/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include // for fontmap resolution control for GnomeCanvas #include // for fontmap resolution control for GnomeCanvas #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "public_editor.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "mixer_ui.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "io_selector.h" #include "gain_meter.h" #include "sfdb_ui.h" #include "utils.h" #include "editing.h" #include "option_editor.h" #include "midi_port_dialog.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "utils.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Editing; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace std; static vector positional_sync_strings; OptionEditor::OptionEditor (ARDOUR_UI& uip, PublicEditor& ed, Mixer_UI& mixui) : ArdourDialog ("options editor", false), ui (uip), editor (ed), mixer (mixui), /* Paths */ path_table (11, 2), /* misc */ short_xfade_adjustment (0, 1.0, 500.0, 5.0, 100.0), short_xfade_slider (short_xfade_adjustment), destructo_xfade_adjustment (1.0, 1.0, 500.0, 1.0, 100.0), destructo_xfade_slider (destructo_xfade_adjustment), history_depth (20, -1, 100, 1.0, 10.0), saved_history_depth (20, 0, 100, 1.0, 10.0), history_depth_spinner (history_depth), saved_history_depth_spinner (saved_history_depth), limit_history_button (_("Limit undo history")), save_history_button (_("Save undo history")), /* Sync */ smpte_offset_clock (X_("smpteoffset"), false, X_("SMPTEOffsetClock"), true, true), smpte_offset_negative_button (_("SMPTE offset is negative")), synced_timecode_button (_("Timecode source is sample-clock synced")), /* MIDI */ midi_port_table (4, 12), mmc_receive_device_id_adjustment (0.0, 0.0, (double) 0x7f, 1.0, 16.0), mmc_receive_device_id_spinner (mmc_receive_device_id_adjustment), mmc_send_device_id_adjustment (0.0, 0.0, (double) 0x7f, 1.0, 16.0), mmc_send_device_id_spinner (mmc_send_device_id_adjustment), add_midi_port_button (_("Add new MIDI port")), initial_program_change_adjustment (0.0, -1.0, (double) 0x7f, 1.0, 16.0), initial_program_change_spinner (initial_program_change_adjustment), /* Click */ click_table (2, 3), click_browse_button (_("Browse")), click_emphasis_browse_button (_("Browse")), /* kbd/mouse */ keyboard_mouse_table (4, 4), delete_button_adjustment (3, 1, 5), delete_button_spin (delete_button_adjustment), edit_button_adjustment (3, 1, 5), edit_button_spin (edit_button_adjustment) { using namespace Notebook_Helpers; first_click_setup = true; click_io_selector = 0; auditioner_io_selector = 0; session = 0; WindowTitle title(Glib::get_application_name()); title += _("Preferences"); set_title(title.get_string()); set_default_size (300, 300); set_wmclass (X_("ardour_preferences"), "Ardour"); set_name ("Preferences"); add_events (Gdk::KEY_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::KEY_RELEASE_MASK); VBox *vbox = get_vbox(); set_border_width (3); vbox->set_spacing (4); vbox->pack_start(notebook); signal_delete_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::wm_close)); notebook.set_show_tabs (true); notebook.set_show_border (true); notebook.set_name ("OptionsNotebook"); setup_sync_options(); setup_path_options(); setup_misc_options (); setup_keyboard_options (); setup_auditioner_editor (); if (!Profile->get_sae()) { notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (sync_packer, _("Sync"))); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (path_table, _("Paths/Files"))); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (keyboard_mouse_table, _("Kbd/Mouse"))); } notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (click_packer, _("Click"))); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (audition_packer, _("Audition"))); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (misc_packer, _("Misc"))); setup_midi_options (); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (midi_packer, _("MIDI"))); set_session (0); show_all_children(); Config->map_parameters (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::parameter_changed)); Config->ParameterChanged.connect (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::parameter_changed)); } void OptionEditor::set_session (Session *s) { clear_click_editor (); clear_auditioner_editor (); click_path_entry.set_text (""); click_emphasis_path_entry.set_text (""); session_raid_entry.set_text (""); click_path_entry.set_sensitive (false); click_emphasis_path_entry.set_sensitive (false); session_raid_entry.set_sensitive (false); short_xfade_slider.set_sensitive (false); smpte_offset_negative_button.set_sensitive (false); smpte_offset_clock.set_session (s); if ((session = s) == 0) { return; } click_path_entry.set_sensitive (true); click_emphasis_path_entry.set_sensitive (true); session_raid_entry.set_sensitive (true); short_xfade_slider.set_sensitive (true); smpte_offset_negative_button.set_sensitive (true); smpte_offset_clock.set_session (s); smpte_offset_clock.set (s->smpte_offset (), true); smpte_offset_negative_button.set_active (session->smpte_offset_negative()); redisplay_midi_ports (); setup_click_editor (); connect_audition_editor (); short_xfade_adjustment.set_value ((Crossfade::short_xfade_length() / (float) session->frame_rate()) * 1000.0); add_session_paths (); } OptionEditor::~OptionEditor () { } void OptionEditor::setup_path_options() { Gtk::Label* label; path_table.set_homogeneous (false); path_table.set_border_width (12); path_table.set_row_spacings (5); session_raid_entry.set_name ("OptionsEntry"); session_raid_entry.signal_activate().