/* Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Davis Author: Johannes Mueller This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include "ardour/template_utils.h" #include "template_dialog.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; TemplateDialog::TemplateDialog () : ArdourDialog ("Manage Templates") { Notebook* nb = manage (new Notebook); SessionTemplateManager* session_tm = manage (new SessionTemplateManager); session_tm->init (); nb->append_page (*session_tm, _("Session Templates")); RouteTemplateManager* route_tm = manage (new RouteTemplateManager); route_tm->init (); nb->append_page (*route_tm, _("Track Templates")); get_vbox()->pack_start (*nb); add_button (_("Ok"), Gtk::RESPONSE_OK); show_all_children (); } TemplateManager::TemplateManager () : HBox () , _remove_button (_("Remove")) , _rename_button (_("Rename")) { _template_model = ListStore::create (_template_columns); _template_treeview.set_model (_template_model); _validated_column.set_title (_("Template Name")); _validated_column.pack_start (_validating_cellrenderer); _template_treeview.append_column (_validated_column); _validating_cellrenderer.property_editable() = true; _validated_column.set_cell_data_func (_validating_cellrenderer, sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TemplateManager::render_template_names)); _validating_cellrenderer.signal_edited().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TemplateManager::validate_edit)); _template_treeview.signal_cursor_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TemplateManager::row_selection_changed)); _template_treeview.signal_key_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TemplateManager::key_event)); ScrolledWindow* sw = manage (new ScrolledWindow); sw->property_hscrollbar_policy() = POLICY_AUTOMATIC; sw->add (_template_treeview); sw->set_size_request (300, 200); VBox* vb = manage (new VBox); vb->set_spacing (4); vb->pack_start (_rename_button, false, false); vb->pack_start (_remove_button, false, false); _rename_button.set_sensitive (false); _rename_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TemplateManager::start_edit)); _remove_button.set_sensitive (false); _remove_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TemplateManager::delete_selected_template)); set_spacing (6); pack_start (*sw); pack_start (*vb); show_all_children (); } void TemplateManager::setup_model (const vector& templates) { _template_model->clear (); for (vector::const_iterator it = templates.begin(); it != templates.end(); ++it) { TreeModel::Row row; row = *(_template_model->append ()); row[_template_columns.name] = it->name; row[_template_columns.path] = it->path; } } void TemplateManager::row_selection_changed () { bool has_selection = false; if (_template_treeview.get_selection()->count_selected_rows () != 0) { Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator it = _template_treeview.get_selection()->get_selected (); if (it) { has_selection = true; } } _rename_button.set_sensitive (has_selection); _remove_button.set_sensitive (has_selection); } void TemplateManager::render_template_names (Gtk::CellRenderer*, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& it) { if (it) { _validating_cellrenderer.property_text () = it->get_value (_template_columns.name); } } void TemplateManager::validate_edit (const Glib::ustring& path_string, const Glib::ustring& new_name) { const TreePath path (path_string); TreeModel::iterator current = _template_model->get_iter (path); if (current->get_value (_template_columns.name) == new_name) { return; } TreeModel::Children rows = _template_model->children (); bool found = false; for (TreeModel::Children::const_iterator it = rows.begin(); it != rows.end(); ++it) { if (it->get_value (_template_columns.name) == new_name) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { error << string_compose (_("Template of name \"%1\" already exists"), new_name) << endmsg; return; } rename_template (current, new_name); } void TemplateManager::start_edit () { TreeModel::Path path; TreeViewColumn* col; _template_treeview.get_cursor (path, col); _template_treeview.set_cursor (path, *col, /*set_editing =*/ true); } bool TemplateManager::key_event (GdkEventKey* ev) { if (ev->keyval == GDK_KEY_F2) { start_edit (); return true; } if (ev->keyval == GDK_KEY_Delete) { delete_selected_template (); return true; } return false; } bool TemplateManager::adjust_plugin_paths (XMLNode* node, const string& name, const string& new_name) const { bool adjusted = false; const XMLNodeList& procs = node->children (X_("Processor")); XMLNodeConstIterator pit; for (pit = procs.begin(); pit != procs.end(); ++pit) { XMLNode* lv2_node = (*pit)->child (X_("lv2")); if (!lv2_node) { continue; } string template_dir; if (!lv2_node->get_property (X_("template-dir"), template_dir)) { continue; } const int suffix_pos = template_dir.size() - name.size(); if (suffix_pos < 0) { cerr << "Template name\"" << name << "\" longer than template-dir \"" << template_dir << "\", WTH?" << endl; continue; } if (template_dir.compare (suffix_pos, template_dir.size(), name)) { cerr << "Template name \"" << name << "\" no suffix of template-dir \"" << template_dir << "\"" << endl; continue; } const string new_template_dir = template_dir.substr (0, suffix_pos) + new_name; lv2_node->set_property (X_("template-dir"), new_template_dir); adjusted = true; } return adjusted; } void SessionTemplateManager::init () { vector templates; find_session_templates (templates); setup_model (templates); } void RouteTemplateManager::init () { vector templates; find_route_templates (templates); setup_model (templates); } void SessionTemplateManager::rename_template (TreeModel::iterator& item, const Glib::ustring& new_name_) { const string old_path = item->get_value (_template_columns.path); const string old_name = item->get_value (_template_columns.name); const string new_name = string (new_name_); const string old_file_old_path = Glib::build_filename (old_path, old_name+".template"); XMLTree tree; if (!tree.read(old_file_old_path)) { error << string_compose (_("Could not parse template file \"%1\"."), old_file_old_path) << endmsg; return; } XMLNode* root = tree.root(); const XMLNode* const routes_node = root->child (X_("Routes")); if (routes_node) { const XMLNodeList& routes = routes_node->children (X_("Route")); XMLNodeConstIterator rit; for (rit = routes.begin(); rit != routes.end(); ++rit) { adjust_plugin_paths (*rit, old_name, new_name); } } const string new_file_old_path = Glib::build_filename (old_path, new_name+".template"); tree.set_filename (new_file_old_path); if (!tree.write ()) { error << string_compose(_("Could not write to new template file \"%1\"."), new_file_old_path); return; } const string new_path = Glib::build_filename (user_template_directory (), new_name); if (g_rename (old_path.c_str(), new_path.c_str()) != 0) { error << string_compose (_("Could not rename template directory from \"%1\" to \"%2\": %3"), old_path, new_path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; g_unlink (new_file_old_path.c_str()); return; } const string old_file_new_path = Glib::build_filename (new_path, old_name+".template"); if (g_unlink (old_file_new_path.c_str())) { error << string_compose (X_("Could not delete old template file \"%1\": %2"), old_file_new_path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; } item->set_value (_template_columns.name, new_name); item->set_value (_template_columns.path, new_path); } void SessionTemplateManager::delete_selected_template () { if (_template_treeview.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() == 0) { return; } Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator it = _template_treeview.get_selection()->get_selected(); if (!it) { return; } PBD::remove_directory (it->get_value (_template_columns.path)); _template_model->erase (it); row_selection_changed (); } void RouteTemplateManager::rename_template (TreeModel::iterator& item, const Glib::ustring& new_name) { const string old_name = item->get_value (_template_columns.name); const string old_filepath = item->get_value (_template_columns.path); const string new_filepath = Glib::build_filename (user_route_template_directory(), new_name+".template"); XMLTree tree; if (!tree.read (old_filepath)) { error << string_compose (_("Could not parse template file \"%1\"."), old_filepath) << endmsg; return; } tree.root()->children().front()->set_property (X_("name"), new_name); const bool adjusted = adjust_plugin_paths (tree.root(), old_name, string (new_name)); const string old_state_dir = Glib::build_filename (user_route_template_directory(), old_name); const string new_state_dir = Glib::build_filename (user_route_template_directory(), new_name); if (adjusted) { if (g_rename (old_state_dir.c_str(), new_state_dir.c_str()) != 0) { error << string_compose (_("Could not rename state dir \"%1\" to \"%22\": %3"), old_state_dir, new_state_dir, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; return; } } tree.set_filename (new_filepath); if (!tree.write ()) { error << string_compose(_("Could not write new template file \"%1\"."), new_filepath) << endmsg; if (adjusted) { g_rename (new_state_dir.c_str(), old_state_dir.c_str()); } return; } if (g_unlink (old_filepath.c_str()) != 0) { error << string_compose (_("Could not remove old template file \"%1\": %2"), old_filepath, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; } item->set_value (_template_columns.name, string (new_name)); item->set_value (_template_columns.path, new_filepath); } void RouteTemplateManager::delete_selected_template () { if (_template_treeview.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() == 0) { return; } Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator it = _template_treeview.get_selection()->get_selected(); if (!it) { return; } const string file_path = it->get_value (_template_columns.path); if (g_unlink (file_path.c_str()) != 0) { error << string_compose(_("Could not delete template file \"%1\": %2"), file_path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; return; } PBD::remove_directory (Glib::build_filename (user_route_template_directory (), it->get_value (_template_columns.name))); _template_model->erase (it); row_selection_changed (); }