/* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "io_selector.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Glib; using namespace sigc; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; IOSelectorWindow::IOSelectorWindow (Session& sess, boost::shared_ptr ior, bool input, bool can_cancel) : ArdourDialog ("i/o selector"), _selector (sess, ior, input), ok_button (can_cancel ? _("OK"): _("Close")), cancel_button (_("Cancel")), rescan_button (_("Rescan")) { add_events (Gdk::KEY_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::KEY_RELEASE_MASK); set_name ("IOSelectorWindow"); string title; if (input) { title = string_compose(_("%1 input"), ior->name()); } else { title = string_compose(_("%1 output"), ior->name()); } ok_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); cancel_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); rescan_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); button_box.set_spacing (5); button_box.set_border_width (5); button_box.set_homogeneous (true); button_box.pack_start (rescan_button); if (can_cancel) { button_box.pack_start (cancel_button); } else { cancel_button.hide(); } button_box.pack_start (ok_button); get_vbox()->pack_start (_selector); get_vbox()->pack_start (button_box, false, false); ok_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelectorWindow::accept)); cancel_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelectorWindow::cancel)); rescan_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelectorWindow::rescan)); set_title (title); set_position (WIN_POS_MOUSE); signal_delete_event().connect (bind (sigc::ptr_fun (just_hide_it), reinterpret_cast (this))); } IOSelectorWindow::~IOSelectorWindow() { } void IOSelectorWindow::rescan () { _selector.redisplay (); } void IOSelectorWindow::cancel () { _selector.Finished(IOSelector::Cancelled); hide (); } void IOSelectorWindow::accept () { _selector.Finished(IOSelector::Accepted); hide (); } void IOSelectorWindow::on_map () { _selector.redisplay (); Window::on_map (); } /************************* The IO Selector "widget" *************************/ IOSelector::IOSelector (Session& sess, boost::shared_ptr ior, bool input) : session (sess), io (ior), for_input (input), port_frame (for_input? _("Inputs") : _("Outputs")), add_port_button (for_input? _("Add Input") : _("Add Output")), remove_port_button (for_input? _("Remove Input") : _("Remove Output")), clear_connections_button (_("Disconnect All")) { selected_port = 0; notebook.set_name ("IOSelectorNotebook"); notebook.set_size_request (-1, 125); clear_connections_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); add_port_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); remove_port_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); selector_frame.set_name ("IOSelectorFrame"); port_frame.set_name ("IOSelectorFrame"); selector_frame.set_label (_("Available connections")); selector_button_box.set_spacing (5); selector_button_box.set_border_width (5); selector_box.set_spacing (5); selector_box.set_border_width (5); selector_box.pack_start (notebook); selector_box.pack_start (selector_button_box, false, false); selector_frame.add (selector_box); port_box.set_spacing (5); port_box.set_border_width (5); port_display_scroller.set_name ("IOSelectorNotebook"); port_display_scroller.set_border_width (0); port_display_scroller.set_size_request (-1, 170); port_display_scroller.add (port_box); port_display_scroller.set_policy (POLICY_NEVER, POLICY_AUTOMATIC); port_button_box.set_spacing (5); port_button_box.set_border_width (5); port_button_box.pack_start (add_port_button, false, false); // The IO selector only works for single typed IOs const ARDOUR::DataType t = io->default_type(); if (for_input) { if (io->input_maximum().get(t) < 0 || io->input_maximum().get(t) > (size_t) io->n_inputs().get(t)) { add_port_button.set_sensitive (true); } else { add_port_button.set_sensitive (false); } } else { if (io->output_maximum().get(t) < 0 || io->output_maximum().get(t) > (size_t) io->n_outputs().get(t)) { add_port_button.set_sensitive (true); } else { add_port_button.set_sensitive (false); } } port_button_box.pack_start (remove_port_button, false, false); if (for_input) { if (io->input_minimum().get(t) < 0 || io->input_minimum().get(t) < (size_t) io->n_inputs().get(t)) { remove_port_button.set_sensitive (true); } else { remove_port_button.set_sensitive (false); } } else { if (io->output_minimum().get(t) < 0 || io->output_minimum().get(t) < (size_t) io->n_outputs().get(t)) { remove_port_button.set_sensitive (true); } else { remove_port_button.set_sensitive (false); } } port_button_box.pack_start (clear_connections_button, false, false); port_and_button_box.set_border_width (5); port_and_button_box.pack_start (port_button_box, false, false); port_and_button_box.pack_start (port_display_scroller); port_frame.add (port_and_button_box); port_and_selector_box.set_spacing (5); port_and_selector_box.pack_start (port_frame); port_and_selector_box.pack_start (selector_frame); set_spacing (5); set_border_width (5); pack_start (port_and_selector_box); rescan(); display_ports (); clear_connections_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::clear_connections)); add_port_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::add_port)); remove_port_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::remove_port)); if (for_input) { io->input_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::ports_changed)); } else { io->output_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::ports_changed)); } io->name_changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::name_changed)); } IOSelector::~IOSelector () { } void IOSelector::set_button_sensitivity () { DataType t = io->default_type(); if (for_input) { if (io->input_maximum().get(t) < 0 || io->input_maximum().get(t) > io->n_inputs().get(t)) { add_port_button.set_sensitive (true); } else { add_port_button.set_sensitive (false); } } else { if (io->output_maximum().get(t) < 0 || io->output_maximum().get(t) > io->n_outputs().get(t)) { add_port_button.set_sensitive (true); } else { add_port_button.set_sensitive (false); } } if (for_input) { if (io->n_inputs().get(t) && (io->input_minimum().get(t) < 0 || io->input_minimum().get(t) < io->n_inputs().get(t))) { remove_port_button.set_sensitive (true); } else { remove_port_button.set_sensitive (false); } } else { if (io->n_outputs().get(t) && (io->output_minimum().get(t) < 0 || io->output_minimum().get(t) < io->n_outputs().get(t))) { remove_port_button.set_sensitive (true); } else { remove_port_button.set_sensitive (false); } } } void IOSelector::name_changed (void* src) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::name_changed), src)); display_ports (); } void IOSelector::clear_connections () { if (for_input) { io->disconnect_inputs (this); } else { io->disconnect_outputs (this); } } void IOSelector::rescan () { using namespace Notebook_Helpers; typedef std::map > > PortMap; PortMap portmap; const char **ports; PageList& pages = notebook.pages(); gint current_page; vector rowdata; page_selection_connection.disconnect (); current_page = notebook.get_current_page (); pages.clear (); /* get relevant current JACK ports */ ports = session.engine().get_ports ("", JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, for_input ? JackPortIsOutput : JackPortIsInput); if (ports == 0) { return; } /* find all the client names and group their ports into a list-by-client */ for (int n = 0; ports[n]; ++n) { pair > > newpair; pair strpair; pair result; string str = ports[n]; string::size_type pos; string portname; pos = str.find (':'); newpair.first = str.substr (0, pos); portname = str.substr (pos+1); result = portmap.insert (newpair); strpair.first = portname; strpair.second = str; result.first->second.push_back (strpair); } PortMap::iterator i; for (i = portmap.begin(); i != portmap.end(); ++i) { Box *client_box = manage (new VBox); TreeView *display = manage (new TreeView); RefPtr model = ListStore::create (port_display_columns); ScrolledWindow *scroller = manage (new ScrolledWindow); display->set_model (model); display->append_column (X_("notvisible"), port_display_columns.displayed_name); display->set_headers_visible (false); display->get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_SINGLE); display->set_name ("IOSelectorList"); for (vector >::iterator s = i->second.begin(); s != i->second.end(); ++s) { TreeModel::Row row = *(model->append ()); row[port_display_columns.displayed_name] = s->first; row[port_display_columns.full_name] = s->second; } display->signal_button_release_event().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::port_selection_changed), display)); Label *tab_label = manage (new Label); tab_label->set_name ("IOSelectorNotebookTab"); tab_label->set_text ((*i).first); scroller->add (*display); scroller->set_policy (POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC); client_box->pack_start (*scroller); pages.push_back (TabElem (*client_box, *tab_label)); } notebook.set_current_page (current_page); page_selection_connection = notebook.signal_show().connect (bind (mem_fun (notebook, &Notebook::set_current_page), current_page)); selector_box.show_all (); } void IOSelector::display_ports () { TreeView *firsttview = 0; TreeView *selected_port_tview = 0; { Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (port_display_lock); Port *port; uint32_t limit; // The IO