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::raid_path_changed)); label = manage (new Label (_("Session RAID path"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); path_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, 0, 1, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); path_table.attach (session_raid_entry, 1, 3, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); path_table.show_all(); } void OptionEditor::add_session_paths () { click_path_entry.set_sensitive (true); click_emphasis_path_entry.set_sensitive (true); session_raid_entry.set_sensitive (true); if (Config->get_click_sound().empty()) { click_path_entry.set_text (_("internal")); } else { click_path_entry.set_text (Config->get_click_sound()); } if (Config->get_click_emphasis_sound().empty()) { click_emphasis_path_entry.set_text (_("internal")); } else { click_emphasis_path_entry.set_text (Config->get_click_emphasis_sound()); } session_raid_entry.set_text(session->raid_path()); } static void font_scale_changed (Gtk::Adjustment* adj) { Config->set_font_scale((long)floor (adj->get_value() * 1024)); reset_dpi(); } void OptionEditor::setup_misc_options () { Gtk::HBox* hbox; Label* label; #ifndef GTKOSX /* font scaling does nothing with GDK/Quartz */ Gtk::Adjustment* dpi_adj = new Gtk::Adjustment ((double)Config->get_font_scale() / 1024, 50, 250, 1, 10); Gtk::HScale * dpi_range = new Gtk::HScale (*dpi_adj); label = manage (new Label (_("Font scaling"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); dpi_range->set_update_policy (Gtk::UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS); dpi_adj->signal_value_changed().connect (bind (sigc::ptr_fun (font_scale_changed), dpi_adj)); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (5); hbox->set_spacing (10); hbox->pack_start (*label, false, false); hbox->pack_start (*dpi_range, true, true); misc_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); #endif label = manage (new Label (_("Short crossfade length (msecs)"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (5); hbox->set_spacing (10); hbox->pack_start (*label, false, false); hbox->pack_start (short_xfade_slider, true, true); misc_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); short_xfade_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::short_xfade_adjustment_changed)); label = manage (new Label (_("Destructive crossfade length (msecs)"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (5); hbox->set_spacing (10); hbox->pack_start (*label, false, false); hbox->pack_start (destructo_xfade_slider, true, true); misc_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); destructo_xfade_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::destructo_xfade_adjustment_changed)); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (5); hbox->set_spacing (10); hbox->pack_start (limit_history_button, false, false); misc_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); label = manage (new Label (_("History depth (commands)"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (5); hbox->set_spacing (10); hbox->pack_start (*label, false, false); hbox->pack_start (history_depth_spinner, false, false); misc_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); history_depth.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::history_depth_changed)); saved_history_depth.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::saved_history_depth_changed)); save_history_button.signal_toggled().connect (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::save_history_toggled)); limit_history_button.signal_toggled().connect (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::limit_history_toggled)); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (5); hbox->set_spacing (10); hbox->pack_start (save_history_button, false, false); misc_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); label = manage (new Label (_("Saved history depth (commands)"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (5); hbox->set_spacing (10); hbox->pack_start (*label, false, false); hbox->pack_start (saved_history_depth_spinner, false, false); misc_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); short_xfade_slider.set_update_policy (UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS); destructo_xfade_slider.set_update_policy (UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS); destructo_xfade_adjustment.set_value (Config->get_destructive_xfade_msecs()); misc_packer.show_all (); } void OptionEditor::limit_history_toggled () { bool x = limit_history_button.get_active(); if (!x) { Config->set_history_depth (0); history_depth_spinner.set_sensitive (false); } else { if (Config->get_history_depth() == 0) { /* get back to a sane default */ Config->set_history_depth (20); } history_depth_spinner.set_sensitive (true); } } void OptionEditor::save_history_toggled () { bool x = save_history_button.get_active(); if (x != Config->get_save_history()) { Config->set_save_history (x); saved_history_depth_spinner.set_sensitive (x); } } void OptionEditor::history_depth_changed() { Config->set_history_depth ((int32_t) floor (history_depth.get_value())); } void OptionEditor::saved_history_depth_changed() { Config->set_saved_history_depth ((int32_t) floor (saved_history_depth.get_value())); } void OptionEditor::short_xfade_adjustment_changed () { if (session) { float val = short_xfade_adjustment.get_value(); /* val is in msecs */ Crossfade::set_short_xfade_length ((nframes_t) floor (session->frame_rate() * (val / 1000.0))); } } void OptionEditor::destructo_xfade_adjustment_changed () { float val = destructo_xfade_adjustment.get_value(); /* val is in msecs */ Config->set_destructive_xfade_msecs ((uint32_t) floor (val)); if (session) { SndFileSource::setup_standard_crossfades (session->frame_rate()); } } void OptionEditor::setup_sync_options () { HBox* hbox; vector dumb; smpte_offset_clock.set_mode (AudioClock::SMPTE); smpte_offset_clock.ValueChanged.connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::smpte_offset_chosen)); smpte_offset_negative_button.set_name ("OptionEditorToggleButton"); smpte_offset_negative_button.unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS); Label *smpte_offset_label = manage (new Label (_("SMPTE Offset"))); smpte_offset_label->set_name("OptionsLabel"); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (5); hbox->set_spacing (10); hbox->pack_start (*smpte_offset_label, false, false); hbox->pack_start (smpte_offset_clock, false, false); hbox->pack_start (smpte_offset_negative_button, false, false); sync_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); sync_packer.pack_start (synced_timecode_button, false, false); smpte_offset_negative_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::smpte_offset_negative_clicked)); synced_timecode_button.signal_toggled().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::synced_timecode_toggled)); } void OptionEditor::smpte_offset_negative_clicked () { if (session) { session->set_smpte_offset_negative (smpte_offset_negative_button.get_active()); } } void OptionEditor::synced_timecode_toggled () { bool x; if ((x = synced_timecode_button.get_active()) != Config->get_timecode_source_is_synced()) { Config->set_timecode_source_is_synced (x); Config->save_state(); } } void OptionEditor::smpte_offset_chosen() { if (session) { nframes_t frames = smpte_offset_clock.current_duration(); session->set_smpte_offset (frames); } } void OptionEditor::setup_midi_options () { HBox* hbox; Label* label; midi_port_table.set_row_spacings (6); midi_port_table.set_col_spacings (10); redisplay_midi_ports (); mmc_receive_device_id_adjustment.set_value (Config->get_mmc_receive_device_id()); mmc_send_device_id_adjustment.set_value (Config->get_mmc_send_device_id()); mmc_receive_device_id_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::mmc_receive_device_id_adjusted)); mmc_send_device_id_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::mmc_send_device_id_adjusted)); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (6); hbox->pack_start (midi_port_table, true, false); midi_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); add_midi_port_button.set_label ("Add MIDI Port"); midi_packer.pack_start (add_midi_port_button, false, false); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (6); hbox->set_spacing (6); label = (manage (new Label (_("Inbound MMC Device ID")))); hbox->pack_start (mmc_receive_device_id_spinner, false, false); hbox->pack_start (*label, false, false); midi_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); mmc_receive_device_id_spinner.set_value(Config->get_mmc_receive_device_id ()); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (6); hbox->set_spacing (6); label = (manage (new Label (_("Outbound MMC Device ID")))); hbox->pack_start (mmc_send_device_id_spinner, false, false); hbox->pack_start (*label, false, false); midi_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); mmc_send_device_id_spinner.set_value(Config->get_mmc_send_device_id ()); hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (6); hbox->set_spacing (6); label = (manage (new Label (_("Startup program change")))); hbox->pack_start (initial_program_change_spinner, false, false); hbox->pack_start (*label, false, false); midi_packer.pack_start (*hbox, false, false); initial_program_change_spinner.set_value (Config->get_initial_program_change()); initial_program_change_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::initial_program_change_adjusted)); add_midi_port_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::add_midi_port)); } void OptionEditor::initial_program_change_adjusted () { Config->set_initial_program_change (((int32_t) floor (initial_program_change_adjustment.get_value())) & 0x7f); } void OptionEditor::redisplay_midi_ports () { MIDI::Manager::PortMap::const_iterator i; const MIDI::Manager::PortMap& ports = MIDI::Manager::instance()->get_midi_ports(); int n; /* remove all existing widgets */ // XXX broken in gtkmm 2.10 // midi_port_table.clear (); for (vector::iterator w = midi_port_table_widgets.begin(); w != midi_port_table_widgets.end(); ++w) { midi_port_table.remove (**w); } midi_port_table_widgets.clear (); midi_port_table.resize (ports.size() + 4, 12); Gtk::Label* label; label = (manage (new Label (_("Port")))); label->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (label); midi_port_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, 0, 1); label = (manage (new Label (_("Offline")))); label->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (label); midi_port_table.attach (*label, 1, 2, 0, 1); label = (manage (new Label (_("Trace\ninput")))); label->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (label); midi_port_table.attach (*label, 2, 3, 0, 1); label = (manage (new Label (_("Trace\noutput")))); label->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (label); midi_port_table.attach (*label, 3, 4, 0, 1); label = (manage (new Label (_("MTC")))); label->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (label); midi_port_table.attach (*label, 4, 5, 0, 1); label = (manage (new Label (_("MIDI\nclock")))); label->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (label); midi_port_table.attach (*label, 6, 7, 0, 1); label = (manage (new Label (_("MMC")))); label->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (label); midi_port_table.attach (*label, 8, 9, 0, 1); label = (manage (new Label (_("MIDI parameter\ncontrol")))); label->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (label); midi_port_table.attach (*label, 10, 11, 0, 1); Gtk::HSeparator* hsep = (manage (new HSeparator())); hsep->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (hsep); midi_port_table.attach (*hsep, 0, 11, 1, 2); Gtk::VSeparator* vsep = (manage (new VSeparator())); vsep->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (vsep); midi_port_table.attach (*vsep, 5, 6, 0, 8); vsep = (manage (new VSeparator())); vsep->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (vsep); midi_port_table.attach (*vsep, 7, 8, 0, 8); vsep = (manage (new VSeparator())); vsep->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (vsep); midi_port_table.attach (*vsep, 9, 10, 0, 8); for (n = 0, i = ports.begin(); i != ports.end(); ++n, ++i) { ToggleButton* tb; RadioButton* rb; Button* bb; /* the remove button. create early so we can pass it to various callbacks */ bb = manage (new Button (Stock::REMOVE)); bb->set_name ("OptionEditorToggleButton"); bb->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (bb); midi_port_table.attach (*bb, 11, 12, n+2, n+3, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); bb->signal_clicked().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::remove_midi_port), i->second)); bb->set_sensitive (port_removable (i->second)); label = (manage (new Label (i->first))); label->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (label); midi_port_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, n+2, n+3,FILL|EXPAND, FILL ); tb = manage (new ToggleButton (_("online"))); tb->set_name ("OptionEditorToggleButton"); /* remember, we have to handle the i18n case where the relative lengths of the strings in language N is different than in english. */ if (strlen (_("offline")) > strlen (_("online"))) { set_size_request_to_display_given_text (*tb, _("offline"), 15, 12); } else { set_size_request_to_display_given_text (*tb, _("online"), 15, 12); } if (i->second->input()) { tb->set_active (!i->second->input()->offline()); tb->signal_toggled().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::port_online_toggled), i->second, tb)); i->second->input()->OfflineStatusChanged.connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::map_port_online), (*i).second, tb)); } tb->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (tb); midi_port_table.attach (*tb, 1, 2, n+2, n+3, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); // Trace MIDI Input tb = manage (new ToggleButton ()); tb->set_name ("OptionEditorToggleButton"); tb->signal_toggled().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::port_trace_in_toggled), (*i).second, tb)); tb->set_size_request (10, 10); tb->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (tb); midi_port_table.attach (*tb, 2, 3, n+2, n+3, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); // Trace MIDI Output tb = manage (new ToggleButton ()); tb->set_name ("OptionEditorToggleButton"); tb->signal_toggled().