()->blank_jog_ring (); // update global buttons and displays notify_record_state_changed(); notify_transport_state_changed(); update_timecode_beats_led(); } void MackieControlProtocol::connect_session_signals() { // receive routes added session->RouteAdded.connect(session_connections, invalidator(), ui_bind (&MackieControlProtocol::notify_route_added, this, _1), this); // receive record state toggled session->RecordStateChanged.connect(session_connections, invalidator(), ui_bind (&MackieControlProtocol::notify_record_state_changed, this), this); // receive transport state changed session->TransportStateChange.connect(session_connections, invalidator(), ui_bind (&MackieControlProtocol::notify_transport_state_changed, this), this); // receive punch-in and punch-out Config->ParameterChanged.connect(session_connections, invalidator(), ui_bind (&MackieControlProtocol::notify_parameter_changed, this, _1), this); session->config.ParameterChanged.connect (session_connections, invalidator(), ui_bind (&MackieControlProtocol::notify_parameter_changed, this, _1), this); // receive rude solo changed session->SoloActive.connect(session_connections, invalidator(), ui_bind (&MackieControlProtocol::notify_solo_active_changed, this, _1), this); // make sure remote id changed signals reach here // see also notify_route_added Sorted sorted = get_sorted_routes(); for (Sorted::iterator it = sorted.begin(); it != sorted.end(); ++it) { (*it)->RemoteControlIDChanged.connect (route_connections, invalidator(), ui_bind(&MackieControlProtocol::notify_remote_id_changed, this), this); } } void MackieControlProtocol::create_surfaces () { string device_name = "mcu"; surface_type_t stype = mcu; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("Create %1 surfaces\n", 1 + ARDOUR::Config->get_mackie_extenders())); for (uint32_t n = 0; n < 1 + ARDOUR::Config->get_mackie_extenders(); ++n) { boost::shared_ptr surface (new Surface (*this, session->engine().jack(), device_name, n, stype)); surfaces.push_back (surface); device_name = "mcu_xt"; stype = ext; _input_bundle->add_channel ( surface->port().input_port().name(), ARDOUR::DataType::MIDI, session->engine().make_port_name_non_relative (surface->port().input_port().name()) ); _output_bundle->add_channel ( surface->port().output_port().name(), ARDOUR::DataType::MIDI, session->engine().make_port_name_non_relative (surface->port().output_port().name()) ); int fd; MIDI::Port& input_port (surface->port().input_port()); if ((fd = input_port.selectable ()) >= 0) { Glib::RefPtr psrc = IOSource::create (fd, IO_IN|IO_HUP|IO_ERR); psrc->connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (this, &MackieControlProtocol::midi_input_handler), &input_port)); psrc->attach (main_loop()->get_context()); // glibmm hack: for now, store only the GSource* port_sources.push_back (psrc->gobj()); g_source_ref (psrc->gobj()); } } } void MackieControlProtocol::close() { clear_ports (); port_connections.drop_connections (); session_connections.drop_connections (); route_connections.drop_connections (); periodic_connection.disconnect (); surfaces.clear (); } XMLNode& MackieControlProtocol::get_state() { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, "MackieControlProtocol::get_state\n"); // add name of protocol XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("Protocol")); node->add_property (X_("name"), ARDOUR::ControlProtocol::_name); // add current bank ostringstream os; os << _current_initial_bank; node->add_property (X_("bank"), os.str()); return *node; } int MackieControlProtocol::set_state (const XMLNode & node, int /*version*/) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("MackieControlProtocol::set_state: active %1\n", _active)); int retval = 0; // fetch current bank if (node.property (X_("bank")) != 0) { string bank = node.property (X_("bank"))->value(); try { set_active (true); uint32_t new_bank = atoi (bank.c_str()); if (_current_initial_bank != new_bank) { switch_banks (new_bank); } } catch (exception & e) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("exception in MackieControlProtocol::set_state: %1\n", e.what())); return -1; } } return retval; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // handlers for Route signals // TODO should these be part of RouteSignal? // They started off as signal/slot handlers for signals // from Route, but they're also used in polling for automation ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO handle plugin automation polling string MackieControlProtocol::format_bbt_timecode (framepos_t now_frame) { Timecode::BBT_Time bbt_time; session->bbt_time (now_frame, bbt_time); // According to the Logic docs // digits: 888/88/88/888 // BBT mode: Bars/Beats/Subdivisions/Ticks ostringstream os; os << setw(3) << setfill('0') << bbt_time.bars; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << bbt_time.beats; // figure out subdivisions per beat const ARDOUR::Meter & meter = session->tempo_map().meter_at (now_frame); int subdiv = 2; if (meter.note_divisor() == 8 && (meter.divisions_per_bar() == 12.0 || meter.divisions_per_bar() == 9.0 || meter.divisions_per_bar() == 6.0)) { subdiv = 3; } uint32_t subdivisions = bbt_time.ticks / uint32_t (Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat / subdiv); uint32_t ticks = bbt_time.ticks % uint32_t (Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat / subdiv); os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << subdivisions + 1; os << setw(3) << setfill('0') << ticks; return os.str(); } string MackieControlProtocol::format_timecode_timecode (framepos_t now_frame) { Timecode::Time timecode; session->timecode_time (now_frame, timecode); // According to the Logic docs // digits: 888/88/88/888 // Timecode mode: Hours/Minutes/Seconds/Frames ostringstream os; os << setw(3) << setfill('0') << timecode.hours; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << timecode.minutes; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << timecode.seconds; os << setw(3) << setfill('0') << timecode.frames; return os.str(); } void