/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Taybin Rutkin * Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Ben Loftis * Copyright (C) 2015 Nick Mainsbridge * Copyright (C) 2018 Len Ovens * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/doi.h" #include "widgets/tooltips.h" #include "ardour/plugin_manager.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/template_utils.h" #include "ardour/route_group.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/vca.h" #include "LuaBridge/LuaBridge.h" #include "add_route_dialog.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "route_group_dialog.h" #include "utils.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace std; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS; std::vector AddRouteDialog::channel_combo_strings; std::vector > AddRouteDialog::builtin_types; AddRouteDialog::AddRouteDialog () : ArdourDialog (_("Add Track/Bus/VCA")) , routes_adjustment (1, 1, 128, 1, 4) , routes_spinner (routes_adjustment) , configuration_label (_("Configuration:")) , manual_label (_("Configuration:")) , add_label (_("Add:")) , name_label (_("Name:")) , group_label (_("Group:")) , insert_label (_("Position:")) , strict_io_label (_("Pin Mode:")) , mode_label (_("Record Mode:")) , instrument_label (_("Instrument:")) , name_edited_by_user (false) { set_name ("AddRouteDialog"); set_skip_taskbar_hint (true); set_resizable (false); set_position (WIN_POS_MOUSE); name_template_entry.set_name (X_("AddRouteDialogNameTemplateEntry")); // routes_spinner.set_name (X_("AddRouteDialogSpinner")); channel_combo.set_name (X_("ChannelCountSelector")); mode_combo.set_name (X_("ChannelCountSelector")); refill_track_modes (); if (builtin_types.empty()) { builtin_types.push_back ( std::pair (_("Audio Tracks"), std::string () + _("Use these settings to create one or more audio tracks.") + "\n\n" + _("You may select:") + "\n" + "* " + _("The number of tracks to add") + "\n" + "* " + _("A name for the track(s)") + "\n" + "* " + _("Mono, stereo, or multi-channel operation for the track(s)") + "\n" + "* " + _("A group which the track(s) will be assigned to") + "\n" + #ifndef MIXBUS "* " + _("The pin connections mode (see tooltip for details)") + "\n" + "* " + _("Normal (non-destructive) or tape (destructive) recording mode") + "\n" + #endif "\n" + _("The track(s) will be added at the location specified by \"Position\"") )); builtin_types.push_back ( std::pair (_("MIDI Tracks"), std::string () + _(" Use these settings to create one or more MIDI tracks.") + "\n\n" + _("You may select:") + "\n" + "* " + _("The number of tracks to add") + "\n" + "* " + _("A name for the track(s)") + "\n" + "* " + _("An instrument plugin (or select \"None\" to drive an external device)") + "\n" + "* " + _("A group which the track(s) will be assigned to") + "\n" + #ifndef MIXBUS "* " + _("The pin connections mode (see tooltip for details)") + "\n" + #endif "\n" + _("The track(s) will be added at the location specified by \"Position\"") )); #ifndef MIXBUS builtin_types.push_back ( std::pair (_("Audio+MIDI Tracks"), std::string () + _("Use these settings to create one or more Audio+MIDI tracks.") + "\n\n" + _("You may select:") + "\n" + "* " + _("The number of tracks to add") + "\n" + "* " + _("A name for the track(s)") + "\n" + "* " + _("An instrument plugin (or select \"None\" to drive an external device)") + "\n" + "* " + _("A group which the track(s) will be assigned to") + "\n" + #ifndef MIXBUS "* " + _("The pin connections mode (see tooltip for details)") + "\n" + "* " + _("Normal (non-destructive) or tape (destructive) recording mode") + "\n" + #endif "\n" + _("The track(s) will be added at the location specified by \"Position\"") )); #endif builtin_types.push_back ( std::pair (_("Audio Busses"), std::string () + _("Use these settings to create one or more audio busses.") + "\n\n" + _("You may select:") + "\n" + "* " + _("The number of busses to add") + "\n" + "* " + _("A name for the buss(es)") + "\n" + "* " + _("A group which the buss(es) will be assigned to") + "\n" + #ifndef MIXBUS "* " + _("The pin connections mode (see tooltip for details)") + "\n" + #endif "\n" + _("The buss(es) will be added at the location specified by \"Position\"") )); builtin_types.push_back ( std::pair (_("MIDI Busses"), std::string () + _("Use these settings to create one or more MIDI busses.") + "\n\n" + _("MIDI busses can combine the output of multiple tracks. They are sometimes used\nto host a single \"heavy\" instrument plugin which is fed from multiple MIDI tracks.") + "\n\n" + _("You may