/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Paul Davis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/unwind.h" #include "ardour/region.h" #include "ardour/triggerbox.h" #include "canvas/polygon.h" #include "canvas/text.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/actions.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/colors.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "selection.h" #include "timers.h" #include "trigger_ui.h" #include "triggerbox_ui.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "utils.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ArdourCanvas; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace PBD; TriggerEntry::TriggerEntry (Item* item, ARDOUR::Trigger& t) : ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (item) , _trigger (t) { set_layout_sensitive (true); // why??? name = string_compose ("trigger %1", _trigger.index ()); set_outline (false); play_button = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (this); play_button->set_outline (true); play_button->set_fill (true); play_button->name = string_compose ("playbutton %1", _trigger.index ()); play_button->show (); play_shape = new ArdourCanvas::Polygon (play_button); play_shape->name = string_compose ("playshape %1", _trigger.index ()); play_shape->show (); name_button = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (this); name_button->set_outline (true); name_button->set_fill (true); name_button->name = ("slot_selector_button"); name_button->show (); name_text = new Text (name_button); name_text->set_ignore_events (false); name_text->show (); /* watch for change in theme */ UIConfiguration::instance ().ParameterChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerEntry::ui_parameter_changed)); set_default_colors (); _trigger.PropertyChanged.connect (trigger_prop_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&TriggerEntry::prop_change, this, _1), gui_context ()); dynamic_cast (_trigger.box ().owner ())->presentation_info ().Change.connect (owner_prop_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&TriggerEntry::owner_prop_change, this, _1), gui_context ()); PropertyChange changed; changed.add (ARDOUR::Properties::name); changed.add (ARDOUR::Properties::running); prop_change (changed); selection_change (); } TriggerEntry::~TriggerEntry () { } void TriggerEntry::owner_prop_change (PropertyChange const& pc) { if (pc.contains (Properties::color)) { owner_color_changed (); } } void TriggerEntry::owner_color_changed () { // TODO } void TriggerEntry::selection_change () { if (PublicEditor::instance ().get_selection ().selected (this)) { name_button->set_outline_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("alert:red")); } else { set_default_colors (); } } void TriggerEntry::maybe_update () { // what here? } void TriggerEntry::_size_allocate (ArdourCanvas::Rect const& alloc) { Rectangle::_size_allocate (alloc); const Distance width = _rect.width (); const Distance height = _rect.height (); play_button->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, height, height)); name_button->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (height, 0, width, height)); const double scale = UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale (); _poly_margin = 2. * scale; _poly_size = height - 2 * _poly_margin; shape_play_button (); float tleft = height; // make room for the play button name_text->size_allocate (ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, width, height)); name_text->set_position (Duple (tleft + _poly_margin, _poly_margin - 0.5)); name_text->clamp_width (width - height - height); /* font scale may have changed. uiconfig 'embeds' the ui-scale in the font */ name_text->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_NormalFont ()); } void draw_follow_icon (Cairo::RefPtr context, Trigger::FollowAction icon, float size, float scale) { context->set_line_width (1 * scale); switch (icon) { case Trigger::Stop: context->rectangle (6 * scale, 6 * scale, size - 12 * scale, size - 12 * scale); context->stroke (); break; case Trigger::Again: context->arc (size / 2, size / 2, size * 0.20, 60. * (M_PI / 180.0), 2 * M_PI); context->stroke (); context->arc (size / 2 + size * 0.2, size / 2, 1.5 * scale, 0, 2 * M_PI); // arrow head context->fill (); break; case Trigger::NextTrigger: context->move_to (size / 2, 3 * scale); context->line_to (size / 2, size - 5 * scale); context->stroke (); context->arc (size / 2, size - 5 * scale, 1.5 * scale, 0, 2 * M_PI); // arrow head context->fill (); break; case Trigger::PrevTrigger: context->move_to (size / 2, 5 * scale); context->line_to (size / 2, size - 3 * scale); context->stroke (); context->arc (size / 2, 5 * scale, 1.5 * scale, 0, 2 * M_PI); // arrow head context->fill (); break; case Trigger::QueuedTrigger: { Glib::RefPtr layout = Pango::Layout::create (context); layout->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallMonospaceFont ()); layout->set_text (icon == Trigger::AnyTrigger ? "&" : "@"); int tw, th; layout->get_pixel_size (tw, th); context->move_to (size / 2, size / 2); context->rel_move_to (-tw / 2, -th / 2); layout->show_in_cairo_context (context); } break; case Trigger::AnyTrigger: { context->move_to (size / 2, 3 * scale); context->line_to (size / 2, size - 3 * scale); context->move_to (size / 2, size / 2); context->line_to (size / 2 - 3 * scale, size / 2); context->stroke (); context->arc (size / 2, 4 * scale, 1.5 * scale, 0, 2 * M_PI); // arrow head context->fill (); context->arc (size / 2, size - 3 * scale, 1.5 * scale, 0, 2 * M_PI); // arrow head context->fill (); context->arc (size / 2 - 3 * scale, size / 2, 1.5 * scale, 0, 2 * M_PI); // arrow head context->fill (); } break; case Trigger::OtherTrigger: { context->move_to (size / 2, 3 * scale); context->line_to (size / 2, 7 * scale); context->move_to (size / 2, size - 7 * scale); context->line_to (size / 2, size - 3 * scale); context->stroke (); context->arc (size / 2, 3 * scale, 1.5 * scale, 0, 2 * M_PI); // arrow head context->fill (); context->arc (size / 2, size - 3 * scale, 1.5 * scale, 0, 2 * M_PI); // arrow head context->fill (); } break; default: break; } } void TriggerEntry::render (ArdourCanvas::Rect const& area, Cairo::RefPtr context) const { Rectangle::render (area, context); /* Note that item_to_window() already takes _position into account (as part of item_to_canvas() */ ArdourCanvas::Rect self (item_to_window (_rect)); const ArdourCanvas::Rect draw = self.intersection (area); if (!draw) { return; } float width = _rect.width (); float height = _rect.height (); const double scale = UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale (); if (_fill && !_transparent) { setup_fill_context (context); context->rectangle (draw.x0, draw.y0, draw.width (), draw.height ()); context->fill (); } render_children (area, context); if (_trigger.scene_isolated ()) { /* left shadow */ context->set_identity_matrix (); context->translate (self.x0, self.y0 - 0.5); Cairo::RefPtr l_shadow = Cairo::LinearGradient::create (0, 0, scale * 12, 0); l_shadow->add_color_stop_rgba (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8); l_shadow->add_color_stop_rgba (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); context->set_source (l_shadow); context->rectangle (0, 0, scale * 12, height); context->fill (); context->set_identity_matrix (); } if (_trigger.index () == 1) { /* drop-shadow at top */ Cairo::RefPtr drop_shadow_pattern = Cairo::LinearGradient::create (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6 * scale); drop_shadow_pattern->add_color_stop_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0, 0.7); drop_shadow_pattern->add_color_stop_rgba (1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0); context->set_source (drop_shadow_pattern); context->rectangle (0, 0, width, 6 * scale); context->fill (); } else if (_trigger.index () % 2 == 0) { /* line at top */ context->set_identity_matrix (); context->translate (self.x0, self.y0 - 0.5); set_source_rgba (context, rgba_to_color (0, 0, 0, 1)); context->rectangle (0, 0, width, 1); context->fill (); context->set_identity_matrix (); } /* follow-action icon */ if (_trigger.region ()) { context->set_identity_matrix (); context->translate (self.x0, self.y0 - 0.5); context->translate (width - height, 0); // right side of the widget set_source_rgba (context, UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:midground")); draw_follow_icon (context, _trigger.follow_action (0), height, scale); context->set_identity_matrix (); } } void TriggerEntry::shape_play_button () { Points p; if (!_trigger.region ()) { /* no region, so must be a stop button, drawn as a square */ p.push_back (Duple (_poly_margin, _poly_margin)); p.push_back (Duple (_poly_margin, _poly_size)); p.push_back (Duple (_poly_size, _poly_size)); p.push_back (Duple (_poly_size, _poly_margin)); } else { /* region exists; draw triangle to show that we can trigger */ p.push_back (Duple (_poly_margin, _poly_margin)); p.push_back (Duple (_poly_margin, _poly_size)); p.push_back (Duple (_poly_size, 0.5 + _poly_size / 2.)); } play_shape->set (p); if (_trigger.active ()) { play_shape->set_outline (false); play_shape->set_fill (true); } else { play_shape->set_outline (true); play_shape->set_fill (false); } } void TriggerEntry::prop_change (PropertyChange const& change) { bool need_pb = false; if (change.