MackieControlProtocol::update_timecode_display() { boost::shared_ptr surface = surfaces.front(); if (surface->type() != mcu || !surface->has_timecode_display()) { return; } // do assignment here so current_frame is fixed framepos_t current_frame = session->transport_frame(); string timecode; switch (_timecode_type) { case ARDOUR::AnyTime::BBT: timecode = format_bbt_timecode (current_frame); break; case ARDOUR::AnyTime::Timecode: timecode = format_timecode_timecode (current_frame); break; default: return; } // only write the timecode string to the MCU if it's changed // since last time. This is to reduce midi bandwidth used. if (timecode != _timecode_last) { surface->display_timecode (timecode, _timecode_last); _timecode_last = timecode; } } /////////////////////////////////////////// // Session signals /////////////////////////////////////////// void MackieControlProtocol::notify_parameter_changed (std::string const & p) { if (p == "punch-in") { update_global_button ("punch_in", session->config.get_punch_in()); } else if (p == "punch-out") { update_global_button ("punch_out", session->config.get_punch_out()); } else if (p == "clicking") { update_global_button ("clicking", Config->get_clicking()); } else { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("parameter changed: %1\n", p)); } } // RouteList is the set of routes that have just been added void MackieControlProtocol::notify_route_added (ARDOUR::RouteList & rl) { // currently assigned banks are less than the full set of // strips, so activate the new strip now. refresh_current_bank(); // otherwise route added, but current bank needs no updating // make sure remote id changes in the new route are handled typedef ARDOUR::RouteList ARS; for (ARS::iterator it = rl.begin(); it != rl.end(); ++it) { (*it)->RemoteControlIDChanged.connect (route_connections, invalidator(), ui_bind (&MackieControlProtocol::notify_remote_id_changed, this), this); } } void MackieControlProtocol::notify_solo_active_changed (bool active) { boost::shared_ptr surface = surfaces.front(); Button * rude_solo = reinterpret_cast (surface->controls_by_name["solo"]); if (rude_solo) { surface->write (builder.build_led (*rude_solo, active ? flashing : off)); } } void MackieControlProtocol::notify_remote_id_changed() { Sorted sorted = get_sorted_routes(); uint32_t sz = n_strips(); // if a remote id has been moved off the end, we need to shift // the current bank backwards. if (sorted.size() - _current_initial_bank < sz) { // but don't shift backwards past the zeroth channel switch_banks (max((Sorted::size_type) 0, sorted.size() - sz)); } else { // Otherwise just refresh the current bank refresh_current_bank(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////// // Transport signals /////////////////////////////////////////// void MackieControlProtocol::notify_record_state_changed() { // switch rec button on / off / flashing Button * rec = reinterpret_cast (surfaces.front()->controls_by_name["record"]); if (rec) { surfaces.front()->write (builder.build_led (*rec, record_release (*rec))); } } void MackieControlProtocol::notify_transport_state_changed() { // switch various play and stop buttons on / off update_global_button ("play", session->transport_rolling()); update_global_button ("stop", !session->transport_rolling()); update_global_button ("loop", session->get_play_loop()); _transport_previously_rolling = session->transport_rolling(); // rec is special because it's tristate Button * rec = reinterpret_cast (surfaces.front()->controls_by_name["record"]); if (rec) { surfaces.front()->write (builder.build_led (*rec, record_release (*rec))); } } list > MackieControlProtocol::bundles () { list > b; b.push_back (_input_bundle); b.push_back (_output_bundle); return b; } void MackieControlProtocol::port_connected_or_disconnected (string a, string b, bool connected) { /* If something is connected to one of our output ports, send MIDI to update the surface to whatever state it should have. */ if (!connected) { return; } for (Surfaces::iterator s = surfaces.begin(); s != surfaces.end(); ++s) { string const n = AudioEngine::instance()->make_port_name_non_relative ((*s)->port().output_port().name ()); if (a == n || b == n) { update_surfaces (); return; } } } void MackieControlProtocol::do_request (MackieControlUIRequest* req) { if (req->type == CallSlot) { call_slot (invalidator(), req->the_slot); } else if (req->type == Quit) { stop (); } } int MackieControlProtocol::stop () { BaseUI::quit (); return 0; } /** Add a timeout so that a control's in_use flag will be reset some time in the future. * @param in_use_control the control whose in_use flag to reset. * @param touch_control a touch control to emit an event for, or 0. */ void MackieControlProtocol::add_in_use_timeout (Surface& surface, Control& in_use_control, Control* touch_control) { Glib::RefPtr timeout (Glib::TimeoutSource::create (250)); // milliseconds in_use_control.in_use_connection.disconnect (); in_use_control.in_use_connection = timeout->connect ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MackieControlProtocol::control_in_use_timeout), &surface, &in_use_control, touch_control)); in_use_control.in_use_touch_control = touch_control; timeout->attach (main_loop()->get_context()); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("timeout queued for surface %1, control %2 touch control %3\n", surface.number(), &in_use_control, touch_control));} /** Handle timeouts to reset in_use for controls that can't * do this by themselves (e.g. pots, and faders without touch support). * @param in_use_control the control whose in_use flag to reset. * @param touch_control a touch control to emit an event for, or 0. */ bool MackieControlProtocol::control_in_use_timeout (Surface* surface, Control* in_use_control, Control* touch_control) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("timeout elapsed for surface %1, control %2 touch control %3\n", surface->number(), in_use_control, touch_control)); in_use_control->set_in_use (false); if (touch_control) { // empty