/* Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /******************************************************************/ /*linuxDSP - pluginui variant for LXVST (native Linux VST) Plugins*/ /******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "plugin_ui.h" #include "lxvst_plugin_ui.h" #include #define LXVST_H_FIDDLE 40 using namespace Gtk; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; LXVSTPluginUI::LXVSTPluginUI (boost::shared_ptr pi, boost::shared_ptr lxvp) : PlugUIBase (pi), lxvst (lxvp) { create_preset_store (); vstfx_run_editor (lxvst->vstfx()); if (lxvst->vstfx()->current_program != -1) { lxvst_preset_combo.set_active (lxvst->vstfx()->current_program); } else { lxvst_preset_combo.set_active (0); } preset_box.set_spacing (6); preset_box.set_border_width (6); preset_box.pack_end (bypass_button, false, false, 10); preset_box.pack_end (save_button, false, false); preset_box.pack_end (lxvst_preset_combo, false, false); lxvst_preset_combo.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &LXVSTPluginUI::preset_chosen)); if (!insert->active()) { bypass_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::Active); } else { bypass_button.unset_active_state (); } pack_start (preset_box, false, false); pack_start (socket, true, true); } LXVSTPluginUI::~LXVSTPluginUI () { _screen_update_connection.disconnect(); // plugin destructor destroys the custom GUI, via the vstfx engine, // and then our PluginUIWindow does the rest } bool LXVSTPluginUI::start_updating (GdkEventAny* ignored) { _screen_update_connection.disconnect(); _screen_update_connection = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->RapidScreenUpdate.connect (mem_fun(*this, &LXVSTPluginUI::resize_callback)); return false; } bool LXVSTPluginUI::stop_updating (GdkEventAny* ignored) { _screen_update_connection.disconnect(); return false; } void LXVSTPluginUI::resize_callback() { /*We could maybe use this to resize the plugin GTK parent window if required*/ if(lxvst->vstfx()->want_resize) { int new_height = lxvst->vstfx()->height; int new_width = lxvst->vstfx()->width; void* gtk_parent_window = lxvst->vstfx()->extra_data; if(gtk_parent_window) ((Gtk::Window*)gtk_parent_window)->resize(new_width, new_height + LXVST_H_FIDDLE); lxvst->vstfx()->want_resize = 0; } } void LXVSTPluginUI::preset_selected () { socket.grab_focus (); PlugUIBase::preset_selected (); } void LXVSTPluginUI::preset_chosen () { // we can't dispatch directly here, too many plugins only expects one GUI thread. lxvst->vstfx()->want_program = lxvst_preset_combo.get_active_row_number (); socket.grab_focus (); } int LXVSTPluginUI::get_preferred_height () { /*FIXME*/ /*We have to return the required height of the plugin UI window + a fiddle factor because we can't know how big the preset menu bar is until the window is realised and we can't realise it until we have told it how big we would like it to be which we can't do until it is realised etc*/ return (lxvst->vstfx()->height) + LXVST_H_FIDDLE; //May not be 40 for all screen res etc } int LXVSTPluginUI::get_preferred_width () { return lxvst->vstfx()->width; } int LXVSTPluginUI::package (Gtk::Window& win) { /* forward configure events to plugin window */ win.signal_configure_event().connect (bind (mem_fun (*this, &LXVSTPluginUI::configure_handler), &socket), false); /*Map the UI start and stop updating events to 'Map' events on the Window*/ win.signal_map_event().connect (mem_fun (*this, &LXVSTPluginUI::start_updating)); win.signal_unmap_event().connect (mem_fun (*this, &LXVSTPluginUI::stop_updating)); /* this assumes that the window's owner understands the XEmbed protocol. */ socket.add_id (vstfx_get_XID (lxvst->vstfx())); vstfx_move_window_into_view (lxvst->vstfx()); lxvst->vstfx()->extra_data = (void*)(&win); lxvst->vstfx()->want_resize = 0; return 0; } bool LXVSTPluginUI::configure_handler (GdkEventConfigure* ev, Gtk::Socket *socket) { XEvent event; gint x, y; GdkWindow* w; if (socket == 0 || ((w = socket->gobj()->plug_window) == 0)) { return false; } event.xconfigure.type = ConfigureNotify; event.xconfigure.event = GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (w); event.xconfigure.window = GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (w); /* The ICCCM says that synthetic events should have root relative * coordinates. We still aren't really ICCCM compliant, since * we don't send events when the real toplevel is moved. */ gdk_error_trap_push (); gdk_window_get_origin (w, &x, &y); gdk_error_trap_pop (); event.xconfigure.x = x; event.xconfigure.y = y; event.xconfigure.width = GTK_WIDGET(socket->gobj())->allocation.width; event.xconfigure.height = GTK_WIDGET(socket->gobj())->allocation.height; event.xconfigure.border_width = 0; event.xconfigure.above = None; event.xconfigure.override_redirect = False; gdk_error_trap_push (); XSendEvent (GDK_WINDOW_XDISPLAY (w), GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (w), False, StructureNotifyMask, &event); gdk_error_trap_pop (); return false; } void LXVSTPluginUI::forward_key_event (GdkEventKey* ev) { std::cerr << "LXVSTPluginUI : keypress forwarding to linuxVSTs unsupported" << std::endl; } void LXVSTPluginUI::create_preset_store () { VSTFX* vstfx = lxvst->vstfx(); int vst_version = vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, effGetVstVersion, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f); preset_model = ListStore::create (preset_columns); for (int i = 0; i < vstfx->plugin->numPrograms; ++i) { char buf[100]; TreeModel::Row row = *(preset_model->append()); snprintf (buf, 90, "preset %d", i); if (vst_version >= 2) { vstfx->plugin->dispatcher (vstfx->plugin, 29, i, 0, buf, 0.0); } row[preset_columns.name] = buf; row[preset_columns.number] = i; } if (vstfx->plugin->numPrograms > 0) { vstfx->plugin->dispatcher( vstfx->plugin, effSetProgram, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0 ); } lxvst_preset_combo.set_model (preset_model); CellRenderer* renderer = manage (new CellRendererText()); lxvst_preset_combo.pack_start (*renderer, true); lxvst_preset_combo.add_attribute (*renderer, "text", 0); } typedef int (*error_handler_t)( Display *, XErrorEvent *); static Display *the_gtk_display; static error_handler_t vstfx_error_handler; static error_handler_t gtk_error_handler; static int gtk_xerror_handler( Display *disp, XErrorEvent *ev ) { std::cerr << "** ERROR ** LXVSTPluginUI : Trapped an X Window System Error" << std::endl; return 0; } void gui_init (int *argc, char **argv[]) { vstfx_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler (NULL); gtk_init (argc, argv); the_gtk_display = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (gdk_display_get_default()); gtk_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler( gtk_xerror_handler ); }