/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Paul Davis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include "pbd/unwind.h" #include "canvas/canvas.h" #include "canvas/cbox.h" #include "canvas/constrained_item.h" using namespace ArdourCanvas; using namespace kiwi; using std::cerr; using std::endl; cBox::cBox (Canvas* c, Orientation o) : ConstraintPacker (c) , orientation (o) , _spacing (0) , _top_padding (0) , _bottom_padding (0) , _left_padding (0) , _right_padding (0) , _top_margin (0) , _bottom_margin (0) , _left_margin (0) , _right_margin (0) , collapse_on_hide (false) , homogenous (true) { } cBox::cBox (Item* i, Orientation o) : ConstraintPacker (i) , orientation (o) , _spacing (0) , _top_padding (0) , _bottom_padding (0) , _left_padding (0) , _right_padding (0) , _top_margin (0) , _bottom_margin (0) , _left_margin (0) , _right_margin (0) , collapse_on_hide (false) , homogenous (true) { } void cBox::set_spacing (double s) { _spacing = s; } void cBox::set_padding (double top, double right, double bottom, double left) { double last = top; _top_padding = last; if (right >= 0) { last = right; } _right_padding = last; if (bottom >= 0) { last = bottom; } _bottom_padding = last; if (left >= 0) { last = left; } _left_padding = last; } void cBox::set_margin (double top, double right, double bottom, double left) { double last = top; _top_margin = last; if (right >= 0) { last = right; } _right_margin = last; if (bottom >= 0) { last = bottom; } _bottom_margin = last; if (left >= 0) { last = left; } _left_margin = last; } void cBox::remove (Item* item) { for (Order::iterator t = order.begin(); t != order.end(); ++t) { if (&(*t)->item() == item) { order.erase (t); break; } } ConstraintPacker::remove (item); } BoxConstrainedItem* cBox::pack_start (Item* item, PackOptions primary_axis_opts, PackOptions secondary_axis_opts) { return pack (item, PackOptions (primary_axis_opts|PackFromStart), secondary_axis_opts); } BoxConstrainedItem* cBox::pack_end (Item* item, PackOptions primary_axis_opts, PackOptions secondary_axis_opts) { return pack (item, PackOptions (primary_axis_opts|PackFromEnd), secondary_axis_opts); } BoxConstrainedItem* cBox::pack (Item* item, PackOptions primary_axis_opts, PackOptions secondary_axis_opts) { BoxConstrainedItem* ci = new BoxConstrainedItem (*item, primary_axis_opts, secondary_axis_opts); add_constrained_internal (item, ci); order.push_back (ci); return ci; } void cBox::preferred_size (Duple& min, Duple& natural) const { Order::size_type n_expanding = 0; Order::size_type n_nonexpanding = 0; Order::size_type total = 0; Distance non_expanding_used = 0; Distance largest = 0; Distance largest_opposite = 0; Duple i_min, i_natural; for (Order::const_iterator o = order.begin(); o != order.end(); ++o) { (*o)->item().preferred_size (i_min, i_natural); // cerr << '\t' << (*o)->item().whoami() << " min " << i_min << " nat " << i_natural << endl; if ((*o)->primary_axis_pack_options() & PackExpand) { n_expanding++; if (orientation == Vertical) { if (i_natural.height() > largest) { largest = i_natural.height(); } } else { if (i_natural.width() > largest) { largest = i_natural.width(); } if (i_natural.height() > largest) { largest_opposite = i_natural.height(); } } } else { n_nonexpanding++; if (orientation == Vertical) { non_expanding_used += i_natural.height(); } else { non_expanding_used += i_natural.width(); } } /* determine the maximum size for the opposite axis. All items * will be this size or less on this axis */ if (orientation == Vertical) { if (i_natural.width() > largest_opposite) { largest_opposite = i_natural.width(); } } else { if (i_natural.height() > largest_opposite) { largest_opposite = i_natural.height(); } } total++; } Duple r; if (orientation == Vertical) { // cerr << "+++ vertical box, neu = " << non_expanding_used << " neuo " << non_expanding_used_opposite << " largest = " << largest << " opp " << largest_opposite << " total " << total << endl; min.y = non_expanding_used + (n_expanding * largest) + _top_margin + _bottom_margin + ((total - 1) * _spacing); min.x = largest_opposite + _left_margin + _right_margin; } else { // cerr << "+++ horiz box, neu = " << non_expanding_used << " neuo " << non_expanding_used_opposite << " largest = " << largest << " opp " << largest_opposite << " total " << total << endl; min.x = non_expanding_used + (n_expanding * largest) + _left_margin + _right_margin + ((total - 1) * _spacing); min.y = largest_opposite + _top_margin + _bottom_margin; } // cerr << whoami() << " preferred-size = " << min << endl; natural = min; } void cBox::size_allocate (Rect const & r) { PBD::Unwinder uw (in_alloc, true); Item::size_allocate (r); kiwi::Solver solver; double expanded_size; Order::size_type n_expanding = 0; Order::size_type n_nonexpanding = 0; Order::size_type total = 0; Distance non_expanding_used = 0; for (Order::iterator o = order.begin(); o != order.end(); ++o) { if ((*o)->primary_axis_pack_options() & PackExpand) { n_expanding++; } else { n_nonexpanding++; Duple min, natural; (*o)->item().preferred_size (min, natural); if (orientation == Vertical) { non_expanding_used += natural.height(); } else { non_expanding_used += natural.width(); } } total++; } if (orientation == Vertical) { expanded_size = (r.height() - _top_margin - _bottom_margin - ((total - 1) * _spacing) - non_expanding_used) / n_expanding; } else { expanded_size = (r.width() - _left_margin - _right_margin - ((total - 1) * _spacing) - non_expanding_used) / n_expanding; } // cerr << "\n\n\n" << whoami() << " SIZE-ALLOC " << r << " expanded items (" << n_expanding << ")will be " << expanded_size << " neu " << non_expanding_used << " t = " << total << " s " << _spacing << '\n'; Order::iterator prev = order.end(); try { for (Order::iterator o = order.begin(); o != order.end(); ++o) { Duple min, natural; (*o)->item().preferred_size (min, natural); if (orientation == Vertical) { add_vertical_box_constraints (solver, *o, prev == order.end() ? 