ardour { ["type"] = "Snippet", name = "tempo map examples" } function factory () return function () -- query BPM at 00:00:10:00 local tp = Temporal.timepos_t.from_superclock (Temporal.superclock_ticks_per_second * Session:nominal_sample_rate () * 10) local tm = Temporal.TempoMap.use () print (tm:tempo_at (tp):quarter_notes_per_minute ()) -- set initial tempo to 140, ramp to 120 over the first 4/4 bar, then continue at BPM 80 Temporal.TempoMap.fetch_writable () local tm = Temporal.TempoMap.use () tm:set_tempo (Temporal.Tempo (140, 120, 4), Temporal.timepos_t ()) tm:set_tempo (Temporal.Tempo (80, 80, 4), Temporal.timepos_t.from_ticks (Temporal.ticks_per_beat * 4)) Temporal.TempoMap.update (tm) tm = nil -- Abort Edit example -- after every call to Temporal.TempoMap.fetch_writable () -- there must be a matching call to -- Temporal.TempoMap.update() or Temporal.TempoMap.abort_update() Temporal.TempoMap.fetch_writable() Temporal.TempoMap.abort_update() end end