/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2017 Robin Gareus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include "ardour/lmath.h" #include "pbd/cpus.h" #include "pbd/pthread_utils.h" #include "ardour/audioregion.h" #include "ardour/audiosource.h" #include "waveview/wave_view_private.h" namespace ArdourWaveView { WaveViewProperties::WaveViewProperties (boost::shared_ptr region) : region_start (region->start_sample ()) , region_end (region->start_sample () + region->length_samples ()) , channel (0) , height (64) , samples_per_pixel (0) , amplitude (region->scale_amplitude ()) , amplitude_above_axis (1.0) , fill_color (0x000000ff) , outline_color (0xff0000ff) , zero_color (0xff0000ff) , clip_color (0xff0000ff) , show_zero (false) , logscaled (WaveView::global_logscaled()) , shape (WaveView::global_shape()) , gradient_depth (WaveView::global_gradient_depth ()) , start_shift (0.0) // currently unused , sample_start (0) , sample_end (0) { } /*-------------------------------------------------*/ WaveViewImage::WaveViewImage (boost::shared_ptr const& region_ptr, WaveViewProperties const& properties) : region (region_ptr) , props (properties) , timestamp (0) { } WaveViewImage::~WaveViewImage () { } /*-------------------------------------------------*/ WaveViewCacheGroup::WaveViewCacheGroup (WaveViewCache& parent_cache) : _parent_cache (parent_cache) { } WaveViewCacheGroup::~WaveViewCacheGroup () { clear_cache (); } void WaveViewCacheGroup::add_image (boost::shared_ptr image) { if (!image) { // Not adding invalid image to cache return; } ImageCache::iterator oldest_image_it = _cached_images.begin(); ImageCache::iterator second_oldest_image_it = _cached_images.end(); for (ImageCache::iterator it = _cached_images.begin (); it != _cached_images.end (); ++it) { if ((*it) == image) { // Must never be more than one instance of the image in the cache (*it)->timestamp = g_get_monotonic_time (); return; } else if ((*it)->props.is_equivalent (image->props)) { // Equivalent Image already in cache, updating timestamp (*it)->timestamp = g_get_monotonic_time (); return; } if ((*it)->timestamp < (*oldest_image_it)->timestamp) { second_oldest_image_it = oldest_image_it; oldest_image_it = it; } } // no duplicate or equivalent image so we are definitely adding it to cache image->timestamp = g_get_monotonic_time (); if (_parent_cache.full () || full ()) { if (oldest_image_it != _cached_images.end()) { // Replacing oldest Image in cache _parent_cache.decrease_size ((*oldest_image_it)->size_in_bytes ()); *oldest_image_it = image; _parent_cache.increase_size (image->size_in_bytes ()); if (second_oldest_image_it != _cached_images.end ()) { // Removing second oldest Image in cache _parent_cache.decrease_size ((*second_oldest_image_it)->size_in_bytes ()); _cached_images.erase (second_oldest_image_it); } return; } else { /** * Add the image to the cache even if the threshold is exceeded so that * new WaveViews can still cache images with a full cache, the size of * the cache will quickly equalize back to the threshold as new images * are added and the size of the cache is reduced. */ } } _cached_images.push_back (image); _parent_cache.increase_size (image->size_in_bytes ()); } boost::shared_ptr WaveViewCacheGroup::lookup_image (WaveViewProperties const& props) { for (ImageCache::iterator i = _cached_images.begin (); i != _cached_images.end (); ++i) { if ((*i)->props.is_equivalent (props)) { return (*i); } } return boost::shared_ptr(); } void WaveViewCacheGroup::clear_cache () { // Tell the parent cache about the images we are about to drop references to for (ImageCache::iterator it = _cached_images.begin (); it != _cached_images.end (); ++it) { _parent_cache.decrease_size ((*it)->size_in_bytes ()); } _cached_images.clear (); } /*-------------------------------------------------*/ WaveViewCache::WaveViewCache () : image_cache_size (0) , _image_cache_threshold (100 * 1048576) /* bytes */ { } WaveViewCache::~WaveViewCache () { } WaveViewCache* WaveViewCache::get_instance () { static WaveViewCache* instance = new WaveViewCache; return instance; } void WaveViewCache::increase_size (uint64_t bytes) { image_cache_size += bytes; } void WaveViewCache::decrease_size (uint64_t bytes) { assert (bytes > 0); assert (bytes <= image_cache_size); image_cache_size -= bytes; } boost::shared_ptr WaveViewCache::get_cache_group (boost::shared_ptr source) { CacheGroups::iterator it = cache_group_map.find (source); if (it != cache_group_map.end()) { // Found existing CacheGroup for AudioSource return it->second; } boost::shared_ptr new_group (new WaveViewCacheGroup (*this)); bool inserted = cache_group_map.insert (std::make_pair (source, new_group)).second; assert (inserted); return new_group; } void WaveViewCache::reset_cache_group (boost::shared_ptr& group) { if (!group) { return; } CacheGroups::iterator it = cache_group_map.begin(); while (it != cache_group_map.end()) { if (it->second == group) { break; } ++it; } assert (it != cache_group_map.end ()); group.reset(); if (it->second.unique()) { cache_group_map.erase (it); } } void WaveViewCache::clear_cache () { for (CacheGroups::iterator it = cache_group_map.begin (); it != cache_group_map.end (); ++it) { (*it).second->clear_cache (); } } void WaveViewCache::set_image_cache_threshold (uint64_t sz) { _image_cache_threshold = sz; } /*-------------------------------------------------*/ WaveViewThreads::WaveViewThreads () : _quit (false) { } WaveViewThreads::~WaveViewThreads () { } uint32_t WaveViewThreads::init_count = 0; WaveViewThreads* WaveViewThreads::instance = 0; void WaveViewThreads::initialize () { // no need for atomics as only called from GUI thread if (++init_count == 1) { assert(!instance); instance = new WaveViewThreads; instance->start_threads(); } } void WaveViewThreads::deinitialize () { if (--init_count == 0) { instance->stop_threads(); delete instance; instance = 0; } } void WaveViewThreads::enqueue_draw_request (boost::shared_ptr& request) { assert (instance); instance->_enqueue_draw_request (request); } void WaveViewThreads::_enqueue_draw_request (boost::shared_ptr& request) { Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_queue_mutex); _queue.push_back (request); /* wake one (random) thread */ _cond.signal (); } boost::shared_ptr WaveViewThreads::dequeue_draw_request () { assert (instance); return instance->_dequeue_draw_request (); } boost::shared_ptr WaveViewThreads::_dequeue_draw_request () { /* _queue_mutex must be held at this point */ assert (!