// -*- c++ -*- // Generated by gtkmmproc -- DO NOT MODIFY! #ifndef _GDKMM_DRAWABLE_H #define _GDKMM_DRAWABLE_H #include /* $Id$ */ /* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The gtkmm Development Team * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS typedef struct _GdkDrawable GdkDrawable; typedef struct _GdkDrawableClass GdkDrawableClass; #endif /* DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS */ namespace Gdk { class Drawable_Class; } // namespace Gdk namespace Gdk { /** @addtogroup gdkmmEnums Enums and Flags */ /** * @ingroup gdkmmEnums */ enum RgbDither { RGB_DITHER_NONE, RGB_DITHER_NORMAL, RGB_DITHER_MAX }; } // namespace Gdk #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS namespace Glib { template <> class Value : public Glib::Value_Enum { public: static GType value_type() G_GNUC_CONST; }; } // namespace Glib #endif /* DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS */ namespace Gdk { class GC; class Pixbuf; /** Drawing Primitives. * Gdk::Drawable is the base class for all of the objects that accept drawing * commands. The available drawables include pixmaps, windows, and bitmaps. * Drawable is abstract as there is no such type on the server side. * * To use a drawable, create a concrete Drawable of the type you wish to use * and a Gdk::GC (graphics context) for that Drawable. With the GC you can * draw lines, text, arcs and such. * * An alternative is to create a Cairo::Context with get_cairo_context() * while you handle the 'exposed' event of the drawable. For more about * this, please see "Using cairo with GTK+" in the "Common questions" section * of the GTK+ Reference Manual. */ class Drawable : public Glib::Object { #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS public: typedef Drawable CppObjectType; typedef Drawable_Class CppClassType; typedef GdkDrawable BaseObjectType; typedef GdkDrawableClass BaseClassType; private: friend class Drawable_Class; static CppClassType drawable_class_; private: // noncopyable Drawable(const Drawable&); Drawable& operator=(const Drawable&); protected: explicit Drawable(const Glib::ConstructParams& construct_params); explicit Drawable(GdkDrawable* castitem); #endif /* DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS */ public: virtual ~Drawable(); #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS static GType get_type() G_GNUC_CONST; static GType get_base_type() G_GNUC_CONST; #endif ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject. GdkDrawable* gobj() { return reinterpret_cast(gobject_); } ///Provides access to the underlying C GObject. const GdkDrawable* gobj() const { return reinterpret_cast(gobject_); } ///Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs. GdkDrawable* gobj_copy(); private: protected: Drawable(); public: static Glib::RefPtr create(); /** Fills * @a width and * @a height with the size of @a drawable . * @a width or @a height can be 0 if you only want the other one. * * On the X11 platform, if @a drawable is a Gdk::Window, the returned * size is the size reported in the most-recently-processed configure * event, rather than the current size on the X server. * @param width Location to store drawable's width, or 0. * @param height Location to store drawable's height, or 0. */ void get_size(int& width, int& height); /** Obtains the bit depth of the drawable, that is, the number of bits * that make up a pixel in the drawable's visual. Examples are 8 bits * per pixel, 24 bits per pixel, etc. * @return Number of bits per pixel. */ int get_depth() const; /** Sets the colormap associated with @a drawable . Normally this will * happen automatically when the drawable is created; you only need to * use this function if the drawable-creating function did not have a * way to determine the colormap, and you then use drawable operations * that require a colormap. The colormap for all drawables and * graphics contexts you intend to use together should match. i.e. * when using a Gdk::GC to draw to a drawable, or copying one drawable * to another, the colormaps should match. * @param colormap A Gdk::Colormap. */ void set_colormap(const Glib::RefPtr& colormap); /** Gets the colormap for @a drawable , if one is set; returns * 0 otherwise. * @return The colormap, or 0. */ Glib::RefPtr get_colormap(); /** Gets the Gdk::Visual describing the pixel format of @a drawable . * @return A Gdk::Visual. */ Glib::RefPtr get_visual(); /** Draws a point, using the foreground color and other attributes of * the Gdk::GC. * @param gc A Gdk::GC. * @param x The x coordinate of the point. * @param y The y coordinate of the point. */ void draw_point(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y); void draw_points(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, const Glib::ArrayHandle& points); /** Draws a line, using the foreground color and other attributes of * the Gdk::GC. * @param gc A Gdk::GC. * @param x1 The x coordinate of the start point. * @param y1 The y coordinate of the start point. * @param x2 The x coordinate of the end point. * @param y2 The y coordinate of the end point. */ void draw_line(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void draw_lines(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, const Glib::ArrayHandle& points); /** Draws a rectangular outline or filled rectangle, using the foreground color * and other attributes of the Gdk::GC. * * A rectangle drawn filled is 1 pixel smaller in both dimensions than a * rectangle outlined. Calling * gdk_draw_rectangle (window, gc, true, 0, 0, 20, 20) * results in a filled rectangle 20 pixels wide and 20 pixels high. Calling * gdk_draw_rectangle (window, gc, false, 0, 0, 20, 20) * results in an outlined rectangle with corners at (0, 0), (0, 20), (20, 20), * and (20, 0), which makes it 21 pixels wide and 21 pixels high. * @param gc A Gdk::GC. * @param filled true if the rectangle should be filled. * @param x The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle. * @param y The y coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle. * @param width The width of the rectangle. * @param height The height of the rectangle. */ void draw_rectangle(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, bool filled, int x, int y, int width, int height); /** Draws an arc or a filled 'pie slice'. The arc is defined by the bounding * rectangle of the entire ellipse, and the start and end angles of the part * of the ellipse to be drawn. * @param gc A Gdk::GC. * @param filled true if the arc should be filled, producing a 'pie slice'. * @param x The x coordinate of the left edge of the bounding rectangle. * @param y The y coordinate of the top edge of the bounding rectangle. * @param width The width of the bounding rectangle. * @param height The height of the bounding rectangle. * @param angle1 The start angle of the arc, relative to the 3 o'clock position, * counter-clockwise, in 1/64ths of a degree. * @param angle2 The end angle of the arc, relative to @a angle1 , in 1/64ths * of a degree. */ void draw_arc(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, bool filled, int x, int y, int width, int height, int angle1, int angle2); void draw_polygon(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, bool filled, const Glib::ArrayHandle& points); /** Copies the @a width x @a height region of @a src at coordinates ( @a xsrc , * @a ysrc ) to coordinates ( @a xdest , @a ydest ) in @a drawable . * @a width and/or @a height may be given as -1, in which case the entire * @a src drawable will be copied. * * Most fields in @a gc are not used for this operation, but notably the * clip mask or clip region will be honored. * * The source and destination drawables must have the same visual and * colormap, or errors will result. (On X11, failure to match * visual/colormap results in a BadMatch error from the X server.) * A common cause of this problem is an attempt to draw a bitmap to * a color drawable. The way to draw a bitmap is to set the bitmap as * the stipple on the Gdk::GC, set the fill mode to Gdk::STIPPLED, and * then draw the rectangle. * @param gc A Gdk::GC sharing the drawable's visual and colormap. * @param src The source Gdk::Drawable, which may be the same as @a drawable . * @param xsrc X position in @a src of rectangle to draw. * @param ysrc Y position in @a src of rectangle to draw. * @param xdest X position in @a drawable where the rectangle should be drawn. * @param ydest Y position in @a drawable where the rectangle should be drawn. * @param width Width of rectangle to draw, or -1 for entire @a src width. * @param height Height of rectangle to draw, or -1 for entire @a src height. */ void draw_drawable(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, const Glib::RefPtr& src, int xsrc, int ysrc, int xdest, int ydest, int width = -1, int height = -1); /** Draws a Gdk::Image onto a drawable. * The depth of the Gdk::Image must match the depth of the Gdk::Drawable. * @param gc A Gdk::GC. * @param image The Gdk::Image to draw. * @param xsrc The left edge of the source rectangle within @a image . * @param ysrc The top of the source rectangle within @a image . * @param xdest The x coordinate of the destination within @a drawable . * @param ydest The y coordinate of the destination within @a drawable . * @param width The width of the area to be copied, or -1 to make the area * extend to the right edge of @a image . * @param height The height of the area to be copied, or -1 to make the area * extend to the bottom edge of @a image . */ void draw_image(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, const Glib::RefPtr& image, int xsrc, int ysrc, int xdest, int ydest, int width = -1, int height = -1); //segs is an array, and this function will be used so little that it doesn't seem worth wrapping it to use a container of C++ types. /** Draws a number of unconnected lines. * @param gc A Gdk::GC. * @param segs An array of Gdk::Segment structures specifying the start and * end points of the lines to be drawn. * @param nsegs The number of line segments to draw, i.e. the size of the * @a segs array. */ void draw_segments(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, GdkSegment* segs, int nsegs); // TODO //glyphs is not an array. I went down to pango_xft_render in pango and saw that PangoGlyphString here is not an array. -Bryan /** This is a low-level function; 99% of text rendering should be done * using gdk_draw_layout() instead. * * A glyph is a single image in a font. This function draws a sequence of * glyphs. To obtain a sequence of glyphs you have to understand a * lot about internationalized text handling, which you don't want to * understand; thus, use gdk_draw_layout() instead of this function, * gdk_draw_layout() handles the details. * @param gc A Gdk::GC. * @param font Font to be used. * @param x X coordinate of baseline origin. * @param y Y coordinate of baseline origin. * @param glyphs The glyph string to draw. */ void draw_glyphs(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, const