select:") + "\n" + "* " + _("The number of busses to add") + "\n" + "* " + _("A name for the buss(es)") + "\n" + "* " + _("An instrument plugin (or select \"None\" to drive an external device)") + "\n" + "* " + _("A group which the buss(es) will be assigned to") + "\n" + #ifndef MIXBUS "* " + _("The pin connections mode (see tooltip for details)") + "\n" + #endif "\n" + _("The buss(es) will be added at the location specified by \"Position\"") )); builtin_types.push_back ( std::pair (_("VCA Masters"), std::string () + _("Use these settings to create one or more VCA masters.") + "\n\n" + _("You may select:") + "\n" + "* " + _("The number of VCAs to add") + "\n" + "* " + _("A name for the VCA(s). \"%n\" will be replaced by an index number for each VCA") )); builtin_types.push_back ( std::pair (_("Foldback Busses"), std::string () + _("Use these settings to create one or more foldback busses.") + "\n\n" + _("Foldback busses are used as master outputs for monitor channels and are fed by\nhidden monitor sends.") + "\n\n" + _("You may select:") + "\n" + "* " + _("The number of busses to add") + "\n" + "* " + _("A name for the buss(es)") )); } insert_at_combo.append_text (_("First")); insert_at_combo.append_text (_("Before Selection")); insert_at_combo.append_text (_("After Selection")); insert_at_combo.append_text (_("Last")); insert_at_combo.set_active (3); strict_io_combo.append_text (_("Flexible-I/O")); strict_io_combo.append_text (_("Strict-I/O")); strict_io_combo.set_active (Config->get_strict_io () ? 1 : 0); /* top-level VBox */ VBox* vbox = manage (new VBox); get_vbox()->set_spacing (4); vbox->set_spacing (18); vbox->set_border_width (5); /* this box contains the template chooser, and the template details */ HBox* template_hbox = manage (new HBox); template_hbox->set_spacing (8); /* scrollbars for the template chooser and template descriptions.... */ Gtk::ScrolledWindow *template_scroller = manage (new Gtk::ScrolledWindow()); template_scroller->set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); template_scroller->add (trk_template_chooser); Gtk::ScrolledWindow *desc_scroller = manage (new Gtk::ScrolledWindow()); desc_scroller->set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); desc_scroller->add (trk_template_desc); /* this is the outer sample that surrounds the description and the settings-table */ trk_template_outer_frame.set_name (X_("TextHighlightFrame")); /* this is the "inner frame" that surrounds the description text */ trk_template_desc_frame.set_name (X_("TextHighlightFrame")); trk_template_desc_frame.add (*desc_scroller); /* template_chooser is the treeview showing available templates */ trk_template_model = TreeStore::create (track_template_columns); trk_template_chooser.set_model (trk_template_model); trk_template_chooser.append_column (_("Template/Type"), track_template_columns.name); #ifdef MIXBUS trk_template_chooser.append_column (_("Modified With"), track_template_columns.modified_with); #endif trk_template_chooser.set_headers_visible (true); trk_template_chooser.get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_SINGLE); trk_template_chooser.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::trk_template_row_selected)); trk_template_chooser.set_sensitive (true); /* template_desc is the textview that displays the currently selected template's description */ trk_template_desc.set_editable (false); trk_template_desc.set_can_focus (false); trk_template_desc.set_wrap_mode (Gtk::WRAP_WORD); trk_template_desc.set_size_request(400,200); trk_template_desc.set_name (X_("TextOnBackground")); trk_template_desc.set_border_width (6); Table *settings_table = manage (new Table (2, 6, false)); settings_table->set_row_spacings (8); settings_table->set_col_spacings (4); settings_table->set_col_spacing (3, 20); settings_table->set_border_width (12); VBox* settings_vbox = manage (new VBox); settings_vbox->pack_start(trk_template_desc_frame , true, true); settings_vbox->pack_start(*settings_table , true, true); settings_vbox->set_border_width (4); trk_template_outer_frame.add (*settings_vbox); template_hbox->pack_start (*template_scroller, true, true); template_hbox->pack_start (trk_template_outer_frame, true, true); vbox->pack_start (*template_hbox, true, true); /* Now pack the "settings table" with manual controls (these controls are sensitized by the left-side selection) */ int n = 0; HBox *separator_hbox = manage (new HBox); separator_hbox->pack_start (manual_label, false, false); separator_hbox->pack_start (*(manage (new Gtk::HSeparator)), true, true); separator_hbox->set_spacing (6); settings_table->attach (*separator_hbox, 0, 6, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); ++n; /* Number */ add_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); settings_table->attach (add_label, 0, 1, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); Gtk::Alignment *align = manage (new Alignment (0, .5, 0, 0)); align->add (routes_spinner); settings_table->attach (*align, 1, 2, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); ++n; /* Name */ name_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); settings_table->attach (name_label, 0, 1, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); settings_table->attach (name_template_entry, 1, 3, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); /* Route configuration */ configuration_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); settings_table->attach (configuration_label, 4, 5, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); settings_table->attach (channel_combo, 5, 6, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); ++n; /* instrument choice (for MIDI) */ instrument_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); settings_table->attach (instrument_label, 0, 1, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); settings_table->attach (instrument_combo, 1, 3, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); /* Group choice */ group_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); settings_table->attach (group_label, 4, 5, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); settings_table->attach (route_group_combo, 5, 6, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); ++n; /* New Route's I/O is.. {strict/flexible} */ if (Profile->get_mixbus ()) { strict_io_combo.set_active (1); } else { strict_io_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); settings_table->attach (strict_io_label, 0, 1, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); settings_table->attach (strict_io_combo, 1, 3, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); ArdourWidgets::set_tooltip (strict_io_combo, _("With strict-i/o enabled, Effect Processors will not modify the number of channels on a track. The number of output channels will always match the number of input channels.")); /* recording mode */ mode_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); settings_table->attach (mode_label, 4, 5, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); settings_table->attach (mode_combo, 5, 6, n, n + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0); ++n; } HBox* outer_box = manage (new HBox); outer_box->set_spacing (4); /* New route will be inserted at.. */ insert_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); outer_box->pack_start (insert_label, false, false); outer_box->pack_start (insert_at_combo, false, false); /* quick-add button (add item but don't close dialog) */ Gtk::Button* addnoclose_button = manage (new Gtk::Button(_("Add selected items (and leave dialog open)"))); addnoclose_button->set_can_default (); addnoclose_button->signal_clicked ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Gtk::Dialog::response), Add)); outer_box->pack_end (*addnoclose_button, false, false); vbox->pack_start (*outer_box, true, true); get_vbox()->pack_start (*vbox, false, false); name_template_entry.signal_insert_text ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::name_template_entry_insertion)); name_template_entry.signal_delete_text ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::name_template_entry_deletion)); channel_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::channel_combo_changed)); channel_combo.set_row_separator_func (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::channel_separator)); route_group_combo.set_row_separator_func (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::route_separator)); route_group_combo.signal_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::group_changed)); routes_spinner.signal_activate ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Gtk::Dialog::response), AddAndClose)); name_template_entry.signal_activate ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Gtk::Dialog::response), AddAndClose)); trk_template_chooser.signal_row_activated ().connect (sigc::hide (sigc::hide (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Gtk::Dialog::response), AddAndClose)))); show_all_children (); /* track template info will be managed whenever * this dialog is shown, via ::on_show() */ add_button (_("Add and Close"), AddAndClose); set_response_sensitive (AddAndClose, true); set_default_response (AddAndClose); refill_channel_setups (); } AddRouteDialog::~AddRouteDialog () { } void AddRouteDialog::on_response (int r) { reset_name_edited (); /* Don't call ArdourDialog::on_response() because that will automatically hide the dialog. */ Gtk::Dialog::on_response (r); } void AddRouteDialog::trk_template_row_selected () { if (trk_template_chooser.