#include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/failed_constructor.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include "canvas/stateful_image.h" #include "canvas/utils.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ArdourCanvas; using PBD::error; PBD::Searchpath StatefulImage::_image_search_path; StatefulImage::ImageCache StatefulImage::_image_cache; StatefulImage::StatefulImage (Canvas* c, const XMLNode& node) : Item (c) , _state (0) , _font (0) , _text_x (0) , _text_y (0) { if (load_states (node)) { throw failed_constructor(); } } StatefulImage::~StatefulImage() { delete _font; } void StatefulImage::render (Rect const & area, Cairo::RefPtr context) const { if (_states.empty() || _state >= _states.size()) { return; } ImageHandle image = _states[_state].image; Rect self = item_to_window (Rect (0, 0, image->get_width(), image->get_height())); boost::optional draw = self.intersection (area); if (!draw) { return; } /* move the origin of the image to the right place on the surface ("window" coordinates) and render it. */ context->set_source (image, self.x0, self.y0); context->rectangle (draw->x0, draw->y0, draw->width(), draw->height()); context->fill (); if (!_text.empty()) { Glib::RefPtr layout = Pango::Layout::create (context); layout->set_text (_text); if (_font) { layout->set_font_description (*_font); } // layout->set_alignment (_alignment); set_source_rgba (context, _text_color); context->move_to (_text_x, _text_y); layout->show_in_cairo_context (context); } } void StatefulImage::compute_bounding_box () const { if (!_states.empty()) { /* all images are assumed to be the same size */ _bounding_box = Rect (0, 0, _states[0].image->get_width(), _states[0].image->get_height()); } } int StatefulImage::load_states (const XMLNode& node) { const XMLNodeList& nodes (node.children()); _states.clear (); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i) { State s; States::size_type id; const XMLProperty* prop; if ((prop = (*i)->property ("id")) == 0) { error << _("no ID for state") << endmsg; continue; } sscanf (prop->value().c_str(), "%zd", &id); if ((prop = (*i)->property ("image")) == 0) { error << _("no image for state") << endmsg; continue; } if ((s.image = find_image (prop->value())) == 0) { error << string_compose (_("image %1 not found for state"), prop->value()) << endmsg; continue; } if (_states.size() < id) { _states.reserve (id); } _states[id] = s; } return 0; } StatefulImage::ImageHandle StatefulImage::find_image (const std::string& name) { ImageCache::iterator i; if ((i = _image_cache.find (name)) != _image_cache.end()) { return i->second; } std::string path; if (!find_file_in_search_path (_image_search_path, name, path)) { error << string_compose (_("Image named %1 not found"), name) << endmsg; return ImageHandle(); } return Cairo::ImageSurface::create_from_png (path); } void StatefulImage::set_image_search_path (const std::string& path) { _image_search_path = PBD::Searchpath (path); } void StatefulImage::set_text (const std::string& text) { _text = text; /* never alters bounding box */ redraw (); } bool StatefulImage::set_state (States::size_type n) { if (n >= _states.size()) { return false; } _state = n; redraw (); return true; }