/* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #ifndef __ardour_gui_h__ #define __ardour_gui_h__ /* need _BSD_SOURCE to get timersub macros */ #ifdef _BSD_SOURCE #include #else #define _BSD_SOURCE #include #undef _BSD_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "audio_clock.h" #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "editing.h" #include "glade_factory.h" class AudioClock; class PublicEditor; class Keyboard; class MeterBridge; class OptionEditor; class Mixer_UI; class ConnectionEditor; class RouteParams_UI; class SoundFileChooser; class About; class AddRouteDialog; class NewSessionDialog; class LocationUI; namespace Gtkmm2ext { class TearOff; }; namespace ARDOUR { class AudioEngine; class Route; class Port; class IO; }; namespace ALSA { class MultiChannelDevice; }; #define FRAME_NAME "BaseFrame" class ARDOUR_UI : public Gtkmm2ext::UI { public: ARDOUR_UI (int *argcp, char **argvp[], string rcfile); ~ARDOUR_UI(); void show (); bool shown() { return shown_flag; } void show_splash (); void hide_splash (); int load_session (string path, string snapshot, string* mix_template = 0); bool session_loaded; int build_session (string path, string snapshot, uint32_t ctl_chns, uint32_t master_chns, ARDOUR::Session::AutoConnectOption input_connect, ARDOUR::Session::AutoConnectOption output_connect, uint32_t nphysin, uint32_t nphysout, jack_nframes_t initial_length); bool session_is_new() const { return _session_is_new; } ARDOUR::Session* the_session() { return session; } bool will_create_new_session_automatically() const { return _will_create_new_session_automatically; } void set_will_create_new_session_automatically (bool yn) { _will_create_new_session_automatically = yn; } void new_session(bool startup = false, std::string path = string()); gint cmdline_new_session (std::string path); int unload_session (); void close_session() { unload_session(); } int save_state_canfail (string state_name = ""); void save_state (string state_name = ""); void restore_state (string state_name = ""); static double gain_to_slider_position (ARDOUR::gain_t g); static ARDOUR::gain_t slider_position_to_gain (double pos); static ARDOUR_UI *instance () { return theArdourUI; } PublicEditor& the_editor(){return *editor;} Mixer_UI* the_mixer() { return mixer; } void toggle_location_window (); void toggle_big_clock_window (); void toggle_connection_editor (); void toggle_route_params_window (); void toggle_tempo_window (); gint32 select_diskstream (GdkEventButton *ev); Gtk::Tooltips& tooltips() { return _tooltips; } static sigc::signal Blink; static sigc::signal RapidScreenUpdate; static sigc::signal SuperRapidScreenUpdate; static sigc::signal Clock; /* this is a helper function to centralize the (complex) logic for blinking rec-enable buttons. */ void rec_enable_button_blink (bool onoff, ARDOUR::DiskStream *, Gtk::Widget *w); void name_io_setup (ARDOUR::AudioEngine&, string&, ARDOUR::IO& io, bool in); void choose_io (ARDOUR::IO&, bool input); static gint hide_and_quit (GdkEventAny *ev, ArdourDialog *); XMLNode* editor_settings() const; XMLNode* mixer_settings () const; XMLNode* keyboard_settings () const; void save_ardour_state (); gboolean configure_handler (GdkEventConfigure* conf); void do_transport_locate (jack_nframes_t position); void halt_on_xrun_message (); AudioClock primary_clock; AudioClock secondary_clock; AudioClock preroll_clock; AudioClock postroll_clock; void add_route (); void session_add_audio_track (int input_channels, int32_t output_channels) { session_add_audio_route (true, input_channels, output_channels); } void session_add_audio_bus (int input_channels, int32_t output_channels) { session_add_audio_route (false, input_channels, output_channels); } void session_add_midi_track (); void set_engine (ARDOUR::AudioEngine&); gint exit_on_main_window_close (GdkEventAny *); protected: friend class PublicEditor; void toggle_metering (); void toggle_clocking (); void toggle_auto_play (); void toggle_auto_input (); void toggle_punch_in (); void toggle_punch_out (); void toggle_auto_return (); void toggle_click (); void toggle_follow (); void toggle_session_auto_loop (); void toggle_session_punch_in (); void toggle_options_window (); private: struct GlobalClickBox : public Gtk::VBox { Gtkmm2ext::ClickBox *box; Gtk::Frame frame; Gtk::Label label; vector &strings; Gtk::Adjustment adjustment; static void printer (char buf[32], Gtk::Adjustment &adj, void *arg); GlobalClickBox (const string &str, vector &vs) : strings (vs), adjustment (0, 0, vs.size() - 1, 1, 1, 0) { box = new Gtkmm2ext::ClickBox (&adjustment, "ClickButton"); label.set_text (str); label.set_name ("GlobalButtonLabel"); frame.add (*box); frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); pack_start (label); pack_start (frame); box->set_print_func (printer, this); box->set_wrap (true); }; }; ARDOUR::AudioEngine *engine; ARDOUR::Session *session; Gtk::Tooltips _tooltips; void goto_editor_window (); void goto_mixer_window (); Gtk::Table adjuster_table; Gtk::Frame adjuster_frame; Gtk::Fixed adjuster_base; GlobalClickBox *online_control_button; vector online_control_strings; GlobalClickBox *crossfade_time_button; vector crossfade_time_strings; GlobalClickBox *mmc_id_button; vector mmc_id_strings; Gtk::ToggleButton preroll_button; Gtk::ToggleButton postroll_button; Gtk::Table transport_table; Gtk::Table option_table; int setup_windows (); void setup_session_menu (); void setup_transport (); void setup_clock (); void setup_session_info (); void setup_adjustables (); Gtk::MenuBar* make_menubar (); static ARDOUR_UI *theArdourUI; void startup (); void shutdown (); void finish(); int ask_about_saving_session (string why); gint ask_about_save_deleted (GdkEventAny*); void save_session_choice_made (int); int save_the_session; void queue_transport_change (); void map_transport_state (); int32_t do_engine_start (); gint start_engine (); void engine_halted (); void engine_stopped (); void engine_running (); void map_some_session_state (Gtk::ToggleButton& button, bool (ARDOUR::Session::*get)() const); void toggle_some_session_state (Gtk::ToggleButton& button, bool (ARDOUR::Session::*get)() const, void (ARDOUR::Session::*set)(bool)); void map_button_state (); void clear_meters (); static gint _blink (void *); void blink (); gint blink_timeout_tag; bool blink_on; void start_blinking (); void stop_blinking (); void control_methods_adjusted (); void mmc_device_id_adjusted (); private: Gtk::VBox top_packer; sigc::connection clock_signal_connection; void update_clocks (); void start_clocking (); void stop_clocking (); AudioClock big_clock; Gtk::Frame big_clock_frame; ArdourDialog* big_clock_window; /* Transport Control */ void detach_tearoff (Gtk::Box* parent, Gtk::Widget* contents); void reattach_tearoff (Gtk::Box* parent, Gtk::Widget* contents, int32_t order); Gtkmm2ext::TearOff* transport_tearoff; Gtk::Frame transport_frame; Gtk::HBox transport_tearoff_hbox; Gtk::HBox transport_hbox; Gtk::Fixed transport_base; Gtk::Fixed transport_button_base; Gtk::Frame transport_button_frame; Gtk::HBox transport_button_hbox; Gtk::VBox transport_button_vbox; Gtk::HBox transport_option_button_hbox; Gtk::VBox transport_option_button_vbox; Gtk::HBox transport_clock_hbox; Gtk::VBox transport_clock_vbox; Gtk::HBox primary_clock_hbox; Gtk::HBox secondary_clock_hbox; Gtk::Button goto_start_button; Gtk::Button goto_end_button; Gtk::Button rewind_button; Gtk::Button forward_button; Gtk::Button stop_button; enum ShuttleBehaviour { Sprung, Wheel }; enum ShuttleUnits { Percentage, Semitones }; Gtk::DrawingArea shuttle_box; Gtk::EventBox speed_display_box; Gtk::Label speed_display_label; Gtk::Button shuttle_units_button; Gtk::Button shuttle_style_button; Gtk::Menu* shuttle_unit_menu; Gtk::Menu* shuttle_style_menu; ShuttleBehaviour shuttle_behaviour; ShuttleUnits shuttle_units; void shuttle_style_clicked (); void shuttle_unit_clicked (); void set_shuttle_behaviour (ShuttleBehaviour); void set_shuttle_units (ShuttleUnits); void update_speed_display (); gint shuttle_box_button_press (GdkEventButton*); gint shuttle_box_button_release (GdkEventButton*); gint