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() != 1) { return; } TreeIter iter = trk_template_chooser.get_selection ()->get_selected (); assert (iter); string d = (*iter)[track_template_columns.description]; trk_template_desc.get_buffer ()->set_text (d); const string n = (*iter)[track_template_columns.name]; const string p = (*iter)[track_template_columns.path]; if (p.substr (0, 11) == "urn:ardour:") { /* lua script - meta-template */ const std::map rs (ARDOUR_UI::instance()->route_setup_info (p.substr (11))); trk_template_desc.set_sensitive (true); add_label.set_sensitive (rs.find ("how_many") != rs.end ()); name_label.set_sensitive (rs.find ("name") != rs.end()); group_label.set_sensitive (rs.find ("group") != rs.end()); configuration_label.set_sensitive (rs.find ("channels") != rs.end ()); mode_label.set_sensitive (rs.find ("track_mode") != rs.end ()); instrument_label.set_sensitive (rs.find ("instrument") != rs.end ()); strict_io_label.set_sensitive (rs.find ("strict_io") != rs.end()); routes_spinner.set_sensitive (rs.find ("how_many") != rs.end ()); name_template_entry.set_sensitive (rs.find ("name") != rs.end ()); route_group_combo.set_sensitive (rs.find ("group") != rs.end()); channel_combo.set_sensitive (rs.find ("channels") != rs.end ()); mode_combo.set_sensitive (rs.find ("track_mode") != rs.end ()); instrument_combo.set_sensitive (rs.find ("instrument") != rs.end ()); strict_io_combo.set_sensitive (rs.find ("strict_io") != rs.end()); bool any_enabled = rs.find ("how_many") != rs.end () || rs.find ("name") != rs.end () || rs.find ("group") != rs.end() || rs.find ("channels") != rs.end () || rs.find ("track_mode") != rs.end () || rs.find ("instrument") != rs.end () || rs.find ("strict_io") != rs.end(); manual_label.set_sensitive (any_enabled); std::map::const_iterator it; if ((it = rs.find ("name")) != rs.end()) { name_template_entry.set_text (it->second); } else { name_template_entry.set_text (""); } if ((it = rs.find ("how_many")) != rs.end()) { if (atoi (it->second.c_str()) > 0) { routes_adjustment.set_value (atoi (it->second.c_str())); } } if ((it = rs.find ("track_mode")) != rs.end()) { switch ((ARDOUR::TrackMode) atoi (it->second.c_str())) { case ARDOUR::Normal: mode_combo.set_active_text (_("Normal")); break; case ARDOUR::Destructive: if (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_mixbus ()) { mode_combo.set_active_text (_("Tape")); } break; default: // "NonLayered" enum is still present for session-format compat break; } } if ((it = rs.find ("strict_io")) != rs.end()) { if (it->second == X_("true")) { strict_io_combo.set_active (1); } else if (it->second == X_("false")) { strict_io_combo.set_active (0); } } if ((it = rs.find ("channels")) != rs.end()) { uint32_t channels = atoi (it->second.c_str()); for (ChannelSetups::iterator i = channel_setups.begin(); i != channel_setups.end(); ++i) { if ((*i).channels == channels) { channel_combo.set_active_text ((*i).name); break; } } } } else if (!p.empty ()) { /* user-template */ trk_template_desc.set_sensitive (true); manual_label.set_sensitive (true); add_label.set_sensitive (true); name_label.set_sensitive (true); group_label.set_sensitive (false); strict_io_label.set_sensitive (false); configuration_label.set_sensitive (false); mode_label.set_sensitive (false); instrument_label.set_sensitive (false); routes_spinner.set_sensitive (true); name_template_entry.set_sensitive (true); channel_combo.set_sensitive (false); mode_combo.set_sensitive (false); instrument_combo.set_sensitive (false); strict_io_combo.set_sensitive (false); route_group_combo.set_sensitive (false); } else { /* all manual mode */ trk_template_desc.set_sensitive (false); manual_label.set_sensitive (true); add_label.set_sensitive (true); name_label.set_sensitive (true); group_label.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_label.set_sensitive (true); routes_spinner.set_sensitive (true); name_template_entry.set_sensitive (true); track_type_chosen (); } } void AddRouteDialog::name_template_entry_insertion (Glib::ustring const &,int*) { if (name_template ().empty ()) { name_edited_by_user = false; } else { name_edited_by_user = true; } } void AddRouteDialog::name_template_entry_deletion (int, int) { if (name_template ().empty ()) { name_edited_by_user = false; } else { name_edited_by_user = true; } } void AddRouteDialog::channel_combo_changed () { refill_track_modes (); } std::string AddRouteDialog::get_template_path () { string p; if (trk_template_chooser.