#ifndef __gtk_ardour_xfade_edit_h__ #define __gtk_ardour_xfade_edit_h__ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "canvas.h" namespace ARDOUR { class Session; class Curve; class Crossfade; } class CrossfadeEditor : public ArdourDialog { public: CrossfadeEditor (ARDOUR::Session&, ARDOUR::Crossfade&, double miny, double maxy); ~CrossfadeEditor (); void apply (); static const double canvas_border; /* these are public so that a caller/subclass can make them do the right thing. */ Gtk::Button* cancel_button; Gtk::Button* ok_button; struct PresetPoint { double x; double y; PresetPoint (double a, double b) : x (a), y (b) {} }; struct Preset : public list { const gchar** xpm; Preset (const gchar** x) : xpm (x) {} }; typedef list Presets; static Presets* fade_in_presets; static Presets* fade_out_presets; private: ARDOUR::Crossfade& xfade; ARDOUR::Session& session; Gtk::VBox vpacker; struct Point { ~Point(); ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect* box; ArdourCanvas::Line* curve; double x; double y; static const int32_t size; void move_to (double x, double y, double xfract, double yfract); }; struct PointSorter { bool operator() (const CrossfadeEditor::Point* a, const CrossfadeEditor::Point *b) { return a->x < b->x; } }; ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect* toplevel; ArdourCanvas::Canvas* canvas; struct Half { ArdourCanvas::Line* line; ArdourCanvas::Polygon* shading; list points; ARDOUR::Curve normative_curve; /* 0 - 1.0, linear */ ARDOUR::Curve gain_curve; /* 0 - 2.0, gain mapping */ vector waves; Half(); }; enum WhichFade { In = 0, Out = 1 }; Half fade[2]; WhichFade current; bool point_grabbed; vector fade_out_buttons; vector fade_in_buttons; //Gtk::HBox action_box; Gtk::VBox vpacker2; Gtk::Button clear_button; Gtk::Button revert_button; Gtk::ToggleButton audition_both_button; Gtk::ToggleButton audition_left_dry_button; Gtk::ToggleButton audition_left_button; Gtk::ToggleButton audition_right_dry_button; Gtk::ToggleButton audition_right_button; Gtk::ToggleButton preroll_button; Gtk::ToggleButton postroll_button; Gtk::HBox roll_box; gint event_handler (GdkEvent*); bool canvas_event (GdkEvent* event); bool point_event (GdkEvent* event, Point*); bool curve_event (GdkEvent* event); void canvas_allocation (Gtk::Allocation&); void add_control_point (double x, double y); Point* make_point (); void redraw (); double effective_width () const { return canvas->get_allocation().get_width() - (2.0 * canvas_border); } double effective_height () const { return canvas->get_allocation().get_height() - (2.0 * canvas_border); } void clear (); void reset (); double miny; double maxy; Gtk::Table fade_in_table; Gtk::Table fade_out_table; void build_presets (); void apply_preset (Preset*); Gtk::RadioButton select_in_button; Gtk::RadioButton select_out_button; Gtk::HBox curve_button_box; Gtk::HBox audition_box; void curve_select_clicked (WhichFade); double x_coordinate (double& xfract) const; double y_coordinate (double& yfract) const; void set (const ARDOUR::Curve& alist, WhichFade); void make_waves (ARDOUR::AudioRegion&, WhichFade); void peaks_ready (ARDOUR::AudioRegion* r, WhichFade); void _apply_to (ARDOUR::Crossfade* xf); void setup (ARDOUR::Crossfade*); void cancel_audition (); void audition_state_changed (bool); void audition_toggled (); void audition_right_toggled (); void audition_right_dry_toggled (); void audition_left_toggled (); void audition_left_dry_toggled (); void audition_both (); void audition_left_dry (); void audition_left (); void audition_right_dry (); void audition_right (); void xfade_changed (ARDOUR::Change); void dump (); }; #endif /* __gtk_ardour_xfade_edit_h__ */