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::name)) { if (_trigger.region ()) { name_text->set (short_version (_trigger.name (), 16)); } else { name_text->set (""); } need_pb = true; } if (change.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::running)) { need_pb = true; } PropertyChange interesting_stuff; interesting_stuff.add (ARDOUR::Properties::follow_action0); interesting_stuff.add (ARDOUR::Properties::isolated); if (change.contains (interesting_stuff)) { redraw (); } if (need_pb) { shape_play_button (); } } void TriggerEntry::set_default_colors () { set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("theme:bg")); play_button->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("theme:bg")); play_button->set_outline_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("theme:bg")); name_button->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("theme:bg")); name_button->set_outline_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("theme:bg")); if ((_trigger.index () / 2) % 2 == 0) { set_fill_color (HSV (fill_color ()).darker (0.15).color ()); play_button->set_fill_color (HSV (fill_color ()).darker (0.15).color ()); play_button->set_outline_color (HSV (fill_color ()).darker (0.15).color ()); name_button->set_fill_color (HSV (fill_color ()).darker (0.15).color ()); name_button->set_outline_color (HSV (fill_color ()).darker (0.15).color ()); } name_text->set_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:foreground")); name_text->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:midground")); if (_trigger.region ()) { play_shape->set_outline_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:foreground")); play_shape->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:foreground")); } else { play_shape->set_outline_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:midground")); play_shape->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:midground")); } /*preserve selection border*/ if (PublicEditor::instance ().get_selection ().selected (this)) { name_button->set_outline_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("alert:red")); } } void TriggerEntry::ui_parameter_changed (std::string const& p) { if (p == "color-file") { set_default_colors (); } } Gtkmm2ext::Bindings* TriggerBoxUI::bindings = 0; Glib::RefPtr TriggerBoxUI::trigger_actions; TriggerBoxUI::TriggerBoxUI (ArdourCanvas::Item* parent, TriggerBox& tb) : Rectangle (parent) , _triggerbox (tb) , _file_chooser (0) , _context_menu (0) , _ignore_menu_action (false) { set_layout_sensitive (true); // why??? set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color (X_("theme:bg"))); set_fill (true); build (); _selection_connection = PublicEditor::instance ().get_selection ().TriggersChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::selection_changed)); std::vector target_table; target_table.push_back (Gtk::TargetEntry ("regions")); target_table.push_back (Gtk::TargetEntry ("text/uri-list")); target_table.push_back (Gtk::TargetEntry ("text/plain")); target_table.push_back (Gtk::TargetEntry ("application/x-rootwin-drop")); GtkCanvas* gtkcanvas = static_cast (canvas ()); assert (gtkcanvas); gtkcanvas->drag_dest_set (target_table); gtkcanvas->signal_drag_motion ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::drag_motion)); gtkcanvas->signal_drag_leave ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::drag_leave)); gtkcanvas->signal_drag_data_received ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::drag_data_received)); } TriggerBoxUI::~TriggerBoxUI () { /* sigc connection's are not scoped (i.e. they do not disconnect the functor from the signal when they are destroyed). */ _selection_connection.disconnect (); _update_connection.disconnect (); } void TriggerBoxUI::selection_changed () { for (auto& slot : _slots) { slot->selection_change (); } } void TriggerBoxUI::setup_actions_and_bindings () { load_bindings (); register_actions (); } void TriggerBoxUI::load_bindings () { bindings = Bindings::get_bindings (X_("Triggers")); } void TriggerBoxUI::register_actions () { trigger_actions = ActionManager::create_action_group (bindings, X_("Triggers")); for (int32_t n = 0; n < TriggerBox::default_triggers_per_box; ++n) { const std::string action_name = string_compose ("trigger-scene-%1", n); const std::string display_name = string_compose (_("Scene %1"), n); ActionManager::register_toggle_action (trigger_actions, action_name.c_str (), display_name.c_str (), sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (TriggerBoxUI::trigger_scene), n)); } } void TriggerBoxUI::trigger_scene (int32_t n) { TriggerBox::scene_bang (n); } void