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() > 0) { TreeIter iter = trk_template_chooser.get_selection()->get_selected(); if (iter) { string n = (*iter)[track_template_columns.name]; if (n != _("Manual Configuration")) { p = (*iter)[track_template_columns.path]; } } } return p; } AddRouteDialog::TypeWanted AddRouteDialog::type_wanted() { if (trk_template_chooser.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() != 1) { return AudioTrack; } TreeIter iter = trk_template_chooser.get_selection ()->get_selected (); assert (iter); const string str = (*iter)[track_template_columns.name]; if (str == _("Audio Busses")) { return AudioBus; } else if (str == _("MIDI Busses")){ return MidiBus; } else if (str == _("MIDI Tracks")){ return MidiTrack; } else if (str == _("Audio+MIDI Tracks")) { return MixedTrack; } else if (str == _("Audio Tracks")) { return AudioTrack; } else if (str == _("VCA Masters")) { return VCAMaster; } else if (str == _("Foldback Busses")) { return FoldbackBus; } else { assert (0); return AudioTrack; } } void AddRouteDialog::maybe_update_name_template_entry () { if (name_edited_by_user) { return; } switch (type_wanted()) { case AudioTrack: name_template_entry.set_text (_("Audio")); break; case MidiTrack: name_template_entry.set_text (_("MIDI")); break; case MixedTrack: name_template_entry.set_text (_("Audio+MIDI")); break; case AudioBus: case MidiBus: name_template_entry.set_text (_("Bus")); break; case FoldbackBus: name_template_entry.set_text (_("Foldback")); break; case VCAMaster: name_template_entry.set_text (VCA::default_name_template()); break; } /* ignore programatic change, restore false */ reset_name_edited (); } void AddRouteDialog::track_type_chosen () { switch (type_wanted()) { case AudioTrack: configuration_label.set_sensitive (true); channel_combo.set_sensitive (true); mode_label.set_sensitive (true); mode_combo.set_sensitive (true); instrument_label.set_sensitive (false); instrument_combo.set_sensitive (false); group_label.set_sensitive (true); route_group_combo.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_label.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_combo.set_sensitive (true); insert_label.set_sensitive (true); insert_at_combo.set_sensitive (true); break; case MidiTrack: configuration_label.set_sensitive (false); channel_combo.set_sensitive (false); mode_label.set_sensitive (false); mode_combo.set_sensitive (false); instrument_label.set_sensitive (true); instrument_combo.set_sensitive (true); group_label.set_sensitive (true); route_group_combo.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_label.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_combo.set_sensitive (true); insert_label.set_sensitive (true); insert_at_combo.set_sensitive (true); break; case MixedTrack: { MessageDialog msg (_("Audio+MIDI tracks are intended for use ONLY with plugins that use both audio and MIDI input data.\n\n" "Use a normal audio or MIDI track if you do not plan to use such a plugin."), true, MESSAGE_INFO, BUTTONS_OK, true); msg.set_position (WIN_POS_MOUSE); msg.run (); } configuration_label.set_sensitive (true); channel_combo.set_sensitive (true); mode_label.set_sensitive (true); mode_combo.set_sensitive (true); instrument_label.set_sensitive (true); instrument_combo.set_sensitive (true); group_label.set_sensitive (true); route_group_combo.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_label.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_combo.set_sensitive (true); insert_label.set_sensitive (true); insert_at_combo.set_sensitive (true); break; case AudioBus: configuration_label.set_sensitive (true); channel_combo.set_sensitive (true); mode_label.set_sensitive (false); mode_combo.set_sensitive (false); instrument_label.set_sensitive (false); instrument_combo.set_sensitive (false); group_label.set_sensitive (true); route_group_combo.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_label.