/* Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "panner_ui.h" #include "panner2d.h" #include "utils.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include #include #include #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace Gtk; using namespace sigc; PannerUI::PannerUI (IO& io, Session& s) : _io (io), _session (s), hAdjustment(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), vAdjustment(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), panning_viewport(hAdjustment, vAdjustment), panning_up_arrow (Gtk::ARROW_UP, Gtk::SHADOW_OUT), panning_down_arrow (Gtk::ARROW_DOWN, Gtk::SHADOW_OUT), panning_link_button (_("link")), pan_automation_style_button (""), pan_automation_state_button ("") { ignore_toggle = false; pan_menu = 0; in_pan_update = false; pan_automation_style_button.set_name ("MixerAutomationModeButton"); pan_automation_state_button.set_name ("MixerAutomationPlaybackButton"); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (pan_automation_state_button, _("Pan automation mode")); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (pan_automation_style_button, _("Pan automation type")); set_size_request_to_display_given_text (pan_automation_state_button, X_("M"), 2, 2); set_size_request_to_display_given_text (pan_automation_style_button, X_("M"), 2, 2); pan_bar_packer.set_size_request (-1, 61); panning_viewport.set_size_request (61, 61); panning_viewport.set_name (X_("BaseFrame")); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (panning_link_button, _("panning link control")); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (panning_link_direction_button, _("panning link direction")); pan_automation_style_button.unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS); pan_automation_state_button.unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS); using namespace Menu_Helpers; pan_astate_menu.items().push_back (MenuElem (_("Off"), bind (mem_fun (_io.panner(), &Panner::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Off))); pan_astate_menu.items().push_back (MenuElem (_("Play"), bind (mem_fun (_io.panner(), &Panner::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Play))); pan_astate_menu.items().push_back (MenuElem (_("Write"), bind (mem_fun (_io.panner(), &Panner::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Write))); pan_astate_menu.items().push_back (MenuElem (_("Touch"), bind (mem_fun (_io.panner(), &Panner::set_automation_state), (AutoState) Touch))); pan_astyle_menu.items().push_back (MenuElem (_("Trim"))); pan_astyle_menu.items().push_back (MenuElem (_("Abs"))); pan_astate_menu.set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); pan_astyle_menu.set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); pan_automation_style_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_automation_style_button_event), false); pan_automation_state_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_automation_state_button_event), false); panning_link_button.set_name (X_("PanningLinkButton")); panning_link_direction_button.set_name (X_("PanningLinkDirectionButton")); /* the pixmap will be reset at some point, but the key thing is that we need a pixmap in the button just to get started. */ Gtk::HBox* pan_button_hbox = manage (new Gtk::HBox()); panning_link_box.pack_start (panning_link_button, true, true); panning_link_box.pack_start (panning_link_direction_button, true, true); pan_button_hbox->pack_start (panning_link_box, true, true); pan_button_hbox->pack_start (pan_automation_state_button, true, true); panning_link_direction_button.add (*(manage (new Image (get_xpm("forwardblarrow.xpm"))))); panning_link_direction_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::panning_link_direction_clicked)); panning_link_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::panning_link_button_press)); panning_link_button.signal_button_release_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::panning_link_button_release)); panning_up.set_border_width (3); panning_down.set_border_width (3); panning_up.add (panning_up_arrow); panning_down.add (panning_down_arrow); panning_up.set_name (X_("PanScrollerBase")); panning_down.set_name (X_("PanScrollerBase")); panning_up_arrow.set_name (X_("PanScrollerArrow")); panning_down_arrow.set_name (X_("PanScrollerArrow")); pan_vbox.set_spacing (4); pan_vbox.pack_start (panning_viewport, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); pan_vbox.pack_start (*pan_button_hbox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); pack_start (pan_vbox, true, false); panner = 0; _io.panner().Changed.connect (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::panner_changed)); _io.panner().LinkStateChanged.connect (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::update_pan_linkage)); _io.panner().StateChanged.connect (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::update_pan_state)); pan_changed (0); update_pan_sensitive (); update_pan_linkage (); pan_automation_state_changed (); } gint PannerUI::panning_link_button_press (GdkEventButton* ev) { return stop_signal (panning_link_button, "button-press-event"); } gint PannerUI::panning_link_button_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (!ignore_toggle) { _io.panner().set_linked (!_io.panner().linked()); } return TRUE; } void PannerUI::panning_link_direction_clicked() { switch (_io.panner().link_direction()) { case Panner::SameDirection: _io.panner().set_link_direction (Panner::OppositeDirection); break; default: _io.panner().set_link_direction (Panner::SameDirection); break; } } void PannerUI::update_pan_linkage () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::update_pan_linkage)); bool x = _io.panner().linked(); bool bx = panning_link_button.get_active(); if (x != bx) { ignore_toggle = true; panning_link_button.set_active (x); ignore_toggle = false; } panning_link_direction_button.set_sensitive (x); switch (_io.panner().link_direction()) { case Panner::SameDirection: panning_link_direction_button.set_image (*(manage (new Image (get_xpm ("forwardblarrow.xpm"))))); break; default: panning_link_direction_button.set_image (*(manage (new Image (get_xpm("revdblarrow.xpm"))))); break; } } void PannerUI::set_width (Width w) { switch (w) { case Wide: panning_viewport.set_size_request (61, 61); if (panner) { panner->set_size_request (61, 61); } for (vector::iterator i = pan_bars.begin(); i != pan_bars.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_size_request (61, 15); } panning_link_button.set_label (_("link")); break; case Narrow: panning_viewport.set_size_request (31, 61); if (panner) { panner->set_size_request (31, 61); } for (vector::iterator i = pan_bars.begin(); i != pan_bars.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_size_request (31, 15); } panning_link_button.set_label (_("L")); break; } _width = w; } PannerUI::~PannerUI () { for (vector::iterator i = pan_adjustments.begin(); i != pan_adjustments.end(); ++i) { delete (*i); } for (vector::iterator i = pan_bars.begin(); i != pan_bars.end(); ++i) { delete (*i); } if (panner) { delete panner; } if (pan_menu) { delete pan_menu; } } void PannerUI::panner_changed () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::panner_changed)); setup_pan (); } void PannerUI::update_pan_state () { /* currently nothing to do */ // ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::update_panner_state)); } void PannerUI::setup_pan () { uint32_t nouts = _io.n_outputs (); if (nouts == 0 || nouts == 1) { while (!pan_adjustments.empty()) { delete pan_bars.back(); pan_bars.pop_back (); delete pan_adjustments.back(); pan_adjustments.pop_back (); } } else if (nouts == 2) { vector::size_type asz; uint32_t npans = _io.panner().size(); while (!pan_adjustments.empty()) { delete pan_bars.back(); pan_bars.pop_back (); delete pan_adjustments.back(); pan_adjustments.pop_back (); } while ((asz = pan_adjustments.size()) < npans) { float x; BarController* bc; /* initialize adjustment with current value of panner */ _io.panner()[asz]->get_position (x); pan_adjustments.push_back (new Adjustment (x, 0, 1.0, 0.05, 0.1)); pan_adjustments.back()->signal_value_changed().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_adjustment_changed), (uint32_t) asz)); _io.panner()[asz]->Changed.connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_value_changed), (uint32_t) asz)); bc = new BarController (*pan_adjustments[asz], &_io.panner()[asz]->midi_control(), bind (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_printer), pan_adjustments[asz])); if (_session.midi_port()) { _io.panner()[asz]->reset_midi_control (_session.midi_port(), true); } bc->set_name ("PanSlider"); bc->set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_NONE); bc->set_style (BarController::Line); bc->StartGesture.connect (bind (mem_fun (_io, &IO::start_pan_touch), (uint32_t) asz)); bc->StopGesture.connect (bind (mem_fun (_io, &IO::end_pan_touch), (uint32_t) asz)); char buf[64]; #ifdef __APPLE__ snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("panner for channel %lu"), asz + 1); #else snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("panner for channel %u"), asz + 1); #endif ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (bc->event_widget(), buf); bc->event_widget().signal_button_release_event().