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::port_trace_out_toggled), (*i).second, tb)); tb->set_size_request (10, 10); tb->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (tb); midi_port_table.attach (*tb, 3, 4, n+2, n+3, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); // MTC Radio Button rb = manage (new RadioButton ()); rb->set_name ("OptionEditorToggleButton"); if (n == 0) { mtc_button_group = rb->get_group(); } else { rb->set_group (mtc_button_group); } rb->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (rb); midi_port_table.attach (*rb, 4, 5, n+2, n+3, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); rb->signal_toggled().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::mtc_port_chosen), (*i).second, rb, bb)); if (session && i->second == session->mtc_port()) { rb->set_active (true); } // MIDI Clock Radio Button rb = manage (new RadioButton ()); rb->set_name ("OptionEditorToggleButton"); if (n == 0) { midi_clock_button_group = rb->get_group(); } else { rb->set_group (midi_clock_button_group); } rb->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (rb); midi_port_table.attach (*rb, 6, 7, n+2, n+3, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); rb->signal_toggled().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::midi_clock_port_chosen), (*i).second, rb, bb)); if (session && i->second == session->midi_clock_port()) { rb->set_active (true); } rb = manage (new RadioButton ()); rb->set_name ("OptionEditorToggleButton"); if (n == 0) { mmc_button_group = rb->get_group(); } else { rb->set_group (mmc_button_group); } rb->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (rb); midi_port_table.attach (*rb, 8, 9, n+2, n+3, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); rb->signal_toggled().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::mmc_port_chosen), (*i).second, rb, bb)); if (session && i->second == session->mmc_port()) { rb->set_active (true); } rb = manage (new RadioButton ()); rb->set_name ("OptionEditorToggleButton"); if (n == 0) { midi_button_group = rb->get_group(); } else { rb->set_group (midi_button_group); } rb->show (); midi_port_table_widgets.push_back (rb); midi_port_table.attach (*rb, 10, 11, n+2, n+3, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); rb->signal_toggled().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::midi_port_chosen), (*i).second, rb, bb)); if (session && i->second == session->midi_port()) { rb->set_active (true); } } midi_port_table.show(); } void OptionEditor::remove_midi_port (MIDI::Port* port) { MIDI::Manager::instance()->remove_port (port); redisplay_midi_ports (); } void OptionEditor::add_midi_port () { MidiPortDialog dialog; dialog.set_position (WIN_POS_MOUSE); dialog.set_transient_for (*this); dialog.show (); int ret = dialog.run (); switch (ret) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: return; break; } Glib::ustring mode = dialog.port_mode_combo.get_active_text(); std::string smod; if (mode == _("input")) { smod = X_("input"); } else if (mode == (_("output"))) { smod = X_("output"); } else { smod = "duplex"; } XMLNode node (X_("MIDI-port")); node.add_property ("tag", dialog.port_name.get_text()); node.add_property ("device", X_("ardour")); // XXX this can't be right for all types node.add_property ("type", MIDI::PortFactory::default_port_type()); node.add_property ("mode", smod); if (MIDI::Manager::instance()->add_port (node) != 0) { redisplay_midi_ports (); } } bool OptionEditor::port_removable (MIDI::Port *port) { if (!session) { return true; } if (port == session->mtc_port() || port == session->mmc_port() || port == session->midi_port()) { return false; } return true; } void OptionEditor::mtc_port_chosen (MIDI::Port *port, Gtk::RadioButton* rb, Gtk::Button* bb) { if (session) { if (rb->get_active()) { session->set_mtc_port (port->name()); Config->set_mtc_port_name (port->name()); } else { session->set_mtc_port (""); } bb->set_sensitive (port_removable (port)); } } void OptionEditor::mmc_port_chosen (MIDI::Port* port, Gtk::RadioButton* rb, Gtk::Button* bb) { if (session) { if (rb->get_active()) { session->set_mmc_port (port->name()); Config->set_mtc_port_name (port->name()); } else { session->set_mmc_port (""); } bb->set_sensitive (port_removable (port)); } } void OptionEditor::midi_port_chosen (MIDI::Port* port, Gtk::RadioButton* rb, Gtk::Button* bb) { if (session) { if (rb->get_active()) { session->set_midi_port (port->name()); Config->set_midi_port_name (port->name()); } else { session->set_midi_port (""); } bb->set_sensitive (port_removable (port)); } } void OptionEditor::midi_clock_port_chosen (MIDI::Port *port, Gtk::RadioButton* rb, Gtk::Button* bb) { if (session) { if (rb->get_active()) { session->set_midi_clock_port (port->name()); Config->set_midi_clock_port_name (port->name()); } else { session->set_midi_clock_port (""); } bb->set_sensitive (port_removable (port)); } } void