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_combo.set_sensitive (true); insert_label.set_sensitive (true); insert_at_combo.set_sensitive (true); break; case VCAMaster: configuration_label.set_sensitive (false); channel_combo.set_sensitive (false); mode_label.set_sensitive (false); mode_combo.set_sensitive (false); instrument_label.set_sensitive (false); instrument_combo.set_sensitive (false); group_label.set_sensitive (false); route_group_combo.set_sensitive (false); strict_io_label.set_sensitive (false); strict_io_combo.set_sensitive (false); insert_label.set_sensitive (false); insert_at_combo.set_sensitive (false); break; case MidiBus: configuration_label.set_sensitive (false); channel_combo.set_sensitive (false); mode_label.set_sensitive (false); mode_combo.set_sensitive (false); instrument_label.set_sensitive (true); instrument_combo.set_sensitive (true); group_label.set_sensitive (true); route_group_combo.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_label.set_sensitive (true); strict_io_combo.set_sensitive (true); insert_label.set_sensitive (true); insert_at_combo.set_sensitive (true); break; case FoldbackBus: configuration_label.set_sensitive (false); channel_combo.set_sensitive (false); mode_label.set_sensitive (false); mode_combo.set_sensitive (false); instrument_label.set_sensitive (false); instrument_combo.set_sensitive (false); group_label.set_sensitive (false); route_group_combo.set_sensitive (false); strict_io_label.set_sensitive (false); strict_io_combo.set_sensitive (false); insert_label.set_sensitive (false); insert_at_combo.set_sensitive (false); break; } maybe_update_name_template_entry (); } string AddRouteDialog::name_template () const { return name_template_entry.get_text (); } bool AddRouteDialog::name_template_is_default () const { string n = name_template(); if (n == _("Audio") || n == _("MIDI") || n == _("Audio+MIDI") || n == _("Bus") || n == VCA::default_name_template()) { return true; } return false; } int AddRouteDialog::count () { return (int) floor (routes_adjustment.get_value ()); } void AddRouteDialog::refill_track_modes () { vector s; s.push_back (_("Normal")); if (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_mixbus ()) { s.push_back (_("Tape")); } set_popdown_strings (mode_combo, s); mode_combo.set_active_text (s.front()); } ARDOUR::TrackMode AddRouteDialog::mode () { std::string str = mode_combo.get_active_text(); if (str == _("Normal")) { return ARDOUR::Normal; } else if (str == _("Non Layered")){ return ARDOUR::NonLayered; } else if (str == _("Tape")) { return ARDOUR::Destructive; } else { fatal << string_compose (X_("programming error: unknown track mode in add route dialog combo = %1"), str) << endmsg; abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* keep gcc happy */ return ARDOUR::Normal; } uint32_t AddRouteDialog::channel_count () { string str = channel_combo.get_active_text(); for (ChannelSetups::iterator i = channel_setups.begin(); i != channel_setups.end(); ++i) { if (str == (*i).name) { return (*i).channels; } } return 0; } ChanCount AddRouteDialog::channels () { ChanCount ret; switch (type_wanted()) { case AudioTrack: case AudioBus: ret.set (DataType::AUDIO, channel_count ()); ret.set (DataType::MIDI, 0); break; case MidiBus: case MidiTrack: ret.set (DataType::AUDIO, 0); ret.set (DataType::MIDI, 1); break; case MixedTrack: ret.set (DataType::AUDIO, channel_count ()); ret.set (DataType::MIDI, 1); break; case FoldbackBus: ret.set (DataType::AUDIO, 2); ret.set (DataType::MIDI, 0); break; default: break; } return ret; } void AddRouteDialog::on_show () { routes_spinner.grab_focus (); reset_name_edited (); refill_route_groups (); refill_channel_setups (); Dialog::on_show (); } void AddRouteDialog::refill_channel_setups () { ChannelSetup chn; string channel_current_choice = channel_combo.get_active_text(); channel_combo_strings.clear (); channel_setups.clear (); chn.name = _("Mono"); chn.channels = 1; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("Stereo"); chn.channels = 2; channel_setups.push_back (chn); if (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_mixbus()) { chn.name = "separator"; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("3 Channel"); chn.channels = 3; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("4 Channel"); chn.channels = 4; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("5 Channel"); chn.channels = 5; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("6 Channel"); chn.channels = 6; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("8 Channel"); chn.channels = 8; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("12 Channel"); chn.channels = 12; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("Custom"); chn.channels = 0; channel_setups.push_back (chn); } for (ChannelSetups::iterator i = channel_setups.begin(); i != channel_setups.end(); ++i) { channel_combo_strings.push_back ((*i).name); } trk_template_model->clear(); bool selected_default = false; for (std::vector >::const_iterator