control_state ControlState control_state; surface->handle_control_event (*touch_control, control_state); } // only call this method once from the timer return false; } void MackieControlProtocol::update_led (Surface& surface, Button& button, Mackie::LedState ls) { if (ls != none) { surface.port().write (builder.build_led (button, ls)); } } void MackieControlProtocol::handle_button_event (Surface& surface, Button& button, ButtonState bs) { if (bs != press && bs != release) { update_led (surface, button, none); return; } LedState ls; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MackieControl, string_compose ("Handling %1 for button %2\n", (bs == press ? "press" : "release"), button.raw_id())); switch (button.raw_id()) { case 0x28: // io switch (bs) { case press: ls = io_press (button); break; case release: ls = io_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x29: // sends switch (bs) { case press: ls = sends_press (button); break; case release: ls = sends_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x2a: // pan switch (bs) { case press: ls = pan_press (button); break; case release: ls = pan_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x2b: // plugin switch (bs) { case press: ls = plugin_press (button); break; case release: ls = plugin_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x2c: // eq switch (bs) { case press: ls = eq_press (button); break; case release: ls = eq_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x2d: // dyn switch (bs) { case press: ls = dyn_press (button); break; case release: ls = dyn_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x2e: // left switch (bs) { case press: ls = left_press (button); break; case release: ls = left_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x2f: // right switch (bs) { case press: ls = right_press (button); break; case release: ls = right_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x30: // channel_left switch (bs) { case press: ls = channel_left_press (button); break; case release: ls = channel_left_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x31: // channel_right switch (bs) { case press: ls = channel_right_press (button); break; case release: ls = channel_right_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x32: // flip switch (bs) { case press: ls = flip_press (button); break; case release: ls = flip_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x33: // edit switch (bs) { case press: ls = edit_press (button); break; case release: ls = edit_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x34: // name_value switch (bs) { case press: ls = name_value_press (button); break; case release: ls = name_value_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x35: // timecode_beats switch (bs) { case press: ls = timecode_beats_press (button); break; case release: ls = timecode_beats_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x36: // F1 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F1_press (button); break; case release: ls = F1_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x37: // F2 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F2_press (button); break; case release: ls = F2_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x38: // F3 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F3_press (button); break; case release: ls = F3_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x39: // F4 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F4_press (button); break; case release: ls = F4_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x3a: // F5 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F5_press (button); break; case release: ls = F5_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x3b: // F6 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F6_press (button); break; case release: ls = F6_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x3c: // F7 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F7_press (button); break; case release: ls = F7_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x3d: // F8 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F8_press (button); break; case release: ls = F8_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x3e: // F9 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F9_press (button); break; case release: ls = F9_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x3f: // F10 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F10_press (button); break; case release: ls = F10_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x40: // F11 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F11_press (button); break; case release: ls = F11_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x41: // F12 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F12_press (button); break; case release: ls = F12_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x42: // F13 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F13_press (button); break; case release: ls = F13_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x43: // F14 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F14_press (button); break; case release: ls = F14_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x44: // F15 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F15_press (button); break; case release: ls = F15_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x45: // F16 switch (bs) { case press: ls = F16_press (button); break; case release: ls = F16_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x46: // shift switch (bs) { case press: ls = shift_press (button); break; case release: ls = shift_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x47: // option switch (bs) { case press: ls = option_press (button); break; case release: ls = option_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x48: // control switch (bs) { case press: ls = control_press (button); break; case release: ls = control_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x49: // cmd_alt switch (bs) { case