/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Robin Gareus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "gtkmm2ext/gui_thread.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/colors.h" #include "canvas/rectangle.h" #include "canvas/text.h" #include "canvas.h" #include "menu.h" #include "push2.h" #include "scale.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ #define Rect ArdourCanvas::Rect #endif using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Glib; using namespace ArdourSurface; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace ArdourCanvas; static double unselected_root_alpha = 0.5; static const char* row_interval_string (const Push2::RowInterval row_interval, const bool inkey) { switch (row_interval) { case Push2::Third: return _(u8"3rd \u2191"); case Push2::Fourth: return _(u8"4th \u2191"); case Push2::Fifth: return _(u8"5th \u2191"); case Push2::Sequential: return inkey ? _(u8"Octave \u2191") : _(u8"Sequential \u2191"); } return ""; } static const char* column_interval_string (const bool inkey) { return inkey ? _(u8"Scale \u2192") : _(u8"Semitone \u2192"); } ScaleLayout::ScaleLayout (Push2& p, Session & s, std::string const & name) : Push2Layout (p, s, name) , _last_vpot (-1) , _vpot_delta_cnt (0) { Pango::FontDescription fd ("Sans 10"); /* background */ _bg = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (this); _bg->set (Rect (0, 0, display_width(), display_height())); _bg->set_fill_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::DarkBackground)); _left_scroll_text = new Text (this); _left_scroll_text->set_font_description (fd); _left_scroll_text->set_position (Duple (10, 5)); _left_scroll_text->set_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground)); _close_text = new Text (this); _close_text->set_font_description (fd); _close_text->set_position (Duple (10, 5)); _close_text->set_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground)); _close_text->set (_("Close")); _right_scroll_text = new Text (this); _right_scroll_text->set_font_description (fd); _right_scroll_text->set_position (Duple (10 + (7 * Push2Canvas::inter_button_spacing()), 5)); _right_scroll_text->set_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground)); Pango::FontDescription fd2 ("Sans 8"); _inkey_text = new Text (this); _inkey_text->set_font_description (fd2); _inkey_text->set_position (Duple (10, 140)); _inkey_text->set_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground)); _inkey_text->set (_("Scale")); _chromatic_text = new Text (this); _chromatic_text->set_font_description (fd2); _chromatic_text->set_position (Duple (45, 140)); _chromatic_text->set_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground)); _chromatic_text->set (_("Chromatic")); _fixed_text = new Text (this); _fixed_text->set_font_description (fd2); _fixed_text->set_position (Duple (10 + (7 * Push2Canvas::inter_button_spacing()), 140)); _fixed_text->set_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground)); _fixed_text->set (_("Fixed")); _rooted_text = new Text (this); _rooted_text->set_font_description (fd2); _rooted_text->set_position (Duple (45 + (7 * Push2Canvas::inter_button_spacing()), 140)); _rooted_text->set_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground)); _rooted_text->set (_("Rooted")); _row_interval_text = new Text (this); _row_interval_text->set_font_description (fd); _row_interval_text->set_position (Duple (10, 60)); _row_interval_text->set_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground)); _row_interval_text->set (row_interval_string (_p2.row_interval (), _p2.in_key ())); _column_interval_text = new Text (this); _column_interval_text->set_font_description (fd); _column_interval_text->set_position (Duple (10, 80)); _column_interval_text->set_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground)); _column_interval_text->set (column_interval_string (false)); for (int n = 0; n < 8; ++n) { /* text labels for root notes etc.