selector only works for single typed IOs const ARDOUR::DataType t = io->default_type(); if (for_input) { limit = io->n_inputs().get(t); } else { limit = io->n_outputs().get(t); } for (slist::iterator i = port_displays.begin(); i != port_displays.end(); ) { slist::iterator tmp; tmp = i; ++tmp; port_box.remove (**i); delete *i; port_displays.erase (i); i = tmp; } for (uint32_t n = 0; n < limit; ++n) { TreeView* tview; //ScrolledWindow *scroller; string really_short_name; if (for_input) { port = io->input (n); } else { port = io->output (n); } /* we know there is '/' because we put it there */ really_short_name = port->short_name(); really_short_name = really_short_name.substr (really_short_name.find ('/') + 1); tview = manage (new TreeView()); RefPtr port_model = ListStore::create (port_display_columns); if (!firsttview) { firsttview = tview; } tview->set_model (port_model); tview->append_column (really_short_name, port_display_columns.displayed_name); tview->get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_SINGLE); tview->set_data (X_("port"), port); tview->set_headers_visible (true); tview->set_name (X_("IOSelectorPortList")); port_box.pack_start (*tview); port_displays.insert (port_displays.end(), tview); /* now fill the clist with the current connections */ const char **connections = port->get_connections (); if (connections) { for (uint32_t c = 0; connections[c]; ++c) { TreeModel::Row row = *(port_model->append()); row[port_display_columns.displayed_name] = connections[c]; row[port_display_columns.full_name] = connections[c]; } } if (for_input) { if (io->input_maximum().get(io->default_type()) == 1) { selected_port = port; selected_port_tview = tview; } else { if (port == selected_port) { selected_port_tview = tview; } } } else { if (io->output_maximum().get(t) == 1) { selected_port = port; selected_port_tview = tview; } else { if (port == selected_port) { selected_port_tview = tview; } } } TreeViewColumn* col = tview->get_column (0); col->set_clickable (true); /* handle button events on the column header ... */ col->signal_clicked().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::select_treeview), tview)); /* ... and within the treeview itself */ tview->signal_button_release_event().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::connection_button_release), tview)); } port_box.show_all (); } if (!selected_port_tview) { selected_port_tview = firsttview; } if (selected_port_tview) { select_treeview (selected_port_tview); } } bool IOSelector::port_selection_changed (GdkEventButton *ev, TreeView* treeview) { TreeModel::iterator i = treeview->get_selection()->get_selected(); int status; if (!i) { return 0; } if (selected_port == 0) { return 0; } ustring other_port_name = (*i)[port_display_columns.full_name]; if (for_input) { if ((status = io->connect_input (selected_port, other_port_name, this)) == 0) { Port *p = session.engine().get_port_by_name (other_port_name); if (p) { p->enable_metering(); } } } else { status = io->connect_output (selected_port, other_port_name, this); } if (status == 0) { select_next_treeview (); } treeview->get_selection()->unselect_all(); return 0; } void IOSelector::ports_changed (IOChange change, void *src) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(bind (mem_fun(*this, &IOSelector::ports_changed), change, src)); display_ports (); } void IOSelector::add_port () { /* add a new port, then hide the button if we're up to the maximum allowed */ // The IO selector only works for single typed IOs const ARDOUR::DataType t = io->default_type(); if (for_input) { try { io->add_input_port ("", this); } catch (AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& err) { MessageDialog msg (0, _("There are no more JACK ports available.")); msg.run (); } } else { try { io->add_output_port ("", this); } catch (AudioEngine::PortRegistrationFailure& err) { MessageDialog msg (0, _("There are no more JACK ports available.")); msg.run (); } } set_button_sensitivity (); } void IOSelector::remove_port () { uint32_t nports; // The IO selector only works for single typed IOs const ARDOUR::DataType t = io->default_type(); // always remove last port if (for_input) { if ((nports = io->n_inputs().get(t)) > 0) { io->remove_input_port (io->input(nports-1), this); } } else { if ((nports = io->n_outputs().get(t)) > 0) { io->remove_output_port (io->output(nports-1), this); } } set_button_sensitivity (); } gint IOSelector::connection_button_release (GdkEventButton *ev, TreeView *treeview) { /* this handles button release on a port name row: i.e. a connection between the named port and the port represented by the treeview. */ Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter; TreeModel::Path