/* Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Paul Davis Author: Carl Hetherington This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "canvas/types.h" using namespace std; using namespace ArdourCanvas; Coord const ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX = 1.7e307; static inline Coord safe_add (Coord a, Coord b) { if (((COORD_MAX - a) <= b) || ((COORD_MAX - b) <= a)) { return COORD_MAX; } return a + b; } Duple Duple::translate (Duple t) const { Duple d; d.x = safe_add (x, t.x); d.y = safe_add (y, t.y); return d; } boost::optional Rect::intersection (Rect const & o) const { Rect i; i.x0 = max (x0, o.x0); i.y0 = max (y0, o.y0); i.x1 = min (x1, o.x1); i.y1 = min (y1, o.y1); if (i.x0 > i.x1 || i.y0 > i.y1) { return boost::optional (); } return boost::optional (i); } Rect Rect::translate (Duple t) const { Rect r; r.x0 = safe_add (x0, t.x); r.y0 = safe_add (y0, t.y); r.x1 = safe_add (x1, t.x); r.y1 = safe_add (y1, t.y); return r; } Rect Rect::extend (Rect const & o) const { Rect r; r.x0 = min (x0, o.x0); r.y0 = min (y0, o.y0); r.x1 = max (x1, o.x1); r.y1 = max (y1, o.y1); return r; } Rect Rect::expand (Distance amount) const { Rect r; r.x0 = x0 - amount; r.y0 = y0 - amount; r.x1 = safe_add (x1, amount); r.y1 = safe_add (y1, amount); return r; } bool Rect::contains (Duple point) const { return point.x >= x0 && point.x <= x1 && point.y >= y0 && point.y <= y1; } Rect Rect::fix () const { Rect r; r.x0 = min (x0, x1); r.y0 = min (y0, y1); r.x1 = max (x0, x1); r.y1 = max (y0, y1); return r; } Rect Rect::convert_to_device (Cairo::RefPtr c) const { Coord xa, ya, xb, yb; xa = x0; xb = x1; ya = y0; yb = y1; c->user_to_device (xa, ya); c->user_to_device (xb, yb); return Rect (xa, ya, xb, yb); } Rect Rect::convert_to_user (Cairo::RefPtr c) const { Coord xa, ya, xb, yb; xa = x0; xb = x1; ya = y0; yb = y1; c->device_to_user (xa, ya); c->device_to_user (xb, yb); return Rect (xa, ya, xb, yb); } Duple ArdourCanvas::operator- (Duple const & o) { return Duple (-o.x, -o.y); } Duple ArdourCanvas::operator+ (Duple const & a, Duple const & b) { return Duple (safe_add (a.x, b.x), safe_add (a.y, b.y)); } bool ArdourCanvas::operator== (Duple const & a, Duple const & b) { return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y; } Duple ArdourCanvas::operator- (Duple const & a, Duple const & b) { return Duple (a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y); } Duple ArdourCanvas::operator/ (Duple const & a, double b) { return Duple (a.x / b, a.y / b); } ostream & ArdourCanvas::operator<< (ostream & s, Duple const & r) { s << "(" << r.x << ", " << r.y << ")"; return s; } ostream & ArdourCanvas::operator<< (ostream & s, Rect const & r) { s << "[(" << r.x0 << ", " << r.y0 << "), (" << r.x1 << ", " << r.y1 << ") " << r.width() << " x " << r.height() << "]"; return s; }