#!/bin/sh # # NOTE: Leopard appears not to set PATH for this script, so be absolutely certain # never to use any other program without fully specifying the path. # # this is used to detect a missing JACK install which # is the most common thing causing startup crashes. # if test ! -x /usr/local/bin/jackd -a ! -x /usr/bin/jackd ; then /usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" display dialog "You do not have JACK installed. Ardour will not run without it. See http://jackaudio.org/ for info" buttons["OK"] end tell' exit 1 fi # this needs to be set so that we can restore the environment when we want to find JACK (or similar) export PREBUNDLE_ENV="$(env)" # all clear, lets go # this quoting is all needed to handle installation # in folders likes /home/user/Frank's Wild Years CWD="`/usr/bin/dirname \"$0\"`" exec "$CWD/Ardour3.bin" "$@"