/* Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "boost/lambda/lambda.hpp" #include "pbd/control_math.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/dB.h" #include "ardour/meter.h" #include "ardour/monitor_processor.h" #include "osc.h" #include "osc_global_observer.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ArdourSurface; OSCGlobalObserver::OSCGlobalObserver (Session& s, lo_address a, uint32_t gm, std::bitset<32> fb) : gainmode (gm) ,feedback (fb) { addr = lo_address_new (lo_address_get_hostname(a) , lo_address_get_port(a)); session = &s; _last_frame = -1; if (feedback[4]) { // connect to all the things we want to send feed back from /* * Master (todo) * Pan width */ // Master channel first text_message (X_("/master/name"), "Master"); boost::shared_ptr strip = session->master_out(); boost::shared_ptr mute_controllable = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(strip->mute_control()); mute_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_change_message, this, X_("/master/mute"), strip->mute_control()), OSC::instance()); send_change_message ("/master/mute", strip->mute_control()); boost::shared_ptr trim_controllable = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(strip->trim_control()); trim_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_trim_message, this, X_("/master/trimdB"), strip->trim_control()), OSC::instance()); send_trim_message ("/master/trimdB", strip->trim_control()); boost::shared_ptr pan_controllable = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(strip->pan_azimuth_control()); if (pan_controllable) { pan_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_change_message, this, X_("/master/pan_stereo_position"), strip->pan_azimuth_control()), OSC::instance()); send_change_message ("/master/pan_stereo_position", strip->pan_azimuth_control()); } boost::shared_ptr gain_controllable = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(strip->gain_control()); gain_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_gain_message, this, X_("/master/"), strip->gain_control()), OSC::instance()); send_gain_message ("/master/", strip->gain_control()); // monitor stuff next strip = session->monitor_out(); if (strip) { text_message (X_("/monitor/name"), "Monitor"); boost::shared_ptr mon_mute_cont = strip->monitor_control()->cut_control(); mon_mute_cont->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_change_message, this, X_("/monitor/mute"), mon_mute_cont), OSC::instance()); send_change_message ("/monitor/mute", mon_mute_cont); boost::shared_ptr mon_dim_cont = strip->monitor_control()->dim_control(); mon_dim_cont->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_change_message, this, X_("/monitor/dim"), mon_dim_cont), OSC::instance()); send_change_message ("/monitor/dim", mon_dim_cont); boost::shared_ptr mon_mono_cont = strip->monitor_control()->mono_control(); mon_mono_cont->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_change_message, this, X_("/monitor/mono"), mon_mono_cont), OSC::instance()); send_change_message ("/monitor/mono", mon_mono_cont); gain_controllable = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(strip->gain_control()); gain_controllable->Changed.connect (strip_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_gain_message, this, X_("/monitor/"), strip->gain_control()), OSC::instance()); send_gain_message ("/monitor/", strip->gain_control()); } /* * Transport (todo) * punchin/out */ //Transport feedback session->TransportStateChange.connect(session_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_transport_state_changed, this), OSC::instance()); send_transport_state_changed (); session->TransportLooped.connect(session_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_transport_state_changed, this), OSC::instance()); session->RecordStateChanged.connect(session_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::send_record_state_changed, this), OSC::instance()); send_record_state_changed (); // session feedback session->StateSaved.connect(session_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::text_message, this, X_("/session_name"), _1), OSC::instance()); text_message (X_("/session_name"), session->snap_name()); session->SoloActive.connect(session_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&OSCGlobalObserver::solo_active, this, _1), OSC::instance()); solo_active (session->soloing() || session->listening()); /* * Maybe (many) more */ } } OSCGlobalObserver::~OSCGlobalObserver () { // need to add general zero everything messages strip_connections.drop_connections (); session_connections.drop_connections (); lo_address_free (addr); } void OSCGlobalObserver::tick () { framepos_t now_frame = session->transport_frame(); if (now_frame != _last_frame) { if (feedback[6]) { // timecode enabled Timecode::Time timecode; session->timecode_time (now_frame, timecode); // Timecode mode: Hours/Minutes/Seconds/Frames ostringstream os; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << timecode.hours; os << ':'; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << timecode.minutes; os << ':'; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << timecode.seconds; os << ':'; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << timecode.frames; text_message ("/position/smpte", os.str()); } if (feedback[5]) { // Bar beat enabled Timecode::BBT_Time bbt_time; session->bbt_time (now_frame, bbt_time); // semantics: BBB/bb/tttt ostringstream os; os << setw(3) << setfill('0') << bbt_time.bars; os << '|'; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << bbt_time.beats; os << '|'; os << setw(4) << setfill('0') << bbt_time.ticks; text_message ("/position/bbt", os.str()); } if (feedback[11]) { // minutes/seconds enabled framepos_t left = now_frame; int hrs = (int) floor (left / (session->frame_rate() * 60.0f * 60.0f)); left -= (framecnt_t) floor (hrs * session->frame_rate() * 60.0f * 60.0f); int mins = (int) floor (left / (session->frame_rate() * 60.0f)); left -= (framecnt_t) floor (mins * session->frame_rate() * 60.0f); int secs = (int) floor (left / (float) session->frame_rate()); left -= (framecnt_t) floor ((double)(secs * session->frame_rate())); int millisecs = floor (left * 1000.0 / (float) session->frame_rate()); // Min/sec mode: Hours/Minutes/Seconds/msec ostringstream os; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << hrs; os << ':'; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << mins; os << ':'; os << setw(2) << setfill('0') << secs; os << '.'; os << setw(3) << setfill('0') << millisecs; text_message ("/position/time", os.str()); } if (feedback[10]) { // samples ostringstream os; os << now_frame; text_message ("/position/samples", os.str()); } _last_frame = now_frame; } if (feedback[3]) { //heart beat enabled if (_heartbeat == 10) { float_message (X_("/heartbeat"), 1.0); } if (!_heartbeat) { float_message (X_("/heartbeat"), 0.0); } _heartbeat++; if (_heartbeat > 20) _heartbeat = 0; } if (feedback[7] || feedback[8] || feedback[9]) { // meters enabled // the only meter here is master float now_meter = session->master_out()->peak_meter()->meter_level(0, MeterMCP); if (now_meter < -94) now_meter = -193; if (_last_meter != now_meter) { if (feedback[7] || feedback[8]) { if (gainmode && feedback[7]) { // change from db to 0-1 float_message (X_("/master/meter"), ((now_meter + 94) / 100)); } else if ((!gainmode) && feedback[7]) { float_message (X_("/master/meter"), now_meter); } else if (feedback[8]) { uint32_t ledlvl = (uint32_t)(((now_meter + 54) / 3.75)-1); uint32_t ledbits = ~(0xfff< controllable) { float_message (path, (float) controllable->get_value()); } void OSCGlobalObserver::send_gain_message (string path, boost::shared_ptr controllable) { if (gainmode) { float_message (string_compose ("%1fader", path), gain_to_position (controllable->get_value())); // XXX use internal_to_interface text_message (string_compose ("%1name", path), string_compose ("%1%2%3", std::fixed, std::setprecision(2), accurate_coefficient_to_dB (controllable->get_value()))); if (path.find("master") != std::string::npos) { master_timeout = 8; } else { monitor_timeout = 8; } } else { if (controllable->get_value() < 1e-15) { float_message (string_compose ("%1gain",path), -200); } else { float_message (string_compose ("%1gain",path), accurate_coefficient_to_dB (controllable->get_value())); } } } void OSCGlobalObserver::send_trim_message (string path, boost::shared_ptr controllable) { float_message (X_("/master/trimdB"), (float) accurate_coefficient_to_dB (controllable->get_value())); } void OSCGlobalObserver::send_transport_state_changed() { int_message (X_("/loop_toggle"), session->get_play_loop()); int_message (X_("/transport_play"), session->transport_speed() == 1.0); int_message (X_("/transport_stop"), session->transport_stopped()); int_message (X_("/rewind"), session->transport_speed() < 0.0); int_message (X_("/ffwd"), (session->transport_speed() != 1.0 && session->transport_speed() > 0.0)); } void OSCGlobalObserver::send_record_state_changed () { int_message (X_("/rec_enable_toggle"), (int)session->get_record_enabled ()); if (session->have_rec_enabled_track ()) { int_message (X_("/record_tally"), 1); } else { int_message (X_("/record_tally"), 0); } } void OSCGlobalObserver::solo_active (bool active) { float_message (X_("/cancel_all_solos"), (float) active); } void OSCGlobalObserver::text_message (string path, std::string text) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); lo_message_add_string (msg, text.c_str()); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } void OSCGlobalObserver::float_message (string path, float value) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); lo_message_add_float (msg, value); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); } void OSCGlobalObserver::int_message (string path, uint32_t value) { lo_message msg = lo_message_new (); lo_message_add_int32 (msg, value); lo_send_message (addr, path.c_str(), msg); lo_message_free (msg); }