shuttle_box_motion (GdkEventMotion*); gint shuttle_box_expose (GdkEventExpose*); gint mouse_shuttle (double x, bool force); void use_shuttle_fract (bool force); bool shuttle_grabbed; double shuttle_fract; Gtk::ToggleButton auto_loop_button; Gtk::ToggleButton play_selection_button; Gtk::ToggleButton roll_button; Gtk::ToggleButton rec_button; Gtk::ToggleButton punch_in_button; Gtk::ToggleButton punch_out_button; Gtk::ToggleButton auto_return_button; Gtk::ToggleButton auto_play_button; Gtk::ToggleButton auto_input_button; Gtk::ToggleButton click_button; Gtk::ToggleButton follow_button; Gtk::ToggleButton auditioning_alert_button; Gtk::ToggleButton solo_alert_button; Gtk::VBox alert_box; void follow_changed (); void solo_blink (bool); void audition_blink (bool); void soloing_changed (bool); void auditioning_changed (bool); void _auditioning_changed (bool); void solo_alert_toggle (); void audition_alert_toggle (); void primary_clock_value_changed (); void secondary_clock_value_changed (); /* called by Blink signal */ void transport_rec_enable_blink (bool onoff); /* These change where we accept control from: MMC, X (local) or both. */ void allow_mmc_only (); void allow_mmc_and_local (); void allow_local_only (); static void rate_printer (char buf[32], Gtk::Adjustment &, void *); Gtk::Menu* session_popup_menu; struct RecentSessionModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { RecentSessionModelColumns() { add (visible_name); add (fullpath); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn visible_name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn fullpath; }; RecentSessionModelColumns recent_session_columns; Gtk::TreeView recent_session_display; Glib::RefPtr recent_session_model; ArdourDialog* session_selector_window; Gtk::FileChooserDialog* open_session_selector; void build_session_selector(); void recent_session_selection_changed (); void redisplay_recent_sessions(); struct RecentSessionsSorter { bool operator() (std::pair a, std::pair b) const { return cmp_nocase(a.first, b.first) == -1; } }; /* menu bar and associated stuff */ Gtk::MenuBar* menu_bar; Gtk::Fixed menu_bar_base; Gtk::HBox menu_hbox; void build_menu_bar (); void pack_toplevel_controls(); /* handles on the menu bar items that need to be sensitive to whether or not we have a session loaded. */ Gtk::MenuItem *add_track_item; Gtk::MenuItem *save_item; Gtk::MenuItem *snapshot_item; Gtk::MenuItem *save_as_item; Gtk::MenuItem *save_template_item; Gtk::MenuItem *export_item; Gtk::MenuItem *close_item; Gtk::CheckMenuItem *meter_bridge_dialog_check; Gtk::CheckMenuItem *connection_editor_check; Gtk::CheckMenuItem *route_params_check; Gtk::CheckMenuItem *locations_dialog_check; Gtk::CheckMenuItem *big_clock_check; Gtk::CheckMenuItem *tempo_editor_check; Gtk::CheckMenuItem *sfdb_check; Gtk::CheckMenuItem *options_window_check; /* */ Gtk::MenuItem *image_compositor_item ; /* */ Gtk::Label wall_clock_label; Gtk::EventBox wall_clock_box; gint update_wall_clock (); Gtk::Label disk_space_label; Gtk::EventBox disk_space_box; void update_disk_space (); Gtk::Label cpu_load_label; Gtk::EventBox cpu_load_box; void update_cpu_load (); Gtk::Label disk_rate_label; Gtk::EventBox disk_rate_box; void update_disk_rate(); Gtk::Label buffer_load_label; Gtk::EventBox buffer_load_box; void update_buffer_load (); Gtk::Label sample_rate_label; Gtk::EventBox sample_rate_box; void update_sample_rate (jack_nframes_t); gint every_second (); gint every_point_one_seconds (); gint every_point_zero_one_seconds (); sigc::connection second_connection; sigc::connection point_one_second_connection; sigc::connection point_zero_one_second_connection; void diskstream_added (ARDOUR::DiskStream*); gint session_menu (GdkEventButton *); bool _will_create_new_session_automatically; GladeRef m_new_session_dialog_ref; NewSessionDialog* m_new_session_dialog; void open_session (); void open_recent_session (); void open_ok_clicked (); void save_template (); void session_add_audio_route (bool disk, int32_t input_channels, int32_t output_channels); void