/* Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include "tempo_lines.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" using namespace std; #define MAX_CACHED_LINES 128 TempoLines::TempoLines(ArdourCanvas::Canvas& canvas, ArdourCanvas::Group* group, double screen_height) : _canvas(canvas) , _group(group) , _clean_left(DBL_MAX) , _clean_right(0.0) , _height(screen_height) { } void TempoLines::tempo_map_changed() { _clean_left = DBL_MAX; _clean_right = 0.0; size_t d = 1; // TODO: Dirty/slow, but 'needed' for zoom :( for (Lines::iterator i = _lines.begin(); i != _lines.end(); ++d) { Lines::iterator next = i; ++next; i->second->property_x1() = - d; i->second->property_x2() = - d; _lines.erase(i); _lines.insert(make_pair(- d, i->second)); i = next; } } void TempoLines::show () { for (Lines::iterator i = _lines.begin(); i != _lines.end(); ++i) { i->second->show(); } } void TempoLines::hide () { for (Lines::iterator i = _lines.begin(); i != _lines.end(); ++i) { i->second->hide(); } } void TempoLines::draw (ARDOUR::TempoMap::BBTPointList& points, double frames_per_unit) { ARDOUR::TempoMap::BBTPointList::iterator i; ArdourCanvas::SimpleLine *line = NULL; gdouble xpos; double who_cares; double x1, x2, y1, y2, beat_density; uint32_t beats = 0; uint32_t bars = 0; uint32_t color; const size_t needed = points.size(); _canvas.get_scroll_region (x1, y1, x2, who_cares); /* get the first bar spacing */ i = points.end(); i--; bars = (*i).bar - (*points.begin()).bar; beats = points.size() - bars; beat_density = (beats * 10.0f) / _canvas.get_width (); if (beat_density > 4.0f) { /* if the lines are too close together, they become useless */ tempo_map_changed(); return; } xpos = rint(((nframes64_t)(*i).frame) / (double)frames_per_unit); const double needed_right = xpos; i = points.begin(); xpos = rint(((nframes64_t)(*i).frame) / (double)frames_per_unit); const double needed_left = xpos; Lines::iterator left = _lines.lower_bound(xpos); // first line >= xpos bool exhausted = (left == _lines.end()); Lines::iterator li = left; if (li != _lines.end()) line = li->second; // Tempo map hasn't changed and we're entirely within a clean // range, don't need to do anything. Yay. if (needed_left >= _clean_left && needed_right <= _clean_right) { //cout << endl << "*** LINE CACHE PERFECT HIT" << endl; return; } //cout << endl << "*** LINE CACHE MISS" << endl; bool inserted_last_time = true; bool invalidated = false; for (i = points.begin(); i != points.end(); ++i) { switch ((*i).type) { case ARDOUR::TempoMap::Bar: break; case ARDOUR::TempoMap::Beat: if ((*i).beat == 1) { color = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MeasureLineBar.get(); } else { color = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MeasureLineBeat.get(); if (beat_density > 2.0) { break; /* only draw beat lines if the gaps between beats are large. */ } } xpos = rint(((nframes64_t)(*i).frame) / (double)frames_per_unit); if (inserted_last_time && !_lines.empty()) { li = _lines.lower_bound(xpos); // first line >= xpos } line = (li != _lines.end()) ? li->second : NULL; assert(!line || line->property_x1() == li->first); Lines::iterator next = li; if (next != _lines.end()) ++next; exhausted = (next == _lines.end()); // Hooray, line is perfect if (line && line->property_x1() == xpos) { if (li != _lines.end()) ++li; line->property_color_rgba() = color; inserted_last_time = false; // don't search next time // Use existing line, moving if necessary } else if (!exhausted) { Lines::iterator steal = _lines.end(); --steal; // Steal from the right if (left->first > needed_left && li != steal && steal->first > needed_right) { //cout << "*** STEALING FROM RIGHT" << endl; line = steal->second; _lines.erase(steal); line->property_x1() = xpos; line->property_x2() = xpos; line->property_color_rgba() = color; _lines.insert(make_pair(xpos, line)); inserted_last_time = true; // search next time invalidated = true; // Shift clean range left _clean_left = min(_clean_left, xpos); _clean_right = min(_clean_right, steal->first); // Move this line to where we need it } else { Lines::iterator existing = _lines.find(xpos); if (existing != _lines.end()) { //cout << "*** EXISTING LINE" << endl; li = existing; li->second->property_color_rgba() = color; inserted_last_time = false; // don't search next time } else { //cout << "*** MOVING LINE" << endl; const double x1 = line->property_x1(); const bool was_clean = x1 >= _clean_left && x1 <= _clean_right; invalidated = invalidated || was_clean; // Invalidate clean portion (XXX: too harsh?) _clean_left = needed_left; _clean_right = needed_right; _lines.erase(li); line->property_color_rgba() = color; line->property_x1() = xpos; line->property_x2() = xpos; _lines.insert(make_pair(xpos, line)); inserted_last_time = true; // search next time } } // Create a new line } else if (_lines.size() < needed || _lines.size() < MAX_CACHED_LINES) { //cout << "*** CREATING LINE" << endl; assert(_lines.find(xpos) == _lines.end()); line = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleLine (*_group); line->property_x1() = xpos; line->property_x2() = xpos; line->property_y1() = 0.0; line->property_y2() = _height; line->property_color_rgba() = color; _lines.insert(make_pair(xpos, line)); inserted_last_time = true; // Steal from the left } else { //cout << "*** STEALING FROM LEFT" << endl; assert(_lines.find(xpos) == _lines.end()); Lines::iterator steal = _lines.begin(); line = steal->second; _lines.erase(steal); line->property_color_rgba() = color; line->property_x1() = xpos; line->property_x2() = xpos; _lines.insert(make_pair(xpos, line)); inserted_last_time = true; // search next time invalidated = true; // Shift clean range right _clean_left = max(_clean_left, steal->first); _clean_right = max(_clean_right, xpos); } break; } } // Extend range to what we've 'fixed' if (!invalidated) { _clean_left = min(_clean_left, needed_left); _clean_right = max(_clean_right, needed_right); } }