*/ Text* t = new Text (this); t->set_font_description (fd); t->set_color (change_alpha (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground), unselected_root_alpha)); t->set_position (Duple (10 + (n * Push2Canvas::inter_button_spacing()), 5)); switch (n) { case 0: /* zeroth element is a dummy */ break; case 1: t->set (S_("Note|C")); break; case 2: t->set (S_("Note|G")); break; case 3: t->set (S_("Note|D")); break; case 4: t->set (S_("Note|A")); break; case 5: t->set (S_("Note|E")); break; case 6: t->set (S_("Note|B")); break; } _upper_text.push_back (t); t = new Text (this); t->set_font_description (fd); t->set_color (change_alpha (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground), unselected_root_alpha)); t->set_position (Duple (10 + (n*Push2Canvas::inter_button_spacing()), 140)); switch (n) { case 0: /* zeroth element is a dummy */ break; case 1: t->set (S_("Note|F")); break; case 2: t->set (S_(u8"Note|B\u266D/A\u266F")); break; case 3: t->set (S_(u8"Note|E\u266D/D\u266F")); break; case 4: t->set (S_(u8"Note|A\u266D/G\u266F")); break; case 5: t->set (S_(u8"Note|D\u266D/C\u266F")); break; case 6: t->set (S_(u8"Note|G\u266D/F\u266F")); break; } _lower_text.push_back (t); } build_scale_menu (); _p2.ScaleChange.connect (_p2_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&ScaleLayout::show_root_state, this), &_p2); } ScaleLayout::~ScaleLayout () { } void ScaleLayout::render (Rect const& area, Cairo::RefPtr context) const { render_children (area, context); } void ScaleLayout::button_upper (uint32_t n) { if (n == 0) { if (_scale_menu->can_scroll_left()) { _scale_menu->scroll (Push2Menu::DirectionLeft, true); } else { _p2.use_previous_layout (); } return; } if (n == 7) { _scale_menu->scroll (Push2Menu::DirectionRight, true); return; } int root = 0; switch (n) { case 1: /* C */ root = 0; break; case 2: /* G */ root = 7; break; case 3: /* D */ root = 2; break; case 4: /* A */ root = 9; break; case 5: /* E */ root = 4; break; case 6: /* B */ root = 11; break; case 7: /* unused */ return; } _p2.set_pad_scale (root, _p2.root_octave (), _p2.mode (), _p2.note_grid_origin (), _p2.row_interval (), _p2.in_key ()); } void ScaleLayout::button_lower (uint32_t n) { if (n == 0) { _p2.set_pad_scale (_p2.scale_root (), _p2.root_octave (), _p2.mode (), _p2.note_grid_origin (), _p2.row_interval (), !_p2.in_key ()); return; } int root = _p2.scale_root(); Push2::NoteGridOrigin origin = _p2.note_grid_origin (); switch (n) { case 1: /* F */ root = 5; break; case 2: /* B-flat */ root = 10; break; case 3: /* E flat */ root = 3; break; case 4: /* A flat */ root = 8; break; case 5: /* D flat */ root = 1; break; case 6: /* G flat */ root = 6; break; case 7: /* fixed mode */ origin = (origin == Push2::Fixed) ? Push2::Rooted : Push2::Fixed; break; } _p2.set_pad_scale (root, _p2.root_octave (), _p2.mode (), origin, _p2.row_interval (), _p2.in_key ()); } void ScaleLayout::button_up () { _scale_menu->scroll (Push2Menu::DirectionUp); } void ScaleLayout::button_down () { _scale_menu->scroll (Push2Menu::DirectionDown); } void ScaleLayout::button_left () { _scale_menu->scroll (Push2Menu::DirectionLeft); } void ScaleLayout::button_right () { _scale_menu->scroll (Push2Menu::DirectionRight); } void ScaleLayout::show () { std::shared_ptr b; _last_vpot = -1; b = _p2.button_by_id (Push2::Upper1); b->set_color (Push2::LED::White); b->set_state (Push2::LED::OneShot24th); _p2.write (b->state_msg()); b = _p2.button_by_id (Push2::Upper8); b->set_color (Push2::LED::White); b->set_state (Push2::LED::OneShot24th); _p2.write (b->state_msg()); b = _p2.button_by_id (Push2::Lower1); b->set_color (Push2::LED::White); b->set_state (Push2::LED::OneShot24th); _p2.write (b->state_msg()); /* all root buttons should be dimly lit */ Push2::ButtonID root_buttons[] = { Push2::Upper2, Push2::Upper3, Push2::Upper4, Push2::Upper5, Push2::Upper6, Push2::Upper7, Push2::Lower2, Push2::Lower3, Push2::Lower4, Push2::Lower5, Push2::Lower6, Push2::Lower7, }; for (size_t n = 0; n < sizeof (root_buttons) / sizeof (root_buttons[0]); ++n) { b = _p2.button_by_id (root_buttons[n]); b->set_color (Push2::LED::DarkGray); b->set_state (Push2::LED::OneShot24th); _p2.write (b->state_msg()); } show_root_state (); show_fixed_state (); Container::show (); } void ScaleLayout::strip_vpot (int n, int delta) { if (_last_vpot != n) { if (n > 0) { uint32_t effective_column = n - 1; uint32_t active = _scale_menu->active (); if (active / _scale_menu->rows() != effective_column) { /* knob turned is different than the current active column. Just change that. */ _scale_menu->set_active (effective_column * _scale_menu->rows()); /* top entry of that column */ return; } } /* new vpot, reset delta cnt */ _vpot_delta_cnt = 0; } if ((delta < 0 && _vpot_delta_cnt > 0) || (delta > 0 && _vpot_delta_cnt < 0)) { /* direction changed, reset */ _vpot_delta_cnt = 0; } _vpot_delta_cnt += delta; _last_vpot = n; /* this thins out vpot delta events so that we don't scroll so fast through the menu. */ const int vpot_slowdown_factor = 4; const bool moved_enough = _vpot_delta_cnt % vpot_slowdown_factor == 0; if (moved_enough) { if (n == 0) { Push2::RowInterval row_interval = _p2.row_interval(); if (_vpot_delta_cnt < 0 && row_interval > Push2::Third) { row_interval = (Push2::RowInterval)(row_interval - 1); } else if (_vpot_delta_cnt > 0 && row_interval < Push2::Sequential) { row_interval = (Push2::RowInterval)(row_interval + 1); } _p2.set_pad_scale (_p2.scale_root (), _p2.root_octave (), _p2.mode (), _p2.note_grid_origin (), row_interval, _p2.in_key ()); _row_interval_text->set(row_interval_string(row_interval, _p2.in_key ())); } else { if (_vpot_delta_cnt < 0) { _scale_menu->scroll (Push2Menu::DirectionUp); } else { _scale_menu->scroll (Push2Menu::DirectionDown); } } } } void ScaleLayout::build_scale_menu () { std::vector v; /* must match in which enums are declared in push2.h */ v.push_back ("Dorian"); v.push_back ("Ionian (Major)"); v.push_back ("Aeolian (Minor)"); v.push_back ("Harmonic Minor"); v.push_back ("MelodicMinor Asc."); v.push_back ("MelodicMinor Desc."); v.push_back ("Phrygian"); v.push_back ("Lydian"); v.push_back ("Mixolydian"); v.push_back ("Locrian"); v.push_back ("Pentatonic Major"); v.push_back ("Pentatonic Minor"); v.push_back ("Chromatic"); v.push_back ("Blues Scale"); v.push_back ("Neapolitan Minor"); v.push_back ("Neapolitan Major"); v.push_back ("Oriental"); v.push_back ("Double Harmonic"); v.push_back ("Enigmatic"); v.push_back ("Hirajoshi"); v.push_back ("Hungarian Minor"); v.push_back ("Hungarian Major"); v.push_back ("Kumoi"); v.push_back ("Iwato"); v.push_back ("Hindu"); v.push_back ("Spanish 8 Tone"); v.push_back ("Pelog"); v.push_back ("Hungarian Gypsy"); v.push_back ("Overtone"); v.push_back ("Leading Whole Tone"); v.push_back ("Arabian"); v.push_back ("Balinese"); v.push_back ("Gypsy"); v.push_back ("Mohammedan"); v.push_back ("Javanese"); v.push_back ("Persian"); v.push_back ("Algeria"); _scale_menu = new Push2Menu (this, v); _scale_menu->Rearranged.connect (_menu_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&ScaleLayout::menu_rearranged, this), &_p2); _scale_menu->set_layout (6, 6); _scale_menu->set_text_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::ParameterName)); _scale_menu->set_active_color (_p2.get_color (Push2::LightBackground)); Pango::FontDescription fd ("Sans Bold Condensed 8"); _scale_menu->set_font_description (fd); /* Move menu horizontally so that the leftmost column is in the 2nd-from-left column of the display/button layout. The Y position is just what appears centered to me. */ _scale_menu->set_position (Duple (10 + Push2Canvas::inter_button_spacing(), 32)); /* listen for changes */ _scale_menu->ActiveChanged.connect (_menu_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&ScaleLayout::mode_changed, this), &_p2); } void ScaleLayout::show_root_state () { if (!parent()) { /* don't do this stuff if we're not visible */ return; } _row_interval_text->set ( row_interval_string (_p2.row_interval (), _p2.in_key ())); _column_interval_text->set (column_interval_string (_p2.in_key ())); if (_p2.in_key()) { _chromatic_text->set_color (change_alpha (_chromatic_text->color(), unselected_root_alpha)); _inkey_text->set_color (change_alpha (_inkey_text->color(), 1.0)); } else { _inkey_text->set_color (change_alpha (_chromatic_text->color(), unselected_root_alpha)); _chromatic_text->set_color (change_alpha (_inkey_text->color(), 1.0)); } Pango::FontDescription fd_bold ("Sans Bold 10"); Pango::FontDescription fd ("Sans 10"); uint32_t highlight_text = 0; std::vector* none_text_array = 0; std::vector* one_text_array = 0; Push2::ButtonID bid = Push2::Upper2; /* keep compilers quiet */ switch (_p2.scale_root()) { case 0: highlight_text = 1; none_text_array = &_lower_text; one_text_array = &_upper_text; bid = Push2::Upper2; break; case 1: highlight_text = 5; none_text_array = &_upper_text; one_text_array = &_lower_text; bid = Push2::Lower6; break; case 2: highlight_text = 3; none_text_array = &_lower_text; one_text_array = &_upper_text; bid = Push2::Upper4; break; case 3: highlight_text = 3; none_text_array = &_upper_text; one_text_array = &_lower_text; bid = Push2::Lower4; break; case 4: highlight_text = 5; none_text_array = &_lower_text; one_text_array = &_upper_text; bid = Push2::Upper6; break; case 5: highlight_text = 1; none_text_array = &_upper_text; one_text_array = &_lower_text; bid = Push2::Lower2; break; case 6: highlight_text = 6; none_text_array = &_upper_text; one_text_array = &_lower_text; bid = Push2::Lower7; break; case 7: highlight_text = 2; none_text_array = &_lower_text; one_text_array = &_upper_text; bid = Push2::Upper3; break; case 8: highlight_text = 4; none_text_array = &_upper_text; one_text_array = &_lower_text; bid = Push2::Lower5; break; case 9: highlight_text = 4; none_text_array = &_lower_text; one_text_array = &_upper_text; bid = Push2::Upper5; break; case 10: highlight_text = 2; none_text_array = &_upper_text; one_text_array = &_lower_text; bid = Push2::Lower3; break; case 11: highlight_text = 6; none_text_array = &_lower_text; one_text_array = &_upper_text; bid = Push2::Upper7; break; default: return; } if (none_text_array) { for (uint32_t nn = 1; nn < 7; ++nn) { (*none_text_array)[nn]->set_font_description (fd); (*none_text_array)[nn]->set_color (change_alpha ((*none_text_array)[nn]->color(), unselected_root_alpha)); if (nn == highlight_text) { (*one_text_array)[nn]->set_font_description (fd_bold); (*one_text_array)[nn]->set_color (change_alpha ((*one_text_array)[nn]->color(), 1.0)); } else { (*one_text_array)[nn]->set_font_description (fd); (*one_text_array)[nn]->set_color (change_alpha ((*one_text_array)[nn]->color(), unselected_root_alpha)); } } } std::shared_ptr b = _p2.button_by_id (bid); if (b != _root_button) { if (_root_button) { /* turn the old one off (but not totally) */ _root_button->set_color (Push2::LED::DarkGray); _root_button->set_state (Push2::LED::OneShot24th); _p2.write (_root_button->state_msg()); } _root_button = b; if (_root_button) { /* turn the new one on */ _root_button->set_color (Push2::LED::White); _root_button->set_state (Push2::LED::OneShot24th); _p2.write (_root_button->state_msg()); } } _scale_menu->set_active ((uint32_t) _p2.mode ()); show_fixed_state (); } void ScaleLayout::show_fixed_state () { if (!parent()) { /* don't do this stuff if we're not visible */ return; } if (_p2.note_grid_origin() == Push2::Fixed) { _rooted_text->set_color (change_alpha (_fixed_text->color(), unselected_root_alpha)); _fixed_text->set_color (change_alpha (_rooted_text->color(), 1.0)); } else { _fixed_text->set_color (change_alpha (_fixed_text->color(), unselected_root_alpha)); _rooted_text->set_color (change_alpha (_rooted_text->color(), 1.0)); } } void ScaleLayout::mode_changed () { MusicalMode::Type m = (MusicalMode::Type) _scale_menu->active(); _p2.set_pad_scale (_p2.scale_root (), _p2.root_octave (), m, _p2.note_grid_origin (), _p2.row_interval (), _p2.in_key ()); } void ScaleLayout::menu_rearranged () { if (_scale_menu->can_scroll_left()) { _left_scroll_text->set ("<"); _close_text->hide (); } else { _left_scroll_text->set (std::string()); _close_text->show (); } if (_scale_menu->can_scroll_right()) { _right_scroll_text->set (">"); } else { _right_scroll_text->set (std::string()); } } void ScaleLayout::update_cursor_buttons () { std::shared_ptr b; bool change; b = _p2.button_by_id (Push2::Up); change = false; if (_scale_menu->active() == 0) { if (b->color_index() != Push2::LED::Black) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::Black); change = true; } } else { if (b->color_index() != Push2::LED::White) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::White); change = true; } } if (change) { b->set_state (Push2::LED::OneShot24th); _p2.write (b->state_msg()); } /* down */ b = _p2.button_by_id (Push2::Down); change = false; if (_scale_menu->active() == _scale_menu->items() - 1) { if (b->color_index() != Push2::LED::Black) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::Black); change = true; } } else { if (b->color_index() != Push2::LED::White) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::White); change = true; } } if (change) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::OneShot24th); _p2.write (b->state_msg()); } /* left */ b = _p2.button_by_id (Push2::Left); change = false; if (_scale_menu->active() < _scale_menu->rows()) { if (b->color_index() != Push2::LED::Black) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::Black); change = true; } } else { if (b->color_index() != Push2::LED::White) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::White); change = true; } } if (change) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::OneShot24th); _p2.write (b->state_msg()); } /* right */ b = _p2.button_by_id (Push2::Right); change = false; if (_scale_menu->active() > (_scale_menu->items() - _scale_menu->rows())) { if (b->color_index() != Push2::LED::Black) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::Black); change = true; } } else { if (b->color_index() != Push2::LED::White) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::White); change = true; } } if (change) { b->set_color (Push2::LED::OneShot24th); _p2.write (b->state_msg()); } }