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_button_event), (uint32_t) asz)); pan_bars.push_back (bc); switch (_width) { case Wide: pan_bars.back()->set_size_request (61, 15); break; case Narrow: pan_bars.back()->set_size_request (31, 15); break; } pan_bar_packer.pack_start (*pan_bars.back(), false, false); } /* now that we actually have the pan bars, set their sensitivity based on current automation state. */ update_pan_sensitive (); panning_viewport.remove (); panning_viewport.add (pan_bar_packer); panning_viewport.show_all (); } else { int w = 0; switch (_width) { case Wide: w = 61; break; case Narrow: w = 31; break; } if (panner == 0) { panner = new Panner2d (_io.panner(), w, 61); panner->set_name ("MixerPanZone"); panner->show (); } update_pan_sensitive (); panner->reset (_io.n_inputs()); panner->set_size_request (w, 61); /* and finally, add it to the panner frame */ panning_viewport.remove (); panning_viewport.add (*panner); panning_viewport.show_all (); } } gint PannerUI::pan_button_event (GdkEventButton* ev, uint32_t which) { switch (ev->button) { case 3: if (pan_menu == 0) { pan_menu = manage (new Menu); pan_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); } build_pan_menu (which); pan_menu->popup (1, ev->time); return TRUE; break; default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; // what's wrong with gcc? } void PannerUI::build_pan_menu (uint32_t which) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; MenuList& items (pan_menu->items()); items.clear (); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Mute"))); /* set state first, connect second */ (dynamic_cast (&items.back()))->set_active (_io.panner()[which]->muted()); (dynamic_cast (&items.back()))->signal_toggled().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_mute), which)); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Bypass"), mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_bypass_toggle))); bypass_menu_item = static_cast (&items.back()); /* set state first, connect second */ bypass_menu_item->set_active (_io.panner().bypassed()); bypass_menu_item->signal_toggled().connect (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_bypass_toggle)); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Reset"), mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_reset))); items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Reset all"))); } void PannerUI::pan_mute (uint32_t which) { StreamPanner* sp = _io.panner()[which]; sp->set_muted (!sp->muted()); } void PannerUI::pan_bypass_toggle () { if (bypass_menu_item && (_io.panner().bypassed() != bypass_menu_item->get_active())) { _io.panner().set_bypassed (!_io.panner().bypassed()); } } void PannerUI::pan_reset () { } void PannerUI::effective_pan_display () { if (_io.panner().empty()) { return; } switch (_io.n_outputs()) { case 0: case 1: /* relax */ break; case 2: update_pan_bars (true); break; default: //panner->move_puck (pan_value (v, right), 0.5); break; } } void PannerUI::pan_changed (void *src) { if (src == this) { return; } switch (_io.panner().size()) { case 0: panning_link_box.set_sensitive (false); return; case 1: panning_link_box.set_sensitive (false); break; default: panning_link_box.set_sensitive (true); } uint32_t nouts = _io.n_outputs(); switch (nouts) { case 0: case 1: /* relax */ break; case 2: update_pan_bars (false); break; default: // panner->move_puck (pan_value (pans[0], pans[1]), 0.5); break; } } void PannerUI::pan_adjustment_changed (uint32_t which) { if (!in_pan_update && which < _io.panner().size()) { float xpos; float val = pan_adjustments[which]->get_value (); _io.panner()[which]->get_position (xpos); /* add a kinda-sorta detent for the middle */ if (val != 0.5 && Panner::equivalent (val, 0.5)) { /* this is going to be reentrant, so just return after it. */ in_pan_update = true; pan_adjustments[which]->set_value (0.5); in_pan_update = false; return; } if (!Panner::equivalent (val, xpos)) { _io.panner()[which]->set_position (val); /* XXX the panner objects have no access to the session, so do this here. ick. */ _session.set_dirty(); } } } void PannerUI::pan_value_changed (uint32_t which) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (bind (mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_value_changed), which)); if (_io.n_outputs() > 1 && which < _io.panner().size()) { float xpos; float val = pan_adjustments[which]->get_value (); _io.panner()[which]->get_position (xpos); if (!Panner::equivalent (val, xpos)) { in_pan_update = true; pan_adjustments[which]->set_value (xpos); in_pan_update = false; } } } void PannerUI::update_pan_bars (bool only_if_aplay) { uint32_t n; vector::iterator i; in_pan_update = true; /* this runs during automation playback, and moves the bar controllers and/or pucks around. */ for (i = pan_adjustments.begin(), n = 0; i != pan_adjustments.end(); ++i, ++n) { float xpos, val; if (only_if_aplay) { AutomationList& alist (_io.panner()[n]->automation()); if (!alist.automation_playback()) { continue; } } _io.panner()[n]->get_effective_position (xpos); val = (*i)->get_value (); if (!Panner::equivalent (val, xpos)) { (*i)->set_value (xpos); } } in_pan_update = false; } void PannerUI::pan_printer (char *buf, uint32_t len, Adjustment* adj) { float val = adj->get_value(); if (val == 0.0f) { snprintf (buf, len, X_("L")); } else if (val == 1.0f) { snprintf (buf, len, X_("R")); } else if (Panner::equivalent (val, 0.5f)) { snprintf (buf, len, X_("C")); } else { /* don't print anything */ buf[0] = '\0'; } } void PannerUI::update_pan_sensitive () { bool sensitive = !(_io.panner().automation_state() & Play); switch (_io.n_outputs()) { case 0: case 1: break; case 2: for (vector::iterator i = pan_bars.begin(); i != pan_bars.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_sensitive (sensitive); } break; default: if (panner) { panner->set_sensitive (sensitive); } break; } } gint PannerUI::pan_automation_state_button_event (GdkEventButton *ev) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; if (ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) { return TRUE; } switch (ev->button) { case 1: pan_astate_menu.popup (1, ev->time); break; default: break; } return TRUE; } gint PannerUI::pan_automation_style_button_event (GdkEventButton *ev) { if (ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) { return TRUE; } switch (ev->button) { case 1: pan_astyle_menu.popup (1, ev->time); break; default: break; } return TRUE; } void PannerUI::pan_automation_style_changed () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_automation_style_changed)); switch (_width) { case Wide: pan_automation_style_button.set_label (astyle_string(_io.panner().automation_style())); break; case Narrow: pan_automation_style_button.set_label (short_astyle_string(_io.panner().automation_style())); break; } } void PannerUI::pan_automation_state_changed () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD(mem_fun(*this, &PannerUI::pan_automation_state_changed)); bool x; switch (_width) { case Wide: pan_automation_state_button.set_label (astate_string(_io.panner().automation_state())); break; case Narrow: pan_automation_state_button.set_label (short_astate_string(_io.panner().automation_state())); break; } /* when creating a new session, we get to create busses (and sometimes tracks) with no outputs by the time they get here. */ if (_io.panner().empty()) { return; } x = (_io.panner().front()->automation().automation_state() != Off); if (pan_automation_state_button.get_active() != x) { ignore_toggle = true; pan_automation_state_button.set_active (x); ignore_toggle = false; } update_pan_sensitive (); /* start watching automation so that things move */ pan_watching.disconnect(); if (x) { pan_watching = ARDOUR_UI::RapidScreenUpdate.connect (mem_fun (*this, &PannerUI::effective_pan_display)); } } string PannerUI::astate_string (AutoState state) { return _astate_string (state, false); } string PannerUI::short_astate_string (AutoState state) { return _astate_string (state, true); } string PannerUI::_astate_string (AutoState state, bool shrt) { string sstr; switch (state) { case Off: sstr = (shrt ? "O" : _("O")); break; case Play: sstr = (shrt ? "P" : _("P")); break; case Touch: sstr = (shrt ? "T" : _("T")); break; case Write: sstr = (shrt ? "W" : _("W")); break; } return sstr; } string PannerUI::astyle_string (AutoStyle style) { return _astyle_string (style, false); } string PannerUI::short_astyle_string (AutoStyle style) { return _astyle_string (style, true); } string PannerUI::_astyle_string (AutoStyle style, bool shrt) { if (style & Trim) { return _("Trim"); } else { /* XXX it might different in different languages */ return (shrt ? _("Abs") : _("Abs")); } }