OptionEditor::port_online_toggled (MIDI::Port* port, ToggleButton* tb) { bool wanted = tb->get_active(); if (port->input()) { if (wanted != port->input()->offline()) { port->input()->set_offline (wanted); } } } void OptionEditor::map_port_online (MIDI::Port* port, ToggleButton* tb) { bool bstate = tb->get_active (); if (port->input()) { if (bstate != port->input()->offline()) { if (port->input()->offline()) { tb->set_label (_("offline")); tb->set_active (false); } else { tb->set_label (_("online")); tb->set_active (true); } } } } void OptionEditor::mmc_receive_device_id_adjusted () { uint8_t id = (uint8_t) mmc_receive_device_id_spinner.get_value(); Config->set_mmc_receive_device_id (id); } void OptionEditor::mmc_send_device_id_adjusted () { uint8_t id = (uint8_t) mmc_send_device_id_spinner.get_value(); Config->set_mmc_send_device_id (id); } void OptionEditor::port_trace_in_toggled (MIDI::Port* port, ToggleButton* tb) { bool trace = tb->get_active(); if (port->input()) { if (port->input()->tracing() != trace) { port->input()->trace (trace, &cerr, string (port->name()) + string (" input: ")); } } } void OptionEditor::port_trace_out_toggled (MIDI::Port* port, ToggleButton* tb) { bool trace = tb->get_active(); if (port->output()) { if (port->output()->tracing() != trace) { port->output()->trace (trace, &cerr, string (port->name()) + string (" output: ")); } } } void OptionEditor::save () { /* XXX a bit odd that we save the entire session state here */ ui.save_state (""); } gint OptionEditor::wm_close (GdkEventAny *ev) { save (); hide (); return TRUE; } void OptionEditor::raid_path_changed () { if (session) { Config->set_raid_path (session_raid_entry.get_text()); } } void OptionEditor::click_browse_clicked () { SoundFileChooser sfdb (*this, _("Choose Click"), session); sfdb.show_all (); sfdb.present (); int result = sfdb.run (); if (result == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) { click_chosen(sfdb.get_filename()); } } void OptionEditor::click_chosen (const string & path) { click_path_entry.set_text (path); click_sound_changed (); } void OptionEditor::click_emphasis_browse_clicked () { SoundFileChooser sfdb (*this, _("Choose Click Emphasis"), session); sfdb.show_all (); sfdb.present (); int result = sfdb.run (); if (result == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) { click_emphasis_chosen (sfdb.get_filename()); } } void OptionEditor::click_emphasis_chosen (const string & path) { click_emphasis_path_entry.set_text (path); click_emphasis_sound_changed (); } void OptionEditor::click_sound_changed () { if (session) { string path = click_path_entry.get_text(); if (path == Config->get_click_sound()) { return; } strip_whitespace_edges (path); if (path == _("internal")) { Config->set_click_sound (""); } else { Config->set_click_sound (path); } } } void OptionEditor::click_emphasis_sound_changed () { if (session) { string path = click_emphasis_path_entry.get_text(); if (path == Config->get_click_emphasis_sound()) { return; } strip_whitespace_edges (path); if (path == _("internal")) { Config->set_click_emphasis_sound (""); } else { Config->set_click_emphasis_sound (path); } } } void OptionEditor::clear_click_editor () { if (click_io_selector) { click_hpacker.remove (*click_io_selector); click_hpacker.remove (*click_gpm); delete click_io_selector; delete click_gpm; click_io_selector = 0; click_gpm = 0; } } void OptionEditor::setup_click_editor () { Label* label; if (first_click_setup) { click_path_entry.set_name ("OptionsEntry"); click_emphasis_path_entry.set_name ("OptionsEntry"); click_path_entry.signal_activate().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::click_sound_changed)); click_emphasis_path_entry.signal_activate().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::click_emphasis_sound_changed)); click_path_entry.signal_focus_out_event().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::focus_out_event_handler), &OptionEditor::click_sound_changed)); click_emphasis_path_entry.signal_focus_out_event().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::focus_out_event_handler), &OptionEditor::click_emphasis_sound_changed)); click_browse_button.set_name ("EditorGTKButton"); click_emphasis_browse_button.set_name ("EditorGTKButton"); click_browse_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::click_browse_clicked)); click_emphasis_browse_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::click_emphasis_browse_clicked)); click_packer.set_border_width (12); click_packer.set_spacing (5); click_table.set_col_spacings (10); label = manage(new Label(_("Click audio file:"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); label->set_alignment (0, 0.5); click_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, 0, 1, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); click_table.attach (click_path_entry, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); click_table.attach (click_browse_button, 2, 3, 0, 1, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); label = manage(new Label(_("Click emphasis audiofile:"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); label->set_alignment (0, 0.5); click_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, 1, 2, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); click_table.attach (click_emphasis_path_entry, 1, 2, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); click_table.attach (click_emphasis_browse_button, 2, 3, 1, 2, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); click_packer.pack_start (click_table, false, false); click_packer.pack_start (click_hpacker, false, false); click_hpacker.set_spacing (10); first_click_setup = false; } click_path_entry.set_sensitive (true); click_emphasis_path_entry.set_sensitive (true); click_io_selector = new IOSelector (*session, session->click_io(), false); click_gpm = new GainMeter (*session); click_gpm->set_io (session->click_io()); click_hpacker.pack_start (*click_io_selector, false, false); click_hpacker.pack_start (*click_gpm, false, false); click_packer.show_all (); } void OptionEditor::clear_auditioner_editor () { if (auditioner_io_selector) { audition_hpacker.remove (*auditioner_io_selector); audition_hpacker.remove (*auditioner_gpm); delete auditioner_io_selector; delete auditioner_gpm; auditioner_io_selector = 0; auditioner_gpm = 0; } } void OptionEditor::setup_auditioner_editor () { audition_packer.set_border_width (12); audition_packer.set_spacing (5); audition_hpacker.set_spacing (10); audition_label.set_name ("OptionEditorAuditionerLabel"); audition_label.set_text (_("The auditioner is a dedicated mixer strip used\n" "for listening to specific regions outside the context\n" "of the overall mix. It can be connected just like any\n" "other mixer strip.")); audition_packer.pack_start (audition_label, false, false, 10); audition_packer.pack_start (audition_hpacker, false, false); } void OptionEditor::connect_audition_editor () { auditioner_io_selector = new IOSelector (*session, session->the_auditioner(), false); auditioner_gpm = new GainMeter (*session); auditioner_gpm->set_io (session->the_auditioner()); audition_hpacker.pack_start (*auditioner_io_selector, false, false); audition_hpacker.pack_start (*auditioner_gpm, false, false); auditioner_io_selector->show_all (); auditioner_gpm->show_all (); } bool OptionEditor::focus_out_event_handler (GdkEventFocus* ev, void (OptionEditor::*pmf)()) { (this->*pmf)(); return false; } static const struct { const char *name; guint modifier; } modifiers[] = { #ifdef GTKOSX /* Command = Meta Option/Alt = Mod1 */ { "Shift", GDK_SHIFT_MASK }, { "Command", GDK_META_MASK }, { "Control", GDK_CONTROL_MASK }, { "Option", GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Command-Shift", GDK_MOD1_MASK|GDK_SHIFT_MASK }, { "Command-Option", GDK_MOD1_MASK|GDK_MOD5_MASK }, { "Shift-Option", GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_MOD5_MASK }, { "Shift-Command-Option", GDK_MOD5_MASK|GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_MOD1_MASK }, #else { "Shift", GDK_SHIFT_MASK }, { "Control", GDK_CONTROL_MASK }, { "Alt (Mod1)", GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Control-Shift", GDK_CONTROL_MASK|GDK_SHIFT_MASK }, { "Control-Alt", GDK_CONTROL_MASK|GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Shift-Alt", GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Control-Shift-Alt", GDK_CONTROL_MASK|GDK_SHIFT_MASK|GDK_MOD1_MASK }, { "Mod2", GDK_MOD2_MASK }, { "Mod3", GDK_MOD3_MASK }, { "Mod4", GDK_MOD4_MASK }, { "Mod5", GDK_MOD5_MASK }, #endif { 0, 0 } }; void OptionEditor::setup_keyboard_options () { vector dumb; Label* label; keyboard_mouse_table.set_border_width (12); keyboard_mouse_table.set_row_spacings (5); keyboard_mouse_table.set_col_spacings (5); /* internationalize and prepare for use with combos */ for (int i = 0; modifiers[i].name; ++i) { dumb.push_back (_(modifiers[i].name)); } set_popdown_strings (edit_modifier_combo, dumb); edit_modifier_combo.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::edit_modifier_chosen)); for (int x = 0; modifiers[x].name; ++x) { if (modifiers[x].modifier == Keyboard::edit_modifier ()) { edit_modifier_combo.set_active_text (_(modifiers[x].name)); break; } } label = manage (new Label (_("Edit using:"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (edit_modifier_combo, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); label = manage (new Label (_("+ button"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (*label, 3, 4, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (edit_button_spin, 4, 5, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); edit_button_spin.set_name ("OptionsEntry"); edit_button_adjustment.set_value (Keyboard::edit_button()); edit_button_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::edit_button_changed)); set_popdown_strings (delete_modifier_combo, dumb); delete_modifier_combo.