/* Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "editor.h" #include "audio_time_axis.h" #include "audio_regionview.h" #include "region_selection.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace sigc; using namespace Gtk; Editor::TimeStretchDialog::TimeStretchDialog (Editor& e) : ArdourDialog ("time stretch dialog"), editor (e), quick_button (_("Quick but Ugly")), antialias_button (_("Skip Anti-aliasing")) { set_modal (true); set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); set_title (_("ardour: timestretch")); set_name (N_("TimeStretchDialog")); get_vbox()->set_spacing (5); get_vbox()->set_border_width (5); get_vbox()->pack_start (upper_button_box); get_vbox()->pack_start (progress_bar); upper_button_box.set_homogeneous (true); upper_button_box.set_spacing (5); upper_button_box.set_border_width (5); upper_button_box.pack_start (quick_button, true, true); upper_button_box.pack_start (antialias_button, true, true); action_button = add_button (_("Stretch/Shrink it"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); cancel_button = add_button (_("Cancel"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); quick_button.set_name (N_("TimeStretchButton")); antialias_button.set_name (N_("TimeStretchButton")); progress_bar.set_name (N_("TimeStretchProgress")); show_all_children (); } gint Editor::TimeStretchDialog::update_progress () { progress_bar.set_fraction (request.progress); return request.running; } void Editor::TimeStretchDialog::cancel_timestretch_in_progress () { status = -2; request.running = false; } gint Editor::TimeStretchDialog::delete_timestretch_in_progress (GdkEventAny* ev) { status = -2; request.running = false; return TRUE; } int Editor::run_timestretch (RegionSelection& regions, float fraction) { pthread_t thread; if (current_timestretch == 0) { current_timestretch = new TimeStretchDialog (*this); } current_timestretch->progress_bar.set_fraction (0.0f); switch (current_timestretch->run ()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: current_timestretch->hide (); return 1; } current_timestretch->status = 0; current_timestretch->regions = regions; current_timestretch->request.fraction = fraction; current_timestretch->request.quick_seek = current_timestretch->quick_button.get_active(); current_timestretch->request.antialias = !current_timestretch->antialias_button.get_active(); current_timestretch->request.progress = 0.0f; current_timestretch->request.running = true; /* re-connect the cancel button and delete events */ current_timestretch->first_cancel.disconnect(); current_timestretch->first_delete.disconnect(); current_timestretch->cancel_button->signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (current_timestretch, &TimeStretchDialog::cancel_timestretch_in_progress)); current_timestretch->signal_delete_event().connect (mem_fun (current_timestretch, &TimeStretchDialog::delete_timestretch_in_progress)); if (pthread_create_and_store ("timestretch", &thread, 0, timestretch_thread, current_timestretch)) { current_timestretch->hide (); error << _("timestretch cannot be started - thread creation error") << endmsg; return -1; } pthread_detach (thread); sigc::connection c = Glib::signal_timeout().connect (mem_fun (current_timestretch, &TimeStretchDialog::update_progress), 100); while (current_timestretch->request.running) { gtk_main_iteration (); } c.disconnect (); current_timestretch->hide (); return current_timestretch->status; } void Editor::do_timestretch (TimeStretchDialog& dialog) { Track* t; Playlist* playlist; Region* new_region; for (RegionSelection::iterator i = dialog.regions.begin(); i != dialog.regions.end(); ) { AudioRegionView* arv = dynamic_cast(*i); if (!arv) continue; AudioRegion& region (arv->audio_region()); TimeAxisView* tv = &(arv->get_time_axis_view()); RouteTimeAxisView* rtv; RegionSelection::iterator tmp; cerr << "stretch " << region.name() << endl; tmp = i; ++tmp; if ((rtv = dynamic_cast (tv)) == 0) { i = tmp; continue; } if ((t = dynamic_cast (rtv->route().get())) == 0) { i = tmp; continue; } if ((playlist = t->diskstream().playlist()) == 0) { i = tmp; continue; } dialog.request.region = ®ion; if (!dialog.request.running) { /* we were cancelled */ dialog.status = 1; return; } if ((new_region = session->tempoize_region (dialog.request)) == 0) { dialog.status = -1; dialog.request.running = false; return; } session->add_undo (playlist->get_memento()); playlist->replace_region (region, *new_region, region.position()); session->add_redo_no_execute (playlist->get_memento()); i = tmp; } dialog.status = 0; dialog.request.running = false; } void* Editor::timestretch_thread (void *arg) { PBD::ThreadCreated (pthread_self(), X_("TimeFX")); TimeStretchDialog* tsd = static_cast(arg); pthread_setcanceltype (PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, 0); tsd->editor.do_timestretch (*tsd); return 0; }