TriggerBoxUI::build () { Trigger* t; uint64_t n = 0; // clear_items (true); _slots.clear (); while (true) { t = _triggerbox.trigger (n); if (!t) { break; } TriggerEntry* te = new TriggerEntry (this, *t); _slots.push_back (te); te->play_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::play_button_event), n)); te->name_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::text_button_event), n)); #if 0 te->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::event), n)); #endif ++n; } } void TriggerBoxUI::_size_allocate (ArdourCanvas::Rect const& alloc) { Rectangle::_size_allocate (alloc); const float width = alloc.width (); const float height = alloc.height (); const float slot_h = height / TriggerBox::default_triggers_per_box; // TODO float ypos = 0; for (auto& slot : _slots) { slot->size_allocate (ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, width, slot_h)); slot->set_position (Duple (0, ypos)); ypos += slot_h; slot->show (); } } bool TriggerBoxUI::text_button_event (GdkEvent* ev, uint64_t n) { switch (ev->type) { case GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY: if (ev->crossing.detail != GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR) { _slots[n]->name_text->set_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:foregroundest")); _slots[n]->name_button->set_fill_color (HSV (fill_color ()).lighter (0.15).color ()); } break; case GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY: if (ev->crossing.detail != GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR) { _slots[n]->set_default_colors (); } break; case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: if (_slots[n]->trigger ().region ()) { PublicEditor::instance ().get_selection ().set (_slots[n]); /* a side-effect of selection-change is that the slot's color is reset. retain the "entered-color" here: */ _slots[n]->name_text->set_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:foregroundest")); _slots[n]->name_button->set_fill_color (HSV (fill_color ()).lighter (0.15).color ()); } break; case GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS: edit_trigger (n); return true; case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: switch (ev->button.button) { case 3: context_menu (n); return true; default: break; } break; default: break; } return false; } bool TriggerBoxUI::play_button_event (GdkEvent* ev, uint64_t n) { if (!_triggerbox.trigger (n)->region ()) { /* this is a stop button */ switch (ev->type) { case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: if (ev->button.button == 1) { _triggerbox.request_stop_all (); return true; } break; case GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY: if (ev->crossing.detail != GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR) { _slots[n]->play_shape->set_outline_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:foregroundest")); } break; case GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY: if (ev->crossing.detail != GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR) { _slots[n]->set_default_colors (); } break; default: break; } return false; } switch (ev->type) { case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: switch (ev->button.button) { case 1: _slots[n]->trigger ().bang (); return true; default: break; } break; case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: switch (ev->button.button) { case 1: if (_slots[n]->trigger ().launch_style () == Trigger::Gate || _slots[n]->trigger ().launch_style () == Trigger::Repeat) { _slots[n]->trigger ().unbang (); } break; default: break; } break; case GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY: if (ev->crossing.detail != GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR) { _slots[n]->play_button->set_fill_color (HSV (fill_color ()).lighter (0.15).color ()); _slots[n]->play_shape->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:foregroundest")); _slots[n]->play_shape->set_outline_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color ("neutral:foregroundest")); } break; case GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY: if (ev->crossing.detail != GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR) { _slots[n]->set_default_colors (); } break; default: break; } return false; } void TriggerBoxUI::context_menu (uint64_t n) { using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtk::Menu_Helpers; using namespace Temporal; delete _context_menu; _context_menu = new Menu; MenuList& items = _context_menu->items (); _context_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); Menu* follow_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& fitems = follow_menu->items (); RadioMenuItem::Group fagroup; RadioMenuItem::Group lagroup; RadioMenuItem::Group qgroup; fitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (fagroup, _("Stop"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_follow_action), n, Trigger::Stop))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->follow_action (0) == Trigger::Stop) { dynamic_cast (&fitems.back ())->set_active (true); } fitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (fagroup, _("Again"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_follow_action), n, Trigger::Again))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->follow_action (0) == Trigger::Again) { dynamic_cast (&fitems.back ())->set_active (true); } #if QUEUED_SLOTS_IMPLEMENTED fitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (fagroup, _("Queued"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_follow_action), n, Trigger::QueuedTrigger))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->follow_action (0) == Trigger::QueuedTrigger) { dynamic_cast (&fitems.back ())->set_active (true); } #endif fitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (fagroup, _("Next"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_follow_action), n, Trigger::NextTrigger))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->follow_action (0) == Trigger::NextTrigger) { dynamic_cast (&fitems.back ())->set_active (true); } fitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (fagroup, _("Previous"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_follow_action), n, Trigger::PrevTrigger))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->follow_action (0) == Trigger::PrevTrigger) { dynamic_cast (&fitems.back ())->set_active (true); } fitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (fagroup, _("First"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_follow_action), n, Trigger::FirstTrigger))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->follow_action (0) == Trigger::FirstTrigger) { dynamic_cast (&fitems.back ())->set_active (true); } fitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (fagroup, _("Last"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_follow_action), n, Trigger::LastTrigger))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->follow_action (0) == Trigger::LastTrigger) { dynamic_cast (&fitems.back ())->set_active (true); } fitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (fagroup, _("Any"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_follow_action), n, Trigger::AnyTrigger))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->follow_action (0) == Trigger::AnyTrigger) { dynamic_cast (&fitems.back ())->set_active (true); } fitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (fagroup, _("Other"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_follow_action), n, Trigger::OtherTrigger))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->follow_action (0) == Trigger::OtherTrigger) { dynamic_cast (&fitems.back ())->set_active (true); } Menu* launch_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& litems = launch_menu->items (); litems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (lagroup, _("One Shot"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_launch_style), n, Trigger::OneShot))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->launch_style () == Trigger::OneShot) { dynamic_cast (&litems.back ())->set_active (true); } litems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (lagroup, _("Gate"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_launch_style), n, Trigger::Gate))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->launch_style () == Trigger::Gate) { dynamic_cast (&litems.back ())->set_active (true); } litems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (lagroup, _("Toggle"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_launch_style), n, Trigger::Toggle))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->launch_style () == Trigger::Toggle) { dynamic_cast (&litems.back ())->set_active (true); } litems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (lagroup, _("Repeat"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_launch_style), n, Trigger::Repeat))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->launch_style () == Trigger::Repeat) { dynamic_cast (&litems.back ())->set_active (true); } Menu* quant_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& qitems = quant_menu->items (); bool success; Beats grid_beats (PublicEditor::instance ().get_grid_type_as_beats (success, timepos_t (0))); BBT_Offset b; if (success) { b = BBT_Offset (0, grid_beats.get_beats (), grid_beats.get_ticks ()); qitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (fagroup, _("Main Grid"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_quantization), n, b))); /* can't mark this active because the current trigger quant setting may just a specific setting below */ /* XXX HOW TO GET THIS TO FOLLOW GRID CHANGES (which are GUI only) */ } b = BBT_Offset (1, 0, 0); qitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (qgroup, _("Bars"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_quantization), n, b))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->quantization () == b) { dynamic_cast (&qitems.back ())->set_active (true); } b = BBT_Offset (0, 4, 0); qitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (qgroup, _("Whole"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_quantization), n, b))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->quantization () == b) { dynamic_cast (&qitems.back ())->set_active (true); } b = BBT_Offset (0, 2, 0); qitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (qgroup, _("Half"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_quantization), n, b))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->quantization () == b) { dynamic_cast (&qitems.back ())->set_active (true); } b = BBT_Offset (0, 1, 0); qitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (qgroup, _("Quarters"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_quantization), n, b))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->quantization () == b) { dynamic_cast (&qitems.back ())->set_active (true); } b = BBT_Offset (0, 0, ticks_per_beat / 2); qitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (qgroup, _("Eighths"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_quantization), n, b))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->quantization () == b) { dynamic_cast (&qitems.back ())->set_active (true); } b = BBT_Offset (0, 0, ticks_per_beat / 4); qitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (qgroup, _("Sixteenths"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_quantization), n, b))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->quantization () == b) { dynamic_cast (&qitems.back ())->set_active (true); } b = BBT_Offset (0, 0, ticks_per_beat / 8); qitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (qgroup, _("Thirty-Seconds"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_quantization), n, b))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->quantization () == b) { dynamic_cast (&qitems.back ())->set_active (true); } b = BBT_Offset (0, 0, ticks_per_beat / 16); qitems.push_back (RadioMenuElem (qgroup, _("Sixty-Fourths"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_quantization), n, b))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->quantization () == b) { dynamic_cast (&qitems.back ())->set_active (true); } Menu* load_menu = manage (new Menu); MenuList& loitems (load_menu->items ()); loitems.push_back (MenuElem (_("from file"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::choose_sample), n))); loitems.push_back (MenuElem (_("from selection"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::set_from_selection), n))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::clear_trigger), n))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Load..."), *load_menu)); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Edit..."), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::edit_trigger), n))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Follow Action..."), *follow_menu)); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Launch Style..."), *launch_menu)); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Quantization..."), *quant_menu)); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Cue Isolate"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::toggle_trigger_isolated), n))); if (_triggerbox.trigger (n)->scene_isolated ()) { PBD::Unwinder uw (_ignore_menu_action, true); dynamic_cast (&items.back ())->set_active (true); } _context_menu->popup (1, gtk_get_current_event_time ()); } void TriggerBoxUI::toggle_trigger_isolated (uint64_t n) { if (_ignore_menu_action) { return; } Trigger* trigger = _triggerbox.trigger (n); trigger->set_scene_isolated (!trigger->scene_isolated ()); } void TriggerBoxUI::clear_trigger (uint64_t n) { #if 0 // XXX Trigger* trigger = _triggerbox.trigger (n); trigger->clear_trigger(); #endif } void TriggerBoxUI::edit_trigger (uint64_t n) { Trigger* trigger = _triggerbox.trigger (n); TriggerWindow* tw = static_cast (trigger->ui ()); if (!tw) { tw = new TriggerWindow (_triggerbox.trigger (n)); trigger->set_ui (tw); } tw->present (); } void TriggerBoxUI::set_follow_action (uint64_t n, Trigger::FollowAction fa) { _triggerbox.trigger (n)->set_follow_action (fa, 0); } void TriggerBoxUI::set_launch_style (uint64_t n, Trigger::LaunchStyle ls) { _triggerbox.trigger (n)->set_launch_style (ls); } void TriggerBoxUI::set_quantization (uint64_t n, Temporal::BBT_Offset const& q) { _triggerbox.trigger (n)->set_quantization (q); } void TriggerBoxUI::choose_sample (uint64_t n) { if (!