add_diskstream_to_menu (ARDOUR::DiskStream&); void diskstream_selected (gint32); Gtk::Menu *diskstream_menu; gint32 selected_dstream; gint mouse_transport_goto_start (GdkEventButton *) { transport_goto_start (); return TRUE; } gint mouse_transport_goto_end (GdkEventButton *) { transport_goto_end (); return TRUE; } gint mouse_transport_record (GdkEventButton *) { transport_record (); return TRUE; } gint mouse_transport_forward (GdkEventButton *) { transport_forward (0); return TRUE; } gint mouse_transport_rewind (GdkEventButton *) { transport_rewind (0); return TRUE; } gint mouse_transport_loop (GdkEventButton *) { transport_loop (); return TRUE; } gint mouse_transport_play_selection (GdkEventButton *) { transport_play_selection (); return TRUE; } gint mouse_transport_roll (GdkEventButton *); gint mouse_transport_stop (GdkEventButton *); void set_transport_sensitivity (bool); void remove_last_capture (); void transport_goto_start (); void transport_goto_end (); void transport_stop (); void transport_stop_and_forget_capture (); void transport_record (); void transport_roll (); void transport_play_selection(); void transport_forward (int option); void transport_rewind (int option); void transport_loop (); void transport_locating (); void transport_rolling (); void transport_rewinding (); void transport_forwarding (); void transport_stopped (); void send_all_midi_feedback (); bool _session_is_new; void connect_to_session (ARDOUR::Session *); void connect_dependents_to_session (ARDOUR::Session *); void we_have_dependents (); void setup_keybindings (); guint32 last_key_press_time; void snapshot_session (); void map_control_change (ARDOUR::Session::ControlType); void queue_map_control_change (ARDOUR::Session::ControlType); void map_record_state (); void queue_map_record_state (); Mixer_UI *mixer; int create_mixer (); PublicEditor *editor; int create_editor (); MeterBridge *meter_bridge; int create_meter_bridge (); RouteParams_UI *route_params; int create_route_params (); ConnectionEditor *connection_editor; int create_connection_editor (); LocationUI *location_ui; int create_location_ui (); void meter_bridge_hiding (); void location_ui_hiding (); void big_clock_hiding (); void route_params_hiding (); void connection_editor_hiding (); void option_hiding (); /* Various options */ void toggle_recording_plugins (); /* Options window */ OptionEditor *option_editor; /* route dialog */ AddRouteDialog *add_route_dialog; void add_route_dialog_done (int status); /* SoundFile Browser */ void toggle_sound_file_browser (); /* Keyboard Handling */ Keyboard* keyboard; /* Keymap handling */ void install_keybindings (); Glib::RefPtr get_common_actions(); void install_actions (); void test_binding_action (const char *); void start_keyboard_prefix(); void toggle_record_enable (guint32); void toggle_monitor_enable (guint32); uint32_t rec_enabled_diskstreams; void count_recenabled_diskstreams (ARDOUR::DiskStream&); About* about; bool shown_flag; /* cleanup */ Gtk::MenuItem *cleanup_item; void display_cleanup_results (ARDOUR::Session::cleanup_report& rep, const gchar* list_title, string msg); void cleanup (); void flush_trash (); bool have_configure_timeout; struct timeval last_configure_time; gint configure_timeout (); struct timeval last_peak_grab; struct timeval last_shuttle_request; void cannot_record_no_input (ARDOUR::DiskStream*); void delete_sources_in_the_right_thread (list*); void editor_display_control_changed (Editing::DisplayControl c); bool have_disk_overrun_displayed; bool have_disk_underrun_displayed; void disk_overrun_message_gone (); void disk_underrun_message_gone (); void disk_overrun_handler (); void disk_underrun_handler (); int pending_state_dialog (); void disconnect_from_jack (); void reconnect_to_jack (); void set_jack_buffer_size (jack_nframes_t); Gtk::MenuItem* jack_disconnect_item; Gtk::MenuItem* jack_reconnect_item; Gtk::Menu* jack_bufsize_menu; int make_session_clean (); bool filter_ardour_session_dirs (const Gtk::FileFilter::Info&); Glib::RefPtr common_actions; }; #endif /* __ardour_gui_h__ */