_queue_mutex.trylock()); if (_queue.empty()) { _cond.wait (_queue_mutex); } boost::shared_ptr req; /* queue could be empty at this point because an already running thread * pulled the request before we were fully awake and reacquired the mutex. */ if (!_queue.empty()) { req = _queue.front (); _queue.pop_front (); } return req; } void WaveViewThreads::start_threads () { assert (!_threads.size()); const int num_cpus = hardware_concurrency (); /* the upper limit of 8 here is entirely arbitrary. It just doesn't * seem worthwhile having "ncpus" of low priority threads for * rendering waveforms into the cache. */ uint32_t num_threads = std::min (8, std::max (1, num_cpus - 1)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i != num_threads; ++i) { boost::shared_ptr new_thread (new WaveViewDrawingThread ()); _threads.push_back(new_thread); } } void WaveViewThreads::stop_threads () { assert (_threads.size()); { Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_queue_mutex); _quit = true; _cond.broadcast (); } /* Deleting the WaveViewThread objects will force them to join() with * their underlying (p)threads, and thus cleanup. The threads will * all be woken by the condition broadcast above. */ _threads.clear (); } /*-------------------------------------------------*/ WaveViewDrawRequest::WaveViewDrawRequest () { g_atomic_int_set (&_stop, 0); } WaveViewDrawRequest::~WaveViewDrawRequest () { } /*-------------------------------------------------*/ WaveViewDrawingThread::WaveViewDrawingThread () : _thread(0) { start (); } WaveViewDrawingThread::~WaveViewDrawingThread () { _thread->join (); } void WaveViewDrawingThread::start () { assert (!_thread); _thread = Glib::Threads::Thread::create (sigc::ptr_fun (&WaveViewThreads::thread_proc)); } void WaveViewThreads::thread_proc () { assert (instance); instance->_thread_proc (); } /* Notes on thread/sync design: * * * the worker threads do not hold the _queue_mutex while doing work. This means * that an attempt to signal them using a condition variable and the * _queue_mutex is not guaranteed to work - they may not be either (a) holding * the lock or (b) waiting on condition variable (having gone to sleep on the * mutex). * * Instead, when the signalling thread takes the mutex, they may be busy * working, and will therefore miss the signal. * * This is fine for handling requests - worker threads will just loop around, * check the request queue again, and behave appropriately (i.e. do more more * work, or go to sleep waiting on condition variable. * * But it's not fine when we need to tell the threads to quit. We can't do this * with requests, because there's no way to ensure that each thread will pick * up a request. So we have a bool member, _quit, which we set to indicate * that threads should exit. This integer is protected by the _queue_mutex. If * it was not (and was instead just an atomic integer), we would get a race * condition where a worker thread checks _quit, finds it is still false, then * takes the mutex in order to check the request queue, gets blocked there * because a signalling thread has acquired the mutex (and broadcasts the * condition), then the worker continues (now holding the mutex), finds no * requests, and goes to sleep, never to be woken again. * * Signalling Thread Worker Thread * ================= ============= * _quit == true ? => false * _quit = true * acquire _queue_mutex * cond.broadcast() acquire _queue_mutex => sleep * release _queue_mutex sleep * wake * check request queue => empty * sleep on cond, FOREVER * * This was the design until 166ac63924c2b. Now we acquire the mutex in the * classic thread synchronization manner, and there is no race: * * Signalling Thread Worker Thread * ================= ============= * * acquire _queue_mutex acquire _queue_mutex => sleep * _quit = true * release _queue_mutex * cond.broadcast() * release _queue_mutex * wake * _quit == true ? => true * exit * * If worker threads held the mutex while working, a slightly different design * would be correct, but because there is a single queue protected by the * mutex, that would effectively serialize all worker threads which would be * pointless. */ void WaveViewThreads::_thread_proc () { pthread_set_name ("WaveViewDrawing"); while (true) { _queue_mutex.lock (); if (_quit) { /* time to die */ _queue_mutex.unlock (); break; } /* try to fetch a request from the queue. If none are * immediately available, we will block until woken by a * new request, but that request might be handled by an already * running thread, so the return here may be null (that is not * an error). We may also be woken by cond.broadcast(), in * which case there will be no request in the queue, but we are * supposed to loop around and check _quit. */ boost::shared_ptr req = WaveViewThreads::dequeue_draw_request (); _queue_mutex.unlock (); if (req && !req->stopped()) { try { WaveView::process_draw_request (req); } catch (...) { /* just in case it was set before the exception, whatever it was */ req->image->cairo_image.clear (); } } } } } /* namespace */