/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nick Mainsbridge * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "edit_note_dialog.h" #include "midi_region_view.h" #include "note_base.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Temporal; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; /** * EditNoteDialog constructor. * * @param n Notes to edit. */ EditNoteDialog::EditNoteDialog (MidiRegionView* rv, set n) : ArdourDialog (_("Note")) , _region_view (rv) , _events (n) , _channel_all (_("Set selected notes to this channel")) , _pitch_all (_("Set selected notes to this pitch")) , _velocity_all (_("Set selected notes to this velocity")) , _time_clock (X_("notetime"), true, "", true, false) , _time_all (_("Set selected notes to this time")) , _length_clock (X_("notelength"), true, "", true, false, true) , _length_all (_("Set selected notes to this length")) { Table* table = manage (new Table (4, 2)); table->set_spacings (6); int r = 0; Label* l = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Channel"))); table->attach (*l, 0, 1, r, r + 1); table->attach (_channel, 1, 2, r, r + 1); table->attach (_channel_all, 2, 3, r, r + 1); ++r; _channel.set_range (1, 16); _channel.set_increments (1, 2); _channel.set_value ((*_events.begin())->note()->channel () + 1); l = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Pitch"))); table->attach (*l, 0, 1, r, r + 1); table->attach (_pitch, 1, 2, r, r + 1); table->attach (_pitch_all, 2, 3, r, r + 1); ++r; _pitch.set_range (0, 127); _pitch.set_increments (1, 10); _pitch.set_value ((*_events.begin())->note()->note()); l = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Velocity"))); table->attach (*l, 0, 1, r, r + 1); table->attach (_velocity, 1, 2, r, r + 1); table->attach (_velocity_all, 2, 3, r, r + 1); ++r; _velocity.set_range (0, 127); _velocity.set_increments (1, 10); _velocity.set_value ((*_events.begin())->note()->velocity ()); l = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Time"))); table->attach (*l, 0, 1, r, r + 1); table->attach (_time_clock, 1, 2, r, r + 1); table->attach (_time_all, 2, 3, r, r + 1); ++r; _time_clock.set_session (_region_view->get_time_axis_view().session ()); _time_clock.set_mode (AudioClock::BBT); timecnt_t dur = _region_view->source_relative_distance (timecnt_t ((*_events.begin())->note()->time(), timepos_t()), BeatTime); timepos_t pos = _region_view->region()->source_position() + dur; _time_clock.set (pos, true); l = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Length"))); table->attach (*l, 0, 1, r, r + 1); table->attach (_length_clock, 1, 2, r, r + 1); table->attach (_length_all, 2, 3, r, r + 1); ++r; _length_clock.set_session (_region_view->get_time_axis_view().session ()); _length_clock.set_mode (AudioClock::BBT); dur = _region_view->region_relative_distance (timecnt_t ((*_events.begin())->note()->end_time (), timepos_t()), BarTime); pos = _region_view->region()->position() + dur; timecnt_t offset; dur = _region_view->region_relative_distance (timecnt_t ((*_events.begin())->note()->time (), timepos_t()), BarTime); offset = timecnt_t (_region_view->region()->position(), timepos_t()) + dur; _length_clock.set_is_duration (true, pos); _length_clock.set_duration (offset, true); /* Set up `set all notes...' buttons' sensitivity */ _channel_all.set_sensitive (false); _pitch_all.set_sensitive (false); _velocity_all.set_sensitive (false); _time_all.set_sensitive (false); _length_all.set_sensitive (false); int test_channel = (*_events.begin())->note()->channel (); int test_pitch = (*_events.begin())->note()->note (); int test_velocity = (*_events.begin())->note()->velocity (); Temporal::Beats test_time = (*_events.begin())->note()->time (); Temporal::Beats test_length = (*_events.begin())->note()->length (); for (set::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->note()->channel() != test_channel) { _channel_all.set_sensitive (true); } if ((*i)->note()->note() != test_pitch) { _pitch_all.set_sensitive (true); } if ((*i)->note()->velocity() != test_velocity) { _velocity_all.set_sensitive (true); } if ((*i)->note()->time () != test_time) { _time_all.set_sensitive (true); } if ((*i)->note()->length () != test_length) { _length_all.set_sensitive (true); } } get_vbox()->pack_start (*table); add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); add_button (Gtk::Stock::APPLY, Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); set_default_response (Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); } void EditNoteDialog::done (int r) { if (r != RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { return; } /* These calls mean that if a value is entered using the keyboard it will be returned by the get_value_as_int()s below. */ _channel.update (); _pitch.update (); _velocity.update (); _region_view->start_note_diff_command (_("edit note")); bool had_change = false; if (!_channel_all.get_sensitive() || _channel_all.get_active ()) { for (set::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if (_channel.get_value_as_int() - 1 != (*i)->note()->channel()) { _region_view->change_note_channel (*i, _channel.get_value_as_int () - 1); had_change = true; } } } if (!_pitch_all.get_sensitive() || _pitch_all.get_active ()) { for (set::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if (_pitch.get_value_as_int() != (*i)->note()->note()) { _region_view->change_note_note (*i, _pitch.get_value_as_int ()); had_change = true; } } } if (!_velocity_all.get_sensitive() || _velocity_all.get_active ()) { for (set::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if (_velocity.get_value_as_int() != (*i)->note()->velocity()) { _region_view->change_note_velocity (*i, _velocity.get_value_as_int ()); had_change = true; } } } timepos_t source_start = _region_view->region()->position().earlier (_region_view->region()->start()); /* convert current clock time into an offset from the start of the source */ timepos_t time_clock_source_relative = _time_clock.current_time().earlier (source_start); /* convert that into a position in Beats - this will be the new note time (as an offset inside the source) */ Beats const new_note_time_source_relative_beats = time_clock_source_relative.beats (); if (!_time_all.get_sensitive() || _time_all.get_active ()) { for (set::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if (new_note_time_source_relative_beats != (*i)->note()->time()) { _region_view->change_note_time (*i, new_note_time_source_relative_beats); had_change = true; } } } if (!_length_all.get_sensitive() || _length_all.get_active ()) { /* get current note duration, interpreted as beats at the time indicated by the _time_clock (the new note position) */ Beats const duration = _length_clock.current_duration (_time_clock.current_time()).beats (); /* compute end of note */ Beats const new_note_end_source_relative_beats = new_note_time_source_relative_beats + duration; for (set::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { Beats const new_note_length_beats = new_note_end_source_relative_beats - (*i)->note()->time(); if (new_note_length_beats != (*i)->note()->length()) { _region_view->change_note_length (*i, new_note_length_beats); had_change = true; } } } if (!had_change) { _region_view->abort_command (); } _region_view->apply_diff (); list notes; for (set::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { notes.push_back ((*i)->note()->id()); } _region_view->select_notes (notes, true); }