0 : *prev, expanded_size, natural.height(), natural.width(), r.width()); } else { add_horizontal_box_constraints (solver, *o, prev == order.end() ? 0 : *prev, expanded_size, natural.width(), natural.height(), r.height()); } prev = o; } /* There maybe items that were not pack_start()'ed or * pack_end()'ed into this box, but just added with * constraints. Find all items in the box, and add any * constraints that come with them. */ for (ConstrainedItemMap::const_iterator x = constrained_map.begin(); x != constrained_map.end(); ++x) { std::vector const & constraints (x->second->constraints()); for (std::vector::const_iterator c = constraints.begin(); c != constraints.end(); ++c) { solver.addConstraint (*c); } } } catch (std::exception& e) { cerr << "Setting up sovler failed: " << e.what() << endl; return; } solver.updateVariables (); //solver.dump (cerr); //for (ConstrainedItemMap::const_iterator o = constrained_map.begin(); o != constrained_map.end(); ++o) { //o->second->dump (cerr); //} apply (&solver); _bounding_box_dirty = true; } void cBox::child_changed (bool bbox_changed) { } /* It would be nice to do this with templates or even by passing ptr-to-method, * but both of them interfere with the similarly meta-programming-ish nature of * the way that kiwi builds Constraint objects from expressions. So a macro it * is ... */ #define add_box_constraints(\ solver, \ bci, \ prev, \ expanded_size, \ natural_main_dimension, \ natural_second_dimension, \ alloc_second_dimension, \ m_main_dimension, \ m_second_dimension, \ m_trailing, \ m_leading, \ m_trailing_padding, \ m_leading_padding, \ m_second_trailing, \ m_second_leading, \ m_second_trailing_padding, \ m_second_leading_padding) \ \ /* Add constraints that will size the item within this box */ \ \ /* set up constraints for expand/fill options, done by \ * adjusting height and margins of each item \ */ \ \ if (bci->primary_axis_pack_options() & PackExpand) { \ \ /* item will take up more than it's natural \ * size, if space is available \ */ \ \ if (bci->primary_axis_pack_options() & PackFill) { \ \ /* item is expanding to fill all \ * available space and wants that space \ * for itself. \ */ \ \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_main_dimension() == expanded_size | kiwi::strength::strong); \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_trailing_padding() == 0. | kiwi::strength::strong); \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_leading_padding() == 0. | kiwi::strength::strong); \ \ } else { \ \ /* item is expanding to fill all \ * available space and wants that space \ * as padding \ */ \ \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_main_dimension() == natural_main_dimension); \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_trailing_padding() + bci->m_leading_padding() + bci->m_main_dimension() == expanded_size | kiwi::strength::strong); \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_leading_padding() == bci->m_trailing_padding() | kiwi::strength::strong); \ } \ \ } else { \ \ /* item is not going to expand to fill \ * available space. just give it's preferred \ * height. \ */ \ \ /* cerr << bci->item().whoami() << " will usenatural height of " << natural.height() << endl; */ \ \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_main_dimension() == natural_main_dimension); \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_trailing_padding() == 0.); \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_leading_padding() == 0.); \ } \ \ /* now set upper upper edge of the item */ \ \ if (prev == 0) { \ \ /* first item */ \ \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_trailing() == _top_margin + bci->m_trailing_padding() | kiwi::strength::strong); \ \ } else { \ /* subsequent items */ \ \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_trailing() == prev->m_leading() + prev->m_leading_padding() + bci->m_trailing_padding() + _spacing | kiwi::strength::strong); \ } \ \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_leading() == bci->m_trailing() + bci->m_main_dimension()); \ \ /* set the side-effect variables and/or constants */ \ \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_second_trailing_padding() == 0 | kiwi::strength::weak); \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_second_leading_padding() == 0 | kiwi::strength::weak); \ \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_second_trailing() + bci->m_second_dimension() == bci->m_second_leading()); \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_second_trailing() == _left_margin + bci->m_second_trailing_padding() | kiwi::strength::strong); \ \ if (!(bci->secondary_axis_pack_options() & PackExpand) && natural_second_dimension > 0) { \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_second_dimension() == natural_second_dimension); \ } else { \ solver.addConstraint (bci->m_second_dimension() == alloc_second_dimension - (_left_margin + _right_margin + bci->m_second_leading_padding()) | kiwi::strength::strong); \ } void cBox::add_vertical_box_constraints (kiwi::Solver& solver, BoxConstrainedItem* ci, BoxConstrainedItem* prev, double expanded_size, double main_dimension, double second_dimension, double alloc_dimension) { add_box_constraints (solver, ci, prev, expanded_size, main_dimension, second_dimension, alloc_dimension, height, width, top, bottom, top_padding, bottom_padding, left, right, left_padding, right_padding); } void cBox::add_horizontal_box_constraints (kiwi::Solver& solver, BoxConstrainedItem* ci, BoxConstrainedItem* prev, double expanded_size, double main_dimension, double second_dimension, double alloc_dimension) { add_box_constraints (solver, ci, prev, expanded_size, main_dimension, second_dimension, alloc_dimension, width, height, left, right, left_padding, right_padding, top, bottom, top_padding, bottom_padding); }