# -*- python -*- import os import os.path import glob Import ('env gtkardour install_prefix intl_files') potfiles_in = open('POTFILES.in', 'w') intl_files.sort() print "Generating POTFILES.in in gtk_ardour/po" potfiles_in.write("""# This file was automatically generated by a configuration script. # Contains a list of source files containing translatable # strings sorted alphabetically. [encoding: UTF-8] """) for f in intl_files[:]: potfiles_in.write(f + '\n') potfiles_in.close() print "Updating pot file: " domain = gtkardour['DOMAIN'] potfile = gtkardour['POTFILE'] poaction = Action('intltool-update -p -g=' + domain) Execute(poaction) # this should probably be merged with the i18n builder somehow p_oze = [ os.path.basename (po) for po in glob.glob ('*.po') ] languages = [ po.replace ('.po', '') for po in p_oze ] m_oze = [ po.replace (".po", ".mo") for po in p_oze ] for mo in m_oze[:]: po = mo.replace (".mo", ".po") env.Alias ('install', gtkardour.MoBuild (mo, [ po, potfile ])) for lang in languages[:]: modir = (os.path.join (install_prefix, 'share/locale/' + lang + '/LC_MESSAGES/')) moname = domain + '.mo' env.Alias('install', env.InstallAs (os.path.join (modir, moname), lang + '.mo')) env.Alias ('tarball', env.Distribute (env['DISTTREE'], [ 'SConscript', 'gtk_ardour.pot' ] + glob.glob('*.po')))