i = builtin_types.begin(); i != builtin_types.end(); ++i) { TreeModel::Row row = *(trk_template_model->append ()); row[track_template_columns.name] = (*i).first; row[track_template_columns.path] = ""; row[track_template_columns.description] = (*i).second; row[track_template_columns.modified_with] = ""; if (!selected_default && !Profile->get_mixbus ()) { trk_template_chooser.get_selection()->select(row); selected_default = true; } } /* Add any Lua scripts (factory templates) found in the scripts folder */ LuaScriptList& ms (LuaScripting::instance ().scripts (LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction)); for (LuaScriptList::const_iterator s = ms.begin(); s != ms.end(); ++s) { if (!((*s)->subtype & LuaScriptInfo::RouteSetup)) { continue; } TreeModel::Row row; if ((*s)->name == "Create Audio Tracks Interactively" && Profile->get_mixbus ()) { /* somewhat-special, Ben says: "most-used template" */ row = *(trk_template_model->prepend ()); } else { row = *(trk_template_model->append ()); } row[track_template_columns.name] = (*s)->name; row[track_template_columns.path] = "urn:ardour:" + (*s)->path; row[track_template_columns.description] = (*s)->description; row[track_template_columns.modified_with] = _("{Factory Template}"); if ((*s)->name == "Create Audio Tracks Interactively" && Profile->get_mixbus ()) { trk_template_chooser.get_selection()->select(row); selected_default = true; } } if (!selected_default && !trk_template_model->children().empty()) { TreeModel::Children rows = trk_template_model->children(); trk_template_chooser.get_selection()->select(rows[0]); } std::vector route_templates; ARDOUR::find_route_templates (route_templates); for (vector::iterator x = route_templates.begin(); x != route_templates.end(); ++x) { TreeModel::Row row = *(trk_template_model->append ()); row[track_template_columns.name] = x->name; row[track_template_columns.path] = x->path; row[track_template_columns.description] = x->description; row[track_template_columns.modified_with] = x->modified_with; } set_popdown_strings (channel_combo, channel_combo_strings); if (!channel_current_choice.empty()) { channel_combo.set_active_text (channel_current_choice); } else { channel_combo.set_active_text (channel_combo_strings.front()); } } void AddRouteDialog::add_route_group (RouteGroup* g) { route_group_combo.insert_text (3, g->name ()); } RouteGroup* AddRouteDialog::route_group () { if (!_session || route_group_combo.get_active_row_number () == 2) { return 0; } return _session->route_group_by_name (route_group_combo.get_active_text()); } bool AddRouteDialog::use_strict_io() { return strict_io_combo.get_active_row_number () == 1; } void AddRouteDialog::refill_route_groups () { route_group_combo.clear (); route_group_combo.append_text (_("New Group...")); route_group_combo.append_text ("separator"); route_group_combo.append_text (_("No Group")); if (_session) { _session->foreach_route_group (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::add_route_group)); } route_group_combo.set_active (2); } void AddRouteDialog::group_changed () { if (_session && route_group_combo.get_active_text () == _("New Group...")) { RouteGroup* g = new RouteGroup (*_session, ""); RouteGroupDialog* d = new RouteGroupDialog (g, true); d->signal_response().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::new_group_dialog_finished), d)); d->present(); } } void AddRouteDialog::new_group_dialog_finished (int r, RouteGroupDialog* d) { if (r == RESPONSE_OK) { if (!d->name_check()) { return; } if (_session) { _session->add_route_group (d->group()); } add_route_group (d->group()); route_group_combo.set_active (3); } else { delete d->group (); route_group_combo.set_active (2); } delete_when_idle (d); } RouteDialogs::InsertAt AddRouteDialog::insert_at () { using namespace RouteDialogs; std::string str = insert_at_combo.get_active_text(); if (str == _("First")) { return First; } else if (str == _("After Selection")) { return AfterSelection; } else if (str == _("Before Selection")){ return BeforeSelection; } return Last; } bool AddRouteDialog::channel_separator (const Glib::RefPtr &, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator &i) { channel_combo.set_active (i); return channel_combo.get_active_text () == "separator"; } bool AddRouteDialog::route_separator (const Glib::RefPtr &, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator &i) { route_group_combo.set_active (i); return route_group_combo.get_active_text () == "separator"; } PluginInfoPtr AddRouteDialog::requested_instrument () { return instrument_combo.selected_instrument(); }