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::delete_modifier_chosen)); for (int x = 0; modifiers[x].name; ++x) { if (modifiers[x].modifier == Keyboard::delete_modifier ()) { delete_modifier_combo.set_active_text (_(modifiers[x].name)); break; } } label = manage (new Label (_("Delete using:"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (delete_modifier_combo, 1, 2, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); label = manage (new Label (_("+ button"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (*label, 3, 4, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (delete_button_spin, 4, 5, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); delete_button_spin.set_name ("OptionsEntry"); delete_button_adjustment.set_value (Keyboard::delete_button()); delete_button_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::delete_button_changed)); set_popdown_strings (snap_modifier_combo, dumb); snap_modifier_combo.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun(*this, &OptionEditor::snap_modifier_chosen)); for (int x = 0; modifiers[x].name; ++x) { if (modifiers[x].modifier == (guint) Keyboard::snap_modifier ()) { snap_modifier_combo.set_active_text (_(modifiers[x].name)); break; } } label = manage (new Label (_("Ignore snap using:"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, 2, 3, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (snap_modifier_combo, 1, 2, 2, 3, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); vector strs; for (std::map::iterator bf = Keyboard::binding_files.begin(); bf != Keyboard::binding_files.end(); ++bf) { strs.push_back (bf->first); } set_popdown_strings (keyboard_layout_selector, strs); keyboard_layout_selector.set_active_text (Keyboard::current_binding_name()); keyboard_layout_selector.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::bindings_changed)); label = manage (new Label (_("Keyboard layout:"))); label->set_name ("OptionsLabel"); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, 3, 4, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); keyboard_mouse_table.attach (keyboard_layout_selector, 1, 2, 3, 4, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, FILL); } void OptionEditor::bindings_changed () { string txt; txt = keyboard_layout_selector.get_active_text(); for (std::map::iterator i = Keyboard::binding_files.begin(); i != Keyboard::binding_files.end(); ++i) { if (txt == i->first) { if (Keyboard::load_keybindings (i->second)) { Keyboard::save_keybindings (); } } } } void OptionEditor::edit_modifier_chosen () { string txt; txt = edit_modifier_combo.get_active_text(); for (int i = 0; modifiers[i].name; ++i) { if (txt == _(modifiers[i].name)) { Keyboard::set_edit_modifier (modifiers[i].modifier); break; } } } void OptionEditor::delete_modifier_chosen () { string txt; txt = delete_modifier_combo.get_active_text(); for (int i = 0; modifiers[i].name; ++i) { if (txt == _(modifiers[i].name)) { Keyboard::set_delete_modifier (modifiers[i].modifier); break; } } } void OptionEditor::snap_modifier_chosen () { string txt; txt = snap_modifier_combo.get_active_text(); for (int i = 0; modifiers[i].name; ++i) { if (txt == _(modifiers[i].name)) { Keyboard::set_snap_modifier (modifiers[i].modifier); break; } } } void OptionEditor::delete_button_changed () { Keyboard::set_delete_button ((guint) delete_button_adjustment.get_value()); } void OptionEditor::edit_button_changed () { Keyboard::set_edit_button ((guint) edit_button_adjustment.get_value()); } void OptionEditor::fixup_combo_size (Gtk::ComboBoxText& combo, vector& strings) { /* find the widest string */ string::size_type maxlen = 0; string maxstring; for (vector::iterator i = strings.begin(); i != strings.end(); ++i) { string::size_type l; if ((l = (*i).length()) > maxlen) { maxlen = l; maxstring = *i; } } /* try to include ascenders and descenders */ if (maxstring.length() > 2) { maxstring[0] = 'g'; maxstring[1] = 'l'; } const guint32 FUDGE = 10; // Combo's are stupid - they steal space from the entry for the button set_size_request_to_display_given_text (combo, maxstring.c_str(), 10 + FUDGE, 10); } void OptionEditor::parameter_changed (const char* parameter_name) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (bind (mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::parameter_changed), parameter_name)); #define PARAM_IS(x) (!strcmp (parameter_name, (x))) if (PARAM_IS ("timecode-source-is-synced")) { synced_timecode_button.set_active (Config->get_timecode_source_is_synced()); } else if (PARAM_IS ("history-depth")) { int32_t depth = Config->get_history_depth(); history_depth.set_value (depth); history_depth_spinner.set_sensitive (depth != 0); limit_history_button.set_active (depth != 0); } else if (PARAM_IS ("saved-history-depth")) { saved_history_depth.set_value (Config->get_saved_history_depth()); } else if (PARAM_IS ("save-history")) { bool x = Config->get_save_history(); save_history_button.set_active (x); saved_history_depth_spinner.set_sensitive (x); } else if (PARAM_IS ("font-scale")) { reset_dpi(); } }