_file_chooser) { _file_chooser = new Gtk::FileChooserDialog (_("Select sample"), Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN); _file_chooser->add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); _file_chooser->add_button (Gtk::Stock::OK, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK); _file_chooser->set_select_multiple (true); } _file_chooser_connection.disconnect (); _file_chooser_connection = _file_chooser->signal_response ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::sample_chosen), n)); _file_chooser->present (); } void TriggerBoxUI::sample_chosen (int response, uint64_t n) { _file_chooser->hide (); switch (response) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_OK: break; default: return; } std::list paths = _file_chooser->get_filenames (); for (std::list::iterator s = paths.begin (); s != paths.end (); ++s) { /* this will do nothing if n is too large */ _triggerbox.set_from_path (n, *s); ++n; } } uint64_t TriggerBoxUI::slot_at_y (int y) const { uint64_t n = 0; for (auto& slot : _slots) { if (slot->height () < y) { ++n; y -= slot->height (); } } return n; } bool TriggerBoxUI::drag_motion (Glib::RefPtr const& context, int, int y, guint time) { bool can_drop = true; uint64_t n = slot_at_y (y); if (n >= _slots.size ()) { assert (0); can_drop = false; } if (can_drop) { context->drag_status (Gdk::ACTION_COPY, time); /* prelight */ GdkEventCrossing ev; ev.detail = GDK_NOTIFY_ANCESTOR; for (size_t i = 0; i < _slots.size (); ++i) { ev.type = (i == n) ? GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY : GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY; text_button_event ((GdkEvent*)&ev, i); } return true; } else { context->drag_status (Gdk::DragAction (0), time); return false; } } void TriggerBoxUI::drag_leave (Glib::RefPtr const&, guint) { GdkEventCrossing ev; ev.type = GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY; ev.detail = GDK_NOTIFY_ANCESTOR; for (size_t i = 0; i < _slots.size (); ++i) { text_button_event ((GdkEvent*)&ev, i); } } void TriggerBoxUI::drag_data_received (Glib::RefPtr const& context, int /*x*/, int y, Gtk::SelectionData const& data, guint /*info*/, guint time) { uint64_t n = slot_at_y (y); if (n >= _slots.size ()) { context->drag_finish (false, false, time); return; } if (data.get_target () == X_("regions")) { boost::shared_ptr region = PublicEditor::instance ().get_dragged_region_from_sidebar (); if (region) { _triggerbox.set_from_selection (n, region); context->drag_finish (true, false, time); } else { context->drag_finish (false, false, time); } return; } std::vector paths; if (ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::convert_drop_to_paths (paths, data)) { for (std::vector::iterator s = paths.begin (); s != paths.end (); ++s) { /* this will do nothing if n is too large */ _triggerbox.set_from_path (n, *s); ++n; } } context->drag_finish (true, false, time); } void TriggerBoxUI::set_from_selection (uint64_t n) { Selection& selection (PublicEditor::instance ().get_selection ()); RegionSelection rselection (selection.regions); if (rselection.empty ()) { /* XXX possible message about no selection ? */ return; } for (RegionSelection::iterator r = rselection.begin (); r != rselection.end (); ++r) { _triggerbox.set_from_selection (n, (*r)->region ()); ++n; } } void TriggerBoxUI::start_updating () { _update_connection = Timers::rapid_connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TriggerBoxUI::rapid_update)); } void TriggerBoxUI::stop_updating () { _update_connection.disconnect (); } void TriggerBoxUI::rapid_update () { for (auto& slot : _slots) { slot->maybe_update (); } } TriggerBoxWidget::TriggerBoxWidget (float w, float h) : FittedCanvasWidget (w, h) , ui (0) { set_background_color (UIConfiguration::instance ().color (X_("theme:bg"))); } void TriggerBoxWidget::set_triggerbox (TriggerBox* tb) { if (ui) { root ()->remove (ui); delete ui; ui = 0; } if (!tb) { return; } ui = new TriggerBoxUI (root (), *tb); repeat_size_allocation (); if (is_mapped ()) { ui->start_updating (); } } void TriggerBoxWidget::on_map () { FittedCanvasWidget::on_map (); if (ui) { ui->start_updating (); } } void TriggerBoxWidget::on_unmap () { FittedCanvasWidget::on_unmap (); if (ui) { ui->stop_updating (); } }