Glib::RefPtr& font, int x, int y, const Pango::GlyphString& glyphs); /** Render a Pango::LayoutLine onto an GDK drawable * * If the layout's Pango::Context has a transformation matrix set, then * @a x and @a y specify the position of the left edge of the baseline * (left is in before-tranform user coordinates) in after-transform * device coordinates. * @param gc Base graphics to use. * @param x The x position of start of string (in pixels). * @param y The y position of baseline (in pixels). * @param line A Pango::LayoutLine. */ void draw_layout_line(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y, const Glib::RefPtr& line); /** Render a Pango::LayoutLine onto a Gdk::Drawable, overriding the * layout's normal colors with @a foreground and/or @a background . * @a foreground and @a background need not be allocated. * * If the layout's Pango::Context has a transformation matrix set, then * @a x and @a y specify the position of the left edge of the baseline * (left is in before-tranform user coordinates) in after-transform * device coordinates. * @param gc Base graphics to use. * @param x The x position of start of string (in pixels). * @param y The y position of baseline (in pixels). * @param line A Pango::LayoutLine. * @param foreground Foreground override color, or 0 for none. * @param background Background override color, or 0 for none. */ void draw_layout_line(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y, const Glib::RefPtr& line, const Color& foreground, const Color& background); /** Render a Pango::Layout onto a GDK drawable * * If the layout's Pango::Context has a transformation matrix set, then * @a x and @a y specify the position of the top left corner of the * bounding box (in device space) of the transformed layout. * * If you're using GTK+, the usual way to obtain a Pango::Layout * is gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(). * @param gc Base graphics context to use. * @param x The X position of the left of the layout (in pixels). * @param y The Y position of the top of the layout (in pixels). * @param layout A Pango::Layout. */ void draw_layout(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y, const Glib::RefPtr& layout); /** Render a Pango::Layout onto a Gdk::Drawable, overriding the * layout's normal colors with @a foreground and/or @a background . * @a foreground and @a background need not be allocated. * * If the layout's Pango::Context has a transformation matrix set, then * @a x and @a y specify the position of the top left corner of the * bounding box (in device space) of the transformed layout. * * If you're using GTK+, the ususal way to obtain a Pango::Layout * is gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(). * @param gc Base graphics context to use. * @param x The X position of the left of the layout (in pixels). * @param y The Y position of the top of the layout (in pixels). * @param layout A Pango::Layout. * @param foreground Foreground override color, or 0 for none. * @param background Background override color, or 0 for none. */ void draw_layout(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y, const Glib::RefPtr& layout, const Color& foreground, const Color& background); /** Renders a rectangular portion of a pixbuf to a drawable. The destination * drawable must have a colormap. All windows have a colormap, however, pixmaps * only have colormap by default if they were created with a non-0 window * argument. Otherwise a colormap must be set on them with * Gdk::Drawable::set_colormap(). * * On older X servers, rendering pixbufs with an alpha channel involves round * trips to the X server, and may be somewhat slow. * * The clip mask of @a gc is ignored, but clip rectangles and clip regions work * fine. * * If GDK is built with the Sun mediaLib library, the gdk_draw_pixbuf * function is accelerated using mediaLib, which provides hardware * acceleration on Intel, AMD, and Sparc chipsets. If desired, mediaLib * support can be turned off by setting the GDK_DISABLE_MEDIALIB environment * variable. * * @newin2p2 * @param gc A Gdk::GC, used for clipping, or 0. * @param pixbuf A Gdk::Pixbuf. * @param src_x Source X coordinate within pixbuf. * @param src_y Source Y coordinates within pixbuf. * @param dest_x Destination X coordinate within drawable. * @param dest_y Destination Y coordinate within drawable. * @param width Width of region to render, in pixels, or -1 to use pixbuf width. * @param height Height of region to render, in pixels, or -1 to use pixbuf height. * @param dither Dithering mode for Gdk::RGB. * @param x_dither X offset for dither. * @param y_dither Y offset for dither. */ void draw_pixbuf(const Glib::RefPtr& gc, const Glib::RefPtr& pixbuf, int src_x, int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height, RgbDither dither, int x_dither, int y_dither); // Note: This has no 'refreturn' because get_image() returns a newly created Image object. /** A Gdk::Image stores client-side image data (pixels). In contrast, * Gdk::Pixmap and Gdk::Window are server-side * objects. get_image() obtains the pixels from a * server-side drawable as a client-side Gdk::Image. The format of a * Gdk::Image depends on the Gdk::Visual of the current display, which * makes manipulating Gdk::Image extremely difficult; therefore, in * most cases you should use the Gdk::Pixbuf::create() method that takes a Gdk::Drawable, * instead of this lower-level function. A Gdk::Pixbuf contains image data in a * canonicalized RGB format, rather than a display-dependent format. * Of course, there's a convenience vs. speed tradeoff here, so you'll * want to think about what makes sense for your application. * * @a x , @a y , @a width , and @a height define the region of @a drawable to * obtain as an image. * * You would usually copy image data to the client side if you intend * to examine the values of individual pixels, for example to darken * an image or add a red tint. It would be prohibitively slow to * make a round-trip request to the windowing system for each pixel, * so instead you get all of them at once, modify them, then copy * them all back at once. * * If the X server or other windowing system backend is on the local * machine, this function may use shared memory to avoid copying * the image data. * * If the source drawable is a Gdk::Window and partially offscreen * or obscured, then the obscured portions of the returned image * will contain undefined data. * @param x X coordinate on @a drawable . * @param y Y coordinate on @a drawable . * @param width Width of region to get. * @param height Height or region to get. * @return A Gdk::Image containing the contents of @a drawable . */ Glib::RefPtr get_image(int x, int y, int width, int height) const; // gdk_drawable_copy_to_image() returns a new GdkImage when the image parameter is NULL, but that seems to be much the // same as gdk_drawable_get_image(). void copy_to_image(const Glib::RefPtr& image, int src_x, int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height) const; /** Computes the region of a drawable that potentially can be written * to by drawing primitives. This region will not take into account * the clip region for the GC, and may also not take into account * other factors such as if the window is obscured by other windows, * but no area outside of this region will be affected by drawing * primitives. * @return A Gdk::Region. This must be freed with gdk_region_destroy() * when you are done. */ Region get_clip_region() const; /** Computes the region of a drawable that is potentially visible. * This does not necessarily take into account if the window is * obscured by other windows, but no area outside of this region * is visible. * @return A Gdk::Region. This must be freed with gdk_region_destroy() * when you are done. */ Region get_visible_region() const; // **** RGB stuff **** void draw_rgb_image( const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, RgbDither dith, const guchar* rgb_buf, int rowstride); void draw_rgb_image_dithalign( const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, RgbDither dith, const guchar* rgb_buf, int rowstride, int xdith, int ydith); void draw_rgb_32_image( const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, RgbDither dith, const guchar* rgb_buf, int rowstride); /** Like gdk_draw_rgb_32_image(), but allows you to specify the dither * offsets. See gdk_draw_rgb_image_dithalign() for more details. * @param gc A Gdk::GC. * @param x X coordinate on @a drawable where image should go. * @param y Y coordinate on @a drawable where image should go. * @param width Width of area of image to draw. * @param height Height of area of image to draw. * @param dith Dithering mode. * @param buf RGB image data. * @param rowstride Rowstride of RGB image data. * @param xdith X dither offset. * @param ydith Y dither offset. */ void draw_rgb_32_image_dithalign( const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, RgbDither dith, const guchar* buf, int rowstride, int xdith, int ydith); void draw_gray_image( const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, RgbDither dith, const guchar* rgb_buf, int rowstride); void draw_indexed_image( const Glib::RefPtr& gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, RgbDither dith, const guchar* rgb_buf, int rowstride, const RgbCmap& cmap); /** Gets the Gdk::Screen associated with a Gdk::Drawable. * @return The Gdk::Screen associated with @a drawable * * @newin2p2. */ Glib::RefPtr get_screen(); /** Gets the Gdk::Screen associated with a Gdk::Drawable. * @return The Gdk::Screen associated with @a drawable * * @newin2p2. */ Glib::RefPtr get_screen() const; /** Gets the Gdk::Display associated with a Gdk::Drawable. * @return The Gdk::Display associated with @a drawable * * @newin2p2. */ Glib::RefPtr get_display(); /** Gets the Gdk::Display associated with a Gdk::Drawable. * @return The Gdk::Display associated with @a drawable * * @newin2p2. */ Glib::RefPtr get_display() const; /** Creates a Cairo context for drawing to @a drawable . * @return A newly created Cairo context. * * @newin2p10. */ Cairo::RefPtr create_cairo_context(); public: public: //C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions: #ifdef GLIBMM_VFUNCS_ENABLED #endif //GLIBMM_VFUNCS_ENABLED protected: //GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour): #ifdef GLIBMM_VFUNCS_ENABLED #endif //GLIBMM_VFUNCS_ENABLED //Default Signal Handlers:: #ifdef GLIBMM_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_HANDLERS_ENABLED #endif //GLIBMM_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_HANDLERS_ENABLED }; } // namespace Gdk namespace Glib { /** A Glib::wrap() method for this object. * * @param object The C instance. * @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref. * @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance. * * @relates Gdk::Drawable */ Glib::RefPtr wrap(GdkDrawable* object, bool take_copy = false); } #endif /* _GDKMM_DRAWABLE_H */