press: ls = cmd_alt_press (button); break; case release: ls = cmd_alt_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x4a: // on switch (bs) { case press: ls = on_press (button); break; case release: ls = on_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x4b: // rec_ready switch (bs) { case press: ls = rec_ready_press (button); break; case release: ls = rec_ready_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x4c: // undo switch (bs) { case press: ls = undo_press (button); break; case release: ls = undo_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x4d: // snapshot switch (bs) { case press: ls = snapshot_press (button); break; case release: ls = snapshot_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x4e: // touch switch (bs) { case press: ls = touch_press (button); break; case release: ls = touch_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x4f: // redo switch (bs) { case press: ls = redo_press (button); break; case release: ls = redo_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x50: // marker switch (bs) { case press: ls = marker_press (button); break; case release: ls = marker_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x51: // enter switch (bs) { case press: ls = enter_press (button); break; case release: ls = enter_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x52: // cancel switch (bs) { case press: ls = cancel_press (button); break; case release: ls = cancel_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x53: // mixer switch (bs) { case press: ls = mixer_press (button); break; case release: ls = mixer_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x54: // frm_left switch (bs) { case press: ls = frm_left_press (button); break; case release: ls = frm_left_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x55: // frm_right switch (bs) { case press: ls = frm_right_press (button); break; case release: ls = frm_right_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x56: // loop switch (bs) { case press: ls = loop_press (button); break; case release: ls = loop_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x57: // punch_in switch (bs) { case press: ls = punch_in_press (button); break; case release: ls = punch_in_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x58: // punch_out switch (bs) { case press: ls = punch_out_press (button); break; case release: ls = punch_out_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x59: // home switch (bs) { case press: ls = home_press (button); break; case release: ls = home_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x5a: // end switch (bs) { case press: ls = end_press (button); break; case release: ls = end_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x5b: // rewind switch (bs) { case press: ls = rewind_press (button); break; case release: ls = rewind_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x5c: // ffwd switch (bs) { case press: ls = ffwd_press (button); break; case release: ls = ffwd_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x5d: // stop switch (bs) { case press: ls = stop_press (button); break; case release: ls = stop_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x5e: // play switch (bs) { case press: ls = play_press (button); break; case release: ls = play_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x5f: // record switch (bs) { case press: ls = record_press (button); break; case release: ls = record_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x60: // cursor_up switch (bs) { case press: ls = cursor_up_press (button); break; case release: ls = cursor_up_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x61: // cursor_down switch (bs) { case press: ls = cursor_down_press (button); break; case release: ls = cursor_down_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x62: // cursor_left switch (bs) { case press: ls = cursor_left_press (button); break; case release: ls = cursor_left_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x63: // cursor_right switch (bs) { case press: ls = cursor_right_press (button); break; case release: ls = cursor_right_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x64: // zoom switch (bs) { case press: ls = zoom_press (button); break; case release: ls = zoom_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x65: // scrub switch (bs) { case press: ls = scrub_press (button); break; case release: ls = scrub_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x66: // user_a switch (bs) { case press: ls = user_a_press (button); break; case release: ls = user_a_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; case 0x67: // user_b switch (bs) { case press: ls = user_b_press (button); break; case release: ls = user_b_release (button); break; case neither: break; } break; } update_led (surface, button, ls); } void MackieControlProtocol::select_track (boost::shared_ptr r) { if (_modifier_state == MODIFIER_SHIFT) { r->gain_control()->set_value (0.0); } else { if (_current_selected_track > 0 && r->remote_control_id() == (uint32_t) _current_selected_track) { UnselectTrack (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ _current_selected_track = -1; } else { SelectByRID (r->remote_control_id()); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ _current_selected_track = r->remote_control_id();; } } } bool MackieControlProtocol::midi_input_handler (IOCondition ioc, MIDI::Port* port) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiIO, string_compose ("something happend on %1\n", port->name())); if (ioc & ~IO_IN) { return false; } if (ioc & IO_IN) { CrossThreadChannel::drain (port->selectable()); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::MidiIO, string_compose ("data available on %1\n", port->name())); framepos_t now = session->engine().frame_time(); port->parse (now); } return true; } void MackieControlProtocol::clear_ports () { for (PortSources::iterator i = port_sources.begin(); i != port_sources.end(); ++i) { g_source_destroy (*i); g_source_unref (*i); } port_sources.clear (); }