path; TreeViewColumn* column; int cellx; int celly; /* only handle button1 events here */ if (ev->button != 1) { return false; } if (!treeview->get_path_at_pos ((int)ev->x, (int)ev->y, path, column, cellx, celly)) { return false; } if ((iter = treeview->get_model()->get_iter (path.to_string()))) { /* path is valid */ ustring connected_port_name = (*iter)[port_display_columns.full_name]; Port *port = reinterpret_cast (treeview->get_data (X_("port"))); if (for_input) { Port *p = session.engine().get_port_by_name (connected_port_name); if (p) { p->disable_metering(); } io->disconnect_input (port, connected_port_name, this); } else { io->disconnect_output (port, connected_port_name, this); } } return true; } void IOSelector::select_next_treeview () { slist::iterator next; if (port_displays.empty() || port_displays.size() == 1) { return; } for (slist::iterator i = port_displays.begin(); i != port_displays.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->get_name() == "IOSelectorPortListSelected") { ++i; if (i == port_displays.end()) { select_treeview (port_displays.front()); } else { select_treeview (*i); } break; } } } void IOSelector::select_treeview (TreeView* tview) { /* Gack. TreeView's don't respond visually to a change in their state, so rename them to force a style switch. */ Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (port_display_lock); Port* port = reinterpret_cast (tview->get_data (X_("port"))); selected_port = port; tview->set_name ("IOSelectorPortListSelected"); tview->queue_draw (); /* ugly hack to force the column header button to change as well */ TreeViewColumn* col = tview->get_column (0); GtkTreeViewColumn* ccol = col->gobj(); if (ccol->button) { gtk_widget_set_name (ccol->button, "IOSelectorPortListSelected"); gtk_widget_queue_draw (ccol->button); } for (slist::iterator i = port_displays.begin(); i != port_displays.end(); ++i) { if (*i == tview) { continue; } col = (*i)->get_column (0); ccol = col->gobj(); if (ccol->button) { gtk_widget_set_name (ccol->button, "IOSelectorPortList"); gtk_widget_queue_draw (ccol->button); } (*i)->set_name ("IOSelectorPortList"); (*i)->queue_draw (); } selector_box.show_all (); } void IOSelector::redisplay () { display_ports (); if (for_input) { if (io->input_maximum().get(io->default_type()) != 0) { rescan (); } } else { if (io->output_maximum().get(io->default_type()) != 0) { rescan(); } } } PortInsertUI::PortInsertUI (Session& sess, boost::shared_ptr pi) : input_selector (sess, pi, true), output_selector (sess, pi, false) { hbox.pack_start (output_selector, true, true); hbox.pack_start (input_selector, true, true); pack_start (hbox); } void PortInsertUI::redisplay() { input_selector.redisplay(); output_selector.redisplay(); } void PortInsertUI::finished(IOSelector::Result r) { input_selector.Finished (r); output_selector.Finished (r); } PortInsertWindow::PortInsertWindow (Session& sess, boost::shared_ptr pi, bool can_cancel) : ArdourDialog ("port insert dialog"), _portinsertui (sess, pi), ok_button (can_cancel ? _("OK"): _("Close")), cancel_button (_("Cancel")), rescan_button (_("Rescan")) { set_name ("IOSelectorWindow"); string title = _("ardour: "); title += pi->name(); set_title (title); ok_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); cancel_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); rescan_button.set_name ("IOSelectorButton"); button_box.set_spacing (5); button_box.set_border_width (5); button_box.set_homogeneous (true); button_box.pack_start (rescan_button); if (can_cancel) { button_box.pack_start (cancel_button); } else { cancel_button.hide(); } button_box.pack_start (ok_button); get_vbox()->pack_start (_portinsertui); get_vbox()->pack_start (button_box, false, false); ok_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &PortInsertWindow::accept)); cancel_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &PortInsertWindow::cancel)); rescan_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &PortInsertWindow::rescan)); signal_delete_event().connect (bind (sigc::ptr_fun (just_hide_it), reinterpret_cast (this))); going_away_connection = pi->GoingAway.connect (mem_fun(*this, &PortInsertWindow::plugin_going_away)); } void PortInsertWindow::plugin_going_away () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(mem_fun(*this, &PortInsertWindow::plugin_going_away)); going_away_connection.disconnect (); delete_when_idle (this); } void PortInsertWindow::on_map () { _portinsertui.redisplay (); Window::on_map (); } void PortInsertWindow::rescan () { _portinsertui.redisplay(); } void PortInsertWindow::cancel () { _portinsertui.finished(IOSelector::Cancelled); hide (); } void PortInsertWindow::accept () { _portinsertui.finished(IOSelector::Accepted); hide (); }